The Hated and the Dead

Kissinger said that ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad name. Each week, a guest and I discuss the life and legacy of one politician from recent times. Some are well-known, others obscure; all have left an indelible mark on our world, and often for the worse. Join me, Tom Leeman, in a journey through the corruptible and the controversial.

EP125: Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer has been the leader of the UK Labour Party since 2020. This makes him Leader of the Opposition, and - if the polls are to be believed - Britain's next prime minister. Amid a revolving door of prime ministers, Brexit, and the pandemic, Starmer’s rise from leader of the weakest Labour Party since the Second World War to being in poll position in the race for Downing Street has taken many by surprise. It’s also left a public clamouring for more information about who this man is, wha...


EP124: Afonso Dhlakama

Afonso Dhlakama was the leader of RENAMO, Mozambique's main opposition movement, for over forty years until his death in 2018. Dhlakama’s story, and the Mozambican Civil War at large, are notable for two reasons. First is the regional and international dimension of the war. Mozambique's FRELIMO government courted support from communist powers such as East Germany but also became welcome in Margaret Thatcher’s Downing Street.Secondly, the two sides in the Civil War have actually come to an agr...


EP123: J.R. Jayewardene

J.R. Jayewardene served as prime minister and then president of Sri Lanka between 1977 and 1989. Sri Lankan history, politics and society is dominated by tensions between two ethnic groups. Ethnic divisions are intrinsic to countless countries, including many covered on this podcast before. The key question the Sri Lankan experience raises though is this: in stoking ethnic tensions, what is more important: how the government works, or who runs it?Today's subject demonstrates that in the case ...


EP122: The Houthis (Part 2)

The Houthis, a Yemeni political and military organisation, have made headlines across the World since they began blocking the Red Sea nearly six months ago. But despite their association in people's minds with Gaza, and Iran's "Axis of Resistance", their true motives are poorly understood.This is the second half of a two-part conversation seeking to explain the Houthis' influence in Yemeni politics and society. Today's episode deals with the period since 2013, and especially since the outbrea...


EP121: The Houthis (Part 1)

The Houthis, a Yemeni political and military organisation, have made headlines across the World since they began blocking the Red Sea nearly six months ago. But despite their association with Gaza, and Iran's "Axis of Resistance", their origins in the turbulent Yemeni politics of the 1990s and 2000s are not widely understood. This is the first half of a two-part conversation seeking to explain the Houthis' rise to prominence, and covers the unification of Yemen in 1990, the arrival of Sunni e...


EP120: Jens Stoltenberg

Jens Stoltenberg has been Secretary General of NATO since 2014, and prior to that served twice as Prime Minister of Norway. Looking at him is interesting because, at least in the early part of his premiership, many commentators, buoyed by the end of the Cold War and the third wave of democratisation, genuinely believed that the world was converging on Norwegian attitudes towards democracy and international cooperation. During his time as NATO Secretary General, though, the World has stop...


EP119: John Magufuli

John Magufuli was the President of Tanzania between 2015 and 2021. He was the sixth in a long line of presidents drawn from the same political party, the CCM, which has ruled Tanzania since its independence in 1961. CCM presidents came and went, standing down after two terms in office, just as American presidents do. But in the 2000s, the CCM started to lose popularity in Tanzania. Corruption scandals and political infighting saw elections become closer - even after the CCM had rigged t...


EP118: Mary Lou McDonald

Mary Lou McDonald has been the Leader of the Opposition to the Irish Government since 2020. She is also the leader of centre-left political party Sinn Fein, currently the second largest party in the Irish parliament (Dail). Since 2000, Sinn Fein has gone from being an extra-parliamentary party to being the most popular party in the Irish Republic, on course to win the next general election under McDonald. On the face of it, Sinn Fein’s success seems reasonably straightforward; in a country wi...


EP117: Nayib Bukele

Nayib Bukele has been the President of El Salvador since 2019. He has transformed the country from the nation with the world's highest murder rate to that with the world's highest incarceration rate, having arrested more than 70,000 people (1% of the population) in less than two years. His programme presents complicated trade offs and moral dilemmas; how much of your freedom would you be willing to submit for safety? Meanwhile, economic opportunity is still difficult to come by, as Bukele’s g...


EP116: Hezbollah

Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamist militant group and political party, established in 1985. Hezbollah has a reputation as one of the Middle East’s great agitators, having engaged Israel in conflict twice, once in the 1980s and again in 2006. Their financing by and allegiance to the Iranian ayatollah, the West’s bogeyman in the region, underpins this image.But simply viewing Hezbollah as a regional troublemaker conceals an intriguing domestic story which is far more nuanced; in the context ...


EP115: Kim Yo Jong

Kim Yo Jong is the younger sister of the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un. Since Jong Un’s accession to power in 2011, he has placed his sister into positions of increasing importance domestically and increasing prominence internationally.The question is: is Jong Un following the advice of Michael Corleone, keeping his friends close but his enemies closer? Or is there genuine affection between Jong Un and Yo Jong? Furthermore, does Yo Jong have aspirations beyond playing second...


EP114: Hafiz al-Assad

Hafiz al-Assad was the President of Syria between 1970 and 2000. Father of present Syrian leader Bashar, Hafiz inherited a country in disarray, beset by political and religious division at home, and subject to interference from regional powers. Displaying extraordinary brutality, Hafiz imposed order on Syria’s diverse population and also turned his country into an important decision maker. His troops intervened in Lebanon’s dreadful civil war, and occupied large parts of the country for ...


EP113: Alex Salmond

Alex Salmond was First Minister of Scotland between 2007 and 2014, during which time he led the unsuccessful referendum campaign for Scottish independence. Salmond was a ruthless political operator, who was difficult to pin down on the political spectrum. This made him the perfect candidate to spearhead the independence campaign, as he meant different things to different voters. This ambiguity can make it difficult for non-Scots, like me, to get to grips with the drive for independence.The gu...


EP112: Islam Karimov

Islam Karimov was the 1st President of Uzbekistan from 1991 until his death in 2016. Terrified by the economic devastation which gripped Russia in the 1990s, Karimov decided that he would rather close the door firmly on market economics if the transition towards it risked even slightly going the same way as Uzbekistan's former masters. And so, Uzbekistan fossilised. The state retained ownership and control of industry. New collectivised farms were established. Foreign currencies were ke...


EP111: Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician and longtime leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), now the Netherlands' largest political party, following a surprise victory in the country's November election. Wilders has made a name for himself across Europe as the continent’s most outspoken anti-Islam politician. Marine Le Pen might be more powerful and more widely known, but her rhetoric pails in comparison to that of Wilders, who has faced charges in court on incitement against Muslims, and who...


EP110: Hun Sen

Hun Sen is the longest-serving prime minister in Cambodian history, having led the country from 1998 until August this year. Hun has a complex legacy; he has ruled with a rod of iron, showing little mercy towards his political opponents. But as my guest today says, he is also the man who has taken Cambodia from the years of Pol Pot to the ambiguous modernity of the present. The Cambodia of 2023 juxtaposes rural backwardness with newly booming urban centres populated with an emerging middle cl...


EP109: Vytautas Landsbergis

Vytautas Landsbergis led the modern Lithuanian independence movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Lithuania became the first of the fifteen Soviet Republics to declare independence from Moscow. This was a remarkably plucky move from such a small nation, but it changed the course of world history; two years later, Lithuania was an independent country, and the Soviet Union no longer existed.Thirty years later, Lithuania is once again looking east at a Russia probably intent on swallo...


EP108: Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has been the President of Egypt since 2014. Egypt perennially struggles economically and politically, with high inflation, widespread youth unemployment and military dictatorship. In fact, Egypt has been under military dictatorship for nearly seventy uninterrupted years- nearly, because after the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, democratically elected Mohamed Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, came to power. But he was soon deposed in a military coup in 2013. The man who too...


EP107: Joe Biden

Joe Biden has been President of the United States since 2021. However, this episode, unlike most others in this series, isn’t biographical; rather, what my guest and I examine today, are the prospects for Joe Biden’s re-election as US President next year, almost exactly one year out from the 2024 presidential election.On the surface of it, Joe Biden’s polling numbers aren’t appealing. 538, America’s king of polling companies, puts his approval rating at 38%. My guest today, though, holds litt...


EP106: Alex Jones

Alex Jones is an American political commentator, new media personality, and conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy theory- which we will here define as attributing the occurrence of events or phenomena to sinister or secret organisations- infects all parts of the political spectrum and exists across the World. However, to a certain portion of the American right, conspiracy theory does not merely influence their thinking; it is their thinking. Any government programme or action is interpreted as an i...



This is horrible. As a Portuguese I can say that this speaker is clearly biased into salazars politics. How can you just mention the secret police as a detail? Ignoring the torture and the concentration camps? Salazar did a lot for education? By the time the regime was toppled in 74, two thirds of the country were illiterate! You read that right. They couldn't read or write. Salazar kept control of the country by having an illiterate population and undeveloped country. How can this guy ignore that? Among many other nonsense that was spoken. This reminds of politic propaganda as he used the same retoric as most nostalgic right winger sympathisers of the dictatorship use in Portugal. This was weak and not neutral research. Sadly this was put into a book and will mislead a lot of people and rewrite History. Im very disappointed and I am unsubscribing.

06-01 Reply

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