The Handbook: The Agency Operations Podcast

<p>Agency operations can be lonely. <br><br>Enter The Handbook: The Agency Operations podcast. A space where we talk to fellow experts and operations leaders about agency life – discussing the challenges<b> </b>keeping us up at night, as well as strategies that help make things run a little bit smoother.  </p><p><br></p><p>Each episode, we'll have a guest speaker who brings a fresh perspective and gives us plenty of food for thought. <br><br>Hosted by Harv Nagra, operations consultant, and former in-house agency operations director. <br><br>Subscribe and be lonely no more!<br><br>–––<br><br>The Handbook: The Agency Operations Podcast is brought to you by Scoro.</p>

Claire Hutchings: Bad agency marketing is an ops problem: let’s fix it

Why do agencies drop the ball on their own marketing?In Agencyland, we understand the importance of impactful campaigns, yet we frequently neglect our own – particularly when things start getting busy. 46% of agencies don’t practice what they preach, according to Chime Agency’s latest benchmark report. This may not come as a surprise if you’re an owner or ops leader trying to oversee or take on the additional responsibility of marketing.To grow your revenue and develop loyal clients, your age...


Claire Quansah: 6 steps to successful change management

New tools and processes can transform your workflow. Especially when they’re well communicated, properly tested and correctly implemented. Successful change management motivates your team to adopt new practices. And makes them productive and happier - now and into the future.In this episode, we’re joined by Claire Quansah, an ops expert in the agency space with nearly two decades of experience. Claire shares the steps to consider when implementing change within your agency. She gives advice o...


Tyler Caskey: How consolidating tools & automation can transform your agency

Easy access to reports and dashboards is a game changer. But if your data is siloed in different systems, replicating data can be a daunting task, let alone accurate reporting. And with manual data entry, there’s the risk of human error. Imagine if you could consolidate tools to improve automation - gaining visibility, accuracy, and efficiency within your team. In this episode we’ll hear from Tyler Caskey, a chartered accountant and founder of TheBeanCounters. You’ll learn what to l...


Manish Kapur: Optimize these 4 areas to grow your agency

Forget about revenue for a moment. Consider how much more profitable your agency would be if you optimized your team’s time and improved utilization. If you could reduce hiring costs by keeping staff for longer. If you understood the leaky buckets in your outgoings and reduced losses like over-servicing through improved best practice. Manish Kapur, who has over 25 years of experience in creative ops, explains how he streamlines agency operations and boost profit within agencies of all si...


Teaser: Hello from Harv

Our new podcast The Handbook: The Agency Operations Podcast endeavours to create more community for agency operations people – a place where we can hear from our peers and other experts on best practice, experiments, successes and sometimes failures – and also a place to celebrate our journeys into operations. Before we kick off with the interview series, Harv Nagra, our host, and former agency operations leader talk about his own journey into operations.


Agency folks, welcome to The Handbook: Trailer

Agency ops can be lonely – you might be the only person in your agency that works in operations, and you might end up having to figure things out on your own – rather than having a team of people to support you and bounce ideas off of.That’s where our new podcast, The Handbook: The Agency Operations podcast comes in. We’ll be talking to fellow experts and operations leaders about agency life – discussing the challenges keeping us up at night, as well as strategies that help make things r...


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