The Imperfects

The Imperfects
Author: Hugh van Cuylenburg, Ryan Shelton & Josh van Cuylenburg
Subscribed: 26,138Played: 479,173Subscribe
© 2025 Hugh van Cuylenburg, Ryan Shelton & Josh van Cuylenburg
We’re all imperfect. On this podcast, founder of The Resilience Project Hugh van Cuylenburg, his good friend Ryan Shelton, and only one of their brothers, Josh van Cuylenburg, talks to a variety of interesting people who vulnerably share their own struggles and imperfections, or expertly pass on their wisdom on the subject of imperfection. Whether it’s in The Vulnerabilitea House, The Academy of Imperfection, or with our very own psychologist, Dr Emily, The Imperfects are here to find some valuable takeaways we can all apply to our own imperfect lives.
208 Episodes
Well, well, well. We’re (officially) back for 2025, baby! On Hugh’s agenda for today’s episode: nugatory chat, ghosts, general excitement for the new season and we also reveal THE SECOND BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! That’s right, The Imperfects are bringing you a new show. A Little More Imperfects, which can be found on Patreon, is bonus fortnightly episodes featuring everything that you know and love (Josh going deep, Ryan being hilarious and Hugh giving life changing advice / intense second hand embarrassment) PLUS early access to live show tickets and events and great discounts on our merch. So enjoy this sneak preview, and we can’t wait for the season ahead. If you would like to subscribe to our Patreon, follow this link - If you would like to watch this full episode on YouTube (and catch a glimpse of organised Hugh for the only time this millennia), click here - 🎧 Things to listen to: Maria Ruberto - Advancing Despite Adversity - Janelle Booker - Living with ADHD - 📖 Things to buy: Our new journal, My Imperfect Life - 📃Things to subscribe to: Our newsletter, The Vulnerabilitea-mail - See for privacy information.
It’s our last episode of Summer School, and today we welcome back clinical psychologist (and “clinical cousin” of Hugh and Josh), James van Cuylenburg. In this episode, James tells us EVERYTHING we need to know about our relationships… well almost everything…there’s a lot to cover. From attachment styles, to breaking trust, to learning how to own your feelings and navigating coupledom through life’s changing seasons. Getting into the nitty gritty, Hugh asks James about intimacy and what happens when you’re not…. having any. And how to start a conversation with your kids about pornography. Relationships make life worth living and whether they’re with an intimate partner, a friend, or yourself, they should be cherished and treated with care. James, we thank you for your guidance. If you liked this episode, and wanted to do some further reflection on it, each week our Vulnerabilitea-mail newsletter shares a question to get you thinking deeper. We’d love to hear from you, so please send your reflections in to the link provided. Subscribe here! If you would like to watch this full episode on YouTube, click here - 🎧Things to listen to James’ new podcast (that he makes with ANOTHER van Cuylenburg) You’re a Good Kid - James van Cuylenburg - Love Your Wonky Bricks - Esther Perel - Let’s Be Better Lovers - Chanel Contos - Consensual Healing - 📖 Things to read Attached by Dr Amir Levine and Rachel S.F Heller M.A - 💻Things to check out Teach Us Consent Website - Three Sided Pillar (triangle of happiness) - 🚨If you, or someone you know, has experienced or is at risk of domestic violence or coercive control, call the 24 hour national counselling service 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732). In an emergency, or if you’re feeling unsafe, call 000. See for privacy information.
In this episode of our Summer School, we are joined by Sophie Walker, creator, and host of Australian Birth Stories. With over 17 million downloads, and 500 episodes, Australian Birth Stories podcast has been accredited by the Australian College of Midwives and has been instrumental in educating and empowering both people who are giving birth, as well as birthing partners. Hugh shares the incredible trauma and fear involved with his first experience of birth, and how tools of education and empowerment, such as Lael Stone’s excellent counselling, helped him prepared for birth a second time around. The power of information is invaluable, and Josh opens up about how Hugh’s experience with birth shaped his own, and what the experience was like for him. Sophie, it was such a pleasure. To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link: 🎧 Things to listen to: Australian Birth Stories Podcast - Lisa Wipfli’s episode - Lael Stone’s episode - Lael Stone on The Imperfects: Creating Emotionally Intelligent Humans - Take Care of Yourself - Parent Yourself First - Martin Heppell on The Imperfects: The Vulnerabilitea House - Martin Heppell - Martin “Rac” Heppell - The other F word ….. FAILURE - Jack Post - Natal Depression - 💻 Things to check out: The danger of a single story TedTalk - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Australian Birth Stories Birth Class Course - If you, or someone you know, is struggling with post-natal depression or anxiety surrounding birth, these are a few great websites we’ve found See for privacy information.
B b b bonus episode! We proudly present to you My Imperfect Life: a novel journal written by you. That’s right, we’re releasing a book, but making you do all the work. With 100 questions inspired by episodes from 2024 on The Imperfects, My Imperfect Life is an introduction to vulnerability, allowing you to unpack your own imperfect life and be more vulnerable with yourself (because we know vulnerability with others can be A LOT). To celebrate the launch of My Imperfect Life, we are inviting you to a reverse book singing at Readings Emporium Melbourne on Friday January 31st at 5:30pm, where we want to meet you, the author (and perhaps get a photo with you too, and maybe an autograph if you’re not too busy). 🎟️ To buy a ticket to the Reverse Book Signing (which includes a copy of My Imperfect Life that you will pick up on the day), follow this link – 📖 To just purchase My Imperfect Life, click here – 📃 To become our penpal, join The VulnerabiliTea-mail, a weekly newsletter where we’ll send you one vulnerable question inspired by the current episode, to help you unpack your own imperfect life. Subscribe at 🎧 Things to listen to Nathan Cavaleri – The Ups & The Blues - Michael Klim – The Race of His Life - Rana Hussain – Belonging For Connection - See for privacy information.
There will come a time for all of us (unless we REALLY make some improvements with bio-hacking) where we are faced with our own mortality. Who is at your hypothetical bedside? Are you happy with how you’ve lived? Do you have any regrets? In this Summer School edition of the Academy of Imperfection, we are joined by Bronnie Ware. Bronnie found herself in palliative care, caring for, and listening to, the dying. And boy, are we glad she did. Bronnie collated, and published, the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying (listed below for your convenience), and this episode is devoted to talking through what each of these might mean for Hugh, Ryan and Josh. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me I wish I hadn’t worked so hard I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends I wish that I had let myself be happier Perfectly timed for the New Year, we hope you get as much out of this episode as we did. Bronnie, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link:…r-future-regrets/ 📖 Things to read: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware - Bronnie’s original blog post - Regrets of the Dying - From Strength to Strength - Arthur C. Brooks - Strong Female Character - Fern Brady - Laughing Heart - Charles Bukowski - 🎧 Things to listen to: Paul Kelly - I Wasted Time - Fern Brady - Autistic in a Non-Autistic World - See for privacy information.
Quick heads up: Little Boy Christmas has a tenuous relationship with his parents, and therefore, this episode isn’t suited for kids. Have you ever wondered about Little Boy Christmas, the forgotten son of Santa and Mrs Claus? Nope, neither had we. That’s probably why he’s forgotten. Looking like an unbelievably shredded Dickensian orphan (you’re going to want to watch the YouTube for this one), Little Boy Christmas chats to Hugh, Ryan and Josh about the physical and psychological pressures of being in the most famous family in the world. A BIG thank you to Guy Montgomery who introduced us to Little Boy Christmas. All ad revenue from this episode will be donated to Guy Montgomery’s chosen charity of Auckland City Mission. Auckland City Mission responds to poverty, aiming to help people find permanent housing and food. If you’d like to donate, or check out what they’re about, follow this link - 🎧Things to listen to: Mrs Claus - Santa’s Better Half - Santa Claus - A Special Vulnerabilitea House - Guy’s podcast - The Worst Idea of All Time - 📺 Things to watch: Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee - 🎟️ Things to buy tickets to: I’ve Noticed So Many Things, It’d Be Unfair To Keep Them To Myself tour Australian Tickets - NZ Tickets - See for privacy information.
You may know Michael from Love on the Spectrum, or his podcast Mr A+, or even his appearance on Ellen – he’s done it all and has gained an incredible amount of wisdom on his journey so far. We’ve been doing this show for six years, and no-one has ever summarised it as well as Michael Theo: trying to be perfect is a wild goose chase. In this episode, Hugh, Ryan and Josh chat to Michael about how he found his voice after growing up as a non-verbal kid, and instils on the guys some advice on how to handle nerves (and do some proper improv). Michael, we had an absolute blast. We’ll see you for a Yowie sometime soon. If you want to watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link: 🎧 Things to listen to: Mr. A+ - Fern Brady - Autistic in a Non-Autistic World - Grace Tame - “Sexy, Scissoring, Autism!” - Jackson Tozer - Don’t Give Up On Me - Jack Steele - Socials Anxiety - Janelle Booker - Living With ADHD - Santa Claus - A Special Vulnerabilitea House - Mrs Claus - Santa’s Better Half - 📺 Things to watch: Love On The Spectrum - Austin - Michael’s Interview on Ellen - Puss In Boots - The Last Wish - 📱Things to check out: Wable - See for privacy information.
Today we welcome into the studio 7 time world champion surfer, and all-round legend, Layne Beachley. Layne, who had the self-described ‘compassion of a tiger shark’ during her competition days, has lived an incredible journey to learn how to love others, and more importantly, herself. Upon discovering that she was adopted, Layne internalised a fear of rejection and intense need to prove herself. What’s one way to prove yourself, you may ask? Becoming a world champion, no matter the cost. In this episode, Hugh, Ryan and Josh talk to Layne about the narrative that she created for herself, and how this affected her self-worth, body image and relationships. There is SO MUCH good stuff in this episode, and we can’t wait for you to enjoy your day at the Beach(ley). Layne, you are an absolute legend. Thank you for your generous vulnerability. If you would like to watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link - ALSO if you would like to buy tickets to Josh’s gig (!!!!!) click here - 📖 Things to read: Awake Academy - Layne Beachley and Tess Brouwer - Beneath the Waves - Michael Gordon with Layne Beachley - From Strength to Strength - Arthur C Brooks - Build the Life You Want - Arthur C Brooks and Oprah Winfrey - ☕️Places to get coffee (and find your laptop cover): Aegyo Cafe - See for privacy information.
Johann Hari is a prolific author, deep thinker, and seasoned guest of The Imperfects. In this episode, Johann takes the guys on a deep dive into the Western food system, and how processed food has completely derailed our nutritional wisdom. Our relationship with food is a very personal one, and Johann and Josh get vulnerable about how they have used food to manage emotions. They discuss how vanity comes into play, the plethora of risks and benefits to the new weight-loss drug like Ozempic, and if their introduction of could derail any notion of self-acceptance. This episode does discuss eating disorders and suicidal ideation so tread carefully, and only listen to this episode when you’re ready. Johann, it is always a pleasure. This is a big and tricky conversation, and we thank you for having it with us. To watch the full episode on YouTube, follow this link - 🎧 Things to listen to: Johann Hari - The Importance of Connection - Johann Hari - Why You Can’t Pay Attention - Johann Hari (P1 1) - How Can We Change? - Johann Hari (Pt 2) - Why Do We Do What We Do? - 📖 Things to read: The Magic Pill by Johann Hari - Johann’s other books - 💻Things to look into: Prof. Tracey Mann research into dieting - Bee Wilson’s research into baby food - Dr. Paul Kenny research into the obesity - The Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, treatment or assessment. The advice given in this episode is general in nature, but if you’re struggling, please see a healthcare professional, or call lifeline on 13 11 14. See for privacy information.
Today we are introducing you to Jim Rogers, who, in amongst a wild and vibrant life, has been diagnosed with younger-onset dementia. So generous, and such an amazing storyteller, Jim tells us the three acts of his life, so far. The grief of losing his first love, the surprise of his second, and the shock of a dementia diagnosis at 55, this conversation left Hugh, Ryan, and Josh with an invigorated sense for the preciousness of life, love, and family. In Jim’s words, dementia strips you of the most important things: your memory and recognition of your loved ones, as well as your ability to make choices for your own wellbeing. Dementia affects the lives of more than 421,000 individual Australians, and countless family members, loved ones and carers. There is no known cure for dementia, however there are treatments for many of the symptoms. This episode is heart-breaking and heart-warming in the same breath, and we know you’re about to fall in love with Jim, just like we did. Special thanks to Hamish Macdonald, and the Dementia Australia team, who introduced us to Jim. To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link: 🎧 Things to listen to: Hold The Moment - 📺 Things to watch: Still Alice - 🧠 If you, or someone you know, has been diagnosed with Dementia, here are some great resources as a starting point: Dementia Australia Helpline - 1800 100 500 Dementia Australia - The Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, treatment or assessment. The advice given in this episode is general in nature, but if you’re struggling, please see a healthcare professional, or call lifeline on 13 11 14. See for privacy information.
How long have you been holding on to that grudge? Are you picturing that person or moment right now? Have you ever considered what a step towards forgiveness might look like? These are BIG questions, and thank God, Dr Emily, our resident psychologist, is here to talk us through it all. In today’s episode, Dr Em begins by acknowledging that resentment is a normal human emotion. Phew. However, holding on to resentment for prolonged periods of time can have a serious impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as your relationships (just ask Hugh and Josh). Then we get onto the F-word. Yep, that’s right. We’re talking about forgiveness. And more specifically, how forgiveness is FOR YOU, and not about excusing behaviour. So get comfy, and enjoy the last of Dr Em for 2024. To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link - 🎧Things to listen to: Sean Turnell - A Prisoner’s Guide to Life - Gina Chick - Don’t Fight Life - Dr Emily - Truth v Harmony - 📖 Things to read: Let Go by Hugh van Cuylenburg - 💻 Things to check out: Fred Luskin’s research into Forgiveness - The Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, treatment or assessment. The advice given in this episode is general in nature, but if you’re struggling, please see a healthcare professional, or call lifeline on 13 11 14.See for privacy information.
You may know Peter Bol as the 800m runner, who came fourth in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and second in the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Or, if you’re Hugh, you may have hundreds of photos of Peter training. Wherever you are on the Peter-obsession-meter, we think you’re going to love this episode. Our chat with Peter starts in Sudan, where Peter and his family moved as a unit, through Egypt, before settling in Australia. They were chasing safety and opportunity, two values that continue to ground Peter through all of his sporting success. In 2023, Peter was on the most amazing upward trajectory, he'd just become the WA Young Australian of the year and things were looking good for the Paris 2024 Olympics. Then he was completely derailed with a false-positive drug test. Hugh, Ryan, and Josh talk to Peter about how he remained consciously grateful and resilient throughout the entire saga and was able to instil within himself such fundamental lessons around positivity, justice and mindset. Peter, we (Hugh) will see you on the track soon. To watch this full video on YouTube, follow this link: 🎧 Things to listen to: How To Write A Gratitude Letter - 📺 Things to watch: Peter Bol’s 2021 Olympic 800m Race - 📱Apps to download BBL - See for privacy information.
In this long-awaited Academy of Imperfection, we chat to psychologist Janelle Booker, who specialises in ADHD and Highly Sensitive Person trait. There is SO MUCH to learn (and love) about an ADHD brain. We learn how ADHDers are often extremely creative, innovative, and talented, and in the right conditions, absolutely thrive. However, ADHDers may struggle with executive functions such as time keeping, organisation and emotional regulation, which can make daily life really hard and exhausting. People with ADHD can be more susceptible to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, as well as dopamine boosting activities such as risk-taking behaviour, addiction and disordered eating. This is why seeking the right diagnosis and treatment plan can be really impactful. With school as a battleground, and friendships sometimes hard to maintain, Hugh, Ryan and Josh chat through how neurotypical people can be better allies and support systems to ADHDers, as friends, partners, employers, and parents. On a HSP note (not the snack pack, unfortunately), we bet a few of you might resonate with Janelle’s explanation, especially since 15-20% of the population have the Highly Sensitive Person trait. Janelle, it was an absolute pleasure, and we can’t believe we didn’t do this sooner. Janelle is based in Western Australia, and her practice Janelle Booker Psychology, will be accepting new clients in February 2025. Click here to find out more - To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link: 💻 ADHD Resources to check out: ADHD Foundation Australia Hotline - Stardust Support - Curtin University ADHD Support Group - For support groups at other universities, contact your counselling or psychology service 🎧 Things to listen to: Fern Brady - Autistic in a Non-Autistic World - Jackson Tozer - Don’t Give Up On Me - Dr. Emily - Truth vs Harmony - 📖 Things to read: Elaine Aron’s work on HSP - Research paper on ADHD genes - 📺 Things to watch: ADHD Meme Account Recommended by Ryan - The Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, treatment or assessment. The advice given in this episode is general in nature, but if you’re struggling, please see a healthcare professional, or call lifeline on 13 11 14.See for privacy information.
Chef extraordinaire, creative genius and owner of Attica, Ben Shewry is welcomed back to the studio, this time into the Vulnerabilitea House. In this episode, Ben answers the question, “When was a time you stayed silent, and regretted it?” and talks about his own culpability in racism, and how this event shaped the person that he is today. Hugh and Josh share a moment they wish they could have back, and how they have been moving through the shame to do better next time. In determining what success means to him, Ben talks so graciously about how showing sensitivity and love within relationships leads to deeper connections, and a more enriching life. Ben, we’re IN LOVE with you. To watch this full episode on YouTube, click here - 📖 Things to read: Uses for Obsession by Ben Shewry - 🎧 Things to listen to: Ben Shewry (Pt 1) - The Other Side of Excellence - Ben Shewry (Pt 2) - How The Chef Was Made - Rana Hussain - Belonging for Connection - Slip Slidin’ Away by Paul Simon - 🍴Things to check out: Attica - See for privacy information.
It’s tiiimmmmeeee, to get vulnyyyyy (again). And this time, we’re talking about year 12 exams. With the WHOLE TEAM! Whether you’ve hid a possum in your cupboard the night before your English exam, or lost your voice on stage in your drama final, or maybe didn’t even take exams, we’ve been there, and we’re here to tell you, it will be okay. So, get out your papers and pens (do kids still use these?), sit down and enjoy. Love, The Imperfects. To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link - for privacy information.
As an author, journalist and broadcaster, Dr Julia Baird has spent the last decade researching awe, wonder, grace and forgiveness (...and now the title makes sense!). Finding joy and purpose through ocean swimming, Julia shows us how impactful nature and community can be when we say yes to adventure (and also what to do when caught in a rip). With Josh out sick, Ryan and Hugh do the heavy lifting with bountiful good questions, Ryan becomes enlightened and discovers the meaning behind church (no really, he’s onto something), and Hugh and Ryan get deep with Julia and discuss the role of justice in forgiveness and the place of grace in today’s society. Julia, it was such an honour, and definitely a name ticked off our dream-guest bucket list. To watch the full episode on YouTube click here - 🎧Things to listen to: Not Stupid podcast with Julia Baird and Jeremy Fernandez - Grace Tame - “Sexy-time, Scissoring, Autism” - All that really matters - Teddy Swims - Renegades: Born in the USA with Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen - 📖 Things to read Julia Baird’s ‘Staying Upright’ ABC column - Phosphorescence by Julia Baird - Bright Shining by Julia Baird - Silent Spring by Rachel Carlson - The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carlson - The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey - AWE by Dacher Keltner - The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga 📺 Things to watch Barack Obama singing Amazing Grace - The Pool documentary - 🌊 Information about Ocean Swimming Groups Phosphorescence Swimming Group (Melbourne) - Margaret River Swimming Group - See for privacy information.
The birth of a child is completely overwhelming, in every way. What gets you through is your newfound love and connection. Right? But what happens when your heart doesn’t break open with love? What happens when you don’t feel what you’re meant to be feeling? Jack Post is a pillar of Australian radio. Cackling Jack of Hamish and Andy, Side-Kick of the Christian O’Connell Show, Jack has worked hard to always be in the right place at the right time. In this Vulnerabilitea House, Jack is so remarkably honest about his experience with post-natal depression. The shame, the unbearable expectation, the support, and the newfound self-love, Jack shares his journey and the hard work that he has done to get here. This is not an easy conversation, but it is such a very important one. We don’t have favourites, but this episode is an exception. Jack, it was an honour speaking to you. We love you so much. To watch this full episode on YouTube, click here - 🎧 Things to listen to: Hamish & Andy Podcast- The Christian O’Connell Breakfast Show - Ryan Shelton - Shame, Jealousy & Purpose - 💻 Things to check out: SYN FM Radio Program - If you, or someone you know, is struggling with post-natal depression, these are a few great resources: PANDA - DadSpace - The Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, treatment or assessment. The advice given in this episode is general in nature, but if you’re struggling, please see a healthcare professional, or call lifeline on 13 11 14. See for privacy information.
We’re gettin’ vullllnnnnyyyyy. Oooohhhhh yeahhhhhh. Yeah, that’s right. We’re trying something new. And, in the coolest way possible, we really hope you like it. Specifically, Josh is gettin’ vulny, and letting us in on a little something he’s been working on (or hoping to work on) (he’s nervous). We’re so proud of you Josh, and we can’t wait to see everyone there x TO BUY TICKETS TO JOSH’S GIG (!!!!!) - follow this link: To watch this full episode on YouTube, follow this link: 🎧 Things to listen to: The Vulnerabilitea House - Josh van Cuylenburg - Vulnerability Update - Josh Wrote a Song! - James Clear - Down The Habit Hole - 📺 Things to watch: we were here - Josh van Cuylenburg Official Video - Nick Cave Australian Story - See for privacy information.
Do you believe that if you stop worrying, the worst-case scenario will happen? According to Dr Emily, uncertainty, is the only certainty (mic drop) (jaw drop) (the crowd goes silent). If you weren’t having an existential crisis yet, strap yourself in, because today we’re talking worry and uncertainty. In this emisode, our resident psychologist Dr Emily Musgrove talks us through our new-age uncertainty intolerance, and why we continuously seek reassurance and data to drive our decision-making process. We talk big, global-warming size unpredictability, and also small, picking a restaurant without reading reviews uncertainty, to explore the role of worry in our lives. Without further ado, let’s dive into the unknown and find safety in the present moment. You can watch this full episode on YouTube here - 🎧Things to listen to: Myf Warhurst - The Anxiety of Uncertainty - Dr Louise Newson - Maybe It’s Menopause - Sean Turnell - A Prisoner’s Guide to Life - Ann Davidman - Should You Have Children? - Dr Emily - The Risk of Avoiding Risk - Elizabeth Day - The Me-est Version of Me - 📺Things to watch: Brene Brown - The Call to Courage - 💻Things to check out: Mother of Mindfulness (Ellen Langer) - Making the Decision Right - Increasing Intolerance of Uncertainty Over Time - Nicholas Carleton - Rick Hanson - I am all right, right now - The Imperfects is not a licensed mental health service and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, treatment or assessment. The advice given in this episode is general in nature, but if you’re struggling, please see a healthcare professional, or call lifeline on 13 11 14.See for privacy information.
Author, business lady and skincare wizard (according to her customs card), Zoë Foster Blake is nothing short of prolific. Chatting with Hugh, Ryan and Josh in this Vulnerabilitea House, Zoë talks through the pressure and responsibility she felt during her loneliest time. Striking ‘luck’ as a dirty word, Zoë’s compulsion to be productive and produce ‘good work’ has earned her a multitude of publishing awards for her numerous books, the production of one of her novels into a TV show, the stocking of her skincare brand Go-To in Mecca and Sephora, and a cult following. But something’s gotta give when you’re striving to have it all, and Zoë knows better than anyone how relationships, mental and physical health can all suffer when you’re burn-out adjacent. Zoë preaches the importance of sleep, and discusses how she combats anxious thoughts before bedtime, as well as perimenopause (and how you’re probably gaslighting yourself into thinking you aren’t going through it). Zoë, what a joy. To watch this episode on YouTube, follow this link: 📖 Things to read: Things Will Calm Down Soon (Zoë’s BRAND NEW book) - Scaredy Bath by Zoë Foster Blake - No One Likes A Fart by Zoë Foster Blake - Zoë’s entire back catalogue of books - How To Be Idle by Tom Hodgkinson - This Is Marketing by Seth Godin - 💻 Things to Check Out Go-To, Bro-To and Gro-To Skincare - Balance App - 📺Things to Watch The Wrong Girl - Michael Phelps Doorway Technique - Slumdog Millionaire - 🎧Things to listen to Dr Louise Newson - Maybe It’s Menopause - See for privacy information.
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Phenomenal episode. Amazing questions so beautifully placed. Wonderful man, fabulous story full of inspiration. 🙏💓
Just love this, so much wisdom. Thank you for sharing ❤️🙏
I just love the learnings for me during this episode. Thank you so much for sharing. So grateful 🙏
so inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing ❤🙏
This is a really great episode! Love listening to Dr Emily.
This was an incredible episode, extremely thought provoking.
Beautiful interviewing skills. Wonderful episode, have never heard of Grant. What a guy, so inspiring and profound . Thank you for sharing.
هر طور میلید همونطور فکر کنید برام،مهم،نیست چی درباره میگین و قضاوت میکنین هر کی اندازه شعورش و تربیتش وجدانش بیدارش میکنه از رفتار و کارایی که کرده لطفا .....شب بخیر
Joshs comment about knowing he just wouldn't exercise resonated 100%
Loved this! Listened to it twice today back to back. Huge lightbulbs. Thank you
Look forward to every Monday morning with you guys, can't wait to hear what's next! Thank you, I'm so grateful to the three of you.
Holy shit, this was amazing. How am I only listening to this now?
such an amazing episode...Johann is amazing.
what a load of garbage
What a guy! A great listen.
come climbing max gawn. I live at the best cliff in Aus. jp nikinorth
Wow guys this was AMAZING so honest and raw. It takes alot of guts.
I seriously love Ben Crowe and have listened to a few of his interviews. This one is my favourite by far and I have listened to it twice. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy to take notes.
This show is THE BEST. Love you guys. Thanks so much, keep them coming!