The Internal Comms Podcast

Call it a shift. Call it a revolution. Whatever name you give it, it’s clear internal communications is no longer the poor cousin in the media family tree. At a time when your organisation’s products and services can seemingly be replicated at the touch of a button, the one thing that is hardest to copy – your organisation’s collective wisdom – is fast becoming its most important asset. In one of the UK’s first internal communications podcasts, Katie Macaulay sits down with IC thought-leaders every other Wednesday to better understand how we can improve communications at work. After all, it’s what’s inside that counts.

Episode 101 – From complex to clear: Elevate your presentations

As internal communicators, empowering leaders to clearly communicate business strategy, important updates and company values is a valued skill. How can we inspire colleagues and leaders alike to make the complex simple? This week’s guest and founder of Present Your Science, Melissa Marshall, has built a career educating scientists, engineers and technical professionals about how to present their insight. “The work matters,” she says, but as is discussed in the episode, so often we hear people say they’re simply no good at public speaking. Melissa says that there’s a toolbox that will help even the most anxious public speaker improve their presentation skills. And she has walked the talk – her own TED Talk, Talk Nerdy To Me, has been watched nearly three million times. So, if you’ve ever felt the trepidation of an upcoming talk, or struggled with distilling the complex into the clear, this is a conversation for you. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 100 – Meet the super-connector behind #CommsJobs

After years running an internal communications team, Daniel Mendez emigrated from Chile to the U.S., where he faced a host of barriers to success. A language barrier. A small or non-existent professional community. The difficulty in proving himself. And yet, he emerged as a hugely successful communicator and connector. Daniel is the brains behind the #CommsJobs hashtag, one of the most impactful job search functions in the communications profession. So how did he get here? Where did the idea for #CommsJobs come from? And just how important are human connections when securing your next role? This episode of The Internal Comms Podcast is raw and human. It gets to the crux of what it means to fight for yourself and to build connections that will drive you forward on your journey. Daniel and Katie touch on ‘suitcase words’, why it’s so important to pay it forward in your network, what resilience really means and why communicators should consider the flipside of AI panic. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 99 – The communicator’s communicator

In this episode of The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by Linda Zebian. The very first Director of Communications at PR management platform Muck Rack, Linda spent a decade in various comms roles at The New York Times during its transformation from print ad-supported newspaper to the most successful digital subscription business in the world. Linda has put her unique experience of communicating with journalists into action at Muck Rack, a remote working company with colleagues across the world. As you’ll hear, there are plenty of lessons from the newsroom that help inform her approach to communicating with her new audience. This episode goes behind the scenes to explore the challenges and opportunities of communicating to a workforce of journalists and there’s a candid conversation on the role a free press can play in modern society. Linda and Katie discuss internal communication’s role in leadership development and how important it is to unlock the confidence of leaders as communicators. Linda also provides some invaluable top tips for internal comms professionals to do their best work – a fascinating listen. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Exclusive reveal: Katie’s IC masterclass

Join us for a special episode of The Internal Comms Podcast as host Katie Macaulay announces the imminent launch of her unique on-demand masterclass. With more than three decades at the forefront of internal comms, including leading the world’s first internal comms agency, AB, Katie has developed a masterclass programme that promises to elevate the capabilities and boost the impact of in-house internal comms professionals. Katie explains how she dedicated a year to designing a self-paced learning journey for internal comms folk seeking to accelerate their career growth. She gives an overview of the programme, diving into each of the eight workstreams. These cover the history of internal communication, the unique characteristics of the internal audience, research and measurement, channels and content, internal comms strategy, and what it takes to build a successful, fulfilling career in the field. Visit to sign up for updates on the launch and receive exclusive early bird offers.


Episode 98 – How to build a powerful personal brand

This week on The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by serial entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker and business mentor Chris Ducker. Chris is a renowned expert in building powerful personal brands – taking solo entrepreneurs and leaders to new levels of success and transforming them into the go-to leaders in their respective industries. Chris and Katie cover a lot of ground in this conversation. Chris has a fascinating take into the importance of what people say when you’re not in the room, and how you can use your own USP to become a successful ‘you-preneur’. As someone who has walked the talk when it comes to personal branding, his advice is worth its weight in gold. But this is not just a podcast for wannabe entrepreneurs or high-ranking leaders. Anyone wanting to carry weight in their role should be considering the impact of reputation – talent will take you far, but the way people feel about you will drive you that little bit further. Discover how Chris went from burnout to building big, successful brands, and how you can do the same. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 97 – Leaving the ladder down: helping IC pros step up

In this episode of The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay welcomes back the show’s first-ever guest, Rachel Miller. Rachel is an internationally recognised internal comms legend, with more than two decades of educating, advising and commenting on the profession under her brand All Things IC. Alongside her podcasting, blogging and consulting work, she is the author of Internal Communication Strategy, a book dedicated to helping internal communicators “get it right”. Katie and Rachel discuss many elements of IC during this wide-ranging conversation. They delve into change communication, and the mistakes to avoid. Rachel shares some invaluable advice for crafting an internal communication strategy using her own framework. And she offers candid insight into how her recent ADHD diagnosis has impacted her work and personal life. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast.


Episode 96 – Inclusion in action: Kindness is the keystone

This week on The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by Global Belonging, Equity and Impact Consultant, and self-styled ‘human-centric technologist’, Bob Watanabe. Bob has been working in HR technology for over two decades and is a fierce believer in always doing something to make someone’s life better. His human-centred approach brings new light to business challenges, workplace culture and colleague connection. Always the optimist, Bob guides Katie through his formative experiences as an Asian-American person who has often been, to quote Bob, “the only one in a room.” He shares insightful anecdotes from leaders who have shaped him as a person and offers invaluable advice for today’s leaders as they navigate this new, fragmented world of work. And he flies the flag for always leading with kindness, at work or elsewhere. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 95 – Mastering your approach to strategic communication

This week on The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by award-winning marketing and communications expert Danielle Bond. Recently retired from corporate life, Danielle has held the CMO role at many leading professional services firms throughout her career. Most recently, she led the brand, corporate comms and marketing function for consulting engineering firm Aurecon, where she led on comms for 14 years. Katie met Danielle when the latter was serving on the board of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC). This episode is a must-listen for any marketers and comms folk looking to strengthen their strategic flair. Danielle has a wealth of expertise to share, looking back on her storied career to assess how our profession has evolved over the past few decades, and offering invaluable advice. Tune in for the insights, stay for Danielle’s warmth and her genuine passion for communication. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 94 – The stories that shape us

In this episode of The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by leadership communications coach and co-founder of Engage Kenya, Agatha Juma. Agatha credits an embarrassing experience as a speaker at a conference for igniting her interest in comms and public speaking. That grew into what Agatha calls a deep passion for developing leadership capabilities. But it’s not just corporates and executives that Agatha helps to tell their stories. Today, Agatha’s work at Engage Kenya brings together people from all walks of life to share their stories. Entering its eighth year, Engage brings “fascinating thinkers and doers” together to trigger discussion and connection on a diverse range of topics. Agatha is kind enough to share some of the most impactful stories she’s heard in this episode. In a world where connection is the key to unlocking our true potential, communicating through storytelling can reveal a shared understanding that didn’t previously feel possible. And for internal communicators, getting to those stories and sharing them with the organisation is a great way to drive colleague advocacy. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 93 – The sound of success: Why it pays to listen to employees

We’re back for Season 11 of The Internal Comms Podcast! And kicking us off with a very special episode, this week host Katie Macaulay is joined by not one, not two, but three guests. Kevin Ruck, Mike Pounsford and Howard Krais are the three authors of a brand-new book called Leading the Listening Organisation: Creating Organisations that Flourish. They are all internal communications aficionados, and with this book they have dialled in on one of the most important attributes of any skilled communicator: the art of listening. It is often said that the best communicators, and certainly the best conversationalists, are skilled listeners. As leaders and communicators, we must invest the time needed to listen to understand – not simply hear – employees. The many benefits of effective employee listening for organisations are clear. Is it time to put your ear to the ground? Tune in to find out. As always, share your thoughts on this or any other episode of the Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Moment 35 – The four Cs of content: How internal communicators can create comms that land

Looking for tips on creating internal communications that land – and stick? In this Moment from The Internal Comms Podcast, Steve Crescenzo shares a few things you absolutely must keep in mind. He calls them ‘the four Cs’. Creative. Think outside of email and your intranet. As Steve’s son told him, “Young people are not reading their emails and they aren’t visiting websites”. We have to think differently. Compelling. We must demonstrate the benefit to the audience in every piece of comms. Conversation. Strip out the jargon. Remove the corporate speak. Use your weekend words – without the swearing! Concise. Use your creativity to make sure comms are short, snackable and memorable. As CEO of Crescenzo Communications, Steve has decades of experience helping internal communicators inspire, engage and deliver strategies. And in this 10-minute clip, you’ll get some of his most valuable advice. Listen to the full episode here:


Moment 63 – Are you listening? The power of questions in leadership: Mike Roe

“I realised I was probably a pretty crap listener,” Mike Roe tells Katie Macaulay in this Moment from The Internal Comms Podcast. We often go to leaders and start by asking them something entirely different to what we are really there to ask. It’s down to leaders, says Mike, to ask the right questions and really listen to the responses. So, Mike took a leadership course that equipped him with invaluable skills to really connect with his colleagues. “Learning to ask powerful questions, being curious enough to ask those questions of others and yourself and being confident enough to shut up and let this resonate with somebody was transformational,” says Mike. Got questions of your own? Tune in to discover just how important they are. Listen to the full episode here:


Moment 57 – Language matters: Building two-way engagement at IKEA

At IKEA, choosing the right words when communicating with the workforce is everything. Guy Britt, IKEA’s Global Head of Co-worker Comms, tells Katie Macaulay the use of ‘co-worker comms’ instead of internal or employee comms is very deliberate. “It’s based on the fact that those we’re communicating to are people,” he says. The team at IKEA want to activate their colleagues; inspire them, and create a two-way dialogue. The language they use matters. The tone, and respect they have for their colleagues is what really engages them. Communicating in this human way to a large, global workforce like IKEA has its challenges. Getting the right message to the right people, on the right platforms – it’s not one size fits all. So, how does IKEA reach and engage their unique audiences? Tune in to find out. Listen to the full episode here:


Episode 92 – Revolution coming: How AI is transforming internal comms

If you have ever attended one of Shel Holtz’s presentations, you will know that, more often than not, it’s standing room only. Shel has a remarkable ability to anticipate what's next for internal communication, a knack for seeing what's around the corner and an in-depth understanding of how technology is revolutionising our world of work. Since Chat GPT was made public in November 2022, AI has dominated the headlines. So, who better but Shel to talk us through the implications for internal communications? His insights are fascinating. For years at the forefront of technology and communication, Shel is currently Senior Director of Communications at Webcor, a California-based building and engineering company. He’s the author of several essential communications books and the co-host of For Immediate Release, a podcast for comms professionals now into its eighteenth year. Share your thoughts on this, or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast, using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. Happy listening! Learn more about the opportunities for AI to transform your internal communications in a Creativity now! webinar from AB:


Moment 61 – Human-centric businesses do better: Victoria Dew

Does your approach to internal communication have the human touch? It’s essential to the humans you employ, says Victoria Dew, CEO of Dewpoint Communications and an internal comms aficionado. And it’s good for business, too. If you’re relying on people to run your business – and not robots or machines alone – then Victoria says you should be creating an environment where those humans can bring their whole, authentic selves to work, not just when it suits the business. Human beings are messy, they’re complex and they’re brilliant. And if you want the brightest and the best people on your team, and you want them to stick around and give their all to your mission, you must create a place where they can thrive. As Victoria says, “The best and smartest people don’t just innovate, collaborate and lead 9-to-5, and then go back into their little boxes, like a robot, until you go get them the next day.” So just how can you create that human-centric business? And why is it so important? Tune in to find out. Listen to the full episode here:


Episode 91 – How to build a one-person IC powerhouse

Ever feel like, as an internal communicator, you’re fighting an uphill battle all by yourself? This week’s guest on The Internal Comms Podcast has exactly what you need. Host Katie Macaulay welcomes internal communications strategist, author, and certified communication management pro, Emily Hecker. With over a decade of experience under her belt, Emily has been a one-person team at a string of organisations and has just written a new book, Me, myself and IC: Building internal communication as a team of one. She’s made the case for the importance of internal communications to CEOs and frontliners alike, elevating the profession beyond what she calls the “copy, paste, send factory” to a strategic business function. Internal communicators often find themselves working alone, shoehorned into a variety of functions. But even if you work in a wider team, this episode has a range of insights for you –from the best way to interview a potential employer to setting boundaries and defining your remit. As always, share your thoughts of this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 90 – A shared vision: ED&I and IC in action

This week on The Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by Sim Sian, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Mitie, and Yvonne O’Hara, formerly Mitie’s Group Head of Internal Communication and Engagement. Equality, diversity and inclusion, or ED&I, is fast climbing the corporate agenda. Creating an equitable environment that celebrates diversity and includes everyone is no longer a nice to have – it's a business and social imperative with tangible impact on workplace success. Internal communicators are in a unique position when it comes to ED&I and we can play a vital role in pushing it forward and embedding it within teams, leadership and the wider business. For Sim and Yvonne, their ability to work in a symbiotic way comes with a mutual understanding of the importance of ED&I and comms as individual disciplines and complementary functions. The result? A dynamite employee value proposition (EVP) project that celebrates and includes all of the diverse experiences, backgrounds and orientations at a 70,000-colleague business. As always, share your thoughts of this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 89 – Netflix-style IC: Snackable, on-demand and authentic

In this episode of the Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by Access Group’s Global Head of Communications and Engagement, Paul Downey. Paul caught Katie’s attention on LinkedIn, where he was discussing his unique approach to internal communications for a global, largely remote audience. With over 6,500 colleagues to engage, Paul had to shake things up for the Access Group’s annual global employee event. He shares his secrets to success in this episode. Katie and Paul also discuss his recipe for internal comms, which involves adopting a no-slides rule and creating content as opposed to the “death by PowerPoint” approach some of us will know all too well. He says content should be delivered Netflix-style: on-demand, snackable and story-led. Inspired, he created Access TV. This episode is a masterclass in both engaging and including those hard-to-reach employees. It’s about telling stories and empowering leaders to go on a journey and try something different. And it’s about having the tenacity to know you’ll succeed. As always, share your thoughts of this or any other episode of the Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. Thanks for listening.


Episode 88 – It’s fixable: How to tackle hard problems

In this episode of the Internal Comms Podcast, host Katie Macaulay is joined by Anne Morriss. Anne is an entrepreneur, author, public speaker, and the Executive Founder of the Leadership Consortium, an accelerator dedicated to helping leaders thrive. And cutting across it all is Anne’s commitment to fixing things. On Fixable, a podcast she co-hosts with her wife and business partner Frances Frei (a professor at Harvard Business School), she solves listeners’ workplace problems in just 30 minutes. Her new book, How to Move Fast and Fix Things, remakes a phrase popularised by Mark Zuckerberg and offers a five-step plan for leaders to tackle any workplace issue in just one working week. And her brilliant TED Talk – ‘Five steps to fix any problem at work’ – has 1.4million views and counting. This is a conversation about how we as communicators, teams and organisations can do more. How we, as Anne puts it, “can operate at the frontier of speed and trust”. As always, share your thoughts of this or any other episode of the Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


Episode 87 – Tracing the legacy of internal comms

It’s often said we must understand the past to build the future, and that sentiment sits at the very heart of this episode. This week on The Internal Comms Podcast we welcome professors Michael Heller and Joe Chick, of Brunel University. Michael and Joe were recently awarded a considerable grant from the UK government to write an institutional history of the internal comms function in the UK – and they join host Katie Macaulay to discuss IC’s humble beginnings and its evolution over time. Internal communications is nothing new, of course. As you'll hear, it has a rich and vibrant history, dating all the way back to the 1800s. So why this research? And why now? Through their work, Michael and Joe hope to give us IC practitioners a clearer sense of our occupational history, and in turn enhance our professional identity. For too long internal communicators have been seen as lesser than other comms professionals, and legitimising our journey to the present day is just one way we can secure our seat at the top table. Join us on a fascinating journey through the history of the profession, one we think will inspire and energise you to build the new era of IC. As always, share your thoughts of this or any other episode of The Internal Comms Podcast using the hashtag #TheICPodcast. And thanks for listening.


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