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The Happy Scientist

Author: Bitesize Bio

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While education and experience are critical for the working scientist, there is another factor that makes all the difference in the lab: happy people are more productive. Yours is a serious mission, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy carrying out that mission. Your well being impacts both your work and your career. Each episode of The Happy Scientist dials in on hands on, actionable steps you can take to make sure you stay happy, focused and satisfied in the lab. Join us to experience a more fulfilling career in bioscience.
80 Episodes
Ever feel a mix of frustration and nostalgia when you see new faces in the lab, fresh and full of questions? Are you the kind of person who takes them under your wing, or does their naivety annoy you and get in the way of your lab work?It’s easy to forget that we all started somewhere, and mentoring these budding scientists is the key to advancing not only their careers but also science as a whole. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we explore the vital role of mentorship in the lab. Discover how you can become an effective guide for the next generation of scientists, the benefits of sharing your knowledge and experience, and the surprising ways mentorship can enrich your own professional journey.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
Naked ambition is a powerful characteristic, yet it can easily become overpowering—for you and your colleagues.This could endanger your work connections and harm your reputation, especially in situations where teamwork is highly valued. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, explore the potent quality of ambition and how to use it most effectively to create accomplishment regarding tasks, projects, and career advancement.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#78 — In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we dive into the emotional patterns that hinder the smooth operation of any to-do list system.These emotional barriers can sabotage even the most well-crafted to-do lists. Let's get to the root of these emotional barriers and empower you to work more effectively. Join us as we explore the psychological factors that influence our productivity and learn strategies to overcome them.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
Is your to-do list downstream of your work style, or your work style downstream of your to-do list?Do you prefer to write down everything you need to do for the day and then execute as many tasks as possible?Or do you prefer to get stuck in for the day, and then decide what you need to do?Your to-do list is your daily plan and sometimes an alarm clock. It gets you closer to your objectives by defining tasks. But, to be effective, it needs to match your working style and define what you actually need to get done. (Yes, what you need to get done and want to get done are very different!)Let's get your to-do list working for you.In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we examine different practical ways to tailor your to-do lists to your work style. You will come away from this episode with easy wins to boost your productivity without significantly changing your approach to your work routine.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#76 — At the heart of the scientific method lies the idea that perspectives are not static—they evolve, shift, and intersect as we tackle scientific problems from different perspectives and uncover new ground truths.Yet, for most of us, daily science boils down to fine details such as the particulars of experimental design, the caveats to our experiments, producing enough data to satisfy the boss, exporting your data in the correct format, and leaving the instrument ready for the next user. The list really does go on. And each item is a valid thing to focus on, depending on your perspective.But how do you maintain clarity amidst these particulars? If your project involves analyzing a bunch of numbers, how do you avoid the pitfalls of narrow-mindedness and tunnel vision? And if you were unfettered by so many details and particulars, what would the top research priority be?In this episode, we look up instead of down and refresh the importance of thinking from different perspectives to avoid tunnel vision and keep your mind open to fresh ideas.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#75 — We're told from a young age that patience is a virtue. But does that hold up to scrutiny?In some respects, it seems so, given that impatience can be annoying to experience and make you unbearable to the people you're waiting on.But what are the consequences of excessive patience? Does it become a pathological trait that results in excess tolerance and forbearance, which, in turn, stop you from getting what you want and perhaps make you afraid to stand up for yourself?And remember, science is about defending your ideas and speaking up when you think something is wrong. Plus, whether we like it or not, science as a job and industry can be extremely competitive.So, what can you do that gets you the benefits of patience without giving in to concession? Can you turn it on and off like a tap to get what you want? That's what we'll explore in this episode of The Happy Scientist. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#74 — How we feel about completing certain tasks and the people they involve have a massive impact on whether or not we do those tasks or how quickly and carefully we get them done.You know—when a job involves dealing with that person, sending that email, or dealing with that instrument. Or when your stress levels build up so much that you lay out a heap of things you want done and tell everyone involved in an ill-tempered way.And we all respond differently to people who nag, condescend, and micromanage—and most of us will put off situations that risk showing gaps in our abilities, even if it's to our detriment. The combination of these ultimately dictates what makes it onto our to-do list. But should they?What would happen if you could become aware of these often rational but unhelpful emotional responses? Could it make you more productive, more dependable, and more influential? Would it give you the experience and confidence to handle uncomfortable situations?In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we examine how our feelings about completing certain tasks impact our planning process and to-do list and explore the helpful traits we can gain by moving past these feelings.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#73 — Why do you do science?Is it your passion, is it to make an impact, is it just the way you make your living, or something else?Whatever the reason, having a clear sense of your purpose matters. It can help you deal with major and minor challenges, cope with setbacks, and help you reflect on the professional success and value of your career choices to sustain your development.Or perhaps you feel dispassionate about doing science. And if you do, is it just a temporary phase or a sign that your current role is somehow misaligned with what you want from life? In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we'll explore how being clear on your reasons for doing science can make you happier, wiser, and better at it. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#72 — Freedom is not having lots of options—it's choosing between them. You are free to choose.Now think about that in the context of your research project and career. Are there any decisions you would approach differently? Is there anything you tend to avoid because you worry it will limit your options in the future? You might worry that specializing in a specific technique or instrument makes you less widely employable. Or you might worry about the consequences of taking projects in the same institute for a long time compared to what you might achieve if you move from project to project and country to country. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, explore why making decisions that keep the maximum number of options open to you doesn't necessarily mean they are the best decisions.  Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#71 — Tara Nylese was a career scientist and formerly a Regional Market Development Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific. She left her Market Development Manager job to focus on other workplace wellness activities, and launched her book, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, which hit the #1 Best-selling new release in Business Health & Stress on Amazon. She is passionate about mental and emotional well-being at work and is certified in Applied Positive Psychology and as a Meditation Instructor. Tara strives to bring mindfulness out of the yoga studio and into everyday life.In this episode of The Happy Scientist, Tara joins Ken Vogt to talk about her new book, mediation strategies to boost your cognitive abilities and the measurable benefits of optimism on your work, life, and physical health.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#70 — Academia can seem like nothing but deadlines. Experiments, people, reports, and objectives compete for our immediate attention. Sometimes, rightly so. But you can't physically do everything at once. And when rushing becomes the rule rather than the exception, all your well-reasoned priorities can be totally derailed, leaving you feeling like you are always playing catch-up. Plus, rushing usually has a negative impact on the quality of your work.So what steps can you take to stop urgency from becoming your default work mode? How can you deal with people putting urgency on you? And can you tell false urgency from things that genuinely need doing quickly?In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we explore how to reduce the sense of urgency and alarmism in your work to get a clearer sense of your priorities, build sustainable working habits—and deal with legitimately urgent matters when they occur.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#69 — Challenging people. You get them everywhere. Your lab—and beyond.There's the one who block-books instruments for two weeks straight. There's the one who barely shows up and seems to get by doing far less work than you. There are data thieves and god complexes, post-it note warriors, and everything in between.Heck, labs can be real frontier towns.Some challenging people might be irritating fellow scientists, which you can mostly avoid. Others are so colossally awful that they make you dread going into the lab. And if your role forces you to work closely with such a person, for example, if they are your manager or sponsor, they can take a massive toll on your mental health.In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we'll explore strategies to deal effectively with challenging people. They will help you manage challenging relationships and chronically awkward encounters. Plus, they are scalable, meaning you can apply them beyond your lab for a consistently happier outlook, enhanced personal growth, and improved resilience.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#68 — Respect is an interesting measure of a career. We all know colleagues we respect personally, or professionally, or intellectually. Sometimes one person captures more than one or even all of these measures. In fact, they can feed each other in an upward spiral. Here we will consider the micro and the macro ways to expand our respectability.We'll also explore how you can cultivate respect—on multiple levels—and how it enables enduring professional connections.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#67 — Staying motivated while doing research is hard! It can be repetitive, with bouts of frequent failure and some complete dead ends. But your research is beneficial and does matter—even if you're momentarily struggling to see the bigger picture—so it's critical to have an arsenal of ways to stay motivated when times get rough. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we explore some habits and techniques you can adopt to keep the flame burning.Whether you face demanding research hurdles or need to reignite your passion, this session offers strategies to keep you motivated and driven.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#66 — Do you ever think: "I don't love science anymore"?Many of us have doubts during our scientific career and question whether the passion or enthusiasm is still there, but is it really true that we don't love science anymore, or is it that we don’t love the machine, the politics, the funding apparatus, or the people we work with?In this episode of The Happy Scientist, let's go back to where it all started and figure out when the “real world” got in the way.Discover how to apply your hard-won wisdom to recalibrate your perspective, and let us look to those who never lost that love, either for advice and mentorship or as a model we can emulate.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#65 — Do you feel awkward responding when someone genuinely compliments your work? Have you ever had a backhanded compliment or dubious praise? It seems like it can be hard to know what to say when your accomplishments get noticed—especially when it's your boss, a VIP, or even a celebrity. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, get the tools you need to make you confident and gracious in the face of that often uncomfortable experience—receiving praise. By applying what you learn, you'll know how and when to offer praise and stand out among your peers for your positive and perceptive outlook.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#64 — Catalysts aren't just for chemists anymore! The best practices you bring to the bench can be invaluable tools beyond it. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, discover how to repurpose best lab practices to recognize new opportunities, accelerate your career progression, and extract value from your professional experience.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#63 — Discover the art of focus. Dive into its macro and micro applications. Begin with the bigger picture—your career, then ripple inward to your organization, team, and current tasks. But the order you put these in is yours to shape. Make your priorities guide your focus. Tune in to this episode of The Happy Scientist to explore how priorities and focus intertwine and redefine your lab superpower!Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#62 — Looking out for number #1 was fashionable in the 80s. Now it's almost a rude comment. But if you're not looking out for yourself, who is? And what's the best balance between collaboration and prioritizing your individual goals? Discover ways to balance your interests and those of the people around you and how service to all can be of service to you, in this episode of The Happy Scientist.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.
#61 — Join in this episode of The Happy Scientist podcast for a conversation with Dr. Brandon Vaidyanathan, Associate Professor at the Catholic University of America and lead scientist on a fascinating study that examines the role of beauty in science as well as the impact of beauty on the well-being of scientists.It turns out that whether one is drawn to the subjective side of science or the objective side, beauty plays a major role in one's satisfaction in the field.Learn more about the study "Work and Well-Being in Science" you want to dive even deeper, join Dr. Vaidyanathan on his podcast "Beauty at Work" or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: