The Honey Potluck

<p>Everything we do at The Honey Pot is born out of an obsession with vaginas but also the experiences of having one. Built by The Honey Pot Co.’s co-founder & CEO, Beatrice Dixon, <em>The Honey Potluck</em> is an exploration in all things wellness; from vaginal wellness, to sexuality to spirituality, where humans from differing lived experiences and expertise come to the table and where everyone leaves feeling like family. Let’s dig in. </p>

*Extra, Extra* - A Reflection on Season 1

In this special bonus episode of The Honey Potluck, Giovanna and Bea reflect on Season 1 with fellow Honey Pot team members, Desiree Natali and LaVory Lindsey. From favorite episodes to impactful moments, the team marinates on the amazing conversations Season 1 had and what exciting things the future holds.


Black History Month Masterclass Series | North Carolina A&T University

In our second installment of our Black History Month Masterclass Series, we are live from HBCU North Carolina A&T University. Host and Honey Pot Co-Founder Beatrice Dixon is joined by panelists Danielle Prescod (Author), Anim Aweh (Social Worker and Health Educator) and Feminista Jones (Community Activist and Author) to continue the exploration on what it means to reclaim wellness in the black community.


Hormonal imbalance - How We Can Use Nutrition and Medical Astrology to Address Our Symptoms

In this episode, we continue our incredible conversation with astrologist Jessica Lanyadoo and menstrual cycle coach Naam Bachmayer. Today, we dig deeper into how nutrition and medical astrology can be used to inform the causes of hormonal imbalance symptoms. In a world where these symptoms are often normalized, tune in to discover some practical steps that one can take to bring balance back to the body.


The Nuanced Connection Between Menstruation and Astrology

In this series, we wanted to do a deep dive into the often overlooked correlation between menstruation and astrology. Giovanna and Bea call upon the expertise of renowned astrologist Jessica Lanyadoo and menstrual cycle coach Naam Bachmayer to help shine a light on the toxic taboos associated with the menstrual cycle. Tune in to hear about how your birth chart can be used to inform you about your body’s experience with menstruation and menopause.


Black History Month Masterclass Series | Clark Atlanta University

In our first installment of our Black History Month Masterclass Series, we are live from HBCU Clark Atlanta University. Host and Honey Pot Co-Founder Beatrice Dixon is joined by panelists Dr. Ruth Arumala (OBGYN and Fibroids Specialist), Dr. Epiphani Simmons (Neuroscientist and Geneticist), Dr. Joy Bradford (Psychologist, Founder and Author), Crystal Sanders(Author and Historian) and Risikat "Kat" Okedeyi (Cultural Architect) to discuss what it means to reclaim wellness in the black community.


How do we limit our understanding of vaginas and vulvas?

We need to open up spaces that facilitate conversations and experiences around humans with vaginas. Those conversations and experiences should be rooted in an acknowledgement of what the vagina is and how to build a relationship with it. On today’s episode of The Honey Pot Luck, we dig into what it means to tap into something that is so hidden (both literally and figuratively) and what it could mean to unlock a healthy relationship with your vagina.


Sex as a connector: How Sex and The City became a tool for overlooked conversations

Continuing our conversation with Ida Harris and Liz Eswein on how Sex and The City influenced us, we dig into the complexities and beauty of sex and how this show codified the known and unknown experiences of humans with vaginas. This extension of last week’s conversation continues to present the dichotomies of representation and what it means to be a viewer, to love a television show but also ask it to do more.


It had us thinking…what if what we knew about sex and friendship came from Sex and The City?

Today, we lead with a question…with a television show that was both a cultural movement and has a problematic legacy, what have we learned about friendship, sex, family and “the City” from Sex and The City? Today, we speak to our two incredible guests, Ida Harris, Managing Editor at MadameNoire and Liz Eswein, owner of the IG account @newyorkcity and New York focused clothing brand, New York or Nowhere. We delve into a collective love of Sex and the City and things we believe created unity across all humans while evidencing a need for representation, dynamic human stories and more great sex.


Where to start? Journey to discovering your own definitions of wellness

Wellness is often an intimidating concept. A concept that has also rapidly become one of the largest industries and filled with so much information and misinformation. The wellness we think of when we hear the word, is marred by an infinite list of things you “have to do” to be well, with so many differing opinions and noise, it’s hard to know where to start. Today we connect with Dr.Naika Apeakorang, a naturopath and functional practitioner, on reconnecting with self, culture and your priorities to build a wellness journey that is defined by you.


What is wellness? And what does it mean to be well?

On today’s episode of The Honey Potluck, we delve into a conversation around the commercialization of wellness with our incredible guest, Lauren Solomon. What does it look like to reclaim healing modalities and usher in a new perspective on what it means to be well?


Why KINK doesn’t have to be a scary four letter word: Discussing shame, sexuality and sensuality

On this episode, we continue our fruitful exploration of KINK with Sexuality Educator and Femme Activist, Ericka Hart and Sex-Educator, Janet Hardy. We get into the depths of how shame is a limitation when it comes to learning more about your desires and your body in relation to sex. As the conversation unfolds, we discuss the differences between sexuality and sensuality and what it looks like to invite kink and sexual exploration into your life.


Uncovering KINK: What does empowered sexuality look like?

KINK. ENM. All words and acronyms you’ve likely heard casually thrown around, but what do they actually mean? Is it valuable to have prescriptive words to describe our sexual fantasies and desires? On this episode of The Honey Pot Luck, we sit down with Ericka Hart a black queer femme activist, writer, and award-winning sexuality educator and Janet Hardy a sex educator, and co-author of The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures. We sit down to uncover the tenets of the KINK community along with what it means to explore ones sexuality and sensuality from the lens of empowerment and personal desire.


Why Trauma & Shame can be a healthy bridge for understanding sexuality and sensuality with Zoe Ligon

Continuing our amazing conversation with Zoe Ligon, we explore the way in which trauma and shame can unlock one’s understanding of their body, sexuality and sensuality. This episode focuses on reconciling relationships with your body as an invitation to heal.


Learning & unlearning: Sex education, entertainment and everything in between with Zoe Ligon

In this episode we spend time with the incredible “edu-tainer” and overall human, Zoe Ligon. This episode is an exploration in sex education and frankly what’s missing from what we know and what we discuss in regards to sex and being owners of our bodies. Education is a source of power so let’s dig in.


Closing the loop: How to make your body’s alchemy a priority

This is the final installment of our conversation with Dr. Wendy & Goddess Amina on all things pH balance (and well, imbalance). We finalize our discourse around what spiritual and scientific influences may disrupt your pH balance and how you care for your body (both consistently and in times of need).


pH balance: Why spirituality & science matter

What if a pH imbalance was actually about a misalignment; with a new partner, with the products you’re using, your diet, etc. We dig in to the realities of how/why your pH can get disrupted and the implications it can have on your daily choices and how you take care of yourself.


What is pH? And what can it mean if it’s out of wack?

Today we’re going to be talking about pH balance and breaking down what it is, why it matters and the nuances (both scientific & spiritual) that affect it. What actually influences your pH and what can mess with it? We invited two phenomenal humans from contrasting points of view, our OB-GYN, Dr. Wendy Goodall-Macdonald aka Dr. Every Woman, a board certified OB-GYN and Goddess Amina, Founder of The Atlanta Institute of Tantra and Fearless Giving, a tantric sex expert and intimacy coach to have a conversation that blends science and spirituality.


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