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The Initiates

Author: Natalie Grace

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The Initiates Podcast is an exploration of spirituality, mysticism and awakening. Join your host and guide Natalie Grace for spiritual deep dives, intuitive guidance and channeled wisdom teachings, plus conversations with others on the spiritual path. 

36 Episodes
Join Natalie as she shares her recent experience at the Bohemian Summer Festival, and what it taught her about the divinity of women and women's spaces. She also explores the archetype of the Goddess, and the parallels between mythical Goddess worship and the modern day phenomenon of Taylor Swift. And finally, she shares a heartfelt experience of receiving a little miracle over the weekend, and what it has taught her about sisterly connection and the process of manifestation. Let's journey xB...
Welcome to a powerful initiation into the energies that will shape our journey in 2024! Join host Natalie Grace in the first episode of the year as she shares the cosmic guidance that will illuminate our paths in the coming months.In this special episode, Natalie shares a recording from a recent IG livestream where she delivers a captivating forecast for the year ahead using her mystical toolkit of Tarot, the Akashic Records, and quantum attunement. Experience Natalie's distinctive styl...
Today I speak with Colleen Kersey, who shares her incredible gift of animal communication, and some profound wisdom that she's received from the beloved pets she's connected with. Here, Colleen shares the journey of discovering her gifts, and the beautiful spiritual bond between pets and their people. We also touch on some hard topics, like the impact of past traumas on our pets, and the difficult and emotional process of deciding when it's time to allow a pet to pass. This episode is so beau...
Ever felt the urge to delve deeper into your spiritual journey but didn't know how? Sacred Ceremony is the answer. I'm excited to unveil this online community crafted with care, providing teachings, tools, and resources to aid you on your spiritual path, starting with monthly online ceremonies. My very first online ceremony happens this week, perfectly timed for the upcoming equinox. It's called The Blue Pool - A Guided Equinox Journey, and it's been channeled for you - to take you to a place...
The Path of Light

The Path of Light


Have you noticed the energy feeling a little bit heavier recently? I have. Wanting to learn more about this shift, I sat at my altar. Feeling deeply into this energy, I was hit with a super potent message from my guides. And they asked me to share it here with you all. This is a message of power, to help us anchor the highest frequencies of light, regardless of the state of the world. To help us be shining beacons of light, standing atop mountains, guiding others on the path of lig...
Join me for an Akashic transmission, as we integrate the energies of the 8/8 portal, and reflect on the symbolic meaning of the Lion's Gate. In this episode, I explore the connection between the fixed star Sirius and the sun, as they interplay in the zodiac sign of Leo and the archetypal energy of the Lion. Journey further, as we delve into the symbolism and power of the Lion's Gate energy across diverse cultures worldwide. From the protective energy of literal lion's gates in Sri Lanka, Gree...
This episode is a deep well of wisdom from my journey through Cancer season and my training as a ceremonial spaceholder, working with physical elements, and Mama Gaia and her guardians. This episode is an honest sharing of breakthroughs, epiphanies and emotions. During this magical time, I've been learning a lot about timeline jumping and how inner child healing, simply by becoming an angel guide to your child self, has the power to reprogram our coded imprints that hold us back in the p...
Have you ever wondered how astrology and hypnosis can help you on your personal journey of self-discovery? Join me as I chat with Evelyn Zuel, a talented writer, astrologer, and hypnotist, to unlock the secrets of the cosmos and the powers of the subconscious. This episode is a wild ride through astrology, healing, hypnosis, past lives, psy-ops and more. Evelyn shares how astrology and past life regression unlocked a life long healing journey, and provides insight into the upcoming astrologic...
Is society encouraging us to adopt the identity of victim? In this episode, I explore the archetype of the victim, the pathology of victim mindset, and the many ways we choose to play victim in our relationships, work and every day lives for a psychological payoff that limits our potential for growth and betterment. Here's what we cover:- what is victim mentality (aka victim mindset)- my perception of genuine, lived victim experience versus the more performative self-victimization that s...
Join Natalie as she explores her spiritual belief system, and asks some hard questions about awakening narratives. For me, one of the best parts of the spiritual awakening journey is the curiosity it sparks. We want to learn as much as possible about our purpose and why we're here, and devour so much information from social media, podcasts, videos and books. But while we're busy in the spiritual echo chamber, are we asking enough questions of the narratives we're consuming?This is the journey...
Join Natalie as explores a new connection with her material reality. Nature has been speaking to me recently, and this week, the messages have been coming through the physical realm in the most beautiful and profound ways. I've connected with the wise spirit of the owl, who sat face to face with me on the farm this week. I've connected with plants in my garden who have shared their healing. I've connected with the healing work of the land on my farm. And I've connected with my body, who...
Join Natalie as she shares a channelled message for the recent Equinox. Earlier this week, as I sat under the stars, witnessing the energy of the Equinox, I felt the urge to get out my Tarot cards and journal to receive a message. What came was a short but insightful message about our distrust of time, our detachment from our true nature, and the inflexibility that comes with needing to be in control of everything, all the time. In this episode, I share this message and explain how it c...
Overcoming Apathy

Overcoming Apathy


Join Natalie as she explores the energetic axis of Passion and Apathy. I recently shared a big lesson I received about working with the axis of the harmonic polarity between Love and Fear (#21 - The Fear / Love Axis) , and the transformation this lesson created for me was so empowering that I wondered "where else can I apply this axis in my life?" So I sat with my current emotions about my work life, and uncovered some big, powerful feelings that are holding me back from realising...
The Power of Gaia

The Power of Gaia


Join Natalie as she shares a channeled message she received in 2021, about Gaia, wild weather, and the vibration of fear in the collective field.I wrote this message in my journal in October 2021, following some really crazy and intense weather events in my home state of Victoria, Australia. I wanted to know the cause of this weather, and the lessons it was holding for us. What came was a really profound teaching about the power of the vibration of fear in the collective field, and the i...
The Fear / Love Axis

The Fear / Love Axis


Join Natalie as she shares a recent lesson on the energetic powers of love and fear.After another little-ish break, I'm so happy to be back with you all! In this episode, I check in with the energy and share a *super* empowering lesson I learned recently, that was bestowed on me by my little kitty Bread. It's a simple yet profound wisdom teaching all about the the energetic axis of fear and love, and my story of how I learned to tap into the zero point of neutrality that exists between these ...
Transformational Healing

Transformational Healing


Join Natalie as she shares her journey through healing, and how the path of healing has led her to the wisdom of transformational healing. In this episode, I explore:- The advanced technology of the body, and why it's the most intelligent machine to ever exist- How modern society trains us to detach from our own bodily intelligence- Why spaceships are a psy op (lol)- The five energetic bodies - How symptoms are our physical body's method of communication with usThen, I share details of my own...
Join Natalie as she shares her personal theme for 2023, and explores the empowering process of Future Self Envisioning. “What if I was to cultivate a deep and unwavering belief in myself? What would happen?”I asked this question of myself during a chat with a friend on one of the very first days of this new year. When I pondered this question, I knew that this would become my ultimate challenge in 2023 - to build a deeper sense of self-belief. In this episode, I discuss the concept of self-be...
The Nature of Light

The Nature of Light


Join Natalie as she shares a message she channeled for the recent Solstice. I've made it a regular practice this year, to channel a message to share with the collective on the solstices and equinoxes. This week, as I celebrated the summer equinox here in Australia, I received a beautiful message about the nature of light, and the importance of sharing our light with the world. Since "the collective" is worldwide, I also received a message about the nature of darkness for those in the Northern...
Join Natalie and her special guest Josh Dubovie, host of the MEGApodcast, as they discuss what it is to live in alignment with one's truth, and in symbiosis with the Earth and humanity. Josh has such an interesting and unique story of awakening, and in this episode, he shares his experience of transition from outward expression to inner alignment. Josh was living the dream of being a successful performing artist. But after bearing witness to the true intentions of the entertainment indu...
Join Natalie as she shares her reflections on the energies of 2022. Since December arrived, I've been in a deeply reflective mode, thinking about all the different ways 2022 has provided challenge and growth. In this week's episode, I feel called to share my musings with you. I discuss the ways in which 2022 has triggered evolution at a collective level, and share my own personal journey of growth, touching on achievements, challenges, lessons and joys. I also announce a very special event - ...