The Interlude Podcast.

Uncensored podcast, Recorded in the Kitchen,Lounge,Bedroom,garden with a phone,just unusual conversations. Damn almost forgot, my co-host is mostly speaking is'Tsotsi/broken Zulu,Hope you have a translator nearby and yes i have a lisp. An intervening or interruptive period,space,or event. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition,drama, or religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.

The Kitchen Sessions “How was it?”.

An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen Sessions “Childhood Trauma”.

An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment. Childhood trauma is often described as serious adverse childhood experiences. Children may go through a range of experiences that classify as psychological trauma, these might include neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, and physical abuse, witnessing abuse of a sibling or parent, or having a mentally ill parent.


The Kitchen Sessions”Woman to Woman,Polygamy & Monogamy”.

If you talk about a woman-to-woman conversation, you are talking about an honest and open discussion between two women. Polygamy, marriage to more than one spouse at a time.Monogamy,the practice of marrying or state of being married to one person at a time. An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen Sessions “money ku Mjolo ”.

Money in relationships,Money has long been known to be a leading cause of stress in relationships — probably because, for so many couples, it’s a topic that’s off-limits. Maybe you’re insecure about your own financial situation, and talking it over with your partner would force you to deal with the reality of a serious situation. An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen Sessions “spirituality”.

Idlozi is the 'spirit' that possesses a person to become an African Uhlanya (healer), whereas Ithongo is a dead person whom we believe that he is not dead but alive in the land of the ancestors (kwela baphansi).One of the most effective ways to connect with Ancestors is to set up an Ancestor umsamo (altar or shrine). An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen sessions “Mjolo”.

Mjolo basically means dating. It's derived from ukujola which means to date. Therefore mjolo is the act of dating (ukujola). Other people may spell it as mojolo. Mjolo will nyisa you. An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen Sessions,”Dating back in the day”.

Dating without technology would have been so fun back in the day. Having to actually go see someone if you wanted to talk to them,having to ask them out in person,being completely there in the moment without having the distraction of a phone. An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen Sessions, “Preference”.

Preference - “A greater liking for one alternative over another or others”. An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service. A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


The Kitchen Sessions.

An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event ,interval. A musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service.A usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment.


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