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The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer
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The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer

Author: Jamie Palmer

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If you want to dive deeper into human design for business this is THE show for you to HD Your Biz! As an entrepreneur, you can leverage your human design to create a life (and business) in high definition. Are you ready to tune up the definition in your life and business using your unique human design blueprint? If you want to activate your business genius, build a life on your terms and space more joy, abundance, and flow then stay tuned for the HD Your Biz podcast.

I firmly believe that if each one us can embody and become who we are meant to be the world will be a better place. I am your host Jamie Palmer and this is the HD Your Biz Podcast.
30 Episodes
In this episode of the HD Your Biz podcast, host Jamie Palmer discusses the concept of the emotional wave in human design. She explains that nearly 50% of the population has a defined solar plexus, which operates on an emotional wave, meaning clarity comes over time and decisions are never 100% certain. There are three types of emotional waves: the tribal wave, the individual wave, and the collective wave. Each wave has its own characteristics and ways of operating. Palmer emphasizes the importance of not resisting these waves, but rather allowing them to pass and not identifying with the emotions they bring. She also discusses the concept of emotional neutrality and how it can be achieved. She concludes by encouraging listeners to join one of the HD Wild Open Houses for more discussions on human design. 00:00 Emotional waves vary based on human design. 04:54 Physical touch can dispel tribal wave. Energy sensitive to others' needs. 09:03 Emotional energy creates waves of destruction. Surrender. 11:40 Live in the moment, embrace new cycles. 16:19 Naming and understanding emotions helps kids cope. 20:41 Understanding and navigating emotional waves effectively. 21:59 Sample experience inside HD Wild program, teaching. Visit my Site: Order your Book: Download your chart: _________________________________________ (00:02): Hello and welcome to the HD Your Biz podcast. I'm your host, Jamie Palmer, and today we are talking about the emotional wave. Okay? So nearly 50% of the population at any given time is going to have a defined solar plexus. And if you're lucky to be born in the past year or two, you more than likely will have a defined solar plexus. We'll probably actually see that number statistically speaking go up simply because there's so many outer transits that are in the solar plexus. I digress. Anyway, we have to understand that the defined solar plexus operates on an emotional wave. This means that there is no knowing in the now. Clarity comes over time. And for me, when I learned this in human design, this was one of the first pieces that I found out about in human design. This was the piece that I couldn't unsee when human design found me on Instagram and having emotional authority, having a defined solar plexus means that you're never going to have 100% certainty that any decision that you are making is correct. (01:32): And so 80% or 70 to 80% is a yes or a no. Consequently, and the reality is most of us right at least 50%, and again, that number oscillates a little bit, but it's almost always at least 50%. Sometimes it'll be more than that. Right now, because of the fact that the 36 has been engaged for very long period of time, we're going to see a lot of emotional manifesting generators being born. I know this. I have several clients that have had babies that are emotional manifesting generators because of that 36. So we have to understand that when you have a defined solar plexus, you operate on what's an emotional wave, and there are three types of emotional waves and then the source of all emotional waves. So the emotional wave originates out of the sacral and the 59 and goes through the six and pours out into the solar plexus. (02:35): And I hate to break it to you folks, the energy in the chart moves in a specific direction. It doesn't move whichever way we want it to. So caveat there. So that 59 6 is the literal stream of all the emotional awareness center. So if you have the 59 6, you get to experience all of the emotional waves. And that 59 6, Though it most often operates like the tribal wave, just a little bit softer edges. It can experience all emotional waves. And if you have a gate, if you have a defined solar plexus with a gate, you'll experience a wave. If you have an undefined solar plexus with a gate, you'll experience a wave. If you have any individual circuitry, you'll operate on an emotional wave because individual circuitry, even if you have it undefined solar plexus only ever here is according to where it is in its emotional wave. That's why you have to say things to folks with lots of individual circuitry. Lots of times this is because the individual, we need the individual to survive. Anyway, I digressed. (03:45): So let's get back to this, right? So we've got the source of all waves, which is the 59 6. Then we have the tribal wave. And the tribal wave is what I would call the ratcheted up wave. It operates in three peaks. So the first peak or the first wave is a smaller wave, and then it erupts and it dissipates. And the second wave is bigger. It erupts and it dissipates. The third time it explodes and then it resets. The tribal wave operates in the 37 40 and the 1949. So if you have either one of the two of those energies, you will experience an emotional wave that is the ratcheted up wave. The thing to understand about the tribal wave, I always like to think this is the waves that build up with an incoming storm. We get a big rainstorm, the waves, as the wave starts to come closer to shore, they start to get bigger. (04:49): And for me, we have to understand touch, physical touch can help dispel this wave. This energy here though is often telling us something about our needs. Oftentimes when we think about the tribal wave, we have to remember the energy. It's tribal. And so when we have tribal energy, we have to understand that this wave is sensitive to the needs of other people. And so oftentimes it ratchets itself up because of the fact it's sensitive to needs of other people. And it often gets frustrated often because it forget to take care of itself and make sure its own needs are met. But we have to understand that that's how this energy operates. Either way, this energy is here to be sensitive to what other people need. I have the 37 40 and the 49. And so in my agency, I remember I would end up doing stuff myself because I didn't want to cause a lot of drama with people. (06:12): So I'd hire somebody, they were supposed to do X, they didn't do x, I would say, Hey, you need to do this. And then they wouldn't do it. And then I would be like, fine, I'll just do it myself. But internally I would be having this really, really hard time with that. And so we have to understand that one of the best things tribal, the tribal wave can do is articulate itself to say, Hey, look, you're doing this. I'm doing this. We're both contributing to the collective. You need to uphold your end of this bargain. And that's literally how this energy works. And so we have to understand here that emotional neutral can be achieved by touch. It can also be achieved by articulating itself and making sure one, its own needs are met, or two, renegotiating the bargain like you said you were going to do, acts you didn't do, acts like, let's figure this out. (07:09): Okay, so that's the tribal wave. Then we have the individual wave. And the individual wave is the 2212 and the 39 55. So this energy one, stress eat. So when this energy is stressed, it often will use and binge eat sugar to manipulate its mood, constantly seeking out the perfect mood, but it often operates in highs and lows. This can be the most even keel of all of the emotional waves. However, I find that folks who are in the low expression of this energy tend to be dramatic, provocative. There's always drama going on, often very noisy in terms of what's going on in their world. And when they're in their high expression, they're often more even keeled because this energy operates in peaks and valleys. I always like to think about this as in its optimal expression. This is the energy of the waves of a hurricane. We don't have a whole bunch of hurricanes every single year. Or maybe you're in a place where you don't even have hurricanes where I live, we don't have that many hurricanes. There'll be one every once in a while. But this energy needs to understand that it has to be in the mood to do things because it operates in high highs and low lows. (08:44): And we have to understand that these are people who are melancholic by design. Melancholy is with every single individual gait, and it's even more exaggerated in this 22, 12, 39, 55. So this energy one needs to be in the mood. And two, this energy will also leave a massive wake of destruction behind it when it's not in the mood. It can be choppy and turbulent and provoking dramatic events and unpredictable. And I always like to say really leaving a wake of destruction or a wake of damage behind it, I would call this emotional sloppiness. And so we have to understand that regardless of which wave we have resisting said wave will only make it worse. If you've ever been in the ocean, if you resist a wave, you'll often get pulled under longer. Versus if you surrender to the wave, you'll often be able to navigate it with more ease. (09:53): The wave is kinder to you, if you will. And so we have to understand that this individual wave, it operates in peaks and valleys because constantly trying to search for the perfect mood. That's why people with this energy will stress eat sugar. They're trying to manipulate their mood. They're trying to get out of this place of melancholy to this one where they're in a high right? And so it's important to understand that the solar plexus is a motor and an awareness center. So all of the time when we have a motor and awareness center, this energy presents as nervousness. And these are people who when they're not in the mood, will cause a lot of drama. I mean, I'm fairly certain Mariah Carey has Gate 22, and if you think of her big diva energy, you don't want to mess with her when she's not in the mood. (10:52): And then lastly, we have the collective wave. So the collective wave is the 41 30 and the 36 35. And I like to think of this as the a hundred foot wave or the tsunami. This has the highest highs of the human expe
In this episode of the HD Biz Podcast, Jamie Palmer discusses the concept of the projection field in human design. She explains that the projection field in human design is often misunderstood and delves into its mechanics, particularly how it operates in a second line versus a fifth line. Palmer explains that the six lines in human design make up the 12 profiles, each with its own unique characteristics and roles. She emphasizes that second lines should only answer projections from those in their inner circle, as answering projections from outsiders can lead to depletion. For fifth lines, Palmer explains that they are often not seen for who they truly are, but rather for how they can benefit others. She advises fifth lines to be willing to put their reputation on the line for what they believe in. Palmer concludes by inviting listeners to join her in a six-hour audio course where she dives deeper into these concepts. 00:00 Welcome to HD Your Biz Podcast, discussing projection field. 06:17 Trusted second line answers inner circle projections. 09:52 Understanding 2nd Line Projection in Human Design fdynamics: depletion and nourishment. 13:18 I Ching, Chinese medicine influence on human design. 17:21 Maintain authenticity and boundaries for peace. 19:02 Understanding the 5th line Projection Field in Human Design 22:51 Disruptive 5th line seeks to be attractive. 27:03 Understanding projection, setting boundaries, and embracing self-awareness. 28:15 Energy dynamics explained, 6-hour audio course available. Join The Line Experience  Join the HD Wild Open House to learn more about the program => Order the Book => Transcription below:  (00:02): Hello and welcome to the HD Biz Podcast. Today we are talking about the projection field. So one of the things that I think is commonly misunderstood in human design is really how the mechanics of the projection field work. What is it? What does it mean? How does it operate in a second line versus a fifth line? How is it impacting you as the person projecting on somebody else? And so today I'm going to really dive into those mechanics. But before I dive in, I just want to explain that when we talk about the lines in human design, and there are six lines that make up the hexagram. They go one through six. The six lines make up the 12 profiles. And oftentimes you probably heard the metaphor, or maybe you haven't, but we talk about this in the HD Wild program that the first line is the foundation. (01:06): The second line is the first floor or the window on the first floor of the house. The third line is the stairs between the first floor and the second floor. The fourth line is the foundation of the second floor. The fifth line is the window on the second floor or the attic window, and then the sixth line is the roof. That's where the saying being on the roof comes from the sixth line. And so we have to understand that that first line is here to establish a foundation. The two shows us what's possible with that foundation. The three experiments with it and pokes holes in it. The fourth line externalizes it and the fifth line goes and disrupts it and says, Hey, this isn't going to work for everybody. Here's how we can do it better. And then the sixth line says, you know what? (02:00): I think there has to be something more here. There's an objective way to do this. Let me be of counsel. Let me test my other word lead in the sixth line. But we have to understand that it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and then the cycle starts again and the lines are harmonious. The first and the fourth line have foundational themes. The second and the fifth line are both projected. They're showing possibilities. The third and the sixth are testing, experimenting. Well, the sixth line doesn't really experiment, but it's like showing us there's more here. And so they share themes. And when I teach profiles, we spend 12 weeks on profiles. So we spend an entire semester going through the profiles. And the reality is what I'm going to teach and talk about today is really going to distill this down. But one of my students asked me the other day, what's the difference between the second Line projection field and the fifth line projection field? (03:01): So I'm going to explain that and I'm also going to explain how it might be impacting you if you are not a second or a fifth line. If you are sitting there and you're projecting on somebody, vice versa if you are somebody that's being projected on. So we have to understand that that second line sits on the first floor of the house and we can see into the house, we can see into the first floor of a house. Whereas that second floor window, we can't really see that. And I always think of Beetlejuice comes to mind, it's going to date my age, but I used to watch that show as a kid, and the two main characters in Beetlejuice would sit in the second floor window and the teenage daughter would look and be like, I see people up there. And there was an air of mystery about it. (03:50): And that's really how the fifth line projection field operates. So we have to understand that the profiles impacted by this are the 2 4, 2 5, 5 2 6 2 for the second line. And then for the fifth line, it's the two five, the three five, the five one, and the five two. I'm not going to get into the difference of say a two five versus a five two today. That is not what the intention of this is. I'm just going to explain how the projection field works. So we have to understand that if you live in the projection field in general, you are not seen necessarily for the whole of who you are. You are seen for how you can benefit the other person. And so oftentimes we have to understand, particularly with a projected line like the two or the five, these are people who are have or have an air of uncertainty around other people, almost inherently, right? (05:00): Second line children are often told, oh, you're so talented at this. Go do this thing. And it ultimately doesn't end up working out for them. I always like to think of my two four son and one year we had him play soccer, and I'm like, you're so good at soccer, you should play at soccer. And in hindsight, it was me projecting on him. And the funny thing is that most of the season he convinced his coach just to sit on the sidelines because he wasn't actually interested in playing soccer. He just wanted to chill. That was not what he wanted to do. And we have to understand that when it comes to that second line projection. Second lines have to actually answer projections that help them feel nourished. So themes that I like to use for this are what helps you feel nourished versus what helps you feel depleted. (05:53): And we have to understand that that second line, When they get projected on or recognized for something that they are naturally talented about, they want to make sure that they're answering that projection or that call from somebody in their inner circle, from somebody that's a friend, somebody that they've let into their world. If you're in a second lines world, that means that you are trusted. And the second line in general is only ever here to answer projections from those in its inner circle. And when it answers projections from those who are outside of its inner circle, it will often feel depleted because we have to remember the second line is not here to necessarily explain their process. They are here to simply show up, allow us to witness them, and as a result, we are transformed. And so when we think about this dichotomy, and I'm sure the second lines that are listening in their headphones are like, oh my God, I would guarantee that they can think of a time when they answered a projection from somebody else. (07:13): Because what happens is I always like to imagine every second line has this almost force bubble around them or they live in this snow globe. The environment is super important for a second line. And what happens is, is that somebody will come in and they'll look at that second line and like, oh my goodness, you're so talented at X. And mind you, the second line's like, okay, they're never really ever sure that they're actually talented or know the things that they know. They can't often explain how they know the things that they know. And ultimately the second line's democratic, it's happy to just introvert away in its own little bubble. And so when a second line gets projected on by somebody who isn't in that inner circle of theirs who isn't a trusted advisor, essentially, oftentimes they'll become incredibly depleted by said projection because the projections more about the other person and how that second line can help that person. (08:29): Then what the second line is actually interested in doing, and second lines, they will nurture and cultivate their talents. They will develop those things that they are naturally talented at, but they have to choose to do it because second lines aren't necessarily motivated in the traditional sense of the word. And ultimately what happens, they become incredibly depleted and then they don't necessarily feel safe to step out into that projection field when they've answered the wrong projections. And so that is one of the key things to understand for those second lines. They're not here to answer every projection. So strategy and authority obviously become very important here. And who's actually giving me this projection? Who's projecting on me and what are they projecting that I am good at? And I always like to think about this is when a second line gets projected on, especially by say a stranger or someone who isn't in their trusted circle, it's almost like their snow globe gets shaken. (09:39): Their whole world can get rattled, especially once they've answered the wrong projection. And so understanding this dynamic, I have found to be incredibly helpful for those who are second lines. And we hav
In this HD Your Biz podcast episode, host Jamie Palmer discusses her unique approach to human design (HD). She emphasizes the importance of looking at the whole chart and remembering that the parts in human design don't exist without the whole. Jamie discusses the challenges in the HD Industry with most by design offers that focus on type and profile, which she believes misses the depth and nuance of human design.  Jamie shares her journey of discovering human design and how it helped her in her business and personal life. She believes in the power of integrating human design into existing expertise to create a unique category in one's industry. She also values practicing what one preaches, focusing on one course until successful, and investing in high-quality resources and programs that can be loved for life and each time you come back to it creates an new aha or revelations and sparks joy, understanding and flow.  Timestamps:  00:00 Can't Unsee Human Design 06:01 Using human design to align business strategies. 07:35 Create business and life at intersection of design, desires, lifestyle. 11:10 Recognizing patterns in human design across industries. 16:16 Howard Gardener 5 Minds For The Future: My superpowers creative and synthesizing minds 18:52 Human design synthesis reveals marketplace behavior patterns. 21:49 Understanding the whole self and seeking mastery. 27:29 Use HD as tool to revolutionize businesses. 29:32 Opportunities in certification, books, TV shows, values. 31:49 Focus on Regenerative & Sustainable Business & Master over time 35:07 HD Wild Program offering human design education and support. HD Wild Open House Replay Order Jamie's Book  Download Your Chart Ideal Client Workshop *********** Transcription Below ************* Jamie Palmer [00:00:02]: Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome to the HD Your Biz podcast. I am your host, Jamie Palmer. And, today, I am really excited to dive into my approach to human design. This is not something that I've necessarily talked about a lot publicly. I very openly share it inside necessarily a place where I've I've spent a lot of time talking about it online. And the time just feels right to really speak to my approach to human design and why my approach is different. Jamie Palmer [00:00:57]: And the reality is there's not a lot, if any, other people to my knowledge that are looking at human design with the rigor and the logic and the patterns and the practical application. And so let's dive into this because I think this is kind of, like, an interesting thing to talk about. So first of all, for those of you who don't know, if you're new to the show or you've been around for a minute, I have been in business for myself since I was 20. My business started as a website design firm. I was doing WordPress websites before they were cool. And then in the emergence of social media, I added in done for you social media, and then I transitioned fully into the online space from mostly local, and did a lot of, you know, funnels and website design and and all that sort of stuff and and agency work, and I grew the company. And, I've been supporting entrepreneurs for almost 21 years in some form or another. And I stumbled upon human design or human design found me, on Instagram of all places in 2019, and I was at a place in 2019 where I was just kinda going through the motions of life. Jamie Palmer [00:02:22]: At that time, I had been running the business for probably about 6 years ago now, so 14 or 15 years. And, I was really unhappy, and I was I knew that I really didn't wanna continue that work, but I didn't really know what was next. And I was doing a group coaching program, business ecosystem builders, and I had been doing that for a while, and I was enjoying that. But I still had the agency, and I had people that I was responsible for in the agency. So I had this, like, coaching, you know, elearning part of my business, and then I had this agency part of my business. And I honestly felt like there I was always, like, wasn't doing anything well. Like, I wasn't momming well. I wasn't doing my agency well. Jamie Palmer [00:03:19]: I wasn't doing my, coaching stuff well. And the reality is I felt, like, really fractured and splintered and really divided because, like, I was always constantly being pulled in all of these directions. And I stumbled upon ins human design on Instagram, and it was this post about emotional authority and that those with emotional authority will only ever have 80% certainty that the thing that they are making a decision on is correct for them. And I was like, wonder what this human design thing is. And sure enough, I, you know, looked up my design, and I'm a 3 5 triple split emotional authority projector. And sure enough, there it was right there in front of me. I was like, I've had 80% knowing for the better part of the year that I don't wanna keep doing my agency. And that was, like, such a light bulb moment for me. Jamie Palmer [00:04:28]: And I was like, how could this tool that doesn't know me at all actually, like, be able to know that that's the thing that I've been struggling with? So I couldn't unsee what I saw, and I just started to dig in. I took training programs. I hired a mentor. I bought all the books and all the things and all the source material and all the stuff, and I just dove in. And as time went on, I phased out of my my agency, and I continued to do coaching in my business ecosystem builders program, which is now a lot of the the business strategic foundation that I've woven with human design in in my business today. And the reality is as I started to leverage human design for myself, with my children, with my husband, with my clients, I I didn't come from a background of astrology or really anything that is, air quotes, very woo. Like, I didn't come from this place of really, like, I was very, like, logical. Right? I had come from this background of, like, being in business, helping entrepreneurs with their website and their social media for decades. Jamie Palmer [00:06:01]: And so when I when I came to human design, I started to just look for parts of the chart where I would notice that clients were struggling, or I would say, like, okay. I have a client here that's struggling with attracting their ideal client. Where in the chart could we leverage that to better help them bring people to them? You know, same thing for, like, offers. I was like, that was one of the first things I really dove into was offers and business models. I had several clients at the time that were and this is, like, a lot of the work that I was doing at the time in the business ecosystem builders program and with my 1 on 1 clients was to help them go from 1 to 1 coaching, right, or their one to one expertise to a leverage model, a one to many model. And so I started looking at patterns that I would see across charts, or I would start to look at, you know, okay. If this is the problem that the client is struggling with, where in the chart can we leverage to solve for that problem, or how could we restructure things based on someone's chart to make that work in a more congruent for them way? And the reality is I don't believe that we can actually fit our human design into our businesses. I believe we have to structure the entirety of of our business around our design. Jamie Palmer [00:07:35]: And I always say, like, the business that the business and life you love is at the intersection of your design, your desires, and the lifestyle that you want. And I think a lot of times when people say, go look at your conscious mastery to see how you communicate, or go look at x to see what kinda offers you do, I think it's kinda twofold there. I think we miss the point of human design in terms of the fact that the parts don't exist without the whole. But I think more importantly, we are still in sort of that old paradigm or that old belief where we're trying to shrink ourselves and our design to to contort to whatever, you know, business box we've created for ourselves. And and I'm not suggesting that you need to, like, burn in the entirety of your business down and and restart. Like, there's a lot of ways in with which I work with students where we transition and we pivot and we start to, like, make changes slowly over time, to create, like, that regenerative, sustainable business that is built around someone's design. But the reality is I didn't come from this thinking of, like, you had to use this to articulate that, and so I just constantly tried to solve in the very beginning, I was just trying to solve for the the the problem that the clients are were having. Then I I started doing this, business design with human design workshop, which has now become the business design with human design course, and I was, like, looking for patterns. Jamie Palmer [00:09:20]: Right? And I started to synthesize together these patterns of where, like, certain things I would notice if somebody had, you know, a certain type or a profile or a certain set of circuitry or a certain set of perspective. Like, it would work better for certain business models than others. And I just kept kind of following the data. Right? And and as I got more and more and more charts, I was able to synthesize and see more and more and more patterns across all of these things. As always, I just wanna name because I'm the caveat queen here. You know, just because it works for one person doesn't mean it's gonna work for another. Right? Like, strategy and authority is a big thing that I talk about over and over and over again. Like, I can make recommendations for you where I see patterns, where I see things that might pop up. Jamie Palmer [00:10:19]: But the reality is you, at the end of the day, are the one who has the desires. You are the one who has to live it out. You are the one who is working towards x sort of lifestyle. And so I really like to kinda give people options of, like, here's what I se
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. On this episode I dive into the unique personality profile of 6/3 Role Model Martyr profile in human design who are here to test the limits of what is possible in this work and be of council and a leader in the world when they embody their own autheticity and balance observation with experiementation hey are characterized by a cycle of engagement and withdrawal, with three distinct life phases: birth to 30 years, 30 to 50 years, and 50 years and beyond. The six three profile is often seen as chaotic due to their constant engagement and disengagement, but this is part of their process. They are driven by curiosity and a desire for perfectionism, constantly asking "what's next?" and seeking to experience more. Palmer suggests that six threes need to learn to trust their strategy, soften their extremes, and honor the ebbs and flows of their life. They are encouraged to view their experiments not as failures, but as lessons learned. If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  Order the Human Design for Business Book  ******* Podcast Transcription Below ***************** The six three profile, the role model martyr, or as I like to say in Ecocentric human design, the mentor expert you are here to taste. All that life has to offer. You see possibilities where others see an end. You push us forward by leading authentically and objectively. Your awareness and experiments give you a unique perspective on the world. Each encounter with another has the potential to create transformation in your world. You push humanity forward with the unique way you see the world. You are here before your time, a catalyst for change in the world. Your wisdom gained through lessons learned, creates a lasting impact on those you've never even met. You shine the light on a new path and pave the way forward. Okay, so let's dive into the six three profile. So when we think about this energy, we've got the third line, which themes are rejection and allegiance, bonds made, bonds broken. And then in the sixth line, we've got these themes of not trusting, trusting, not leading, leading. And the reality is when we come to this profile, you have to understand that when we have a six three, they are preparing us to start a new in the one three. So the six three is the last of the 12 profiles, but it actually preps for us to start the cycle again in the one three. And so it's prepping the stage. It's like it's constantly asking, is this worth it? Is this not worth it? Still more things here. How can we test this? And so we have to understand that the six three is here to move humanity forward. And they are here to own their own uniqueness and really just be true to themselves above all else. And they find this understanding and objectivity through the lens of their interactions. And every encounter they have with another person renders that person a transformation. And these are people who live a life of engagement and withdrawal and engagement and withdrawal over and over and over and over again. And of course we've got a six line. So it exists in three phases, right? Phase one birth to 30 years. This is a double third line. So there's a lot of bumping into things. There's a lot of life bumping into them. They're jumping into things, they're jumping out of things, they engage and they disengage and they make bonds and they break them. And then phase 30 to 50, these six threes tend to run to the roof really quick and totally disengage from life for a period of time. And they just observe. And it's often also during this time where they get really bored and that boredom jumps them off the roof and they go experiment some more. And then they're like, oh, why did I even come down here with the people? And then they go back up. And the reality is, since that third line is on the body side or the subconscious side or the design side, they often have life unknowingly happen to them. They kind of unknowingly enter into experiments because they're not necessarily conscious of it. Like a three five kind of knowingly enters into experiments or a three six sort of knowingly enters into experience. The six three isn't as aware that they're entering into an experiment. Experiments happen to them. Experiments help them gain wisdom so that they can fully engage in life. And then it's usually in phase three, 50 years and beyond where they spread their wings and they integrate all of the lessons from the first 50 years of their life. And really this is the time when they will step into the role of a leader or not, depending upon if they're in the high expression or the low expression. And it's during this time where they lead by leading with the people. They lock arms with the people, they get down with the people, and they just embody leadership on the ground, right? Versus the six two, they're leading almost from a place of counsel sort of behind the scenes. The six three is very getting their hands dirty leadership. And ultimately, this is how the six three finds fulfillment in life. And they want every interaction that they have to be authentic and bring a new level of awareness. And I always think of these people as old souls, wise old souls, and they've gained so much knowledge through practical hands-on experience. And they have this also weird awareness of other people through the observations from being on the roof. And the reality is this profile from the outside looking in can really almost look like they're chaotic because they're going to engage in something and then withdraw and engage and withdraw and engage and withdraw. And the reality is that's how they're intended to move about the world. And they have to sort of mind the balance of the extremes that they feel pulled to experience. And extremes are part of their process, and they move humanity forward through their extremes, through their questioning, through their experiments, and by sampling all that life has to offer. But extremes and chaos are ever present in the six three. And this can bring lots of challenges in their relationships. They want the truth all the time. They want connections all the time. And yet they, they're questioning, they're oscillating back and forth. They're in, and then they're out. They're weary to connect, and then they're not. And they question and they push and they really wonder what else is possible on this plane while doing it on their own terms and with their own authentic flare. And they're under constant tension to engage in this life and to evolve and to transition. And they're often judged by other people as chaotic. They're judged for their changes that they make. They're judged for their failures that they have with their experiments. And the reality is these are people who also get bored being on the roof because observing everybody, observing everybody, like I just want to go down in an experiment. And it's almost like their body takes over and enters them into experiments. And this cycle is going to repeat, repeat, and repeat until they can find something that they're passionate about that it's with worthy of them to stick with. And so the challenges here are many. And the reality is this is a profile that's here to impact the collective. And they are here to push us forward by being on the roof and observing and by getting off the roof and experimenting and experiencing. And while the six three life may have a lot of ups and downs, they are a treasure of a human and they're keenly aware that they're ahead of their time and they just can't seem to fit in. And they see things that other people can't see yet or have not necessarily come into the peripheral of others. And so the challenges here are of course, phase one, double third line, which is incredibly chaotic. The wounds here are often very traumatic. For the folks that experienced this, they bump into life, they bump into them. But the reality is the experiments and the quote failures that they have is really what helps them embody wisdom as they move throughout life. This is a time when they might struggle to trust. They feel like this can't be all that life has to offer. And as a result, this can lead them disengaged, distrustful, and frustrated. The other thing Is the six three gets bored quickly and they have to learn to channel that boredom into something that's worthy. And the third line on the body side pulls them into life and can leave them wondering, how did this happen? They can have a chaotic process. They can kind of look frantic or chaotic from the outside, and that can potentially be traumatizing from swinging, from engaged to unengaged boards to stimulated observing, to experimented. And the reality is they have to learn that they're experiments always bring about something better. And there's a lesson there to be learned. And so the six three is under tremendous judgment because they may not look like they have it altogether or that they're a mess or that they're a failure. And the reality is that often just leads to more extreme behavior. So for those of us who have a six three in our lives, we need to actually meet them with compassion and give them a safe place to experiment, a safe place to help them sit in a holding pattern if that's what they're called to do. We also need to be able to conversely hold space for them when it's time for them to engage in life and move from experiment to experiment without judgment. Because the reality is the six three wants connection and they lead by being in the thick of it. And they have this wisdom and objectivity from their observations and their experiments that is really different than the other profiles. These are people who are here to test the limits of what is available to us on the material plane. They're really always asking and begging the qu
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. On this episode I dive into the unique personality profile of 5/2 heretic hermit profile in human design who are here call themselves out and live in a pressure free world where they own their innate talents without caving to the pressure of the projection field.  These are people who are must follow what nourishes thems vs what depeletes them in live and hone their talents and when the correct time arrives they call themselves out to step into the projection field transform others then reutrn to their hermiting.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  Order the Human Design for Business Book  ******* Podcast Transcription Below ***************** The six two profile in human design, the role model hermit, or as I like to say in Ecocentric human design, the mentor introvert, you are here to show the world what it means to live an embodied and authentic life. You are trustworthy, optimistic, and deep. You see possibilities and hope with your unique perspective like the hawk that soars above you, lead through counsel with your specialist expertise and are sought out for your wisdom. You lead through listening and being discerning with your words. You seek out a life with depth and meaning. You build trust in others. Slowly over time, you are recognized by the other for your gifts that you bring to the world. You are a gift to humanity with the possibilities you see in the world. Okay, so let's dive into the six two profile. So when we come to any sixth line profile, we have to remember that the sixth line exists in three phases. Phase one is birth to roughly 30 years, and they live life more like a third line. So they're going to bump into things, life's going to bump into them, they're going to learn the hard way. Then around 30 to 50, phase two begins. And phase two is really where six twos build the foundation of their life. They seek out a partner, they hone and refine their expertise. They tend to establish a family and a home base around this time, and they almost withdraw. And this is easy, even more extreme in a six two. And the reality is part of the reason why they withdraw. Many people talk about this is being on the roof. I really believe any six line, but six two is in particular because they have these themes of trust or not trust leadership or not in the sixth line. And then in the second line, it's like nourish or depleter, shy, withdraw, bold advance. So when we come to the six two, we have to remember six lines. I don't believe six lines ever actually heal from the wounds of those first 30 years that they experience. It's almost like a scab that never truly heals, like it's always still tender. And ultimately six twos need to find people that they can trust. And it's in that second phase where they really kind of cultivate and hone their inner circle. And that's where the key relationships in their life are built. And they're built Upon trust. And the reality is the sixth line, they're idealists. They want to find the perfect partner. They want someone that they can relate to. They want someone that they can be proud of. And partnership for six twos can come in many different forms. I see it in the form of entrepreneurship. I see it in the form of a relationship like life partner. And the reality is it's six two's put up barriers almost to see who is willing to actually do the work to break them down and is this relationship worthy? And then we've got phase three and it's around 50 that the six two really starts to reengage with life. They step down from this place of observation and people call this coming off the roof. But the reality is you don't just come off the roof and stay off the roof. You kind of go back and forth. And it's during this phase where they can step into their role model. Now, just because a six two is the role model doesn't mean they're guaranteed to step into that mentor role model role, but ideally in the high expression, this is where they are a living, breathing example of an objective observer and leader. And the reality is the six two is constantly being observed by the other. And the other is constantly observing the six two. And the six two is getting noticed and called out for their gifts because that second line is a projection field. And these are people who can actually provide feedback to other people without inserting their own interest or making it about them. They are here and they listen to other people and they see hope for humanity. And they also see the despair in humanity. They see the weakness and the frailness in humanity. But ultimately these people are people who are optimistic. They see the best in themselves, they see the best in people around them. They want to see others bring their dreams to fruition in an on the line low expression. The six two is uncertain. It's got a lot of hatred, it's got a lot of distrust, it's got a lot of weakness. Our experience is a lot of weaknesses. It sees how weak humanity actually is and becomes withdrawn and doesn't actually step into that role model. And the reality is, in order for a six two to be aligned to their high expression, trust is a key part of their life. And they won't ever really kick someone out of their life, but they'll hold that person at a distance. They'll only engage with them on social or surface level. And the six two is a transpersonal profile. It means it needs others to fulfill its destiny. And when they don't trust or when they feel withdrawn, they're going to struggle to actually live that out. And the reality is they have a powerful ability to interact with the people around them when they can trust. However, that second line doesn't always recognize its talents. It doesn't always know what it's actually good at yet people are constantly projecting on it what it is good at, what it's talents are. And so it becomes incredibly important for the six two to actually be discerning about what are they actually willing to come off the roof for and go down with the people. Because what happens is when they go down with the people, they risk having their wounds from those first 30 years be poked, right? Because tender from that and six lines just simply being six lines can trigger people. And ultimately the six two is here to be self-sufficient, to be visionary. It's here to be optim optimistic. And as they hone their process and start to maintain their objective perspective, and if they cannot allow the fragility of the world to keep them down, they will really flourish and get their wings, as I like to say, in phase two and phase three, right? In phase two, they kind of have baby wings. And then in phase three they really spread their wings. And so these are people who need to sort of oscillate between engaging with life, coming off the roof, getting back up on the roof and going back and forth and back and forth. And it's important to understand that the words of a six two carry weight, unlike other profiles, because the sixth line is almost as if they're someone who is super human. And the reality is the six two gains wisdom through observation. And unlike the fifth line that we've been talking about, six twos, everyone they meet, everyone they encounter it can has the potential be transformed by the words of that six two. And it's important to understand that these are people who show the rest of us how to live an embodied life. How when we can realize our potential that's waiting to be discovered within us, we can live life to the fullest. And the magic of the six two happens when they embody their authenticity and they show up and they share their answers that they have within without the need for external validation from other people in order to transform each person with each encounter that they have. Now, the challenges here are many because these are people who often carry the wound from phase one with them, and it never truly heals. So they're skeptical, they're weary, they're distrusting of life. When they come down with the people, they do not want to be poked or prodded in their wounds. Yet as soon as they come down and hang out with the people, they tend to get prodded because people can energetically feel there's something different about a six two. They're also a projected profile, so they're under constant observation from the other. So people are constantly looking at that six two and projecting on them, right? Oh, look, you're so talented at this. Come help me with this thing. And the reality is six twos will also often trigger other people simply by existing. Because the six two is the highest. It's almost like superhuman. The fifth line is the highest universalizing power of the human experience. But the sixth line is like this superhuman experience. So they trigger people simply by existing. And the reality is the six line sits on the roof. So these are people who go around sparking things in other people, sparking transformation in other people simply by existing. Yet obviously the opposite can be true, right? It can also trigger people simply by existing. And the reality is the six two is almost aloof to the expectations of other people. And they're aloof to the fact that I don't get what this whole human thing's all about. And there is a tendency here to have perfectionism. And the reality is these are people who have an abundance of knowledge, often through traditional knowledge acquisition and also observation. And they can't necessarily articulate their gifts or explain their process, yet they can perfectly point out the ways and paths and ways for others to transform yet for themselves. They strive for this perfection. And ultimately what happens is that leads to an action and fear. And the reality is they tend to realize that as they start to share things, their synt
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. On this episode I dive into the unique personality profile of 5/2 heretic hermit profile in human design who are here call themselves out and live in a pressure free world where they own their innate talents without caving to the pressure of the projection field.  These are people who are must follow what nourishes thems vs what depeletes them in live and hone their talents and when the correct time arrives they call themselves out to step into the projection field transform others then reutrn to their hermiting.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  Order the Human Design for Business Book  ******* Podcast Transcription Below *****************   The five two profile, the heretic hermit in traditional human design, or as I like to say in Ecocentric human design, the disruptor introvert, you yearn for a world where pressure does not exist. Harmony exudes and wraps you in its sweet surrender. You feel at peace. You are strong and innately talented. You yearn to honor your way of doing things non-traditional unexplainable from within you. Discriminately discern which call is for you carefully selecting from the plethora of options present with your genius. You call yourself forth a force of nature, out of the mundane, the stale, and into something revolutionary, something new. And in this calling, you found nourishment, harmony, and a moment that is pressure free. So today we're going to talk about the hermit heretic, or as I like to say, the disruptor introvert. So one of the things that we have to think about here is the fifth line's on the conscious side. It lives in the projection field. It's on the second floor. It's looking out. No one can see in it's observing others, but no one can observe it. And then we have the second line. It's on the subconscious side. It lives on the first floor of the house. It lives in the projection field, but everyone can see it. And the second line on the body side, when it's subconscious, it's not aware that people are looking in and observing it, right? It's just in its house doing its own thing. I like to think of this profile as the reluctant disruptor. Unlike the five one profile, the five two isn't necessarily aware of its own gifts and talents, and it's constantly under observation by the other. And it's constantly asking itself like, why should I even bother disrupting? Why should I even bother universalizing? And it is perfectly content to hermit away in its own environment. And the reality is the five two didn't have to work to acquire its knowledge. It just has it. It's naturally talented. And therefore they don't necessarily experience pressure in the same way as other fifth lines do to universalize. The five two just simply wonders, why am I constantly being projected on this? Makes me feel really uncomfortable. I'm tired of being so pressured. So this profile's in constant tension with itself as it needs other people in order to fulfill its destiny. But the reality is it constantly questions themselves. It's like, what benefit does This actually bring me? And in an ideal world, the five two needs to be called out by themselves. They have to recognize and understand their own talents, and then they have to universalize those talents and get other people to believe in them. And this comes with a great deal of uncertainty and vulnerability because it's very different than the other fifth lines, the five one. It's here to universalize a foundation that's based on a depth of knowledge, the five two Universalizes based on its own past lived experiences and inner talent. So it's a very rare and unique gift. So it's very different than the other fifth lines. So they stand on their own power and beliefs and not the projections of other people. So the five two doesn't need to wait for the projection field or the illusion of power to build like a five one does. It exists on both sides of the projection field, right? And when we have a five two, the five two always, the fifth line always prefers to be hidden behind the veil. And the line two always prefers term it. So it's very rare when a five two feels called to universalize their beliefs based on their past lived experiences and create change. And even though this profile exists in a double projection field, since the two is on the body side, they're often unaware on the two five of what those projections actually are. And it has to actually call itself in order to fulfill its potential. And the five two is often withdrawn, but not in a negative way. They're completely just content in their own withdrawal, right? Yet at any time, they can almost prod themselves into action. They can seduce themselves into action, but their process is one that is very discerning. And they have to understand, is this talent or genius actually correct to bring forth to the collective from my past or not? So learning to understand the correct calling is really key for them so they can understand when it's time to step out and when it's not. So these are people who have to learn to stand in their own strength. They have to learn to believe in themselves. They have to have faith that they're going to answer the correct call out of themselves, even though they might not be entirely convinced that the gifts that they bring forth are worthy, right? And so these are people who are revolutionary, they're authentic, they're naturals, but they tend to not be aware of their own gifts. Yet they have a profound impact on the lives of other people because as they step out into the projection field with the correct call to universalize a past experience, they nourish other people with their gifts, and thus they nourish themselves. So these are people who need lots of alone time in order to build confidence around the gifts that they have. And the reality is this profile doesn't do well under pressure. So allowing people with this profile time to process and honor their strategy and authority really is key. They do have an inherent genius, but they need time. And the reality is rejection for this profile can be a huge challenge because they already feel uncertain about what they're good at, and they can get really overwhelmed and confused by all of the different projections that they face on a regular basis. So the reality is they have to have an inherent belief in themselves, and they have to cultivate that over time. The five two wants to live in harmony with the world around it, and they do best when no one in their world is pressuring them. They really yearn for a pressure-free world. So the challenges of this profile are many. Because they lived in the double projection field, they're often very weary from an early age of the projections that other people put on them. I know when I've experienced a lot of clients with this profile, they tend to be hesitant about people. There's this level of anxiety and tension and just unease around people because of that projection field. And the reality is they're not even sure if their gifts are good, and the reality is they have to learn to call themselves out. So they have to contend with this double projection pressure, and they have to learn to call themselves out when they're not even aware what their gifts actually are. So this often means, as I like to say, sort of the introvert vortex. The introvert vortex is a place where the five two is content to just do their own thing. And they almost put a sign up that's like, stay away from me. And they absolutely push other people away. So there's a period of time where the introvert vortex is positive for the five two, but it can become negative if they stay in that too long because essentially they never actually build the confidence around their gifts and they never actually universalize anything. They lean on that line too, and they just kind of hermit away for forever, and they never actually fulfill their own destiny. So the five two has to ideally get clear on what their gifts are and allow those gifts time to marinate, because that is a huge part of their process, and they don't do well with pressure. So trying to pressure them is often a recipe for more hermiting. And the reality is they have to just allow themselves to be in their process, which they can't explain anyway. And then when the time is right, they call themselves out and they make a massive influence. It's important to understand these people tend to be suspicious of other people, and they're suspicious of what they're told they're good at. They're suspicious of what other people say to them because they don't necessarily feel that. Then they feel pressured to fulfill those gifts, and it just creates a whole world of struggle. But it's only when they spend time alone actually cultivating those gifts when they feel confident enough to call themselves out. Although they will never have 100% confidence in their gifts and talents, however, it's their belief that actually joles them into the projection field. Also, I think it's probably important to note that rejection for this profile is incredibly hard. When they get rejected, it often means they've stepped into the projection field and they've answered the call from somebody else, or they didn't honor the timing of themselves. And that has a really, really long lasting impact on the five two, which can be absolutely detrimental to them in actually moving forward and feeling whole and confident in having belief in themselves. So when we have a five two profile, we have the disruptor introvert. Some questions that we can ask them that may be supportive are, is this something I should live up to? What benefit does this bring to me? Does this nourish me or does this deplete me? Does this make me feel magnetic and attractive? Or do I feel unattractive and m
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. On this episode I dive into the unique personality profile of 5/1, who are here to disrupt the way things have always been done and forge a better foundation by universalizing a practical solution for all.   These are people who are must honor the fact that in order to be successful in life they need a solid foundation to stand upon and they move out into the projection field with confidence once that foundation is built. , I offer some tips on how to handle the projection field, foundations and more. If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  Preorder the Human Design for Business Book  ******* Podcast Transcription Below ***************** The five one profile known as the heretic investigator in traditional human design or an ecocentric human design. The disruptor researcher, you are here to disrupt the way that it has always been done, burn it down, break it, and start anew. You're here to blaze a new trail perhaps before your time. You'll find your way by cultivating and nourishing a foundation, one by one, you light the way illuminating the path for many this new way once thought of as crazy is the catalyst for a life better lived a life with more ease. You establish a new standard, bringing many together with your power, step into the light and be seen when it's time. Honor the timing of your life to be seen or not. This is the key for you to thrive. So we've got the five one profile here, and this is a profile that has the highest universalizing power of the transpersonal or left angle profile. So where the bigger number comes first. And these are people who fifth lines, as you know, live in the projection field. So four or five, one, their first projection is a little bit different than the other fifth line profiles and that it's usually positive. And then the second projection is usually negative. So we want to keep that in mind as we go through this. So I think it's important to understand that the first line foundation, this is the authoritarian, this is the conservative. These are the people who have to have all the information in place before they move forward. The first line is the foundation of the hexagram, and then you have the fifth line. This is the disruptor, this is the general, the hoarder, the seducer, the magnetic. This is kind of the rebel of all of the lines in human design. And this lives on the second story. If we use the metaphor of the house to explain the lines, and this is the second story, but it's the second story window with the lights on, but the window's closed and there's an air of mystery about it. When we look at this, we have to understand that five ones are mysterious and magnetic and they really have this sort of non-conformity about them and they kind of differ from the three five, and that what they're here to disrupt tends to be a bit more veiled. So we have to remember that four or five one, the first Is almost always positive, right? It's a positive projection. And the reality is this is a profile that carries a great deal of responsibility. They have a responsibility to almost be a superior human. And they live in the projection field, the projection field on the mine side. And they are often very misunderstood by other people. And people don't ever really truly understand the depth of their being. And the reality is they take their knowledge and their research and the foundation that they've established and they universalize it. And the intention for them is always to impact large numbers of people. But the challenge here is that they have to have a keen understanding of when it's time to come in and universalize. And that first line empathy can really trip them up because the reality is they have this tendency to want to be a savior and they say things like, Ooh, I can do that and that and help other people, even though that's not the thing that they originally came to disrupt. And when that happens, we call this rather burning at the stake like a three five in the five one. This is a fall from grace for the disruptor researcher, right? This is a fall from grace. And if they have a six two in their life, the six two can usually kind of help them soften this fall from grace. That second projection, if you will, and the reality four or five one is when they have this fall from grace, when that second projection comes, it's often because they stayed out too long saving the day and they didn't honor the timing or they didn't answer the right call. They let their empathy get the best of them, or they didn't have an effective solution for the call, or they weren't actually in touch with the people. So one of the things that's important to remember, four or five, one more so than any other fifth line, is that they have to have a practical, pragmatic solution that works for everyone, for whatever it is that they're here to disrupt. Whereas in a three five, their solution doesn't have to actually work for everyone. And so this profile in particular, their experts at their craft, they enjoy coming in to disrupt when all else has fail because they're certain, because they've established such a solid foundation that their solution will actually work for other people. They're very effective at getting results for whatever that one thing it is that they've gotten for results for people. But the reality is timing is really important for them. And answering the correct projections is also really key. So for these people, they must only answer the projection when they feel super secure. And that feeling of secureness or insecurity, whichever one comes up, is not the right projection for the five one. And the five one has to learn to realize that not every projection is for them, and they have to put their ego aside and they have to put their empathy aside. And they really have to understand that projections bring possibility, but that's not a guarantee for success. And oftentimes the five one, they can see that people need help and their empathy takes over and they stay out in the projection field too long and they get themselves in trouble. But the reality is the five one isn't here to rush things. They're methodical, they're deliberate, they're calculated. But the reality is they have to be really discerning about what they're willing to fall from grace about. And the five one ideally or optimally gets their homework done, gets prepared behind closed doors, they hoard information, they demand answers, they cultivate details. And then only when they feel attractive and secure and magnetic do they step out into the projection field and put their message out there. So the reality is these are people who are going to need time behind closed doors alone preparing to answer the call, and they're creative and they can leverage their sort of unorthodox way of seeing the world in order to step out into the projection field with their practical solution. So it's important to understand that this is a profile who spends a lot of time observing the world around them, and they don't necessarily fully reveal themselves to other people. They're often deep individuals who need time alone in order to sort out their foundation. And it is in this time where they're alone and withdrawn, that they build up the confidence and the safety and the security and the strength and the resources in order to actually create that practical, pragmatic solution. So the five ones here, and they're hoarding their information and they're hoarding all this knowledge and they're gaining all this information and they're getting more and more projections, but they're like, my foundation's not there yet. My foundation's not there yet. My foundation's not there yet. And then one day the foundation is there and they have all these projections that a buildup, and then they can step out into the field. They can come out from behind their window and their curtain and then they can universalize. And so the five one ideally thrives. There are systems and processes in place to be relied on, but this requires them to be very disciplined and patient and remembering to withdraw once their projection has been fulfilled. And I've seen this with five ones that I have as clients. They stay out too long, they put out an offer or a program or a course or whatever, they help somebody with something and they're like the other person's talking to them and they're projecting on them and they're like, oh, actually I can help you with that too. And ultimately what happens is they can't fulfill on that second projection. They weigh that they can on the first projection, and they actually get themselves into a fall from grace. Their reputation is hurt. The reality is five ones are incredibly powerful and influential, and they're here to change the world for the better. But they have to make sure that they honor the timing of their life. That's really key for them in order to actually create beauty and creativity and solutions for the people. So the challenges of the five one, the disruptor researcher are many, right? I don't want to sugarcoat it here. They live in the projection field. That is never an easy thing to do. I know I'm a three five. So these are people who according to raw, the founder of human design, the hopes and dreams of humanity rest on the shoulders of a fifth line. And so we have to understand that these are people who are constantly being projected on and they have to reckon and contend with that projection. And the reality is they have be willing to fall from grace so that they can bring their universalization to life. Five ones don't tend to fall as hard, or their refutation doesn't tend to suffer as much as that of a three five or a five, two or a five, a two five. But it's important to understand these are still people who hav
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. On this episode I dive into the unique personality profile of four ones, who are both resilient and true to their values despite external pressures to conform. They offer guidance to help people with this profile stay true to themselves and their observations, maintain their value in their network, and trust themselves to pick up the pieces if they feel broken. These are people who are strong and steadfast individuals, how these traits arise early in life and continue into adulthood, and how to strike a balance between knowledge acquisition and influence. I offer some tips on how to handle societal pressure that may lead to conformity rather than a balance of traits. These individuals to a "train on a track," focused on their goals and able to assess situations quickly. If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  Preorder the Human Design for Business Book  ******* Podcast Transcription Below ***************** The four one profile, the opportunist investigator, or as I like to say, the mayor researcher, you are the oak that Astands tall. After the hurricane passes through stable, steadfast, and observing. You are wise beyond your years. And you see it all, but yet you don't need to say it. You read between the lines of the words you observe, you study, you influence because you meet the other where they are. You own your unique fixedness. You weather it all and come out stronger. You are the leader, the head of house, the one people come to for support. Relentless in your ability to be consistent. You stand tall, you support others in getting their wings stable, strong, reliable. Okay, so let's dive into the four one. I think the most important thing to understand is that the form one profile is less than 2% of the population. It is known as having a juxtaposition fate. So what that means is the form one doesn't have a personal destiny and it doesn't have a destiny that involves other people. It has a fixed destiny. So these are people who are, for lack of a better word, rigid. They are part personal part involving other people. They're part relationship based. But the reality is Wally's lines are in harmony. The foreign one are in harmony. These people can either be incredibly unstable or incredibly rigid. The four ones not this or that. It's not truly self-absorbed and it's not really transpersonal. The upper trigram, it's kind of straddled between the two and it's deeply fixed. I like to think of this sort of as the oak tree that stands tall for hundreds of years, weathering the season. That's kind of the way of the four one profile. It's funny because my dad is a four one and there's a giant oak tree in the back of my yard. And when I wrote this, it's literally what I thought of. So the four is here to build a network and the one is here to acquire knowledge. So when we put the four one together, the four researches with the intent to share that information with their network, full stop. That's it. These are people who may be pressured into changing by others, but the reality is here to not waiver. And sometimes as a four one, you'll often witness them and they'll just agree with people to their   Face. Then behind the scenes or in their own lives, they just go about doing their own thing. They're kind of steadfast in their being. So the four goes with the flow publicly, and then it just goes on doing its own thing. And this profile really provides the world with a foundation that human resources and marketing can be developed upon. And because of the fact that they have a fixed fate, the world is what it is. There's no real rose colored glasses for a 4 0 1. And these are people that they can sniff out, literally sniff out who is strong and who is weak. They can smell weakness. And these are people that they, they're very accepting of the fact that like, Hey, look there. There's nothing I can do about this, right? There's something wrong here. There's nothing I can do about it. Why don't I just accept it? So this happens because the four observes the other and the one studies the material and then they kind of just build this network of people. And because they're really fixed, they're just like, okay, well whatever, let's just move on. There's nothing I can do about it. And the reality is the gift of these people is that you can really benefit from the strength of their fixedness. These people are keenly aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and that awareness builds the foundation of their purpose and their security strategy. And subsequently, they can spot opportunity. No one else. They literally smell weakness. And when they are looking for ways, they can obviously use this to take advantage of other people. But in an ideal world, they use that to help others get on the path to their own opportunities. And the four one, it's a very strong profile. And the reality is they recognize that other people can be influenced and they often use their influence and their fixedness to influence other people. And these are people who they can bend a little bit, but they really aren't often really willing to give up. And they explore and they discover and they interact with the world with the intent to share that knowledge in order to gain influence. And there's always this little bit of undercurrent of insecurity ever present with this profile, which often bubbles up internally. It's not usually shared with the outside world, but the reality is they have a really strong network. They, they're sort of like the oak tree that survives the hurricane. Like I said, there's probably a 300 year old or 250 year old oak tree in my backyard. And this is literally what I think of when I think of the four one. It's weathered hundreds of people around it. It's weathered countless storms and seasons and all that sort of stuff. And that's a great way to think about the four one. So it's important to understand that in relationships, this is a double theme of foundation. And these are often single mi minded, pointy, but bendable people, they're incredibly hard to break. And if a four one does break, it's really hard for them to put their lives together. This is one of the only profiles where if they do break, it's a really challenging thing for them to pick up the pieces of their life. These are people, they're friendly, they're curious, they're very persuasive, and they learn from everything and everyone. And so they're taking in both the relational world, the four, five and six, the relational world, and they're taking in the material world one, two, and three. So they're street smart and they never miss a beat. They're in awe of everything going on around them and they can quickly act at assess any situation. I always think of this as when I was a teenager, I could never get away with anything because my dad always knew, was well aware of any of the things he'd already thought about the 17 things that I might be doing to get myself in trouble. But these people are the backbone of their network. They can't be pushed around, but they can be dependent on. And the four one picks up on everything, but they're very grounded. They're a safe haven for people in their world, and they're often really this person who people go to when they need support in how to get back on track. It's important to understand though that the four one is a train on a track. You can't change the train's direction. The train can just can't take a left hand turn or a right hand turn. It's stuck on the track. And that's how these people are designed by design here to operate. And so they build this solid foundation of expertise from an area that fascinates their mind and they use the knowledge that they have to influence others. So researching and becoming an expert in a topic and then transforms them from the four month theme of insecurity into an authority and a true expert, they're unwavering in their expertise and knowledge and once they establish that foundation, they can leverage the network and they can just move forward in that field that they've chosen. I think it's important to understand that the challenges here are many because these are, think of this as the outlier of all the profiles. The four one is the only profile, and I think it's probably worth noting. There's only, I think three or four hours every year that this profile shows up. So the four one, it can be broken. And when they are broken, it's incredibly hard for them to pick up the pieces of their lives. And they often become broken because they've betrayed themselves. Somebody just, I think of it, they just graded on them so long that they broke. I think of it like Humpty Dumpty. These people break and they shatter into a million pieces. And that's very different than all of the other 11 profiles in human design. And this is because it allowed someone to influence them and they influenced them so much that they broke. And this often comes from the pressure to conform. And they're not meant to conform, they they're here to influence. So from this appears to be the outside world as a breaking point. But for the four one, it often happens when they pleased other people so much and then they break, they gave away too much of themselves, and then they fall and they fall hard. They fall hard. There's a four one in of my programs that has struggled with this and they've struggled to pick back up the pieces and they have to start over. They essentially start over and they have to learn to not betray themselves because that betrayal is what broke them in the first place. They're not here to please other people. They have to remain true to themselves. So because they are fixed fate, because they're like the oak tree, because they're steadfast, these are people who often get a lot of labels, they take a
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode the 4/6 profile in human design known as the Opportunist  Role Model. This profile moves about the world with a deep set of core values that is here to influence others while being of couincil to others.. They live their life in three distinct phases and are here to be of influential with their strong core values   The 4/6 is here to grow and develop their success through their network by listening and influence those around them with their core values while stepping into a role model during their phase 3.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  Preorder the Human Design for Business Book  ********** Podcast Transcription Below ********************   The four six profile, the opportunist role model, or as I like to say, the mayor mentor, you are steadfast, reliable, and here to connect with others. You move through the world with deliberate actions. You thrive when your network is vibrant, growing and resourced. Your presence calms with your accepting nature and you expect the same. You can't be rush. You move to your own rhythm and on your own terms, your wisdom and network flourishes as you age. You balance the desire to be with people while finding solace and being alone. This time alone only fuels your impact and wisdom. You are a leader with a mission. Okay, so let's dive into the mayor, mentor, the four six profile. So this is the only profile where both of the lines are in the upper trigram of the hexagram. So four, four and six. So the foundation of the second floor and the roof. However, they have a destiny that is, it's personal. They have a personal destiny, right? Because the lower number is in the beginning. So these are people who are here to share their own truths and share their own values. But still, it's a kind of internal process here they are still sort of self-absorbed. And so the fourth line mayor is kind accepting and takes things that face value. They're a good friend and they're reliable and they have power over their network. And the fourth line really needs to oscillate time with people listening and then time alone. And they really have this gift for building networks. They're one of those people who they can pick up the phone and speak to somebody they haven't talked to in 10 years and just pick up where they left off. And these are not people, particularly in the business world that do well with cold introductions or cold traffic. I don't want to say that it's impossible, but it's a lot harder. So then we have the sixth line here. And the sixth line doesn't like to get close to many people because it obscures their view. It obscures their future. And the fourth line yearns to communicate in the sixth line. It often refrains. So when these two lines come together, they are here to really take, they're kind of the   Representative, what it means to live a nine centered life. They take the themes of the lower trigram and they universalize them. They take the themes of foundation and building and experimenting and just being naturally talent. And they externalize those based on their beliefs. Now, they don't do all those things, I want to be really clear. But they're here to take foundations, the things that emerge from lines one, lines two and three, and speak them as what they know to be their truth. They model them and they show others what it means to live au authentically. And they typically have this sort of keen sense of self-awareness. They thrive on stability and they do need a solid foundation in order to thrive. And once that foundation is established, they can then share their truth. Of course, because this is a sixth line profile, they live their life in three phases. Phase one, they bump into opportunities kind of in a more objective way than the other six lines. And they take in foundations that then over time and their phase two become their truths and become kind of the core values that they live by. And so of course during phase one as a four six, they're going to operate more like a third line. So this can be challenging for them because that fourth line does not like to rock the boat. And that sixth line is living life as a third line. And they don't do well with change. They don't adapt quickly. And this can really cause a lot of turbulence for four sixes since they thrive on stability. And then in phase two, they really begin to establish the foundation of their life. They establish a career and a family, and they get clear on their truths, this versus that, and what they believe during that phase two. And this is that time where their network is established, those that, so that in phase three they can become the benefactor because that four line oscillates between dependent and benefactor and confidant or not. And it's important to understand that it is during phase three when they climb onto the roof and they claim their INF influence, they vocalize their mis mission and they really truly step into themselves. I wouldn't say that the four six is more tolerant of change than the other six line profiles, but this is only because they can see the long view, they can see the perception and perspective can change because of that six line, the four six is here to change the perspective of other people, and they establish accepting relationships and they accept other people and they want people to accept us. And when that doesn't happen, it really rocks the boat for the four six. And most of the time this profile doesn't do well with strangers. I say that because there's always exceptions to that rule, but caveat, caveat, caveat, particularly for entrepreneurs, these are not people who thrive on cold traffic. They do much better when people come from their network. I always use the example of my husband. He's a four six projector and he does hiring. And if he hires somebody through his network or who do you know, the person always accepts if it's somebody cold that he solicited or came in randomly, it tends to not do so well. So it's important to understand that these people are here to influence as a four six. You are here to influence. But the fact is, in order for them to influence the four six actually has to listen to other people in order to get the ability to influence them. And that's the piece. So if they're not cold, they haven't spent any time listening to them. And so it's this weird dichotomy for the four six. So it's important to understand that if they have a cold person, they're often rejected, which then leads to disappointment and sadness and often retreat for a four six. The aligned four six is here. They observe and they engage and they look for those that they can trust. They look for those that can have a confidant, and they look for people where there's sort of this m mutual benefit from the relationship. That's why in traditional human design, it's called the opportunist opportunist. So these people are here to influence and change the lives of others through their message. These are people who are often, they're kind souls, they accept people as they are, and they really do want the same out of their relationship. I kind of always think they're kind of an old soul, but in reality, these are people who can often be a little bit misunderstood. I don't want to sugarcoat that. And I think one of the things that's important to understand, particularly from a business perspective, fourth lines in general are not necessarily here to reinvent the wheel in terms of creating something from scratch. They're here to take something that they identify with, that they believe in and externalize that. And I think that's where, that's one of the big challenges that I see with the four mayor mentor, particularly in business. And when we come to the challenges of this profile, they can spend too much time listening. They can spend too much time bumping into things. They can really have a lot of tension within themselves. So for them, it's really important that they learn to honor their strategy and authority so that they don't face exhaustion because too much listening is too much for them, not enough listening. Then they'll have no one to influence, and they're really here to influence the other, not the other influencing them. I think it's important to understand that st stability is inherent in their beings. So they do need to have stability in their lives, and stability comes when they have people that they can rely on. It's not necessarily the stability of the first line where it's like safety, security, et cetera, et cetera. While that's important for a fourth line, it's more important for them to have people that they can rely on. So a tight inner circle, a tight group of friends who accept them. And that can be really challenging for them during the first 30 years. And I think one of the other things to remember with the four six is when the trust of a four six is broken, especially during childhood, a big part of their heart can be wounded. These are children who they can often become mean and cold when they're rejected, and especially when they're rejected for their truths or when their trust is broken. So relationships are really important for them, and that that's a factor that's going to want, you're going to want to carry through into adulthood. And I think it's important to understand that anytime you have a fool in a profile, these are people who they might not do things at the same speed as other people. The fourth line, it doesn't want to be rushed. And oftentimes people think, oh, well, if I just give this kid some tough love, they'll grow up faster. And the reality is the four six, they're often pushed out of the home too early and they really struggle. And the fact that the four six in particular is this theme of benefactor dependen
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode the 3/6 profile in human design known as the Martyr Role Model. This profile moves about the world with a deep inner wisdom and oscilates between experimentation and observation. They live their life in three distinct phases and are here to be of trusted council to the world.   The 3/6 needs to go through cycles of trial and error in order to embody the wisdom and step into the role model mentor role. These people experiement, create allegencies and build trust as the lead by being of council to others. They are deeply wise and their wisdom becomes stronger with age.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.    ********** Podcast Transcription Below ********************   Speaker 1 (00:02): The three six profile, the martyr role model in traditional human design, or as I like to say, the experiment mentor, you are here to experiment and mentor others from the wisdom of your experiments. You are resilient, authentic, and you lead the people with your insights. You are sought out for your counsel. You find equilibrium by honoring your pull to dance with life while nourishing yourself with alone time. You build trust slowly with those who believe in your fundamentals. You show us what it means to be an embodied, authentic leader who isn't afraid to fail. Your failure fuels your wisdom, your strength and determination inspire every soul you come in contact with. Let's dive into the three six profile. So with the three six, we are here with the third line, the experimenter. And they're really the transition between the first floor and the second floor. (01:06): This is really how we make material in the world. This is how we have success on the material plane. And then you have the sixth line who's here to be a mentor and a role model and really to show us how to lead in the world through guiding and giving others their quote, blessing or stamp of approval. So this profile is a challenging profile because for the first 30 years, the six line exists in three phases. Phase one to 30, phase two, 30 to 50, phase three, 50 and beyond. And roughly, roughly, those ages are approximate, but in the first 30 years, they're living as a double three profile. So there is a lot of trial and error and experiment. And from the outside world, it can be very challenging. There can be a lot of failures that happen. (02:08): There can be a lot of failures that happen for the three six profile, and it can come with a lot of shame and guilt. But there's also deep wisdom in learning that happens during that phase of experimentation. And then in phase two, which is 30 to 50 years, is a period of retreat as they go and they kind of build their foundation and they climb back and they go to the roof and they begin to observe and they begin to try to heal those wounds that they experienced in their first 30 years. This is often where they establish a family and they build a foundation. But businesses often they kind of do things a little bit aloof here, they're not super connected to it. And then in phase 30, which is kind of 50 years and beyond, they start to Speaker 2 (02:58): Reengage with life. They come down from the roof or as I like to say, they kind of get their wings and they can oscillate between this time of retreat and this time of being with the people. And they have gained this wisdom, but they still have these wounds they've gotten for the first 30 years. And I always like to say, I don't think most six lines wounds heal like a third line. I think they're always kind of tender. And so these are people who can be skeptical. They're very discerning with who they trust. They often observe before they engage, and yet people are constantly seeking out their approval. But the challenge here is the third line wants to get into the field of life. They want to operate on the material plane, they want to be on the playing field. And the sixth line kind of prefers to be on the roof. (03:48): And the third line wants to get its hands to his things. And they've got double third line for their first 30 years. And so this is a struggle. These are people who bump into things, life bumps into them, and they have to realize that they are not a failure. It's they move about the world through trial and error. That's how they experience the world. And there is this resiliency that is developed during that phase one. And it's during that phase one that they also gain the experiences they need to turn that into wisdom in phases two and three. And so they experience what life is like and they realize like, oh man, I don't know that I actually like this. And they may feel sort of unfulfilled or incomplete or weary of life. And then into phase two, they begin to experience more a tension. (04:43): It's almost like they have two different personalities. The three, it bumps into things, life bumps into them. And then in they've got their sixth line that wants to retreat so they can become disinterested in life and what life has to offer because they've bumped into so many things. And there's often a lot of wounds from the first 30 years of life that they just like, I don't want to be down with the people. I don't feel safe to be down with the people. I'm going to stay up here. But the third line's like, and I want to jump into things. And so there's this tension. And particularly during phases two and three, there's challenges that they face with perfectionism and trust and in decision. And it's during that second phase where they're here to establish a family. They're here to have security and build that sense of what's, what does my life look like? (05:34): What does my career look like? What does my family look like? And that happens in phase two, but depending upon what happened in their first 30 years, they either balance this tension well or they don't feel safe to head out into the world at all. And there's usually not a lot of nuance in between that. It's like people typically fall into one of two camps. And so at a healthy expression, they need to balance their desire to experiment and gain wisdom while also honoring their need to observe. And then in phase three, they kind of fully embody, they fully step onto the roof. They fully incorporate that wisdom that they learn from the first 30 years of life. And they're still going to bump into things. And the bumping into things is often for them so that they can have more wisdom. But the reality is they have this unique perspective. (06:23): They are a valuable resource. They're a sounding board to other people. And they don't really lead by getting their hands dirty. They, they may lead by getting their hands dirty for themselves, but that's not necessarily how they guide other people. People will come to the three six for council and they'll get guidance, and then the three six will immediately get back on the roof and observe. But understand that these are people, it takes time for these people to develop self-confidence, develop self-trust to gain mastery, because there's this constant dancing with their discoveries of their third line and the wisdom that comes along with that. And then the sixth line to be a living example of lesson learned. So these are people who as they mature, they gain more wisdom, they gain more trust, they gain more confidence over time, and they embody leading by learning from mistakes. (07:13): And they really have a resilience to stick with the course in spite of what might come up. So the three six s are resilient, they're strong, and they have a capacity to show the world a new way to lead. They persevere. And I think it's important to understand that the challenges here are abundant. And the reality is awareness is key because the three and the six operate fundamentally differently. One's in the lower trigram, but they face two different struggles. So they often might feel like they're just fighting themselves or that they have two different personalities. And really learning to navigate that becomes key. And I always say six lines. They kind of have this wound from the first 30 years that's tender. And that leads them to struggle to trust other people. It may lead them to sit in indecision, it may lead them to perfectionism. (08:08): And they'll sit there and they'll tweak and they'll hone and they'll adjust and they'll modify and they learn and observe for years. And they never really step into that mental role. And I think it's important to note that, and nobody really talks about this, but I think it's important to mention that just because you're a sixth line does not mean that you're automatically guaranteed to step into that role model role, particularly if you have not been following your strategy and an authority. So understand that this three six, they may never step into that mental role because they don't feel safe. And it's important to understand that there is a lack of trust, both internally and externally. They don't trust themselves to come down the roof because they don't know what will happen if they're going to get tackled. And then they don't know if they can trust other people. (08:58): So it's important for them to integrate the experience experiments that they had into learning so that six line can carry that with them. And the reality is when they do turn that into wisdom, they'll thrive. And it's important for them to understand that the sixth line doesn't want to get hurt. But that's kind of how the third line operates. The third line operates through trial and error. So there's a tension there that exists. And three, six children, they're often labeled as failures. They often make a lot of, they make and break a lot of bongs early in life, and they often carry those wounds into adulthood. They often experience a lot of shame and a
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode the 3/5 profile in human design known as the martyr heretic. This is profile that is here to experiment, disrupt and embody the wisdom of their trial and error as they show other a new way to do things when all else has failed.  This is one of the projected profiles and the 3/5 needs to be mindful of answering the correct projections or they will end up bruised and "burned at the stake." .These are people who oscilate between acceptance and rejection, bonds made and bonds broken, and attractive and unattractive.  It is key for people with this profile to get clear on what their values are so that they can know what is worth while for them to be seen for. Let's dive into the 3/5 profile in human design If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.    ********** Podcast Transcription Below ********************   Speaker 1 (00:02): The three five profile, the martyr, heretic in traditional human design or as I like to say, the experimenter disruptor. You are a visionary here to change the way we see the world. You are a well of knowledge and you acquire this knowledge through your experimentations. You are curious, resilient, and have a deep capacity to thrive. You bring a new lens with which we can see the world when you were called upon a gift to humanity, to bring ease into the lives of others, a better way to do things. You are influential, a leader here before your time, but your time will come and you will answer the call and you'll be seen in all of your power as you disrupt the way things have always been done in order to bring some new, something better to the lives of those around you. All right, let's dive into the three five profile. (01:04): So as you may or not may or may not know, I am a three five profile and I have many wonderful three fives in my life currently. And these are people who are here to dance through life bumping into things. They take the long road. And the reality is the third line is the transition between the lower hexagram and the upper hexagram. It's known as the stairs. And this is really where we make material in the world. The third line doesn't need others in order to fill, fulfill its destiny. While the fifth line, the disruptor is recognized as someone who is here with the capacity to help. The fifth line needs other people in order to fulfill their destiny. So when these two lines come together to make a profile, they're fearless, they're resilient, they change the way that things have always been done in order to pave a new way, something innovative, creative, influential. (02:02): And the three five dances through life with trial and error experimentation. They take the long road and they use their power. This comes from the fifth line magnetism in attractiveness air quotes, because fifth lines don't always feel that way for the greater good. And so when we look at this, this is kind of the transition point. The third line transitions between the lower first floor and the second floor. And these are people who are here to experiment in the world and they go through a lot of trial and error. And this can lead them to really feeling like a quote failure. Their experimentation process is not part of their identity, it's just simply how they move throughout the world. And that was one of the biggest aha moments for me when I learned about being a three five, because I was carrying a lot of guilt Speaker 2 (02:58): And shame. And for me, learning that I moved through the world with trial and error was a very helpful thing. It allowed me to create this little bit of separation between all of the bumps and bruises and failed experiments and things that I had tried and hadn't hadn't worked out. And the reality is that's true for all third lines. They're here to take the long road, the unpaved road, and they do that so that they can gain wisdom for the people in their lives. And so they bump into things, they learn something new, and then they improve the world around them. And I always like to say it's not a matter of if a third line is going to get tackled when they go out into the world, it's just a matter of when. And then we have the fifth line. And the fifth line is that attic. (03:49): And that's really the fifth line is really the highest universalizing power in terms of all of the lines in human design. And these are people who other people project their hopes and dreams and expectations on them. People love to just sit bask in the aura of a fifth line and particularly a three five because that is the highest expression of the lower trigrams. And so that fifth line when aligned is magnetic and selfless and attractive and influential when they answer the correct projections. And so when we bring these two profiles together, they're harmonic. But there's a lot of dichotomy that exists because the third line bumps into things and can be labeled a failure and can be projected on as a failure. And then that fifth line, people don't always get to see the true person. So these are people who can be pessimistic about life and the fact that other people put their stuff onto them all the time. (04:53): And the reality is they are here to get into the ring of life. They are here to experience through trial and error, and they're here to get onto the playing field of life. But the reality is these are people who have a lot of depth and a lot of wisdom from experience. They can see faster than the other profiles what's going to work. And they also have this theme of bonds made in brokens. So they may need to renegotiate their relationships a lot. And there's really this idea of, are you with me as a three five? Because what they're here to disrupt is not for everyone, right? Because these are resilient people. They challenge the status quo, they disrupt and they see a better way to do things, and they really bring discipline to chaos. But not everyone sees them for who they are. And as a result, they often have this deep capacity to really be able to handle whatever life throws at them, both the good and the bad. (06:01): And they sort through those things and they often can kind of pull out some learning and they bring new light and they bring new wisdom to a new way of doing things. And the reality is they universalize something, right? They're here to universalize something. They're here to bring something together in a new way when every other way has failed. So their message as a three five is not everyone's ready to hear that message. And that's really important. We're understanding your strategy and authority and honoring that as a three five becomes really in important. It becomes really critical because these are people, they're adaptable, they're fluid, they're bendable, they're resilient, and they thrive in chaos. And they see a different way to do things, which is often better, but they have to be kind of called or invited to bring that practicality to the table. Otherwise they will get burned at the stake. (06:51): And these are people with their innovative way of innovative ways of doing things. They often have profound discoveries. They have massive growth, they create great change in the world, but they have to be really careful about who and when they share it because their ideas can seem really radical to other people, and they have to be called in when other things have failed. I look at my own business and I think about my life pre-human design and my agency, and I would share these things. And in hindsight, I could see that people weren't ready to receive those ideas. And now with human design, I wait, right? I will wait for that invitation. But I really like over and over again, I'm coming in on a daily basis these days for people who are tired of doing business in a homogenized way, who are tired of the one size fits all approach to building an online business. (07:53): And they really want to kind of revolutionize the way that things are done. Those are the people that are ready to hear my message. But if there's somebody who's like, I'm happy in my X, Y, Z way of doing things, I'm happy in my pressure launch way of doing things, they're not going to be ready to hear my message. And therefore what will happen is they'll often burn me at the stake because they're not ready to hear that. And the reality is, as a three five, it's really important to get very clear on what your values are. What are you willing to be burned at the stake for? Because with this profile, you are going to bu you're going to get bump into things. So it's not a matter of if you quote, get burned at the stake, and that's Ros language. Think of that as your reputation is going to get bruised, particularly in the business world. (08:41): But you're fearless, right? You're here to do things in a new way. So you have to go through these cycles of experimentations and failures and disappointments so that you can step into your role as a visionary and really help people do extraordinary things. Like you shine a light on new things. You bring new values and possibilities and beliefs, and you're often very generous and selfless and determined. But it's not a matter of if you're going to get tackled by life, life is going to tackle you. And oftentimes you're going to dust yourself up and keep going. You have this grittiness about you. You have this resilience, resilience and this capacity to endure and explore and learn and discover. But the reality is you will eventually get burned at the stakes. So establishing core values for you is a really important thing for those who are 3, 5, 3 fives. (09:34): Because this can help them discern like, is this the right person for me? Is this the right person to have in my life? Is this the right person to support in my business? Because they're clear on
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for business I continue the deep dive int othe 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode is focused on the 2/5 profile in human design known as the hermit heretic. This is profile that loves spending time alone but are here to universalize a practice solution for everyone when the time is corrrect. These 2/5 profile individuals are deeply creative, excellent at marketing, and can transform the world with their genius and practicality.   These are people who oscilate between nourisngment and depelestion and attractive and unattractive and tehese can be used as giulde posts to help them align to who they are in conjunction with their strategy and authority. Join me as we break down the traits, strengths, and challenges of the 2/5 double projected profile in human design.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explroe the HD Wild Program.    ************ Podcast Transcription Below ***************** Speaker 1 (00:03): The two five profile, the hermit heretic, or as I like to say, the introvert disruptor. You are called to change the world, nourish your gifts in the quiet of your sanctuary while listening to the calls of the universe around you'll be called in divine time to change the world, to disrupt the old ways and create a path for the new nourish Your talents, nourish your soul, nourish your being. Your time to give will come be patient. This nourishment will fuel your impact when you are called to care for the other, to universalize, to create change, to embody. Your time is coming. You are here to change the world. All right, so let's dive into the two five profile. And these are people who, it's important to understand that the two and the five of this profile are in harmony with one another. The two needs alone, time and a place that feels really good in order for them to do what they love. (01:21): And it's really during this alone time where they're honing their innate gifts, where they're waiting to be called out by other people. And then the fifth line is here to come in and save the day when all other traditional ways of doing things have failed. The five comes in and universalizes and transforms. And it's important to understand that both of these lines exist in the projection field. So if you were a two five, understanding your strategy and authority, authority and honoring that is really important because otherwise you'll get burned at the stake. And so the fifth line here is called in to save the day and universalize. But if they say yes to the incorrect projections or they aren't really clear in their communication about what they're going to save the day on, ultimately they end up in a place where they, Ross says, burned at the stake. (02:26): But in modern day times, this is where your reputation is going to be impacted. This is where, you know, can become an outcast potentially. And so the reality is the combination with these two is that the two is going to need that time to hone their gifts and talents, even if there is pressure from the projection field to come in and save the day. And these are people who often can and will feel unfulfilled and threatened if they answer the wrong call or they step into the projection field at the wrong time. So balance is a really important thing. And these are people with a very special energy. We can feel that the two five can help us. And ultimately that's sort of the plight of the projection field of their profile. Like others are like, Ooh, I can feel this person can help me. (03:28): And the reality is the two five is here to do incredibly special things. They're here to transform the world with their genius to bring practicality to the other. But this comes only after they've had time in their introvert mode, in their sanctuary. And when the call for what they can save the day is correct for them based on their strategy and authority. And the reality is these are people who can, when aligned, make a very large, extraordinary and far reaching impact. They break norms. They do things in their own way. They bring hope to a world that a new dawn is possible. And the reality is they observe, they bring practicality. And that's really important for them. Two fives bring a lot of p practicality. They're passionate, they're fierce, and they're not afraid to lead when the call is correct. And the reality is these are people who are good at handling pressure. (04:33): These people do well under pressure, and there's sort of this air of mystery around them. If you think about the two is on the first floor of the house, if we use the metaphor of the house when we are thinking about the hexagram, but the fifth line's up in the attic, it's mysterious. But people can energetically feel how any fifth line, not just the two five, but any fifth line can help them. That's why everybody always wants to kind of bask in the aura of a fifth line. And they project this onto the fifth line. And fifth lines are often never truly seen. So when this profile, the two, five steps into a room, people are magnetized to it because it can save them in times of need. And these are people who often attract a following or a loyal group of people as a result of that. (05:30): And of course, it's important to understand these are people who are naturally withdrawn due to the fact that they're always projected on. And so they can feel really unsure of other people. Is this loyalty? Is this trust? Does this person actually see me? And that can often lead to them energetically feeling kind of uncomfortable around other people, and therefore they may stay safe and not honor their strategy and authority even though they're being called to do certain things. But that clarity in terms of what you're willing to save the day on becomes really important. And it's not uncommon for people who have this profile to actually receive more invitations if they're more withdrawn. And these are people who are deeply creative. They often excel at marketing. They handle pressure well. They can really amplify their natural gifts when they study. And the reality is they'll get many chances in life to handle the protection field. (06:41): And so they kind of bounce from being called in the two to calling others in the five as they go about establishing this practical solution in the world. And it's really, it's quite magical. The thing is here though, the challenges of the two five is that they are part lower trigram and part upper trigram. And at times they can neglect their own needs in order to serve others. And the two doesn't necessarily need other people to fulfill their destiny while the five does. So this often creates a tension in their being, even though there is harmony in their profile. So they also live in the projection field. They also handle pressure really well. So they can get tired from handling pressure all the time. And because they live in the projection field, they may often get ridiculed or people might not actually see them for who they are. (07:45): They see the two five for what they want from them, not for who they are. And from a very early age, this profile needs to establish boundaries and not be forced into doing things that they don't want to do. When they're forced to do things, they're often knocked out of alignment. And it can take a great deal of time for these people to get back to who they are. And as a child, the two five is often, they're often labeled. They often kind of get a reputation. You're a reputation, you have a reputation for being a blank kid, whatever that is. And it's often because they have just one day, but it kind of stays with them. It follows them around for a while. And this often that wound is often carried into adulthood, which keeps the two five out of alignment. And as a result of the fact that they are projected on by a very early age, they often grow up too fast or they're expected to be further along or they aren't really seen. (08:43): They get a lot of responsibility put onto them. And oftentimes this leads to rebellion, the unhealthy kind in adulthood because they're expected toll and told to do something, and they really just don't feel respected or honored for who they are. And this kind of leads them to have a lot of unease in the world and can lead them to feel incredibly uncomfortable. And this often results in sort of like this hoarding that happens, this selfishness that can happen with that fifth line. And the reality is this is often a great way we can use that as a compass. So if the two, they move from this place of depletion and nourishment and back again, and the fifth line moves from this selflessness to this selfishness or this, I don't feel attractiveness to this attractiveness, we can almost use that as a compass in order to guide us as a two five. (09:54): We can use that as a go a compass to say, oh, I might be out of alignment here. And the reality is, as a two five, these are people who are here to step in when everything else is failed. And the two five is incredibly good at handling pressure, and they're good at handling pressure. I know I've mentioned this a couple of times, but they handle pressure well because of the fact that they've been projected on their whole life. And so it's sort of this double-edged sword. It can be really a challenge, the fact that they've been projected on their whole life. But in the real world, I often see these are people who are like event planners. They are people who are under constant pressure and can manage that pressure well because of the fact that they have been dealing with it their whole lives. (10:47): They really know how to manage it. Probably better than many of the other profiles because it's a double projection field that they live in. And you might be thinking, oh, well, the five two must be the same way. It's not. The two five really handles pressure in a way that many of th
On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode the 2/4 profile in human design known as the hermit opportunist. This is profile that loves spending time alone in an envirornement that nourishes them. The 2/4 is naturally talented but can't explain their process. This is one of the projected profiles and the 2/4 need others to recognize them for their talents in order to get clear on what they are good at while honoring their strategy and authority. .These are people who oscilate between nourishement and depletion and these themes are a key for the 2/4 to discern when they are aligned. They are here to step out into the world and transform others.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program.  ************* Podcast Transcription Below *********************** The two four profile known as the hermit opportunist in traditional human design, or as I like to say, the introvert Mayor, you are a gift to the world with your innate talents here to make an impact and transform the world. You balance your yearning to be alone with your desire to thrive in community. You are a powerful, vibrant force to be reckoned with. Once you answer the call of the other, [00:00:30] you are here to simply be no explaining, just be it is in this being, this transformation, this stepping into your power. You impact others simply by allowing them to watch you do things in your own way and on your own terms. You are a gift to the world. Okay, so let's dive into the two four. I have the privilege and honor [00:01:00] of raising a two four son, and let me just tell you, it is a delight. Speaker 1:        So when we come to the two four profile, these are people who are going to oscillate between introvert and extrovert, okay? They are people who I always like to say almost live in their own little forced bubble. If you're familiar with Star Wars, I think of it as they have a forced bubble around them and they just like to be in their own [00:01:30] little bubble. They're happy to just be in their house and do their own thing, and that's there too. And then this four comes along, and the four is this place where it wants to influence. It needs a network. And so there's sort of this tension that exists in this profile of, I'm going to go be alone. I'm going to do my own thing, or I am going to go be with the people. And the reality is two fours are very naturally talented. They just [00:02:00] sort of know things and they often can't explain how they learned it or where it came from. And it just, they know how to do it is really, these are the people who in school never study for a test and still get straight. And I see this in my own son. He's six and we homeschool and I haven't pressured, pressured, pressured in order to read and write. And then all of a sudden the other day [00:02:30] he's reading a book to me and I'm like, where did you learn how to do that? I know we've been doing letters and stuff, but it's just so different than my other son. That's a one three. These are people, they're naturally talented that they're just good at that stuff. But the two is what known as a projected profile. And the two is sort of the first floor in the hexagram House, if you're familiar [00:03:00] with that metaphor. And so people can see in and see what that two is doing. And these are people who need other people to help them recognize what they're really talented at about. And that's really where strategy and authority comes in a lot for the two, four. And they're here to impact people on a really personal level. They're here to help other people transform. And again, with that fourth line, that fourth line, that network is critical success. And these are people who need [00:03:30] to balance that time with people time alone. And it's not optimal for these people to have to explain, well, I did this step and this step and this step and this step. They're not going to be able to explain their process. They're like, I just did this thing. They're also pretty democratic. They don't like to rock the boat. And their confidence in their security comes over time through people recognizing them for their gifts. And [00:04:00] the themes here that I think is important to notice is that second line, it moves from sort of depletion, depletion to nourishment and then back again. And then it also is like, I'm shy, withdrawn, I'm bold. I'm going to advance. And then on the fourth line side, it's like I'm dependent. You're not a confidant or you're a benefactor and you're a confidant. So those are the themes that we have here [00:04:30] with this two for profile. The reality is when we have a two for, these are people who need other people in order to help them figure out what they're good at. Because one, they take their gifts for granted. But the reality is when someone recognizes a second line for their gifts and with their own strategy and authority, they determine this is the right thing for me to go and [00:05:00] do.  Magic happens. And so it's important to understand that these are people who are going to, they call 'em away in traditional human design, but these are people who will just sit and be in their own process for long periods of time. And then someone will, I always like to joke, they meddle with that second line. They come in and they meddle. I'm like, oh, you're so good at blah, blah, blah. Can you come help me do x? And the two's like, I guess. So I don't [00:05:30] see what the big deal is because they're just in their own process. That's just how they operate. And so it's important to understand that the two's, it's almost aloof. It's not going to see what the big deal is about the thing you're asking them to do. And these is a profile that exists in dichotomy. They thrive in alone time as a two.    Their environment is [00:06:00] so key to them. If they don't feel good in their environment, if their environment is depleting them, they won't be able to recharge and get to that place of nourishment. And that's a really important theme to remember for the two four profile. Notice when you are feeling depleted as a two four, and notice where you're feeling nourished because those two things sort of need to dance together in order for you to be aligned to your design. [00:06:30] Because it's important to understand that this is someone who is naturally talented. They aren't necessarily going to need schooling in the traditional sense of the wor word. And that's not to say studying and tweaking and honing their skills isn't going to benefit them, but they're going to need other people to recognize them and then honor their strategy and authority to discern which tools they want to dig deeper into or which niches they want to dig deeper.  [00:07:00] Because traditional studying or digging deeper into a topic is only going to amplify their, they're already sort of talented self. But the reality is like SEC two, four people, second lines in general, two, four people are not easily motivated. They are not necessarily motivated in the traditional sense in the world. And I have experienced this over and over in my six years of being a two four [00:07:30] mom with my son, all those things that you typically do to potty train or to whatever, don't work with my two four child. He had to come to the conclusion one day like, Hey, I want to be potty trained. So that's really how this two four works. And the reality is these are people who are not going to be able to see their own gifts. They need other people [00:08:00] to recognize that. And they often will take their gifts for granted, this comes easy to me, it's no big deal.   But they're also just happy to stay in their sphere and they're happy to wait and just exist. And then somebody comes in as I always like to say, metals in their forest bubble and then pulls them out. I think it's important to note that these are people who [00:08:30] are often called out by friends, and the two is a projected profile. And that call or that recognition often comes from a friendship, somebody that they're friends with because they feel that two four will feel safe to step out into the world. They'll feel safe to share their talents with other people, because otherwise they wouldn't.  And the reality is that two four is here to share their knowledge. They're here to influence others, but they're not [00:09:00] here to stay out with people all the time because they will become depleted and then they will become dependent on other people. And so it's really important for two fours to pay attention to the places where they might be overly dependent on people or where they might begin to feel depleted and where they feel nourish. And the reality is the two just wants to be left alone to do their own thing. They don't necessarily [00:09:30] want to go out and be with the people. They don't want to go out and have to explain their process. And the reality is they're not really here to explain their process. And I often get asked a lot, well, what does that look like in business? And when we think I think about a two foreign in business, I always think of it as the person who goes on stage and talks about their story and their experiences. And as a result of sharing that story, there's so many lessons [00:10:00] that the people in the audience, and then they walk off stage and they're like, I don't see what the big deal was. And everyone's like, wow, that was so amazing, yada, yada, yada. Alternatively, this is, I think of the two four, a lot of Twitch streaming. Let me watch this person do this thing, whether that's Twitch streaming or let me watch, watch me build a funnel. Watch me build a website. That is very much how the two four works. It's like, witness me doing [00:10:30] this thing. Don't make me explain it. Witness me doing this thing. And then the transfor
On this episode of HD Your Biz - Human Design for Business I am continueing with the profile series. Today I dive into the 1/4 profile in human design known as the investigator opportunist.  The 1/4 profile in human design is characterized by a person who desires balance between introspection and connection with others. They are individuals who seek knowledge and introspection, but also value community and collaboration. The 1/4 profile is comprised of two lines - the first line focuses on safety, security, and gaining knowledge, while the fourth line is about community and influence. The profile is referred to as the 1/4and is said to be positioned to impact others on a personal level, yet the 1/4 is dependant upon their network for their success. It is essential for them to spend time researching and possess a secure foundation while at the same time sharing their knowledge with their community to be successful.The individuals with a 1/4 profile are methodical and don't change quickly. It is critical that they feel accepted for who they are and also have a clear understanding of their target audience to succeed in their endeavours. Let's dive deeper into the 1/4 profile in human design.    ************ Full transcription below ******************   The one four profile in traditional human design. This is known as the investigator opportunist, or as I like to say, the researcher Mayor, your inner thirst in curiosity for knowledge uniquely positions you as an expert who can impact the lives of those who are in your community. You are here to discover and share that knowledge with those around you. Honor your desire for self-discovery [00:00:30] and research and balance it with your yearning to share that knowledge with the world around you. Cultivating a thriving community that allows you to share this knowledge with them. It's important your network determines your success in order for you to live your highest expression. A sense of security, a foundation, and a cultivated community is key. All right, so let's dive into [00:01:00] the one for researcher mayor profile. So these are people who are sort of inwardly focused. They have a process that requires them to go within, and that is just the nature of the first line. And the reality is these are people who their profiles are sort of intention with themselves in some ways because that first line, it wants to [00:01:30] kind of herm it away, it wants to research, it wants to investigate. And then that fourth line, it wants to be with people. It needs alone time, but it also wants to be with people. This is a profile that is what we would call resonant in human design because the first line is the foundation of the lower trigram, and the fourth line is the foundation of the upper trigram. And I know that's very human designee speak, but [00:02:00] just note these two lines are here to establish a foundation. Both of them are, and they're just doing it in different ways. The first line is really the foundation of safety and security. And the fourth line is really this foundation of community. And so there are these themes here that has this connection with others influence, safety and security, [00:02:30] and really the one force here to impact people on a personal level. But the reality is that as a one four, these are people who yearn to share the knowledge that they have with other people. They yearn to influence other people, but the reality is their success is indirect correlation to their network. So the themes here we have is this moving from  Weakness, [00:03:00] not safe to safe, strong or confident in the first line. And then in the fourth line, it's like this dependent, moving from this place of dependent on other people to being a benefactor for other people. You are a confidant of mine or you are not. And so when these two come together, that first line moves through the world [00:03:30] in a way where it investigates and it researches and it wants to gain knowledge and it needs to gain that knowledge in order to feel secure and confident and an expert. And then we've got the fourth line, which is the first of the upper trigram that trans person aligns. These are people who sort of move methodically and deliberately through the world. The fourth line, really, I like to call this the mayor, [00:04:00] the fourth line mayor just wants to do its thing. It doesn't want to be in limbo.  It doesn't want a lot of disruption. It wants people to accept them for who they are. Fourth line's really like they'll often secure a new job or a new relationship or a new house or a new project before they've left the first one. And these are people who just want to be accepted as they are. They don't want to be changed, but the success of their network [00:04:30] in the success of their lives is really dependent upon their network. So when we bring these two profiles together or two lines together, these are people whose secure foundation is of the utmost important. Neither one of these lines do well when there isn't a foundation in place. These are not people who adapt to change quickly. You throw a three five out into [00:05:00] the playing field in business, they're going to be quick to adapt. Those are going to be the people that are jumping on the trends or just like, Hey, something goes wrong.  Let me pivot, let me change, let me adjust. When you have a one four here, these are not people who move quickly. I kind of think of anytime there's a four, four and a profile. It's almost like trying to turn a cruise ship or a tanker ship. They need to have lots of information. They have to have proof that [00:05:30] this is the right thing. And so the reality is when this profile comes together, these lines are in harmony with each other. But this profile is one that really has to balance their introspection, their investigative researching process in their first line with connection in their fourth [00:06:00] line, because the one four is uniquely positioned to have a big impact on the world. And they really have this desire to gain knowledge in order to share it with other people. But they aren't necessarily here to create something entirely new either.  When we were speaking of the one three, the one three is like they're moving research forward. The one four is not doing this. It's like, let me gain this knowledge so I can influence people. And that is a very important distinction to understand that when you have that [00:06:30] one four, that's what's happening here. So these are people who have to learn to balance alone time and time in introspection and time in their process, researching and acquiring knowledge. And then they also have to have time in their community because the way in which the fourth line influences is through listening and understanding the needs of their community. And so these are people who need to find that [00:07:00] balance. And the one four has to understand that it's not going to get its creativity in community, but it will find it in its alone time. So these are people who may in fact spend lots of time in solitude that can be deeply healing to them.  And as a result, when they do that, they often will bring a lot of richness to the lives of the people around them. The challenges with this profile are that they can spend [00:07:30] a great deal of time, sometimes more than necessary gaining knowledge before they share it with their network. And the reality is for them to be successful, they need to share that knowledge with their network, they need to influence their network. And the other pieces here is if they spent too much time sort of in solitude in their research mode, they won't have a network to actually influence right there. There's no one there to share the knowledge with. And so there's [00:08:00] this balance here for them where they have to really find that. The other pieces here is when you have a fourth line, these are people who just want to be accepted as they are. They don't like resistance. They move very methodically through the world. So they make a plan and they stick with it. And so it's important for those in a one fours life or any fourth item in particular, but particularly in a one four that they're going to make [00:08:30] a plan and they're going to stick with it. And so sharing this, particularly as an entrepreneur with your team and the people in your life becomes really important, becomes really important. So when we think about the challenges here is these are people who also want to be told the truth. These are people just want you to tell it like it is, even if it's not necessarily [00:09:00] positive. And the reality is fourth lines are very accepting of people. So one, for children as an example, they really yearn to be accepted as they are. They don't do well and can often be pretty wounded when they've had a parent that's been very critical or tried to change them or didn't accept them for who they are. And that really, I see it in adulthood, right? Because everyone that [00:09:30] I work with is an adult, but oftentimes in a one four adult, it leads to this place where they are having a hard time feeling confident, right? Because they didn't have that support that they needed as a child. And so these are people. The one four s are people who see the good in people, they accept people as they are, and they expect the same in return. And it's important to understand that these are also people who are deeply fixed. [00:10:00] These are people who have a strong belief system. They know what they believe, and it's really hard to get them to change their mind.  This can work for and against them, particularly in business. It can become a blind spot because there is a certain lack of awareness. I guess I hate that. I hate to even say that. That's not really the right word. But because of the fact that they are so fixed, they might not [00:10:30] see things from somebody else's point of view, or they
In this episode, I dive deep into the human design profile of the One Three investigator martyr or as I like to researcher experimenter. Those with a 1/3 profile in human design are individuals who are constantly seeking to acquire knowledge and then move that knowledge forward through experimentation. The 1/3 profile in human design may struggle with feelings of insecurity or impostor syndrome, as they balance their desire for research with their need for experiementation. In this episode I  explore the many facets of the 1/3 profile, from the importance of uninterrupted alone time to the significance of timing. 1/3 Investigator Matyrs in Human Design are individuals who love to spend their time in researching.Throughout the episode, I will share the challenges and strengths of the 1/3 profile in humand from the oscillation of back-and-forth research and experimentation to the importance of building a strong foundation to feel safe and confident. We also discuss how children and adults alike can benefit from this balance, learning from failures and experimenting with new ideas to cultivate a deeper understanding of their expertise. Overall, this episode offers a thought-provoking look into the world of the 1/3 profile in human design profile, exploring the themes of weakness to strength, bonds broken and made, and the pursuit of expertise and excellence in one's expertise. If you would like to learn more about working with me and diving deeper into human design discover HD Wild - Become a Human Design Expert ******* Full Episdoe Transcription ******* Hello, hello, hello and welcome. I am so excited today to speak with you about the one three Profile and Human Design in traditional human design. This is known as the investigator Martyr, or in my world I like to call this the researcher, experimenter, your inner thirst for knowledge and discovery through experimentation and exploration ignites evolution to the foundation that the human experience is built upon. Honor your yearning for knowledge and balance that yearning by getting your hands into your explorations. You are here to move your research forward and discover something new. You oscillate back and forth between research and experiments. The power of your research and experimentation is here to change the game in order for you to live your highest expression, balance your yearning [00:01:00] to research with your desire to experiment and experience. So let's dive into the one three. So I have a lot of one threes in my world and I always feel really honored about that because this profile, the one and the three, is in the lower hexagram. So that means it's a personal profile. It doesn't necessarily need anybody else but one. Threes really have  this thirst for knowledge. And so they'll work with people because they believe that they can learn from them. And one three s are really here to become experts. They're here to have sort of this a niche expertise. These are not typically people who are jack of all trades. They're people with a very specific niche set of knowledge that they've really worked hard to  develop. And I say worked hard in air quotes. It's they've spent a lot of time researching and they've spent a lot of time experimenting. But it's important to understand that for a one three, to actually step in to alignment with their profile, they first and foremost really have to have their basic needs met. They met. They have to feel sort of secure. They have to feel safe. And I always think of this sort of as the Maslow's hierarchy of Needs. A one three has to have those first two levels of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs met in order for them to step into a place where they feel safe to actually go and research and investigate and do their thing. And once they go and they eat, eat, eat, eat, eat all this knowledge, they will then move into this place where they take that knowledge and they go and they experiment with it, and they kind of oscillate back and forth. So they take this knowledge and they go and they say, okay, let's go experiment with this. Let's go see if we can kind of push this knowledge forward. And it's important to understand that for a 13, they move from this place where they sort of feel weak or not confident around the information that they have. And there's always a little bit of this on ease until they move into this position of strength. So the themes here are not safe and safeweakness to strength for that first line. And then for that third line, it's like bonds, broken bonds made rejection allegiance. But the thing to remember that as a one three, these are people who have an inwardly focused process. They don't necessarily need other people in order to live out their life. Their focus mostly on themselves, their focus mostly on their process. And I always like to say a one three in particular is like, I'd always rather have too much information than not enough. And the reality is once these people have a sense of security, they are self providers, they are independent, and they are absolutely empathetic and they always sort of try to be creative. They always aspire to be creative. And the reality is they're open to learning from others and they'll seek others to learn from so that they can move into this position of authority. Because that's really what the one three strives to do. The one three wants to move into this position of I'm the authority, I'm the expert in this space because they're really here to establish a foundation or I always like to say they're sort of here to establish the industry standard for what is expected. I always think of it, here's a really detailed foundation that is probably a some sort of one line profile, but particularly a one three that has tested it and tried it. And the reality is when we have the one, the researcher, and the three, the experimenter, when those two lines come together to create the profile, the one is on that mind side and the mind makes sense of the world through investigation, through acquisition of knowledge.  And then the researcher, that researcher, that investigator needs that foundation in order for them to feel secure, in order for them to feel confident, in order for them to move into this expertise or this expert role where they can actually build that foundation. While the third line in the body side and the subconscious side, this is the experimenter. They want to go out and get into the world and experience all that life has to offer. And they really want to kind of learn by fire. They want to get their hands into things. My one three manifestor son, he is always like, I can't wait to get my hands in this. I just can't wait to get my hands dirty. And inevitably in true third line fashion, he always bumps into something or somebody bumps into him.But the reality is this profile is here to do both research and experimentation.   I always think of this as this scientist. The scientist has done all their research, they've done all their homework, they have all this knowledge, and then they move into the lab to test this knowledge to see if it's true. They do some experiments and then they go back to that baseline of knowledge. And then they discern, is this knowledge legitimate? These are people  who are constantly trying to poke holes in things. They are trying to make sure that there is this sense of security and a solid foundation because it is only when that foundation, that solid foundation is developed, can the one three truly step into their expertise. And the challenge that's really over always ever present for a one three is like, do I have enough information? Because I see a lot of one three s, they, I need more and more and more and more information. And the reality is that yes, you probably do need more information and you might need to move into experimentation. I always ask my one three, this is a question, how do you know when you will have acquired enough information, right? Because the reality is the one that first line in this profile will always want more information, but that third line will always want to jump into things. And so there's definitely this balance here that you have to strike when you have this one three profile. And the reality is confidence and strength comes over time for you as a one three, as you sort to start to feel security and safety and you start [00:08:30] to see yourself as the expert, as you gain more knowledge, as you gain more repetitions. I think of this in the coaching world, a lot of one threes will always stay in this place of, I got to read another book, I got to take another course. But they don't ever actually go work with clients and apply the thing. They're just like, I need more textbook knowledge and I'm not dismissing textbook knowledge. And also at some point, this third line has to actually [00:09:00] move into experimentation in order to actually integrate that knowledge. And the reality is the one three has this deep desire to move the world forward, to move, to create a better foundation for the world. And this profile exists to establish whether or not the foundation is valid or not. Whether the hypos hypothesis is true, and [00:09:30] this is not. The people said it and forget it. These are people who are in this constant evolution and they may feel like their work is never complete because they study, they study, they study, they experiment. They're like, okay, well this is true. This is not true. This is not true. Let me go back and add to this research, right, challenges with this profile because they're almost intention with one another. The ones I just want to sit and read a book, and the three is like, let me go belly flop into the pool. And so there can be a lot of insecurity and imposter syndrome that comes with this. And the reality is the one three needs uninterrupted alone time so that they can move from this position of weakness into this position of strength and so that they
On today's episode I am diving into what profiles are in human design in preperation for a 12 episodes series diving into each of the different profiles. In human design profiles give live to the personality you bring to the table and the way you move about the world. There are 6 different lines that make up the two profiles. The two lines are come from the last number at the top of your chart on the right side aka the mind and the left hand side aka the body.  In this episode I dive into an overview of the profile, the hexagram and the themes of the 6 lines that make up the 12 profiles in human design.  If you would like to learn more about working with me and diving deeper into human design discover HD Wild - Become a Human Design Expert ********** Introduction to Profiles in Human Design Transcription***************** Hello, hello, hello and welcome. I am so excited to talk to you today about an overview of the profile in human design. The profile is where we kind of figure out the personality that we bring to the table. It's sort of the way with which we move about life and interact with other people. And I always like to say, I like to use the metaphor of a lighthouse. The profile is really sort of the outside of what our lighthouse looks like. So whether we have a modern lighthouse or an old school lighthouse or one that's red or white or green or purple or whatever color, that's the profile in human design, it's sort of the exterior of what our lighthouse looks like. The profile is made up of [00:01:00] one of six different lines that have sort of two positions. So if you look at your human design chart on the right hand side of the chart, in that very top little box with the picture of a sun, there'll be a number between one and 64 and then adopt, and then a number one through six that comes after it.   On the right hand side, that is what is known as the mind side or [00:01:30] the personality side or the conscious side, and that is the first number in our profile. That is how our mind is designed to operate. It is often a place where we are very conscious of the fact that this is how we operate. And there are six different lines. The lines that are next to that number of 1 61 through 64 are part of what is known [00:02:00] as the hexagram, and I will talk more about that in a second. So the right side, that's what we're talking about here, the right side, the number after the dot, okay, that is the first number in your profile. Then on the left side of your chart, on the exact opposite side, there'll be a sun with a number one through 64, and then a dot, and then another number one through [00:02:30] six.  That is where the second number in your profile is derived from this side. The left hand side is your subconscious side. It's your body side. It is how you'll often hear it talked about as your design side. This is subconsciously how you operate. This is the second number in your profile and those numbers that you see after the dot, [00:03:00] right? So the first set of numbers, the one through 64, that's the 64 different gates in human design. Then there'll be a dot, and then there'll be the line level and the two line levels on the right hand side and the left hand side come together to make your profile. And so when we put these together, the lines in human design originate from the hexagram, [00:03:30] which is part of the eing, which is a very, it's an eastern system. It's been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. And so there are six lines inside of the hexagram, and when there are six lines that make up 12 profiles. So when we think about this, there's often this metaphor of a house that is used to describe the llines. So the first three line one, the investigator line two, the hermit line three, the modern, those are part of the lower trigram. People will often talk about the first line in human design as the foundation of the house. They'll talk about this, and the first line really is introspection, chameleon empathy. Then you have the second line. This is usually [00:04:30] the first floor in the house. This is sort of the window on the first floor. It exists in the projection field. The themes here with the second line hermit are the natural projection Democrat. Then you have the third line, which is really the transition. If we continue with that house metaphor between the first floor and the second floor, it's the stairs. The line three in traditional human design is known as the martyr. There's a lot of trial and error here. There's a lot of mutation. There's adaption. This is really we where we make material in the world. Then you have the fourth line. This is the foundation of the second floor or the second floor in general. The fourth line is known as the opportunist. This is where we externalize. These are people who are friendly. They also might, may be an abator, right? But the fourth line is that foundation on the second floor, and that starts to get into what is known as the upper trigram, right? The lower Trigram lines one, two, and three. [00:05:30] These are personal lines. These people have a personal destiny. They don't necessarily need others in order to fulfill their destiny, whereas the upper trigram, or what is known as the transpersonal destiny, which is requiring other people in order to fulfill their destiny. That fourth line opportunist, that's the foundation of the second floor. Then we have the fifth line heretic, which is people who are here to universalize and projection. This is [00:06:00] also known as the general, the fifth line heretic. If we stick with the house metaphor as sort of the window on the second floor or the attic, and again, it lives in that projection field. It's this sort of an air of mystery about it in the Hackster Graham, the fifth line is sort of the highest ability to be a human. This is the highest consciousness that a human can have. And then we have the sixth line. This really sits on top of the house. This is the roof. A lot of people you'll hear, the sixth line is like the roof metaphor, and the sixth line is known as the role model. These are the people who, the themes here are administrator, optimist, peacemaker, and they really see things with a different perspective. And that sixth line, it's like it sits on top of the house, and this is how we make the profile. This is what makes the profiles come together. So it's important to understand that there's certain lines that have synergy with them more than others. So the one and the four are synergistic. The two and the five are synergistic, and the three and the six are synergistic. And line one will have tension with five and six. Line two will have tension with four and six, line three will have tension with four and five. So there's this dichotomy that might exist in your profile. And so  just want to name that because some of you have lower, like part of your profile, the line, the first line or the second line maybe may have a personal destiny, whereas the second part of your profile might have a transpersonal destiny.  So those are things that you're constantly always having to dance with. You're having to work with that. And so it's important to understand where that line is. Is it [00:08:00] on my mind's side, or is it on my body side? And people that are new to human design, they don't always resonate with the body part of their profile. They don't always resonate with the body part of their design because it is intended to be more subconscious. And oftentimes what happens is when I start to get into this stuff with folks, they will start to have these aha moments where they're like, oh, yeah,now that you say that, that makes sense. Because that body side isn't something that we're always super conscious of. And I always like to look to my children to really see how wonderfully the mind and the body work together. Because for me, the parts don't exist without, the whole way in which I look at. Human design fundamentally is from this place Of the fact that you know, can't have the mind side if you don't have the body side. And all of these pieces make up the whole of the profile of a human. And a lot of times you hear people look at this placement that gives you all the answers to X. It can, and also all the parts don't exist without the whole. And Rod talks about that a lot in his lectures, particularly as he was sharing [00:09:30] more and more human design with people. And I think it's important to understand that your two lines, right, the first line that you have, the one on the mine side, and then you've got that second line, the one on, on the body side. Those two come together to make the whole of your personality and your profile here. It's really, it's here to influence how you move about the world, how you interact with people. Speaker 2:        And the reality is, some of us may be conditioned, right? Some of us may have an inner child wound, some of us may have baggage, right? I mean, we all have some level of baggage. So I encourage you as you listen to this series, to lean in, to be kind to yourself, to give yourself lots of grace and compassion as you move through this process. And understanding how the lines operate both together and separately as you move about this series is really, really important. So my job is to separate them out, to give you the themes of them separate, and then bring those themes together as well. So as you will see over the coming series, we are diving into each profile.  So I'm going to give you a taste of each profile when I teach this inside of my HD Wild Human Design Certification program. We spend about an hour on each one of the profiles, and then we spend another hour later on in the program talking about how to coach each one of the profiles. So this is just a taste [00:11:30] of this information. So I want to name that there. This is not all encompassing, it's nuanced, it's deep. So this is just to support yo
In this episode, I explained the differences between defined centers, undefined centers, and open centers.  Centers are one aspect of the human design chart. There are three different configurations of centers in the human design chart defined, undefined, and open centers. Defined centers provide a consistent source of strength and energy, while undefined and open centers receive and amplify energy from others. Gates within undefined centers in human design can be used as anchor points to discern one's own energy and avoid external influences and conditioning. Open centers in human design allow for fluidity of energy and a wide range of experiences. Overall, understanding and utilizing one's unique human design blueprint through the centers can lead to more success, joy, and abundance in both live and business.  Let's dive into human design centers - defined, undefined, and open explained.  ******Transcription Below******* Hello, hello, hello and welcome. Today I am very excited to chat with you about defined centers, undefined centers, and open centers. So when we think about a human design chart, the centers are really sort of this focal point for where a lot of the nuance comes from in a chart. It's really a big element in a chart, right? Because in each center we have gates and channels, and then each gate and channel is also so associated with a line level. So our centers and the definition of our centers gives life to our unique energetic blueprint. So today I really want to talk to you about the differences between define undefined and open centers. And I really want to talk about a little bit of the nuance that's there in those centers. So we're going to start with defined centers first. So define centers are really this idea that these are your strengths. They're fix, they're static. And really I like to say you kind of become more of who you are in that energy over time. When we have a defined center, we get definition because we have one gate coming off of one center. So for example, the head center, and then we have another gate coming off the Ajna Center, and they're both part of the same thing. So say you had Gate 61 in the head and Gate 24 and the Ajna, that forms a channel, which gives you to define centers. So when we think about that, when you have a channel, this is a consistent way for you to access this strength. Anytime we have defined centers, think of that as a strength. That is something that you can tap into on demand. You will, as you age, only become more of who you are in that center. And I have found that to be pretty true, particularly when you become aligned to that energy over time. So defined centers and the channels that are within them discern our strengths that we can consistently on a regular basis tap into. And then we can use those strengths to support other people, develop offers in our business, understand how we're likely to show up, understand the optimal expression of that defined center or not. Then we have undefined centers. So undefined centers are centers that are white in your chart, and we'll often have, or you will have in an undefined center, a gate coming off that. So you'll have just a gate, and that gate doesn't connect to the center on the other side. So in an undefined center, you have just a gate. And with undefined centers, I really think that this is energy that is present, but we can't necessarily connect to it on demand. But when we think about what an undefined center does, anytime you have an undefined or an open center, you can take in the energy of those around you and you can amplify it and you can mirror it back and you can almost use that energy to read other people. So when we think about an undefined center, the gate that you have present in that is your energy. I like to call it an anchor. In an undefined center, your gates are anchors to help you discern which energy is your own, okay? Because in an undefined center, this is where we can get conditioning. We can take on conditioning in an undefined center because we're taking in the other energies from other people. So in this undefined center, I'm taking in, I'm taking all this energy and I'm amplifying it back to the people around me. And ultimately these undefined centers, we have to almost allow that energy to filter through us and not attach to us so we don't get conditioned by it. And then we use our gates as an anchor point for the energy that is ours in that chart. So I'll use myself as an example. I am a projector. So I have an undefined sacro center, but I have gate nine and I have five gate nine placements. I have a lot of gate nine placements in my chart. And the theme of gate nine is focus. So I can read my client's energy in this gate, I can take in their sacral energy, say if they're an MG or a G, and I can discern how best they focus that energy. I can take that in and I run it through my lens of focus. But say I was with the client and they had gate five, but I don't have gate five, right? Say they had actually say they had the channel, the five 15 and five is the gate of consistency. And I just saw this client, and then I'm sitting there trying to plan for the rest of the day, and I'm like, oh, I really got to be consistent. I got to show up consistently, and I'm really pressuring myself around this. And the reality is that's not my energy. That's energetic residue left over from the person that I was just with. So in an undefined center, we actually have to clear out the energy. That's not ours in that center. Same goes for open, and I'll talk about that more in just a minute. But the reality is the gates that we have in these undefined centers give us an anchor point to say, oh, this is our energy, right? This is mine. Everything else, if I'm experiencing something other than that gate nine focus, it's not mine. If I'm feeling like my husband has, he's a fellow projector, he's got gate 30, 34. So if I'm feeling like I really need to exert my power, probably not my energy, it's probably his energy there. And I need to let that go, right? Because I have the 10 and he's got the 34. So when we're together, my sacrals lit up and I'm like, no, that's not my energy. So that's why when we think about conditioning, whether it's societal or people, specific people in our lives, or it's sort of cultural norms or generational norms or whatever it is, that is why some conditioning ultimately turns us into this not self, right? It's because we attach to that energy and it stays there. So if I'm always feeling like I need to be in this gate five consistency, and I don't have that gate in that undefined center, then I am, there's a reason why I'm feeling like that, right? And I've done, for me personally, I have an undefined identity center, and I have a parent who has a very defined identity center. So I've had to do a lot of deconditioning work to find self-love, right? To find or to come to terms with the fact in an undefined identity center, my purpose is more fluid, or I'm not necessarily here to have a uniform every day. My identity might show up a little bit different. And so I share this with you because I think when we think about these undefined identity centers, we don't think about how the gates that are present can act as anchors for us. And I think when we don't consider the anchor, we can come to this conclusion that this energy that's here, none of it's mine. And the reality is an undefined center that isn't the case. You have strengths there, and you have this ability to take in this information, but you're not here to attach to it. So that's the piece that you have to keep in mind when you're considering an undefined center. Now, when we think about open centers and open centers are the centers that are white, but there's no gate there. There's no colored in gate there at all, right? It's just completely open. So when we think about open centers, open centers function similarly to undefined centers in that they take in information and they amplify it back, or they mirror it back. But with an open center, there's no gate there. And one of the things that's really beautiful about both undefined and open centers, but particularly open centers, is that an open center can experience all of the gates inside of that center. So if you have an open center, you have the ability to experience all the energy that is in there based on who you are around, based on the transits. And the thing that makes that really cool is you have this beautiful fluidity. You have this beautiful fluidity there that can really operate in a great way to read the energy of others. And when I teach inside any of my programs, I always talk about how our undefined centers, that our undefined centers, how we read the energy of other people, and then we use our defined center strengths in order to provide consistent support, consistent information to other people based on the energy that we just read. So we take it in through our undefined centers, and then we use our defined centers to consistently figure out what's the plan. I'll use myself as an example again. So I have gate nine in my undefined sacral. I'm constantly taking in people's energy and figuring out, okay, this is the energy that's here, where should they focus it? And then I rely on my 1762 for my ANA to throat to say, okay, what's the big picture? And then all the details along the way for that focus. But when we have an open center, we don't have an anchor there. So it's completely fluid. And when it's complete completely fluid, we don't have any way to identify what is ours and what is not. And so any time it comes to the themes of whatever center that you have that's open, you have to understand that none of the energy there is yours. In our open centers, we are, from my experience, more susceptible to actually taking on conditioning from other people because we don't have that anchor point. And I often notice that when we think about
On today's episode of the Human Design for Business Podcast I am going to dive into the nuance and the depth of the manifesting generator in business. I have been fortunate enough to support many Manifesting Generators in both my agency days as well as my current business. Manifesting Generators are emobdiment specialists but I believe all too often they get grouped together with Generators or Manifestors. The reality is they are absolutely their own type and my experience in supporting them and guiding them has lead me to believe that their is a timing piece or a pause that is often neglected or forgotten in their strategy. Let's  dive into the Manfiesting Generator Strategy and the art of being a manifesting generator in business.    Transcription Below Hello and welcome back to the HD Your Biz Podcast. I am your host, Jamie Palmer, and I am excited to talk to you today about the art of the Manifesting Generator in business. And this is something that I hold near and dear to my heart because I have had the honor and the privilege, and I continue to have the honor and the privilege of having many incredible mgs in my life, particularly in my business. And it really is a privilege because mgs, they are embodiment specialists. They are here to really embody what it means to be an authentic human being. They're really here to do it on their own terms, and they're here to be in the moment. And I think one of the things that often happens with MGS is they get lumped in with generators or they get lumped in with manifestors. And the reality is, from my experience in supporting them and coaching them and guiding them and stewarding them towards their goals, they're really like, there's nothing like them and aren't just a generator or just a manifestor. And the reality is their aura changes depending upon where they are in their strategy. And so oftentimes, a lot of people talk about their strategy as respond and initiate, then inform. And the whole point of me wanting to do this podcast is because I think it's more nuanced than that. And from my experience, it's more nuanced than that. And I always like to say for mgs, the strategy is to first visualize, then sort of pause or wait, then respond, initiate, and inform. And that pause is a really interesting thing when it comes to mgs. And I have seen it play out, particularly with my incredibly aligned and congruent to their design mgs, there's this pause piece, there's this timing piece that mgs have that sort of magic when they are congruent to their design. And I've seen this over and over again, and I have a couple clients who are I, I've Witnessed both ends of this spectrum of this, I guess I, I've seen it where an MG client, they have this sort of waiting timing dance with the universe. And basically, I always say it for them to visualize the outcome that you want to get because the MG aura shifts from that of a generator where it's that hug that wraps around people and then it changes to more of that pointed spear like aura when it's in that initiation phase. But the reality is, when we think about the nuance of that, MGS almost need to visualize this outcome, which is not always the easiest thing for an MG to do because planning for the future, every MG that I've ever worked with was like, I don't know. They're like, I have an idea where I want to end up. But they're often not, the specifics are sometimes challenging for them. And I think about that from the perspective of magnetizing what you want to you in life. And I think the piece that people miss when it comes to MGS is one, that visualization piece for them. There's like this feeling that has to come with where they want to end up. And that's part of that visualization process. So it's sort of happening behind the scenes. And once they sort of say, okay, here's the feeling that I want to have. I don't necessarily want to go to X so-and-so drive at X location. It's like I want to end up roughly in Bar Harbor made, but there isn't a specific household or a specific location or a hotel or a destination per se. It's the feeling of this place. And that visualization piece is really, I think, a key in, okay, let me get a little clarity on clarity on this. Because mgs, they're bouncing all over the place. They got lots of things going on. And then I think oftentimes the MG tends to rush into things. They rush into things, they think that they've responded to something and then they initiate. And then sometimes they inform and they're like, oh no, I got into this thing. This thing isn't actually what I thought it would be. And it's not at all something I want to do. Oh, backtrack, backtrack, backtrack. Oh, people are going to think I'm flaky. Cause I did. I said yes, that I want to do this thing, and I got into it. And now that I know what it is, I don't want to do it. And I think that's as a result of that, that they don't honor the timing piece in their life. They don't pause, they don't wait, and they don't allow them sort of selves to dip their toe in the water. And I think that that's a really important thing for MGS to honor. That waiting process, that pause, that sort of let me get grounded in the moment piece, I think makes an entirely huge difference between the mgs that I see that have wild success versus the MGS that struggle. Or they're like, oh, I'm committed to this thing and now I can't get out of it. And the timing piece is funky because it doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to wait 10 days. And then I'll respond to something like I have seen and witnessed mgs who are not now, not now, not now. And it will be months. And then all of a sudden it's like, okay, now go time. And I really attribute this to that Gate 20, which many mgs have, not all mgs, but many mgs have that. But there's this timing piece and this being in the moment and being really present, that I think contributes to the strategy of that art of being an mg. And in business, I have seen this, I have witnessed clients who they know, okay, I want to do this course. I'm like, okay, I know that this course is the thing I want to do. I'm going to put up a wait list. I'm going to get all these pieces in place, and then I'm just going to wait. And they wait and they wait and they wait and they wait and they wait and they read some more. And then all of a sudden one day, the moment arrive arrives and they're like, okay, this is it. And I don't know, I don't follow my clients around, but I, I've seen this multiple times and I've witnessed it multiple times with multiple mgs. And the client that comes to mind in particular, I worked with her in my agency and then I, I've worked with her post agency and coaching her to her design. And when I was in my agency, I remember she tried to launch and it just didn't work out. Everything went wrong. It was like this uphill battle. And then we did some work with her design and I was like, well, just let's test this out. Throw up a wait list and let's just see, log in once a week, check how many people are on the wait list, and then we will decide. And I was not doing any of the launch support or anything. I was just coaching her. And one day she just arrived at this decision that today was the day to initiate the launch sequence for everyone on the wait list. And because she had all of her ducks in a row, she had it all done, it was all in place. And the first time she launched it, she had a six figure launch, and then she did it again in 2022, kind of following that same strategy. It ended up with just under seven figure launch and was this timing piece. And her and I had a big discussion about that when we started to dive into what made these two launches a lot different than the other. And she said it was the pause, it was this power of the pause and this power of waiting for the right timing to arrive. And it, I've seen this with another MG client as well. It's like, not today, not today, not today, today. And I think that there's this nuance here with this power of the pause for MGS that often gets overlooked. I think people think, oh, they're an mg, they can move really fast, they can multitask. They go faster than most people. And when I think it comes to business and doing these bigger things and making a course or doing something grand, I've also see M MGS really struggle with that because they're like, they're hesitant to put something on the internet because it might change or they're hesitant to truly put themselves out there, or they kind of get caught up in all the little details along the way. If you are an MG I, I'd encourage you, when you start to think about these bigger goals that you have in business and in life, I'd encourage you to think about this visualization process and visualization for, you might be writing it all down in a notebook. It could be closing your eyes and imagining what's happening. It could be going outside and doing a really mindful walk. But the reality is there's this piece that power of the pause, the of the waiting, because the timing piece is really key. I mean, remember, mgs are here to be in the now, right? Mgs are here to be in the moment. And as soon as we say, oh, I'm in the moment, we've that presence of the moment. As soon as we say, oh, I'm here. I'm in this moment, I'm present. The reality is you're not present because you're thinking about the fact that you're present. And I think when you're truly embodying that MG strategy, you're immersed, you're like, you're totally immersed in the thing that's happening, and you're attuned to the timing that's ideal for the thing that you want to bring to the table. And I believe that that is a missing piece, particularly in business for mg. So if you're an mg, please do reach out. Let me know if this resonates. And for those of you who aren't, hopefully this can help you with the MGS and your life. So thank you so much for tuning in. I super appreciate you.  
Disclaimer - I am not a health care professional and the information provided in this podcast is NOT medical advice. Please consult your Health Care Provider.  In today's episdoe of the HD Your BIz - Human Design for Business Podcast - I am diving into nutrition and food through the lens of human design. The three format channels in human design each have a food type associated with them and today, I am diving into the the three format channels and the associated circuitry to better understand how by design it may be optimal for each of us to eat.  I share some of my journey experiementing with food and the gates and channels that are present in my chart so that I can optimize my energy. The results have been incredible. Entrepreneurs & Energy Optimization Through Human Design Most entrepreneurs are high performing individuals. We give up perfect perfectly good jobs to take massive risks to work for ourselves. The reality is that we often have to work long hours and do things like someone who has a nine to five normally wouldn’t do. I share all that because I do think that many entrepreneurs, we face burnout at one time or another and they face challenges with their energy and they face challenges with consistency. I have really been leaning into the fact that self-care and putting yourself first and taking care of yourself as an entrepreneur it is a radical act of self-care. Those radical acts of self-care when we as entrepreneurs put ourselves first, we can actually show up better for everyone in our lives. We can show up better for our clients and our family and our friends, and even in our writing, everything that we do has an impact when we care for ourselves first. When we think about human design and nutrition and sort of energy optimization, I want to share with you something that I have been experimenting with probably for the last seven or eight months Human Design, Food, and Format Channels The human design chart can shine a light on the foods that are optimal for us to eat. The food types are rooted in the format channels, Channel 53-42, 3-60, and 9-53. If you know anything about format channels, when a format channel is present, it influences the entirety of the chart. The format channels are as follows,: The Channel of Concentration 9-52, that is the format channel for the Logic/Knowing Subcircuit which is part of the Collective Circuitry. The Channel of Mutation 3- 60, which is the format channel for all of the individual circuitry. The Channel of Maturation 42 53, which is the format channel for the abstract collective circuitry. I want to add that all of the information that I am sharing with you has been found in my research through source materials and teaching for my HD in the Wild Program. Format channel and their gates influences the whole chart.  Format channels exist as part of a circuit group. In human design there are three major circuit groups, Collective, Tribal and Individual. Within the three major circuits groups are sub-circuits and streams. For this infomrmation today I am going to focus on the Individual Circuit Group and the two subcircuit groups of the Collective Circuit, THe Sensing Abstract Subcircuit and The Logic Knowing Subcircuit.   
I am so excited to be here. I am going to talk to you today about business design, offer creation, and really developing a business model in alignment with your human design. And for today's focus, we're going to focus on the lines, the lines that make up your profiles in human design. So couple of caveats before we get started. First and foremost, I don't only look at the lines in your chart, so I don't just look at the profiles lines, I don't just look at the lines that appear after your gates. I look at type, I look at circuitry, I look at gates and channels, I look at the defined centers and I also look at sort of perspective and view as well as your determination when I think about making recommendations for someone's offer or someone's business model. The other piece that is really important to keep in mind is the lifestyle that you want to cultivate. Because if you think about building a business and you say, okay, I want to build this business and I want to do it in alignment with my design. I want to do it Inc. Congruence to who I am, yet you don't really think about where you want to end up. Oftentimes it gets you out of whack. So as we're going through this training and as we're going through this content today, I want you to keep in mind the fact that I don't just look at one part of the chart. So this is not a formula for you to say, oh, I'm a line three and align five, and here's what I'm going to do. I want you to look at this and I want you to learn and hear and understand that this is just one part of how you can cultivate a business model and an offer by design. And then the other piece that you have to also consider here is what do you want your life to look like? I don't necessarily need you to have the specifics, I just want you to know I want to end up in this general area. So if you want to build, say a business that affords you to work less and be around $500,000 a year, or if you want to build a multi seven figure business, you're going to need two very different business models potentially to get there. And so I want you to keep this in mind as you're going through this training. One of the biggest mistakes that I see many entrepreneurs make is they don't claim where they want to end up. And I always think of that Allison Wonderland quote where Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, which way should I go? And he responds, well, I don't know. Where do you want to go? And she's like, I don't know, , right? And he is like, well, any road's going to get you there? So the same goes when selecting a business model. When selecting an offer. The other piece that you have to keep in mind is how do you ideally support your client's best? And what boundaries do you need to keep in place? So there's a lot of caveats to consider here, so I'm not going to keep boring you with those. But please just keep this in mind that this is not like a formula where you can just look at one aspect. You have to consider all of the details and all of the nuance to really make this work for you in your business. And this is what I do inside my business design with human design course. So this is almost like a little sneak peek of that. So let's dive into the lines. So we're going to go through the six lines that make up the 12 profiles in human design. So the first one that I really like to start with obviously is line one. So these are people who they're going to have a deep area of expertise in one area. It's usually pretty niche from my experience. They do their homework. They're not people who are rushed into moving forward. They really need to honor the timing of their life. And for me, I like to say that these people are here to give a depth of knowledge about their area of expertise. They are subject matter experts. They have depth in nuance, in details. They would always rather have too much information and they weigh their options. They investigate, they research. They are here to establish a foundation. They are here to give others a sense of security. They're here to really do things in a safe way. So these are people who get into the nuance in the details. They are here to go deep with others and share their expertise. So think details, details, details here, these people are well researched. So these people go deep. There's no surface level stuff with these people. So this is the person where you want to learn all the things from on a certain topic. So the think of these people as the master of one, they have a PhD. And so it's important for them to understand they need to honor their own need to have a secure foundation in place so that they have the time to research and go really deep. They're going to be made crazy by people who want them to move into the experiment, who want them to move into action and try something without having all the details. And they're going to make people crazy who like to move fast. So potentially the line one, the researcher, as I like to say, is going to make people like an MG Or manifestor sort of crazy because they like to skip the details, they like to move fast, they don't like to be slowed down potentially. And of course, the line one, the researcher begs the question, am I allowing myself to geek out and go deep in my business model? What details are essential for me to have in place? Super important question. And of course I just want to say I should have added this one other caveat as you're listening to this, take what resonates and leave the rest and then be sure to honor your own strategy and authority, particularly your authority. Next up, we've got the line too. I like to call this the introvert. These are people who really rely on others to help them recognize their gifts. And they're here. They need to sort of leverage their strategy and authority to discern which gifts they bring out into the world. Which calls do they want to answer? And they're really here to give people an aha moment and then get out. They're not people who want to get caught in the weeds, right? Because they become really depleted when they spend too much time and other with others. And as a result, when they are with others too, too much, they can get pulled into these things that aren't necessarily something that nourishes them because they are naturally talented. So in a business, these are people who need cycles of rest in downtime with cycles of being seen. And these are people who really move from depletion to nourishment and back again. So business models need to really support this oscillation of being with the people or not, and they have to learn to be discerning based on their strategy and a authority. What are their talents versus saying yes to everything? So in business, these are people who want to sort of systematize, leverage and hone, do something once and use it in multiple places. And then for them learning to recognize where have I been recognized? What have I been recognized for, and how can I hone that? That's really important. So they have this poll and they're going to need to honor these periods of nourishment and too much recognition makes them feel depleted as well as too much being called out for and too much time alone. So there's really this balance that they have to strike for themselves. And when I think about the people who they're going to be crazy by, they're going to be made crazy by people who want them to constantly be on and available. That is not ideal for a line two, but they're going to make people crazy who want you to explain your process. Everyone's always asking line two, can you explain to me what you did here? And the lines two can't. They can't. They're not great at that. And so understanding that people need to just trust, allow them to show up, take them for what their word is, or just observe them doing their right. I always say Line twos , open up your zoom and just allow people to watch you do your thing, right? Because they'll learn by doing that. You'll get them an aha moment by doing that. And you don't have to explain your process, you're just in the zone. So the line two begs the question is, does my business model nourish me or deplete me? And how can I build in periods of alone time to hone my craft? Next up, we've got the line three. And as I like to say, the experimenter, these people, the ideally have the ability in their business models and in their offerings to try new things and experiment. These are people who are here to help others find the best route based on the line three's experience of seeing what works and what doesn't. So they're really here to support others in finding the optimal way for them to go from where they are to where they want to be by embodying the wisdom of their ups and downs and their trials and errors, and then sharing those with other people. So these people lead with the people they lead kind of by getting their hands dirty. And it doesn't necessarily mean that they are here to do things with others, but they need to experiment in their own process, in their own business in order to be able to share that with their clients. So business models for them really need to promote freedom and space to experiment. These are people who can see what is not working faster than other people, and they pivot so they can help people in a transition. They can help people pivot, they can help people change, they can help people transform. These are people who are fast on their feet. These are the people before building out an evergreening everything they need to hone their process. And so they also have to really learn to honor their need to break bonds with clients and support team. When things aren't working right, relationships doesn't mean the relationship is over. It just needs to be readjusted. It needs to be revamped. And so these people will be made crazy by people who want them to map out all the little details or people that think they're a failure because they've tried so many things and