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The Housebound Podcast

The Housebound Podcast

Author: Greg, Ashlynn, Chris and Holly

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Join Greg, Ashlynn, Chris and Holly in discussions about what's on their mind that day. There's not a lot to do when you're housebound, so why not listen in? There's probably something for everyone - after all, we're bound to talk about stuff in our houses eventually.

You're invited.
67 Episodes
Merry Christmas! Recorded prior to the Season 3/series finale, your four favourite podcasting elves sat down to discuss the pros and cons of advertising the winter holidays as an annual event to attend, rather than a celebration to enjoy and be fully present in. Whether it's a notable airline company buying the dream gifts for everyone on board or a beverage company convincing us that we can only really enjoy get-togethers with a glass of their popular product in-hand, Christmas has become more and more of a performance art piece. The weird thing is, we all see it happening, but we buy into it anyway. Why? Well, you can bet that Holly, Greg, Ashlynn and Chris will talk about (if not try to answer) that question. Between seasons/episodes, you can always keep in touch with the crew by emailing: or following along on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. And please review The Housebound Podcast on your favourite streaming service. Thank you. _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
All good things must come to an end. Oh, and also this podcast. At least for now. Join Chris, Holly, Ashlynn and Greg on the final (finale?) send-off of their fledgling show where they talk about books (classic), reminisce on the last three years of episodes and finally try to get the often-referenced but never-heard of dog, Odin - an entire episodes' topic in his own right - to confirm his presence. A huge thank-you for indulging us in this adventure. We may be back at some point(s) in the future, so keep connected with us until then on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or shoot us an e-mail. We love getting mail. Especially when we're Housebound. *Don't forget that there's still a holiday episode upcoming...* _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
The penultimate episode has arrived, and just in time to fulfill our very loose promise to you of talking about things in our houses (eventually)! On this episode, we talk about garages, bedrooms and good use of the living space - especially when it comes to gaming or recording a podcast. Episode 057 was recorded on film, so if you'd like to watch the video version, check out the video option on Spotify or the post online at: []. _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
There's something in a song that has the power to build us up, tear us down, invite imagination, invoke a memory, transport us to another world or ground us in our own. And that "something" is (usually) the French horn, whether we like to admit it or not. Ashlynn, Chris, Holly and Greg all appreciate music and all enjoy it differently, but what is it that draws us to this art form in the first place, and why do some people seem not to appreciate it at all?    _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Extra-Terrestrial experimentation, spyware disguised as what most would assume are just birds, and hypnotic therapies supposedly leading to repressed memories of demonic rituals that were then dubbed the "Satanic Panic" are among the more prominent conspiracy theories of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (which may make you wonder why we didn't touch on any of those topics during this episode - a missed opportunity, to be sure). But whether you believe the COVID-19 vaccines contained microchips or that repeatedly purchasing 10 iced coffees at $1 each during the summer months saves you money in the long run, aren't we all just being willfully ignorant of the truth? P.S. JFK is alive, and told us that he hid a secret bonus episode at the end of this one. But that can't be true... _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Last episode was all about memories. Mostly, generally positive memories - or, at least, not negative. This month, Greg takes us on a journey down the more problematic side of the social media's recent history. We discuss controversies, senate hearings and we ask questions about whose jobs it is to protect the public from the actions of big businesses: the consumer or the company? _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Social media is a behemoth all to itself, but when we tried to fit just even one platform into the topic of a single episode...the plan fell through. So we'll spend the next couple of episodes discussing the things everyone loves and hates about the world's most controversial social networking service that was started in a college dorm room and turned into a 122 award-winning film starring The Amazing Spider-Man, Lex Luthor and one guy whose face was duplicated and attached to another actor's body. _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
We'll never record another episode using this topical style again, because it's just down-right weird to know someone's thoughts. But Holly has no filter, so we thought we should give it a try. What could go wrong? _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Greetings, from tropical Saskatchewan! It's May, it's nearly summer (officially) and those that haven't travelled over the winter are now considering their options for vacations, trips and other adventurous excursions. Greg, Chris, Holly and Ashlynn all share a fondness for "getting away" from the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day, but some of them are more prone to actually get away, while some are simply content to plan the getaway. Bet you can't guess who is which... _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
A very "Happy 50th" to the podcast, this week! On this extra-special episode of The Housebound Podcast, Greg, Holly, Ashlynn and Chris spend time talking about the backbone of the show - humour. Why do your hosts spend so much time goofing off and not just talking about the topics at hand? Well, they don't know either. But you can bet they'll talk about it anyway. Episode 050 was recorded on film, so if you'd like to watch the video version, check out the video option on Spotify or the post online at: _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Okay. It's been said before, but it bears repeating: “Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.”(J. Standord) Therefore, it only makes sense that “I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health."(Voltaire) and that means that we should choose to take care of our bodies. “But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.”(Deepak Chopra) so...okay, wait, then how does it- “I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on (water) molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it.”(Gwyneth Paltrow). Huh? _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
When deciding on whether to release a follow-up to Episode 047 as a bonus episode immediately after its posting (following the upload schedule for this season) or to wait and release it midway between that episode and the next (Episode 049) there were several factors to take into consideration, doubtless any of which would be of particular interest to the casual listener. This, then, is that episode in all its 20-minute glory, as well as a little something extra sprinkled in for good measure. And as the preceding episode's antithetical, this episode - and, likewise, this description - goes out of its way to be as glaringly obviously so. So without further further ado. _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
A new episode. It's not short, but it's about being short. Not with others though, uh...well, it's about being concise when speaking. We've already said too much. Side note, though: What do you do when you're listening to these episodes...? _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
It's The More, Better Season of 'The Housebound Podcast'. Welcome! Greg, Holly, Ashlynn, and Chris are ready for another year of voicing their thoughts, spewing witticisms and just general tom-foolery. Speaking of feedback, they've listened to some of yours and are pumping out extra long episodes in 2022, complete with all four co-hosts in the same room when they record*, so you get a more well-rounded experience listening to them having a conversation. They promise it's more fun than it sounds. New episodes released on the third Wednesday of each month. *as restrictions permit _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Welcome to 'The Housebound Podcast: The More Better Season'. For the past two years, Chris, Holly, Ashlynn and Greg have debated, laughed at, deconstructed and...just generally given their uncensored opinions on their interests, lives and the world around them. So why stop now? Exploring a new show format with longer episodes and in-person conversations (instead of over a video chat), now is a perfect time to jump into the chaos that is 'The Housebound Podcast'. New episodes every third Wednesday of the year, beginning on - and with the exception of - January 26, 2022 (@ 8:00am CST). You're invited! _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Happy Holidays! (Did you skip to the description to find out why this episode is marked Explicit? Hint: It's Santa Claus information-related.) We've returned from our holiday break-between-seasons with another holiday-themed episode, this time about how the rest of the world celebrates their version of Christmas (and other winter festivities). And once again, we've got a gift for one of our lucky listeners. No spoilers here, but it's a small assortment of activities and items that both reflect and represent several of the episodes from our second season! Listen to the episode for details, and then reach out to us by December 21st, 2021 at 11:59:59 CST for your chance to win said gift! Between seasons/episodes, you can always keep in touch with the crew by emailing: or following along on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. And please review The Housebound Podcast on your favourite streaming service. Thank you.  _____  Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
You made it through season two of The Housebound Podcast! Also, and not to worry you, but Christmas is in 24 days... We're following up on our first season finale re: finales, and this time we'll be talking about films - the good, the bad and the ugly (the installments, not the movie 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly'). Will we be back for another season? Only time (and some consideration given to our schedules over the year-end break) will tell. As always you can keep in touch with us between seasons/episodes by emailing: or following along on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. And please review The Housebound Podcast on your favourite streaming service. _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Everyone wants to be known for their skills or talents or unique takes on a popular topic. But does striving to do so simply oversaturate the market? All modern pop music tells the same story but uses different tunes; all art installations contend with one another to be the most grandiose and least discernable; all time-travel movies explore different ramifications for the events but ask the same questions. At what point does everything become recycled? And does that mean it's not worth doing? _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
Critical thinking and problem solving is important for young children to learn, since it's how they learn to make their own decisions later on in life. So while they may start with stacking A-B-C blocks, eventually they're able to scan upcoming intersections and merging drivers so they can decerne potential problematic situations. And Chris, Holly, Greg and Ashlynn like to think that Waldo may have helped with that. _____ Do you need music, SFX or stock video for your next project? Visit or click and save 10% off your first monthly or annual subscription of high-quality, licensed music, sound effects and stock footage when you use the promo code: HOUSEBOUND10 at checkout.
In the first episode of 'OUTBOUND', four friends venture out into the world (read "neighbourhood") to discover the mysteries of migration, ancient playground structures and tiny little libraries. So grab your headphones, throw on your walking shoes, and join us for a 30-minute adventure. _________ Melodies of the wind, whispering In each ascending wing; Growing with every sunset,  Rising with each new dawn; Awake! awake! the land stretches out; Taking, pulling, beckoning to warmer realms Increasing the ache for the destination; Over familiar paths, rivers and rivulets; Nature calls, and applause follows with every feathered beat [A Poem of Migration by Greg Reimer]