The Happy Gut Podcast

Here, we talk about how the gut microbiome affects every aspect of your health including your digestion, skin, hormones, thyroid, immune system, mental health, mood, behavior, cravings, and well… basically everything… with science-backed information. We chat about nutrition, lifestyle factors, and more to help you achieve symptom relief and healing as naturally as possible.

13. How gut health affects weight loss & obesity

Weight loss is always a hot topic in the health and wellness world. And while how many pounds you weigh isn’t the only or even the best indicator of health, obesity IS an epidemic, so it’s important to live as healthy of a lifestyle as possible to avoid that! But weight loss is not a quick fix - if someone is trying to sell you that, it’s usually too good to be true. What really helps is taking care of your gut health & being consistent with it. In this episode, I talk about the dangers of obesity & too much visceral fat, the theories associated with weight, and how gut health and weight issues or obesity affect each other. Gut imbalances and inflammation can cause weight gain and vice versa, so I also give you tips to nourish your gut microbiome so that you can maintain a healthy weight and body. If you’re interested in gut health and learning how to maintain a healthy weight, press play on this episode now! If you want more information specifically on nutrition for good gut health, check out my Food Foundations Course! It’s a fantastic resource with lots of detailed information and steps to get you on the right track with your diet. ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner


12. Probiotic supplements - what they are, who needs them, & how to shop for them

Questions about probiotic supplements is one of the most common topics people ask me about when it comes to gut health. It can be confusing! Do you need a probiotic? If so, which kind? Refrigerated? Gummies? Capsules? Does it matter what species are in it? Can I just eat yogurt? In this episode, I break down probiotic supplements, what they are, who needs them, how to shop for them, and myths about probiotics, as well as the benefits of eating fermented foods! ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner


11. How your gut affects estrogen & hormones + the low-down on birth control pills

Have problems with your menstrual cycle? Do you experience irregular periods, heavy periods, PMS, bad cramps, amenorrhea (missed periods or loss of a period), mood swings, hormonal acne, abnormal hair growth or hair loss, trouble losing weight, PCOS, fertility problems, or other issues related to hormonal imbalances? And, are you on the birth control pill, but you think it might be negatively affecting you? Maybe you have uncomfortable gut & digestive symptoms like bloating, constipation or diarrhea, IBS symptoms, gas, or other issues. Maybe it’s negatively affecting your mood, energy levels, ability to lose/maintain weight, or causing other problems. These problems are way too common among women these days. But the good news is there might be a reason why… but a lot of people are missing it. And of course you know I’m going to say it — it’s your gut. In this episode, we talk about how your gut affects estrogen & hormones in your body, as well as the negative effects of birth control on your body. So press play, and learn about why taking care of your gut is so important if you want to have healthy hormone levels & healthy periods, too! Check out the book Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten. ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner


10. 14 strategies to navigate the holidays while taking care of your gut health

Do the holidays give you anxiety? Do you often worry about getting off-track with your health goals this time of year? Are you concerned about flaring up symptoms, gaining weight, feeling less energized, & having poorer mental health? You are not alone in that! The holidays are a fun and joyful time, but they can also be stressful for many different reasons. This episode, I wanted to give you 14 strategies that you can implement in order to take care of your gut health even while navigating the busy, stressful holiday season. Press play and take some notes, because these tips are game-changers! ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner


9. Stress or Digest? Why you MUST manage stress if you want to lower inflammation, improve symptoms, lose weight, & be healthier

Did you know that 75-90% of doctor’s visits are for ailments or conditions tied to stress? That’s almost all doctor’s visits! 🤯 Chronic stress is an epidemic. It’s incredibly prevalent in our lives today due to being super busy, grind culture, social media, societal pressures, and so on. It can lead to many issues, like chronic inflammations, leaky gut, insulin resistance, weight gain, uncomfortable symptoms, and more. This episode is great for ANYONE to listen to because we are ALL affected by stress. It’s important to learn how to manage it so it doesn’t become chronic and cause disease & inflammation. In this episode, I break down what stress is & what happens in the body when fight or flight kicks in, examples of things that can cause a stress response in the body, and 11 tips to manage stress.   ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


8. BONUS: My eczema & topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) experience & how I’m treating it

If you, your child, or someone you know has eczema or has used or has thought about using steroids as a long-term treatment, you’ll want to listen to this one. In this bonus episode, I’m telling my story about my experience with eczema through childhood & adulthood, realizing I probably have topical steroid withdrawal (TSW), about TSW, my experience with it (spoiler: it’s literal hell), where I’m at now, & what I would do if I had known about the dangers of steroids sooner. To learn more about topical steroid withdrawal/addiction (or red skin syndrome), go to and feel free to send me a message on Instagram. ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


7. 14 gut-healing nutrients & why they’re beneficial

Have you ever wondered which foods are actually superfoods for your gut? Well, get a pen and notebook and press play on this episode, because I’m listing out 14 different gut-healing nutrients & telling you why they’re beneficial for your health.These are foods you can easily implement in your diet on a regular basis to help balance your gut microbiome, strengthen your gut lining to prevent leaky gut, lower inflammation, & help your body to function better overall.   ‼️Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


6. What you THINK you should do to heal your gut vs. what you should ACTUALLY do

There are a lot of gut health myths floating around the internet, and I’m here to help you sift through it and clarify what advice you should ACTUALLY listen to if you want to improve your health.   This episode is JUICY, with some gut health mythbusters and recommendations for what habits to actually implement to get long-lasting sustainable results for a long & healthy life free of uncomfortable symptoms.   In this episode, I touch on probiotics & supplements, cleanses & detoxes, intermittent fasting, the low-FODMAP diet, exercise, food sensitivity tests, stress, medications like birth control and acid blockers, nutrition, and more.   ‼️Want to learn about nutrition for gut health & nail down food foundations? Enroll in my Food Foundations course now at a discounted price:  ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.   The book about birth control I mentioned: Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten


5. How the food you eat affects your gut health

Most of us know that having good nutrition is important to be healthy, but why? And how does it tie into gut health? Food is powerful, and it can be harmful or healing. I am a firm believer that food is medicine, and our industrialized diet is killing us. In this episode, I talk about: Why phytochemicals in plant foods are healing Problems with the Standard American Diet & disease-causing foods, as well as foods that cause inflammation The importance of diversity in your diet & how to do that Need more info & help on nutrition for a healthy gut? ✨Food Foundations Course (at a discounted price for a limited time!):   ✨Work with me 1 on 1:  📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


4. What is leaky gut? Symptoms, causes, & how to repair it

Inside today’s episode, I’m teaching you about leaky gut syndrome, otherwise known as increased intestinal permeability. I know, I know. Leaky gut sounds a little weird. And if you’re experiencing something other than digestive problems, you might think that you wouldn’t have something called leaky gut. But before you back out & don’t hit play on this episode, let me tell you: Leaky gut can cause many different symptoms, including IBS symptoms, bloating, autoimmune symptoms, skin problems like eczema, and more. So if you have symptoms that conventional, Western medicine isn’t solving, I encourage you to press play on this episode and learn what leaky gut is, the symptoms, causes, AND how to repair it.   🍽Check out my Food Foundations Course: ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


3. What gut health is & why it’s SO important

Have you been wondering, “what is gut health anyway?” or “why does gut health even matter?” Well get ready, because in episode 3, I’m breaking down the basics of gut health and the gut microbiome, the digestion process, some gut health facts, as well as the benefits of GOOD gut health vs. the dangers or disadvantages of POOR gut health. If you’ve been wondering if gut health is really that important or if you should really care about it, this episode will answer those questions!   🍽Check out my Food Foundations Course: ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


2. 8 signs you have a gut health issue + what to do about it

In episode 2, I lay out eight signs you have a gut health problem as well as steps you can take to improve your gut health & achieve symptom relief through natural remedies! And no, it’s not JUST digestive symptoms like IBS and bloating (although those are included).   Having an unhealthy gut due to poor nutrition, stress, environmental toxins, and more can often cause issues with your digestive system, skin, hormones, and more.   Are you having uncomfortable symptoms that conventional doctors or medicine isn’t helping? If you said yes, you’ll want to listen to this episode!   🍽Check out my Food Foundations Course: ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.  


1. WELCOME! About me & why I’m passionate about gut health & natural healing

Welcome to the Happy Gut Podcast! I’m a nerd when it comes to natural healing and gut health, so I created this podcast to help you become a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself through natural diet & lifestyle changes. Whether you struggle with digestive issues like bloating and IBS, or you have a skin condition like eczema or acne, or you have hormonal issues, a thyroid or autoimmune condition, trouble losing weight, fatigue, headaches, or you just want to improve your health in general, this is the podcast for you. This first episode is a bit about me, why I became interested in gut health in the first place, and what you can expect from the Happy Gut Podcast. If you’re interested in learning all things gut health, science-based natural healing, nutrition, and more, make sure you subscribe/follow the podcast.   🍽Check out my Food Foundations Course: ✨1:1 Coaching: 📱You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @itsjamiewagner.


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