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The Great Filter

The Great Filter

Author: Thomas Wright

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The nature of existence is such that we will always find ourselves hurtling toward a string of sequential cataclysmic events. Unfortunately, humanity is lacking in the "proactive measures" department.
Let's fucking talk about that. Support this podcast:
26 Episodes
Up The Gravity Well

Up The Gravity Well


This is a reading of 'Up The Gravity Well', my entry for the Medium Writers Challenge. The entry can be found here: The stated corrections and Twitter conversation with planetary astronomer, Michael Busch, can be found here: --- For more about The Great Filter podcast, go to: Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to NASA on Unsplash for this episode's photograph. --- Support this podcast:
Congratulations to William Shatner! "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." -- Isaac Newton (1642-1727), In Brewster, Memoirs of Newton (1855), vol II, Ch. 27 -- Quoted by William Shatner, Oct. 13th  The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to Björn Austmar Þórsson from Pexels for this episodes cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
Impact threats are the most certain of any extinction-level events. Yet, despite the warnings of hundreds of scientists - we continue to dawdle in both our search for alternative, extraterrestrial, homes and the development of technologies to get there. Let's take a really good look at this, shall we? "All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct." Carl Sagan (unsourced) "Since, in the long run, every planetary society will be endangered by impacts from space, every surviving civilization is obliged to become spacefaring - not because of exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical reason imaginable: staying alive. And once you're out there in space for centuries and millennia, moving little worlds around and engineering planets, your species has been pried loose from its cradle." Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of The Human Future in Space p 173 "If our long-term survival is at stake, we have a basic responsibility to our species to venture to other worlds." Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of The Human Future in Space p 176 The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to NASA on Unsplash for the photo in this episode's cover art. --- Support this podcast:
What are the common arguments for the necessity of money? Are there any logical counterarguments? What profession would you choose if money was not a factor? The Great Filter has a new website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to fund the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can help support our research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 our support portal here: Special thanks to Jean Beaufort from for this episode's cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
Our children are the future, yet our willingness to invest in them dawdles and whimpers. With so much at stake - including our species' own survival - why have we chosen to ignore this problem? This episode takes a look at the motivations and bottlenecks surrounding this issue. "It is in playing and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self." -- Donald Woods Winnicott "Whether in the public or independent sector, in schools or at home, being creative in providing education and promoting creativity are not dispensable luxuries. They are essential to enable us all to make lives that are worth living." -- Sir Ken Robinson Links: _____________________________________________________________ Education, Children, Learning & Development (courses, books, research, and other resources): Scrum: Scrum in The Classroom: Marijuana & The Adolescent Brain (Research): Marijuana Use and High School Dropout: The Influence of Unobservables: Effects of Cannabis on the Adolescent Brain: Is the Adolescent Brain at Greater Vulnerability to the Effects of Cannabis?: Cannabis and the adolescent brain: What Pot Really Does to the Teen Brain: NOVA Principles (bad science): NOVA homepage: Religious Kids Are Less Likely to Get in Trouble (as cited by NOVA): Effects of Religion (the more honest science): Mixed Blessing: The Beneficial and Detrimental Effects of Religion on Child Development among Third-Graders: Science Does Not Say That Religious Children Are More Likely to be 'Immoral': -- The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to Pete Linforth from Pixabay, Kindel Media from Pexels, and Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels for providing the artwork used in this episode's cover art. --- Support this podcast:
Science fiction often drives innovation. Star Trek, specifically, has inspired the computer and the cellular telephone among other modern miracles of science and technology. One aspect of Star Trek that has even had books written about it is the Star Trek economy. In this episode, we're talking about just that. "The economics of the future is somewhat different. You see, money doesn't exist in the 24th century. The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity." -- Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) from Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek VIII: First Contact Statistics of finance & insurance markets: -- The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to Björn Austmar Þórsson from Pexels for this episodes cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
Entropy is a two-edged sword. It is our life-force; but if it accelerates and begins to runaway with our energy, it can become a death sentence. Our society has within itself a variety of entropy amplifiers that increase our system's entropy by orders of magnitude - warming the planet and wasting our hard work. If we don't get this fixed, these entropy amplifiers will truly spell our end. "If your theory is found to be against the second law of theromodynamics, I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation." -- Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington The Royal Institution: Explaining Thermodynamics - Monthly(ish) Mailbag #3: World Hunger: FBI Crime Data Explorer: Psychopaths / Brain Injury: Up The Gravity Well (Essay): Value & Harmonized-State Potential: Professor Dave's Thermodynamics Playlist: -- The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to Björn Austmar Þórsson from Pexels for this episodes cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
Understanding our own psychology and social behaviors are critical to avoiding self-extinction. This episode explores this in great depth. In the next episode, we'll see all of these moving pieces in action to paint a vivid picture of what we can expect if we don't shift our way of thinking.  This episode's quote comes from Scott Barry Kaufman's book, Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization TOOL - Ænema The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to Björn Austmar Þórsson from Pexels for this episodes cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
What are the possible self-extinction scenarios and why is it important to understand this? In this episode we explore this; setting things up for part three where we walk this back to uncover the major causes and how to counter them. This episode's quote comes from VOD's (Vision of Disorder), Zone Zero: The Great Filter now has a website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can support STEM Theory research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 here: Special thanks to Björn Austmar Þórsson from Pexels for this episodes cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
"The first subcategory of suicide is of the more immediate sort; intentionally carried out by the conscious mind and typically focused on the cessation of pain. The second subcategory is of a more discrete and drawn-out sort; characterized by the misguided search for absolution, brought on by an unconscious sense of self-loathing, and silently executed just outside the victim's periphery. The real difficulty in saving humanity is not in ascertaining a diagnosis. Without question, our situation is of the second sort; the real difficulty is in discovering a reason for convincing each other that we deserve salvation." The Great Filter has a new website :) Your feedback is appreciated and important to us. Comment, like, subscribe, follow, or rate The Great Filter on your favorite podcast listening platform. The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to fund the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can help support our research with a small monthly contribution for as little as $0.99 our support portal here: Special thanks to Björn Austmar Þórsson from Pexels for this episodes cover-art photograph. --- Support this podcast:
The distraction and waste of resources that greed brings is a symptom of the very paradigm that very well may spell humanity's end. Special thanks goes to George Hodan at for providing this episode's cover art: The Great Filter is a PhobosTech podcast. All proceeds go to funding the STEM Theory research project and other PhobosTech research endeavors. You can show your support by liking, following/subscribing, and sharing with your friends. You may also show your support with a small monthly contribution as small as $0.99 by following this link: --- Support this podcast:
The Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion


Could one of the many great filters actually be a ruthless, galactic, empire; ready to slaughter entire worlds that aren't willing to take a knee? Given David Fravor's recent reveal and the government's acknowedgement of UAPs (formerly known as UFOs), this is definitely something we should consider; so let's fucking talk about it. --- Support this podcast:
Planned Obsolescence

Planned Obsolescence


What does planned obsolescence have to do with the great filter? Fucking everything ... --- Support this podcast:
It's time for a more upbeat episode, wouldn't you say? You've heard the phrase, "Be the change you want to see"? In the world we live in, with the changes we need if we're going to overcome our species' adolescence, being the change we want to see is exactly what needs to be done. Books by Kennon M. Sheldon: Self Determination Theory In The Clinic Optimal Human Being Special thanks to Lisa from Pexels for this episodes cover art photo --- Support this podcast:
Xà La'awran's Coin is a story I wrote some time ago. I've always meant to put an animation to it (and I likely will at some point), but I just felt like I wanted to get it out there. I hope you enjoy the story :) Special thanks to Devanath on Pixnio for providing the coin image used in the cover art for this bonus production. --- Support this podcast:
What are the bare-bone attributes that we would need if we were to increase our chances of surviving as many great filters as possible, so that we would have the opportunity to seed other worlds and ensure humanity's survival? Special thanks to Nghia Le on Unsplash for this episode's cover art image. --- Support this podcast:
Humanity's intelligence and socially cohesive dynamic have rocketed us to the top of the food-chain. However, David Graeber's book, "Debt, The First 5,000 Years" (despite the rather heated debate surrounding it) illuminates the weak points in both of these traits. Given their flaws, are these two traits sufficient for continued survival - especially in the face of any one of the many possible great filters? If you enjoy this episode, please consider supporting us through a small monthly donation: --- Support this podcast:
What are the evolution-honed traits that allowed humanity to rocket to the top of the food-chain? Will they be enough when we're face-to-face with one of the many great filters? In this first part of our two-part episode, "Survival of The Shittiest", we'll explore the fundamental nature of humanity and where we may have taken a wrong turn in respect to fulfilling our true potential as a supra-organism optima. This episode's quote: (note: in this quote, Alex Danco is explaining David Graeber's arguments from his book, "The First 5,000 Years of Debt", and does not necessarily reflect his personal opinions on the matter.)  "The conquered people now have to somehow obtain those physical coins in order to pay their taxes, which puts them at an enormous disadvantage in trading: they must accept any terms they can get for their own labor. What looks like a “global free market”, facilitated by universal coins, is really just debt peonage. The coins don’t facilitate; they restrict. [...] all debt, especially interest-drawing debt, is intimately related to its enforcement mechanism. [...] when money is a hard, fungible unit of scarcity, enforcement isn’t a matter of trust; it’s a matter of force. When your enforcement mechanism is state-backed violence, lenders and debtors have a pretty different relationship." --Alex Danco --- Support this podcast:
What are the most dangerous natural disasters? Which one's can cause the total extinction of the human race and how likely are they? In this episode we take a look at asteroids/meteors, super volcanoes, and gamma-ray bursts. Special thanks to the National Science Foundation for the gamma-ray burst image in the cover art for this episode. --- Support this podcast:
What would we need if we were to create the perfect atmosphere for human survival? How much of a system change would we need to entertain to maximize our chances for being able to evade future events which may threaten extinction? The quote from this episode was taken from the Lex Fridman Podcast #194 Special thanks to Mystic Art Design from Pixabay for the 'city' and Carmine Savarese from Unsplash for the clouds in this episode's cover art   --- Support this podcast: