The Holistic Weight Loss & Lifestyle Podcast

In this podcast, I will share my solid Holistic Weight Loss & Lifestyle Programme that has helped countless people and which helped me to lose 154 pounds, 70 kilograms and 11 stones of weight, attain better lifestyle, happiness, mental and physical health, after over 30 years of being super-morbidly obese. We'll talk about sustainable weight loss and maintenance, low carb, foods, immunity, ageing well, menopause, mindset, psychology, stress, gratitude, happiness, power of positive thinking, laws of attraction, bio-hacks, sleep, fasting, intermittent fasting, fitness, exercise, reversing illnesses and many more topics! I am qualified, with distinctions, as a Holistic Nutritional Therapist, Weight Management Consultant, Professional Stress Management Consultant, and Holistic Fertility Expert. My expertise also include Low Carb way of eating, Sleep, Fasting & Intermittent Fasting, Happiness, Mindset, Psychology of Weight Loss, and Coaching. My qualifications also include First Class Honours Degree in Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) and Distinction in Post-Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (LPC), plus several academic awards. I previously practised as a lawyer. I am also a writer and a blogger. Let's do this! Instagram: @BellesLowCarbWorld Website:

Episode 61 - Special Guided Positive Affirmations Meditation.

Thank you for listening to my podcast and for joining me week after week in this positive space.As a thank you, I will like you to join me on this guided Positive Affirmation Meditation. Repeat these affirmations for 21 days, or whenever you feel the need to take a moment and raise your vibration.The meditation will help you with good health, stronger immune system, weigh loss, weight maintenance, mental and physical health, happiness, successes and general wellbeingInstagram: BellesLowC...


Episode 60 - Dedicated to Chu Chu: 15 Tips to Help Deal with Loss

Today's podcast is dedicated to a great supporter of this Podcast, an extraordinary human being, who I am proud to call a friend, Anthony Chukwuma Animba or Chu Chu as he was called by many of his friends. On Valentine's Day 14th February 2024, Chu Chu died suddenly, after becoming unwell mere hours earlier. He had only turned 53 in December 2023. He was larger than life, obsessed with fitness, and one of the fittest guys I know.Myself and a few of Chu Chu’s friends, share our thoughts o...


Episode 59 - Why We Should Avoid Inflammatory Seed Oils and Fats!

Today we’ll explore seed oils and inflammatory oils in our foods. We talk about why these oils are not fit for human consumption.We also explore the oils and fats we should be using in our foods.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 58 - 10 Top Tips for Minimising the Symptons of Menopause!

Today’s talk explores menopause, its symptoms and 10 top tips that can help you to minimise those symptoms.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 57 - Let's Talk About Love, Self-Love & 10 Ways to Embrace Solo Celebrations

Happy Valentine’s Day!As we celebrate Valentine's Day, the day is not just about romantic love, but about all kinds of love. Let’s start with the greatest love of all, self-love.10 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day or other Special Occasions when you're not with a significant other.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 56 - 10 Holistic Ways of Clearing Out Toxicity and Embracing Wellness

As many of us continue with the New Year diet detox, other than our foods and drinks, what else should we be detoxing from? We explore 10 other toxic things to detox from, for better physical and mental health.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 55 - Question And Research Everything That Matters Critically

Today, we explore a comment by Goerge Bernard Shaw that says that: “We must always think about things, and we must think about things as they are and not as they are said to be.”We examine this statement as they relate to various aspects of our lives including diet, mindset and health.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 54 - 10 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Being Overweight

Today, we explore 10 lies we tell ourselves about being overweight.Being truthful to ourselves, accepting the need to make some diet and lifestyle changes, are first steps to losing weight and maintaining the weight losses forever!Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 53 - Ozempic, Merits, Risks, Precautions & More!

Today’s discussion is on Ozempic and similar medications, merits, risks and serious consequences.We shall also explore what to do, if you’re currently taking the medication or have quit taking it.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 52 - 21 daily habits and life hacks that can help you have a happier and better life!

We all want more happiness in our lives. in this episode, we explore 21 daily life hacks and habits that can help you to cultivate happier days.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 51 - Nature Abhors A Vacuum; 55 Things to Do!

In this first episode of 2024, we explore 50+ new things to do, when you are single, partnered up or simply looking for new ways to fill your time.Thank you for joining me in 2023. Wishing you all the very best in 2024!Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 50 - Are New Year Resolutions Good or Bad?

As we go into 2024, we explore whether making new year resolutions are good or complete waste of time.We also explore how to make these resolutions work better, should you wish to make them.Thank you for joining me in 2023. Wishing you all the very best in 2024!Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 49 - 10 Tips for eating out in restaurants or holidaying over Christmas & New Year, and still lose weight!

How can you stay on your low carb diet and keep losing weight whilst eating out in restaurants on the countless Christmas and New Year celebrations and going away on holidays?In this episode, we shall explore 10 tips on eating out in restaurants and on holidays, without ditching your weight loss, diet or lifestyle goalsInstagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 48 -10 Tips for enjoying your Christmas and New Year parties and still lose weight!

How can you keep losing weight at weekends or party seasons especially with all the Christmas parties and New Year parties?In this episode, we shall explore 10 tips on eating at parties, partying without ditching your weight loss, diet or lifestyle goals, and instead, continuing on your low carb diet and continuing to lose weight.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 47 - Intermittent and Extended Fasting Part 3 of 3

These episodes on fasting and intermittent fasting are dedicated to Dr Jason Fung. Thank you for all you share with the world and for your extraordinary book, the Obesity Code.In these three part episodes, we shall explore the role of intermittent fasting and extended fasting in weight loss and better health.We shall explore how to start fasting, different fasting protocols, important electrolytes, as well as how to refeed after fasting.We also talk about the health benefits of fasting.Instag...


Episode 46 - Intermittent and Extended Fasting Part 2 of 3

These episodes on fasting and intermittent fasting are dedicated to Dr Jason Fung. Thank you for all you share with the world and for your extraordinary book, the Obesity Code.In these three part episodes, we shall explore the role of intermittent fasting and extended fasting in weight loss and better health.We shall explore how to start fasting, different fasting protocols, important electrolytes, as well as how to refeed after fasting.We also talk about the health benefits of fasting.Instag...


Episode 45 - Intermittent and Extended Fasting Part 1 of 3

These episodes on fasting and intermittent fasting are dedicated to Dr Jason Fung. Thank you for all you share with the world and for your extraordinary book, the Obesity Code.In these three part episodes, we shall explore the role of intermittent fasting and extended fasting in weight loss and better health.We shall explore how to start fasting, different fasting protocols, important electrolytes, as well as how to refeed after fasting.We also talk about the health benefits of fasting.Instag...


Episode 44 - Let's Talk About Forgiveness

In this episode, we talk about the benefits to ourselves of forgiving others.We also explore how to forgive others when we are struggling to forgive.We tak about what happens to the relationship after forgiveness.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 43 - No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

Words can hurt but in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, one can make you feel inferior without your consent.In this episode, we explore mindset and how to deal with hurtful words.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


Episode 42 - 10 lessons I learnt from cycling every day for 100 day!

In the middle of a difficult year, I challenged myself to single every single day for 100 days!Did I achieve this target? In this podcast, I share the 10 things I learnt from this experience.Instagram: BellesLowCarbWorldWebsite:


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