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The Imagine No Satan Show
Author: James R Brayshaw
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© Copyright Jim Brayshaw (C/O Blogtalkradio)
Get ready to imagine things in a way most are to afraid to even consider.
Hosted by the Author of four watershed books, this one-of-a-kind show gets to the bottom of a whole bunch of questions. James R. Brayshaw is a Canadian firefighter who has poured some cold water on Satan and the fire of Hell. Brayshaw heads up the assault on the idea of a supernatural Satan with scads of biblical reasoning. As the author of Imagine There's No Satan, Satan Christianity's Other God, and the much anticipated 'Who's The Devil Jesus Knew - Explaining Satan In The Gospels, and the 4th volume in the series " This Is It...Satan Is Finished!" Brayshaw delivers the goods on why Satan is not real. This entertaining author and researcher dissects a bucket full of other fascinating topics. James and his co-host Angellah, explore territory that angels have feared to tread……………………………………………………………………
No topic is too difficult or too offensive. The Brayshaws will fearlessly entertain and inform the listener on a host of topics. Relationship, religion, politics, and parenting are in for a serious scrutinizing. On The Imagine No Satan Show we get into topics and questions that culture and religion have been slow to address. Are you tired of scantily clad rhetoric? Tune in to find sensible answers to profound queries that have been weakly answered until now.
Hosted by the Author of four watershed books, this one-of-a-kind show gets to the bottom of a whole bunch of questions. James R. Brayshaw is a Canadian firefighter who has poured some cold water on Satan and the fire of Hell. Brayshaw heads up the assault on the idea of a supernatural Satan with scads of biblical reasoning. As the author of Imagine There's No Satan, Satan Christianity's Other God, and the much anticipated 'Who's The Devil Jesus Knew - Explaining Satan In The Gospels, and the 4th volume in the series " This Is It...Satan Is Finished!" Brayshaw delivers the goods on why Satan is not real. This entertaining author and researcher dissects a bucket full of other fascinating topics. James and his co-host Angellah, explore territory that angels have feared to tread……………………………………………………………………
No topic is too difficult or too offensive. The Brayshaws will fearlessly entertain and inform the listener on a host of topics. Relationship, religion, politics, and parenting are in for a serious scrutinizing. On The Imagine No Satan Show we get into topics and questions that culture and religion have been slow to address. Are you tired of scantily clad rhetoric? Tune in to find sensible answers to profound queries that have been weakly answered until now.
29 Episodes
Our meandering through Matthew takes us to many different passages that seem to show us Satan, Hell, and Demons are real. But is this what we are to make of the appearance of Beelzebub, unclean spirits, casting a body into Hell, and John being said to have a devil?
Come along this garden path with Jim and Angellah for a delightful bouquet of reason. A beautiful array of New Testament thoughts that really don’t teach about a literal Satan or Hell at all.
Find out why those authors of New Testament letters speak about Beelzebub but don’t believe he is a real devil.
Hear how an unclean spirit is not the wispy transcendent ether that overtakes the souls of a human rendering him demon possessed.
If Satan and Hell are not real, what could it mean to fear the one who has power to cast body AND soul into hell?
And if John had a devil according to his critics, how did he deliver such profound truths? Or could having a devil be an Aramaic statement to accuse an opponent of teaching things thought to be scandalously in err?
We will be here on Sunday morning at 11 am CST to bring you your spring bouquet of aromatic blossoms. Blossoms of reality that will take us closer to the truth than we may have been before.
Well how can you expect to get anything accomplished if there is a wildly antagonistic imp buzzing about your head? And just how could it possibly be that there was a hideous and frightfully powerful being harassing the Messiah while he was just trying to have a little peace and quiet in the wilderness?
Join us on this long overdue expose of not only who it was that was trying to get Jesus to follow him, but also how the many “Messiah’s” of the early centuries had to undergoe an examination in order to confirm their status as the long awaited Messiah.
Get your hip waders, because on today’s show, Jim and Angellah wade deep into the pond of proof that shows;
Why Jesus was tested,
Who tested Yeshua the Messiah,
Was it in the Wilderness or was it elsewhere, and
How the New Testament shows that testing of important men is always done by men who want to be important.
This is an important show that assembles some of the most sound arguments to show that the temptation of Yeshua in the wilderness, well it was not nearly as dramatic as Mark Burnett shows in the Son of God.
See you Saturday at 5:30PM CST
The Origin of Evil. How did evil get into humanity?
What if humans didn’t exist? Would evil still be present?
On this show, Jim and Angellah will set out in search of evil. Is evil something that is inside man, outside of man, or both? And if evil is from a Devil, what happened when Jesus died to destroy the devil and his works? That death part is over but evil still exists…Hmmm?
Are we to believe that Satan overrode he death of Christ and is still the broker of evil that he was before the “cross”?
When we point the bony figure of blame at an external force for evil we may be mistaking why evil is and where evil is from.
If you are one of those unique individuals who prays for an end of evil then you won’t want to miss this show. Invite the biggest sinner you know to tune in. We guarantee it will be liberating and potent for both of you. See you Sunday at 5PM CST
IS there a Time To Kill A Suffering Mockingbird? The Question of Euthanasia???
In a day when lives are being prolonged by medical miracles and pharmacological feats, the Euthanasia discussion continues to swirl.
How sick do you have to be to want to die? How long would you be suffering before you would want to end it all? Is Euthanasia an option for freedom from suffering or is it a sinister solution that leads to a slippery slope of devaluating life?
Who says maintaining a suffering loved one alive is a better choice than mercifully “letting the go”? Who should have the right to “Play God” with a human life?
Is religion right to oppose this “murdering”? Some of us might never want to die but others of us just might be ready to die. SO what are we to do?
Join Jim and Angellah for a completely scintillating discussion about Euthanasia. Is Passive E better then Active E? What about endorsing Doctor assisted suicide? Is it ever merciful to end a life and call it Mercy Killing? Would the Bible endorse or condemn such a choice?
Get in on this wildly debated topic that has rung through the halls of debating ethics and morals for hundreds of years. You know what’s right. Call in to the show to let us all know.
See you Saturday at 12PM Noon.
Millions of people throughout history look to this book to explain to them what is going to happen in the end and what is happening right now. The idea that Satan is actively working to destroy manipulate and control this creation is often said to be disp
Burning in Hell is an outrageous punishment. Who deserves such a fate? And where is this sulfurous pit of doom said to be the home of those being eternally tortured?
NOTE- This is an editted version. Please take time to listen in to the caller at the end of the episode.NOTE
When it comes to an idea that has made millions hot under the collar, the idea that Hell is a literal place has been burned into the minds of many. Is this fiery furnace a fantasy or is Hell a literal fortress of flames, where the wicked are tormented forever?
Join Jim and Angellah for a journey through Hell. The traditional view of Hell has had its knocks lately. And for good reason. It is starting to be shown by Christian scholars and non-Christian alike that Christendom’s version of Hell is not even in the Bible. Why not make sense of it all and find out why Hell is not open for business.
Where is Hell? If we ask Jesus He can tell us. After all He is said to have gone there when He died.
What is Hell? I bet you’ll be surprised to find out. The writer’s of the Old Testament knew what it was and so did the writers of the New Testament. So why do most of our churches have a mixed up idea of Hell?
Who Goes there? Of all the surprises we have for you this is the biggest. Getting into Hell is easy…it is getting out that we are going to need a miracle.
WE can’t wait to have you join us for this show. There is a lot less to Hell than we have been told. And on this show you begin to get the Hell taught right out of you.
You are going to love this show!
What is so hard about this. All we have to do is examine the texts in a way that shows us what the writer meant. We read News Papers like this and we read letters from family and friends like this. It is automatic that we just take the context of a current letter, news article, or report into consideration when we read them. So, if we want to understand what the writer’s of the Bible knew and meant about the Satan that is despised across the world, let’s just explore the context a little.
Seeing Satan to be real is simple if we look at the writings the way 21 Century thinking sees them. If we saw the tooth fairy, unicorns, and aliens the same way, without examining the context, we would have to believe they are a real as the nose on our face too.
If you have a whole bunch of questions that need answering, then this is the show to listen to. Join Jim and Angellah as they give you the panoramic tour of finding there is no satan in the Bible.
On today’s show we race through the entire Bible to touch on a pile of the major points that show us there is no Devil. You will want to tune in, call in, and chime in to be part of a whirlwind of freedom from Satan.
Why pray to get rid of Satan when all you need is the truth about man’s most feared adversary. If there has ever been a case when the truth shall set you free then this it. Freedom from Satan comes by being freed from a mistaken belief that he is real.
See at 11:30 am CST Sunday, Feb 24,2013.
The Prince Of Persia Is Not Just a Video Game.
If I told you a supernatural battle between a demonic spirit and an angel of God was taking place up above your head right now would you believe me?
How many of us have been told about the Prince of Persia battling Michael the Archangel in the book of Daniel? Is that really about two powerful entities engaged in a cosmic battle that culminated with the rescue of Daniel and God’s people?
Get together with us on this show to meet a Secret Prince. There is little doubting that Daniel saw something that day. What does it all mean? This vision made him physically sick. So does Daniel’s response tell us that what he saw is real? Or does his response just show how a vision brought Daniel great distress over the challenging future of the Hebrew exiles?
Can we find an answer to the Prince of Persia quandary that fits with the fact that there is no Satan or demons?
We will be delighted to have you along on this ride where we take a tale long-thought to be about Supernatural warriors and recast it to find out if there was anything supernatural going on at all.
Join Jim and Angellah to meet a real Prince on The Prince Of Persia Is Not Just A Video Game Show.
See You Sunday at 11:30 AM CST
What if the world's most widely known and prolific religious leader dies today? Where would he go?...To Heaven you say….
Is that where dead Popes go? What if all dead Popes from past centuries are not where we’re told they are? Maybe they are good guys but do they go to Heaven when they die?
On this astoundingly irreverent broadcast, Jim and Angellah find out some very interesting secrets about Popes and their state in the afterlife. Together we take a look at Heaven, Hell, and at the places we stand to go after we die.
When it’s time to meet your maker, whether you’re a Pope or a Peasant, it’s a little known fact that we all go to the same place. You don’t have to like it, but knowing where that place is, is a real relief for most people. Do you want to know what happens to dead Popes…it is exciting to know what happens to the dead Popes, but it is especially exciting to figure out a puzzle we casually call the afterlife.
Tune in on Friday at 2:30 PM to find out if you will meet up with the Popes who have long ago been gone and forgotten….oh, and don’t forget to invite your Priest tot his exhilarating broadcast
Hey Folks,
How's your Christmas? So, are you all ready for Christmas? Wha' d'ja get for Christmas?
Every year it's the same thing. Not that it's a bad thing but don't you feel Christmas is a little redundant? The same questions, planning, preparing, visiting, eating, nativity plays, stress, excitement, and a ton of typical activities and feelings. For over 2000 years now Christians worldwide have been celebrating....HOLD ON HERE....have they really been celebrating for 2000 years?
When was the First Christmas?
Join in for this Christmas Extravaganza broadcast to see Christmas exposed for what it really is…is it Holy, is it evil, is it simply a great tradition or is it one of the more complex festivals that you and I get to choose from on a calendar full of venerated dates?
You and Christmas may have a very tight relationship and you may even "Love Christmas"; but do you really “know” Christmas? Some of us live and breath Christmas while others cringe and almost get dizzy at the thought of what this holiday has become. On this show, we will gain a new appreciation for Christmas and likely dispense with some old appreciation.
In a world of meaningless actions can we find meaning in one of the most celebrated holidays in this hemisphere?
Finding meaning is a lot different than adopting meaning. Meaning that has been conferred on this festive day for centuries.
See you Christmas Eve and don’t worry, there is nothing naughty about looking for the truth about Christmas
Listen to this John Gormley Live interview that aired Nov 22,2011.
John and Jim chat about the compelling book, Who's The Devil Jesus Knew? - Explaining Satan In The Gospels
Is Jesus a Pentecostal, Mennonite, Jewish, or Pagan?
Is Jesus God?
Who is Jesus? I’m not talking about if He existed or not, I’m talking about who Jesus is to you and to us. We all have a Christology.. That is, a belief about who and what Christ is. But is your Christology set in stone or is there room for change? Should Jesus evolve or Should our understanding of Him evolve? My view of who and what Jesus is and what it meant to be the Christ was unshakeable…that is until it got shaken. And shaken to the core it was. Now after a lifetime in Christianity, being kicked out of churches, and publishing four books, I don’t see Jesus the way I used to. Starting with the name Jesus’ mother gave Him helps develop the concept that The Messiah Yeshua is not who we thought He was. Moreover, what He did while on earth has some interesting dynamics that often go unnoticed. Join Jim and Angellah for this important show that discusses what we’ve noticed about Jesus since religion spit us out.
Welcome to our Easter special. Well Easter is here and much of the world stands up to take notice of a national holiday which is a religious festival. Has Easter been celebrated ever since Mary and Martha found the tomb empty in 34 AD? What are the origins of Easter?
If you think this weekend is the most holy weekend on the Christian calendar then maybe you’ve trusted the Pope a little too much. Perhaps we should try to find out when Jesus came back to life and who is allowed to make a day Holy. You might not like this show very much if you have grown up with Easter but are you brave enough to find out when the resurrection really happened? Are you ready to take up your cross and follow the truth about Easter?
On this hoppin’ broadcast you are going to get a whole basket full of goodies. Jim and Angellah get to the nitty-gritty of the origins of Easter.
Can a man die, be resurrected, descend to heaven, and be immortalized in the annals of history on a day that was once used to celebrate the fertility gods of the ancients? What are the many messages of the 'cross'? Did Jesus really die on a Friday and get resurrected two and a half days later on Sunday or was He honest about being in the tomb for three days and three nights? Does the truth about Easter matter?
Tune in to find out why we celebrate Easter on a day that we're told is the anniversarry of the death and resurrection of Christendom’s exalted hero.
So they say he has a demon…they say the devil is in his soul…they say that man is possessed. Is it possible that Satan and god inhabit the same person? How did the demon get in there and how do we get it out? Recently the Catholic Church has installed hundreds of crucifix toting, holy water splashing battlers of Satan. Do these men with white collars and soiled spirits have a supernatural power over what they believe are supernatural demons? In the Roman Catholic Church we get exorcists for the demon possessed while in Protestant groups such as Pentecostals, we are led to deliverance ministers. Are these deeply devoted and extremely pious persons of power really removing demonic spirits from the freshly exorcised? Join Jim and Angellah for The Rite and The Wrong of Exorcism. On this broadcast we will figure out what is going on for the typically “possessed” person. How “exorcisms” work, and if Jesus was an Exorcist or if he was a man of truth. Let me let you in on a little secret…He went beyond the exorcists of the Jewish culture He lived in. > Let’s find out how The rite of exorcism and deliverance have been used to empower the exorcists and to further enslave the hapless victim of what they are told is a demon. Don’t forget to invite your Priest to this exciting show that gets to The Rite of exorcism.
What are “unknown tongues?”
You’ve heard about them, you’ve maybe even spoken them, but do you know what they are?
Is there a Holy language that is spoken by the angels and by good spirit filled believers? How do clean livin folk get imbued with this special gift?...........................................................................................................................
The gift of tongues is obviously not for everybody…or perhaps “everybody” isn’t worthy to receive this often sought after gift. What are the mysterious sounds that come from the mouths of otherwise stable and self-controlled individuals?
There is a broad group of theological leaders who are fully convinced that believers should pursue the gift of tongues. They assert that a truly spirit filled believer just has to open themselves up to the Holy Spirit to speak in this unknown heavenly language. Is this a language only God and the angels can understand?.........................................................................................................................................
You will be fascinated to by this show. Jim and Angellah will go with you into the realm of logic and good sense. You don’t need training from the theo-illogical seminary to understand tongues and you don’t need to speak in a mysterious babbling language to connect with God and to hide your conversation from the enemy.
Tune in to this show to get a completely safe and sensible understanding of this out of control charismatic fad.
What a year. We have had a great year on the Imagine There’s No Satan Show. Thank you to all our listeners for coming back time and again. Thanks for all the emails and messages with your kind thoughts and comments. Call a friend, send a text message, email your in-laws, today is the Imagine There’s No Satan anniversary show.
How many Gods are there? Has Christianity adopted an ancient lie about who and what Satan is? On this special show at a special time, Jim and Angellah will be bringing you The Top Ten Reasons Satan Doesn’t Exist…..
This show will give you a ton of concise and clear info on why there is no Satan in the Bible. Don’t wait to call in with your questions or one of your top reasons why you think Satan is not real.
Thanks again for the great year. We will see you Thursday August 26th at 11:30 AM (CST). ( note the special time for this broadcast)
Download this podcast to hear again and again 10 reasons there is no devil and which means there is only One God
If you’re curious who gets loosed at the end of the thousand years in Revelation then this show just might be a godsend. Let’s figure this out together.
We began our discussion about the mysterious thousand year reign of Christ a couple of shows ago but there is so much more to discuss. The idea that Satan is let loose after those years of bliss and near perfection is so outlandish that we must be able to find an answer that makes sense. Is there another conclusion that can be made? Do we really have to look forward to all those years of peace only to see the evil lord of Hell let loose to sew deception and war one last time? Why doesn’t Yahweh keep the devil chained up? Is God that stupid?
On this show Jim and Angellah look closer at the idea of resurrections in the Bible. The wicked are resurrected at some point in the biblical timeline and if we look closely at the Hebraic understanding of God’s 7000 year plan we find the loosing of Satan meets squarely with the end of 6000 years. Can we see the loosing of Satan as the resurrection of the wicked dead? It may just be that simple; but join us on Thursday July 15th,2010 to hear more about how the resurrection is possibly going to take place and how the wicked are Satan. Tune in to hear how any deceivers that are resurrected have to be men according to the Bible.
See you on Thursday and don’t forget to mark this show a favourite.
Is it ok to question our beliefs? Maybe it's time to put your beliefs to the test. Today's broadcast discusses how valuable it is to seriously ask questions that mught make us uncomfortable..................................................Last show we discussed loosing Satan; this week we discuss losing Satan.Is it possible for "old" Christians to change their views? When's the last time you had a belief challenged? Are some of us so entrenched that the older we get the more rigid our views are? Our guest today has spent a couple of years exploring who and what Satan is. Not many believers successfully make these transitions in their life but today's guest has listened and questioned, thought and pondered, prayed and studied; until the change was certain in his life..............................................
Join Jim and Angellah as they have a discussion with a guest that is very important to them. What Jim Senior has been through will be very important to you too. You will want to hear about the journey this Christian of 60 years experienced as he found out that there is no Satan. For Jim Sr. this meant there is only one God. Tune in to this meaningful broadcast to hear how freedom came to a man and his family when he gave up the false Satan belief. Listen in to hear how having no Satan makes for a solid commitment to the idea of One God............................................................................Join us for this live broadcast to have your questions answered. Remember to invite a friend. This would be a great show to get your Christian mom or dad to tune in to. >>>>>>>See you then. 10:30am CST Friday July 9th, 2010
“And Satan was loosed”…What Was God Thinking?
Who can figure out this puzzle? God binds Satan for a thousand years…then, when everything is running beautifully, He decides to unchain Satan for a while.
Why would God do this? Is Yahweh, the God of the Universe, crazy? Who lets their sworn enemy free when you know he is just going to try to destroy you?
On this broadcast Jim and Angellah discuss the very confusing passage about the release of Satan in the book of Revelation. Join us at 10:30 (CST) to hear what the satan is and why this “thing” is released. We will discuss how these verses are related to the Hebraic idea of the resurrection and will find out just who it is that is “loosed” after being rendered inoperative for a Millennium…………………………………………………………………..Of all the passages in the New Testament that seem to tell of a cosmic Satan this is one that very few Christian theologians have put to the test. Does God really have a satanic underling that he ties up and sets free for no apparent reason? Listen in and find out what is meant when John has a vision about dragons and beasts that many today believe tells of a real entity known as Satan. Perhaps we can discern what John meant by his veiled symbols and vague references to death and resurrection, to something or someone being bound up and then being made active again. Don’t forget to invite a friend to this show, a broadcast that is like no other in the way it puts John’s vision into a realm that you will be able to understand.
See you then.
Listen in on this broadcast to learn about the angels who were said to have had sex with women.....
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