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The Introvert's Guide to...

Author: Phil Rickaby and Jess Gorman

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A podcast about the introvert life and how to live it to the fullest, made by introverts, for introverts
106 Episodes
Jess and Phil have a confession. While its widely known that they will avoid acquaintances if they pass them on the street, its time to come clean and admit that they do the same, even if they see really good friends on the street. In this episode they talk about why they do it, and why they (mostly) don't feel bad about it. And why you shouldn't either. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
This podcast was inspired by a reddit post, where the OP (Original Poster) complained: I’m an introvert and I don’t have hobbies… how do I get one? In this episode, Jess and Phil talk about hobbies. Is it possible to have hobbies that don't have a social aspect? Does the fear of social hobbies keep some introverts from pursuing hobbies that they might otherwise pursue? Phil and Jess talk about hobbies they are currently pursuing, ones they started and abandoned, and more. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
We've been on hiatus longer than we anticipated. As we do when we come back from a break, we catch up on what's been going on, and let you know why we were away for so long. The TLDR: a lot happened. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
Do you ever feel like you’ve been singled out at a gathering, becoming the center of a conversation you never wanted to be part of? We're cracking open the less-spoken realities of being an introvert and the social punishment that often comes with it. This episode paints a vivid picture of the uncomfortable moments we introverts face, sometimes at the hands of well-meaning loved ones. The conversation dives into the lack of empathy behind passive-aggressive questioning of introverts- a painful practice that can start from school age and continue into adulthood. We share our personal encounters with this kind of social punishment, hoping to illuminate a topic that many introverts grapple with but seldom talk about. But fear not, this dialogue isn't just about airing grievances; we're here to arm you with coping strategies too. Navigating these social obstacles can be daunting, particularly when you're grasping for the right words in those heat-of-the-moment situations. Through shared experiences and advice, we explore the power of silence, or perhaps a well-placed stare, as effective responses. As we wrap things up, we also touch on the costs of running this podcast and how you, our trusty listeners, can help us carry on. Let's remember, our aim isn't to change who we are, but to better understand and negotiate our world as introverts. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
Ever been told your introverted nature is a misfit for your workplace? Well, we've got a story for you! Join us, your introverted hosts Phil Rickaby and Jess Gorman, as we navigate the complexities of introversion in professional settings. One listener shares their experience of being told by a manager that introversion doesn't quite cut it at work. We delve into this, reassuring you that your quiet nature is not equivalent to incompetence and certainly doesn't define your professional capabilities. As the conversation unfolds, we discuss a unique scenario - being introverted in a gym environment. Drawing inspiration from another listener's email, we affirm that introversion is not a crime, not even in a gym! We extend practical advice for handling such situations while emphasizing how different personality types can significantly impact workplace dynamics. Together, we explore the perceptions and misconceptions about introverts and extroverts, and how these play out in work relationships and productivity. Closing the episode, we highlight that everyone embodies a blend of introverted and extroverted traits. Upholding your unique mix is vital. It's crucial to question any discouragements, stay true to your personality, and continue to excel professionally. As we wind up this enlightening journey, we express our gratitude to our listeners whose support keeps us going. Whether you identify as an introvert, extrovert, or a bit of both, this episode will make you rethink the role personality plays in the workplace. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, we delve into the world of introverts, exploring why they are often misunderstood as aloof or intimidating. We uncover the unique challenges introverts face in social situations, discussing the perception of them being 'know-it-alls' due to their broad vocabulary and deep thought process. We also touch upon the concept of 'canceling plans' as an introvert's love language and the guilt that often accompanies it. Links in this episode: Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, inspired by a reddit post, Jess and Phil talk about how it sometimes seems like extroverts make all the rules in life, and the introverts just have to deal with it. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, IG2 returns from its hiatus, and Jess an Phil talk about what its like having to pretend to be an extrovert, either at work or in social situations. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this short episode, Jess and Phil talk about why we missed putting out an episode last week, and why we're going to take about a month's break before getting back to publishing again. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, we welcome two guests, Melanie and Adrianna, both of whom have found their socialization types changing over the course of the pandemic, starting as an ambivert and an extravert respectively. In this conversation we discuss how it felt to be forced into a new socialization pattern, and how the way they think about their socialization preferences have changed over time. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, Jess and Phil ponder the question: Can introverts get lonely. They talk about times they have been lonely, what it takes for them to be lonely, how often it happens, and much more. Plus, your social media comments. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
On this episode, Jess and Phil revisit that topic that chills introverts to the bone: Parties. In this third episode on the topic, Jess and Phil address questions from introverts about parties and how to deal with them. Also, Jess presents suggestions for any introvert thinking of hosting their own party. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, Jess and Phil talk about dealing with being busy as introverts. Introverts tend to be sensitive, and so being too busy can be overwhelming. How do Jess and Phil keep from becoming overwhelmed by all the things they have to do? Plus, your suggestions from social media. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, we return to our "The Hill I Will Die On" series, and this time its Jess with the hill she will die on, which leaves Phil speechless. Listen and let us know: do you agree with Jess? Would you too choose this hill? Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, Jess and Phil discuss how to deal with an uninvited visitor, whether friend or family member, and what to do (and perhaps not do) when there's an unexpected knock on the door. Also, your comments on how you have (or have not) dealt with similar situations. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, Jess and Phil talk about their favourite introverts in pop culture, and which ones that some people think are introverts might not be. Also, listener favourite introverts! Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, Jess and Phil talk about what success looks like for introverts, and how the idea of success that some people (usually non-extroverts) talk about, might seem unattainable for an introverted personality. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
In this episode, Jess plays the role of your "toxic" introvert friend as she and Phil talk about some bad habits that introverts might display that make their lives more difficult, or might cause drama in their lives. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
Around this time of year, those of us who made resolutions for the new year start to wonder if we made the right choice. Some of us may already be feeling like they failed. In this episode Jess and Phil talk about why they don't make resolutions, their past relationship with resolutions, and more. Also in this episode, Phil mentions an alternative to resolutions: taking stock of the year that was, and deciding what you want more of in the new year. We recommend the Year Compass for this at Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
The holiday season can be overwhelming, with family obligations, parties and other gatherings. In this episode, Jess and Phil bring you some suggestions and tips for getting through the holiday season. Want to support the podcast? Drop a tip in the virtual tip jar:
Comments (2)

Terry Baylis

So glad that you guys brought back the podcast and that I discovered it! I have, over the last few months, discovered how much of an introvert I truly am...and I just turned 48 Dec 9. When I can get some "me time" I am going to catch up on all the past episodes. I started with this episode and look forward to listening to the rest. Very entertaining! Keep it up!

Dec 24th

richard tejada

hey there I almost flipped when I saw the name of your podcast. I was searching for podcasts to see who's talking about being an introvert. I decided yesterday to create my podcast and I named it the introverts Guide to the Galaxy so when I saw your name today I freaked out I thought omg fis I copy your name!!

May 7th