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The Horse Business Advice Podcast
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The Horse Business Advice Podcast

Author: Melody Semmler

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The Horse Business Advice Podcast brings you tips, insights, and candid real stories of equine business owners. My passion is helping equine businesses get the confidence to move forward and get organised to balance life and a business at the same time. Hosted by Melody Semmler - founder of global business Equine Entrepreneurs, mother, lover of horses, and a online business coach based in Perth, Australia.
31 Episodes
AI (Artificial Intelligence - not the other AI most horse owners go to...) is here and it's your choice if you are going to use it for good or evil. I think we all go through stages of mindest when it comes to getting our heads around ai, and they include;fear - is it stealing my stuff, or accessing my bank details secretly?denial - it couldn't possibly do anything useful for me...resentment - it's going to replace me!awe - OMG it can help me with that too? excitement - let's try th...
Is it a gap in the equestrian business market, or is it just not something people want? Confronting question I know, but here’s the thing, I come across budding horse business owners all the time that say ‘nobody does this’ or ‘everyone needs this’. Those things might be true but they are not going to bring you a single cent in sales unless people WANT the thing you’re thinking of selling. In this podcast I'm going to dive into the steps you need to take to work out how to establish that a ne...
Recently, I had a big, fat, disaster with my email marketing platform and I really wanted to build a blankie fort, put some fairy lights up, and hide until the end of time, but I couldn't.I'm going to tell you how I dealt with a disaster that was fairly epic (for the record, not my fault, a system failure) and the lessons I learned along the way, so if you ever have something big happen with technology in your business, you can work through this recovery process without needing to run a power...
Sometimes, it's not about busting your ass to make more sales, that you probably don't have time to make/pack/send/do the service because you are already flat out.Sometimes it's about finding the money leaks.As a business coach, I see business owners scrambling to make more sales, get more bookings, they are trying EVERYTHING, spending HOURS working on their socials, looking for sales and opportunities, and the stress is sometimes too much for them.So they don't have time or energy to reconci...
It’s a harsh fact of reality, prices of things are increasing, and that’s going to affect you as a business. It can feel terrifying to put your prices up, but sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary. In this episode, I’m going to chat about the ‘mathsing’ so you know whether to put your prices are, and then how to actually do it without giving yourself an anxiety attack… Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a review, subscribe so you don't miss ...
The golden question.... how often should I post on social media? So today, I'm chatting about how often you should be posting on social media as an equine business owner, staying consistent, and nailing your messaging. Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a review, subscribe so you don't miss an episode, and be sure to take a screenshot of this podcast, upload it to your social media and tag me @equine_entrepreneurs_ so I can give you a...
Getting hacked on social media has become the number one fear for small business owners. It can be crippling. And as many times as I remind people to do everything to secure their account, it's not until you get hacked that you realise how important all that stuff was. So today, I'm chatting about how to protect yourself as best you can, and ways to try and resolve problems if they arise. Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a ...
Finding a negative review popping up about your business can be stressful on so many levels. Did you do the wrong thing? Is the customer being unreasonable? What if people see it and nobody every buys from you again? (hint - that isn't going to happen)In this episode, I'm chatting about how to effectively deal with any kind of negative feedback, reasonable or not. One bad review isn't going to tank your business, and there's ways to manage any fallout you may be concerned about. Enj...
You need to have an idea of the importance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has on your business! There's no escaping this, even if you are planning to outsource this part of your business to someone else. Understanding SEO on even a basic level will show you just how valuable it is and will ensure you prioritise it for your business.Whilst our social media platforms and our paid ads do a lot of the work in promoting our business and out website, SEO addresses that one avenue your ideal clien...
Andy Ide is the Founder and the initial programmer of HorseRecords - the fast and easy way to record all your horse information. From recording performance, veterinary, farrier, feeding, dentistry, chiropractic, serving, foaling dates, pedigree and progeny.In this episode, Andy chats about who can use horse records, what to expect inside the app, why the software is different and more! Andy has kindly offered 20% off for listeners. Use code MELODY20 on checkout at www.horserecords....
Creating a new website

Creating a new website


So you’ve decided you need a new website. It’s a mega task and it can get out of control really fast.In this episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a bunch of important tips to help you keep the process manageable. Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a review, subscribe so you don't miss an episode, and be sure to take a screenshot of this podcast, upload it to your social media and tag me @equine_entrepreneurs_ so I can give you a ...
The constant enquiries and stress of wondering what orders or bookings have come in can be huge for business owners. In the day and age of social media and different time zones people will message all times of the day, so you need to set boundaries for yourself.In this episode, I'm sharing my biggest tips from the learnings of personal experience of burnout so you don't have to EVER go through this too. Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a ...
Are you on top of your bookkeeping? Accurate bookkeeping is important for a number of reasons such as helping your equine business manage its cash flow, meet its financial obligations and plan its investments.In this week's episode of the podcast, I'm chatting with Trish Woolcock. Trish is the owner of Pemberley Bookkeeping and has over 15 years of experience in the industry. As horses are her passion, she uses her passion combined with industry knowledge to help equestrian business owners.In...
“What if I’m not good enough?” “What if someone badmouths me?” “What if I don’t know all the answers?” “What if I upset XYZ (normally, a competitor)The trouble is, you won't get clients if you don’t advertise your business. Hiding in the corner isn’t going to work.In this episode, I'm chatting about how to increase your confidence in business. My favourite thing I say to clients about this? Jump off the cliff and learn how to build your parachute on the way down. Don’t wait until you fee...
When people think of branding, they instantly think of the logo and colours they use. While these are important branding elements, your brand is much more. It’s the look and feel, your tone, the kind of images you choose, and everything about your business. In this episode, we’re chatting about: Branding your horse businessHow to create your logo & why you need to outsource to a designerTrademarking your logoChoosing your branding coloursWhy rebranding is going to hurt your...
Have you ever wondered just why the experts recommend you utilise email list and the importance of having a list?There are 4 billion daily email users and at least 50% buy from email marketing every month. In this episode, I chat with Lisa Hill. Lisa Hill is a content marketer who lives in rural eastern North Carolina, USA on her eleven acre horse farm. Lisa has passion for horses AND for helping equine business owners find success through email marketing using Opt-Ins, Automations, and ...
Beth Lauren Parrish: a CHA Certified Level 3 Instructor, Level 1 Equestrian Tai Chi Instructor and a RTT Practitioner. She has the tools to enhance her clients' transformations rapidly and profoundly. Beth offers online courses, remote coaching, meditations, and the Inspired Riding Focus app. She has taught thousands of lessons for the past 22 years across the United States, and now teaches worldwide remotely. In today's episode, I'm chatting with Beth about how she started on her journey to ...
Have you ever wondered how I manage the daily running of Equine Entrepreneurs? The answer is more simple than you probably think!In today's episode, I'm diving deep into how I structure my day for success. I'm also chatting about how you can use these tips to ensure you're using your time effectively and how to use systems to create an automated business.Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a review, subscribe so you don't miss an episode, an...
If you post on social media, what’s the worst that can happen? Potentially nobody will buy your stuff but what are the alternatives? One person might buy something and share it with their 20 friends and their friends will buy something. In this episode, I'm chatting all about why you shouldn't be afraid to put yourself out there and the importance of promote yourself and your business. Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a review, ...
Are you thinking about promoting your business at a trade stall or want to learn more about the ins and outs of hosting a trade stall?In this episode, I'm talking about my experience of having a trade stall at Equitana for my previous browband business. I'm discussing all aspects from picking your stand and custom orders, to debriefing every day and handy hints to get the most out of the experience. Enjoy today's episode? I'd love it if you could...Please take a few seconds to leave me a...