The Guru in You

<p>Every day, more of us are consciously awakening to discover a more enriching existence. In bi-weekly conversations, we will pull on a variety of storytelling threads ranging from mental resilience to authentic entrepreneurship, spiritual bypassing, The Awakening, and beyond. <br><br>Let's skip the small talk and get real about what ignites the soul and help answer the question “What is it that I'm really here to do?"<br><br>As my background originates from Poland,  it is a traditional custom to leave an empty chair available at the dinner table, it is my intention to always have a seat on this platform for those in search of belonging. <br><br>If you've accumulated kickass wisdom in your journey, I want to hear from YOU! No fancy expert title is needed here. Email and tell me a bit about your why.</p>

Men's Mental Health Series: The Importance of Group Work

In this episode, we discuss the value that a structured men's group has on these four men's well-being. We get honest about who it is and is not for, the challenges one must face when being vulnerable in a group setting, and the impactful self-discovery that can lead to healthier relationships and an empowered self.Group work is unlike anything I have experienced; placing every part of you on the table surrounded by a group of trustworthy people outside of your family/friends dynamic has...


The Art of Taking Action: How I Turn Dreams Into Reality

I felt it would be so fititng to record an episode on The Art of Taking Action, especially when it's messy AF, because that is exactly what led me to finally hit publish after ten months of not recording!So welcome back my fellow sisters and brothers!!! It feels both exciting and nerve wracking to get back in the saddle, but I felt called to come to this space in a different way through what has transpired in my life in the past ten months. Many mountains have been since scaled with potent wi...


Men's Mental Health Series - James Kapp on Utilizing Anxiety to Become a Solopreneur

In this episode of Men's Mental Health Series, I was fortunate to be joined by the founder of Melo Mindfulness James Kapp. James gives us a better understanding of when his anxiety started to become out of control and the stigma surrounding Men's Mental Health. As well, how James found a practice that he thought would never really be something he would consider taking up and why this turned into an up-and-coming business in which he hopes to help others successfully work through the...


Men's Mental Health Series: Psychologist Katrina Shaw on The Root of The Crisis and Where We Go From Here

Join us in this week's episode as we kick off the Men’s Mental Health series featuring a special guest, Psychologist Katrina Shaw!Katrina became extremely passionate about this subject upon helping people in suicide bereavement, and it was when she specialized in this form of therapy that she noticed of all the humans she had seen only two had lost a woman to suicide. As she states “were missing the boat here” and it then became her soul purpose to take a deeper dive into the complexity of th...


Soul Chats: Kalie Morberg on Astrology as it Relates to Collective and Personal Evolution

My next guest is an astrology buff filled with potent knowledge and in this episode, we dive deep into what exactly astrology is, where it originates from and how she believes we can utilize astrology to our personal development. As well, we discuss the possibility of predicting what is occurring within the world currently and in the future. This is a super cool episode and I'm excited to share it with you all!How to connect with Kalie Morberg:kalie@soulaia.comhttps://www.soulaia.comhttp...


Soul Chats: PT.2 Elizabeth Tracy on Major Life Transitions Holding the Key to Authentic Fulfillment

In PT.2, Elizabeth Tracy discusses how entrepreneurship has been her biggest spiritual teacher in life, the "liminal space" which typically happens after a big life shift and channelling the Divine Feminine in order to avoid burnout and other health issues that are rapidly on the rise.This is an episode you don't want to miss! Elizabeth Tracy IG: @elizabethembodiedElizabeth Tracy Website:


Soul Chats: PT.1 Elizabeth Tracy on Cultivating Your Life's Purpose by Embodying The Divine Feminine

Elizabeth Tracy takes us on a journey to explore why we ALL are secretly in search of tapping into our Divine Feminine energy and how getting in touch with this energy that resides in each and every one of us is vital to our lives both collectively and individually in terms of our mental, physical and soul well-being. In PT.1, we explore exactly what "Divine Feminine" is and how to ACTUALLY embody and connect with it in your everyday life. Believe it or not, we all possess this en...


Soul Chats: Karlee Cooper on Illuminating Grief and Living Abroad

In this episode, we will discuss the invaluable importance of travel and the effect it has on your wellbeing and developing a profound understanding of yourself.As well, we will have a candid conversation about a deeply sensitive but vital topic: grieving.Karlee lost her mom just 6 years ago unexpectedly and discusses how the pandemic and isolation have brought her to grieve the loss of her mom now more than ever.


Soul Chats: Madison Morberg on Why Energy Medicine is the Way of the Future

In this 2-hour special episode, I am gratefully joined by Energy Medicine practitioner Madison Morberg as we dive into exactly what Energy Medicine is and why YOU need to try it out, like right now. Madison also opens up about her pregnancy amidst a pandemic, as well as some troubling news about the health of her placenta. This new mama walks us through how she used Energy Medicine as a means to change the narrative of how the course of her pregnancy and birth was going to play out, and...


Tribulation to Triumph: My Personal Mental Health Journey

This episode is made to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by creating conversations, and how I am consciously choosing to view these labels differently. In just over an hour, you will hear my beliefs surrounding mental health and how my life is composed of small traumas and big traumas that form these "disorders". As well, what has worked for me in empowering myself and moving through the traumas that have led me to become profoundly less anxious and freer than I had ever thou...


Soul Chats: Brooke Weninger on Transforming Trauma into Your Superpower

In this inspiring first episode of Soul Chats, I am joined by a dear friend Brooke Weninger and we dive into how our past has created trauma wounding. Brooke opens up about her journey into personal development and spirituality, and how we have become consciously aware of the underlying effect wounding has in every aspect of our lives. She shows us what is possible when you lift the veil surrounding small and big trauma alike, lead with your intuition and empower yourself to shift the n...


The How and Why Behind The Guru in You

This introductory episode touches on the intention behind this podcast, why each guest speaker will be uniquely chosen for knowledge based on life experience NOT title, and plainly put why this platform is needed now more than ever. This idea has been years in the making, and the time is now to bring it to fruition!With incredible gratitude,Alexa Social media:IG @theguruinyoupodTikTok @theguruinyouEmail and Signal link:theguruinyoupod@gmail.com


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