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The In Alignment Podcast

Author: Rosa Prosser

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The In Alignment Podcast is all about inspiring you to discover your most authentic self. It is all about living your best life in alignment with who you really are, realising your dreams and living each day to its fullest potential.

It is here to inspire people to have confidence in themselves and be proud of who they are. Through discussing a range of topics with different guests this podcast aims to open people’s eyes to what is possible for them in their own life right now.. because it is all possible.

The podcast is hosted by Rosa Prosser who is a vinyasa yoga teacher and writer - website
6 Episodes



"You have as many possibilities as you want" "Your possibilities are infinite" "Possibility resides within all of us" This week on the podcast I am speaking about possibility, the 4 agreements, and getting REAL. I start off the episode by sharing what exactly the aim of this podcast is and how I am still figuring out my own life: I am far from perfect and really only at the beginning of my journey, but I hope that you can all relate to whatever I am saying. I speak about my journey towards discovering what is possible for me, and this leads me to talking about having expectations of ourselves and choosing to see the possibilities. The journey towards your possibilities starts by making the CHOICE to see them, and then after that it does not happen over night, every day you must seek out the possibility within every moment and keep believing in yourself. Trying your best is all you can do.. I then speak about the 4 agreements (this is a book I am currently reading by Don Miguel Ruiz and you can find it on Amazon here these agreements are: 1. Be impeccable with your word 2. Don't take things personally 3. Don't make assumptions 4. Always try your best If you try your best in every moment then you will reach your potential and new possibilities will start to open up for you everyday. I finish this episode by saying TRUST in your possibilities and trust that everything is going to work out OK! Trust in the things that bring you JOY and do more of them, because we are all seeking happiness not realising that it is so simple: if we do MORE of what makes us happy, then that is how we find and achieve happiness. Make the choice. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the show. I am super grateful to everyone who listens. If you want to follow my journey you can find me on instagram If you have time please rate and review this podcast as that is so helpful to me and supports this show. much love and speak to you next time.
I believe that ANYTHING is possible. Whatever you set your mind too, you can achieve. You can live the life of your dreams. It is ALL possible. Today I am speaking about how to make the impossible possible - how to achieve everything you want too in life and how to reach your dreams. I share my step by step guide to achieving success and also tips to live your best life. HOW TO ACHIEVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO IN LIFE: 1. You have to know what you want, get clear and create a vision. 2. Make a plan of how you are going to get there. 3. Use the '3rd' door. (Book on Amazon 4. Psychological framework to success: Optimism; Control; Grit. 5. Don't shy away from the uncomfortable. 6. Know what to do on bad days. 7. Be more (you don't need to do more in order to be more, just BE) OTHER TIPS TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE: - Seek out the potential in others (as well as in yourself) - Jump at ALL opportunities - Stand up for yourself; what you believe in; and your dreams - Be present so that nothing passes you by - Live the 'hero's journey' (Book by Joseph Campbell on Amazon - Learn to live your greatest story - Remember that you are enough - Don't be afraid to ask for help. I hope this has been helpful to you guys. Thank you so much for listening, as always I am super grateful. Much love
Never hold yourself back. That is really the whole message of this episode. Don't hold yourself back from doing the things that you love; don't ask for permission from anyone; and definitely don't wait until you are ready - get that you are ready right now, and just do it! In this episode of The In Alignment Podcast I am speaking all about overcoming procrastination and finding inspiration. I talk about my own podcast journey, and share my tips for overcoming procrastination, these are: 1. Don't wait 2. Start Now 3. You are ready Now 4. Find your inspiration 5. Use JOY as your guidance system 6. Forget the end result 7. Learn on the job 8. "Try easy" 9. Research - but not too much 10. Fill the jar with large stones first 11. Pyramid of projects. I end the episode by speaking about inspiration and having ideas.. I talk about Elizabeth Gilbert's theory of ideas which I love! and her book Big Magic Thank you so much to everyone who listened to this podcast episode, I am super grateful to you all. Please let me know your thoughts, you can find me on Instagram or leave me a message on my blog, I love hearing back from you! Much love



I believe that having a positive body image is THE most important thing if you want to live a happy, vibrant and fulfilled life. In this episode of The In Alignment Podcast I am speaking about body image and why exactly it is so important. I start off the episode talking about changing the way you see yourself and also changing the words you use to and about yourself in order to be happy. I then go on to discuss my steps for creating a positive body image: Step 1- look at what thoughts you are having: do they serve you or bring you down? are they full of love or comparison? Step 2- write down these thoughts; try standing in front of a mirror and write down every thought that comes to mind. Step 3- reverse your negative thoughts- replace each negative thought with 3(!) positive ones. You have to be present to do this! I talk about the reasons behind wanting to change your appearance: it can either be out of love or fear. You get to choose which is fuelling your motivation. In this episode I also cover topics such as: Instagram, comparison, not feeling good enough, eating and exercise. The books I speak about are Mel Well's The Goddess Revolution and Geneen Roth's book Women, Food and God I hope you all enjoy this episode. Thank you so so so much for listening, I am super grateful (as always!) much love
Today on The In Alignment Podcast I am opening up a little more about what is happening right now in my life. This is with the hope that I can share what I am going through and the continual lessons I am learning, so that you may be able to take something away from it and apply it to your own life as well! Right now I am in the process of leaving London (and my job)to go traveling around Hawaii for 3 months and then move to Australia. I speak about this; how I am feeling; what challenges have arisen for me.. and I also talk about how inspiring it has been to live in London and what I have learnt here: FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! I share about the 'conflict' that I am feeling at the moment: how I am stuck between new and old; change and comfort; effort and ease; growth and contentment... I am sure we all feel this in our lives, moving forward can be difficult but it needs to be done if we want to reach our highest self. I realise that developing a Growth Mindset is a strategy to over come any conflict you might feel, and I talk about how this is a 'win win' attitude towards life! I speak about failures and ask: IS OUR BIGGEST FEAR IN LIFE THAT OF FAILURE? I share a story from Osho which I read in Living Your Life On Your Own Terms, which seems like a very appropriate title now I come to think about it, you can find the book here Finally I ask: IS THERE ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE THAT ISN'T SERVING YOU? AND CAN YOU GIVE THAT UP? Thank you all so much for listening. I am so grateful to you all. Keep listing to my podcast to hear how my adventures in Hawaii go, or you can follow me on Instagram much much love
"To fully embody our best self, we must first say goodbye to our old one." Today on the podcast I am speaking all about CHANGE. I am at a cross roads in my life, a transition period, between letting go of my old self and living everyday as my best self. I wanted to share this with you all and share what I have been doing to move forward. SAYING GOODBYE TO YOUR OLD SELF: - Draw a picture of your 'old self' and surround it with all the things, characteristics, traits, habits that you want to give up. - Draw another picture, this time of your highest self. Surround it with all the words describing who you are, who you want to be, and everything in between. Make it as inspirational and positive as you can. Fill the whole page! LIVING AS YOUR BEST SELF: - Take action RIGHT NOW to be your best self - Remind yourself CONSTANTLY of who you want to be - BREATHE IN all the qualities you want to manifest and embody; BREATHE OUT what is not serving you I also talk about Mel Well's book, The Goddess Revolution (which is life changing by the way) you can find it on amazon here - Thank you all so much for listening, I am super grateful to you all. If you have time please rate and review this podcast as that helps to support me! Much love