The Invention of Racism

Discourse on racism is not for the faint of heart. The Invention of Racism podcast presents the subtle, and not so subtle, nuances of racism in the 21st century. Understanding and speaking the truth about racism is the first step toward combatting and ultimately eliminating it. Join us as we explore historic and contemporary topics inside of “The Invention of Racism.” The Invention of Racism podcast series begins September 30, 2020.

Episode 38: Algorithmic Blues: CHAT-GPT Artificial Intelligence Explains Racism

This podcast episode examines how AI (Artificial intelligence), principally CHAT-GPT, challenges faculty and students in higher education by “crowd sourcing” extant digital knowledge and how it defines concepts like racism.Key Words: Racism, Higher Education, White Supremacy, CHAT-GPT, Student Cheating, AI Tools, Calculators, AI Language Models, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), University Faculty, Ethics, Plagiarism, Opinion, Criminal Justice System, Transatlantic Slave Trade, Professor Ngoz...


Episode 37: Racist Political Rhetoric as Bloodsport and Human Equality

Episode Description—This podcast episode briefly examines selected examples of public political racist rhetoric leading up to the 2022 U.S. Midterm election season. The episode highlights Alexander Hamilton Stephens’s March 21, 1861 “Cornerstone” speech in order to contextualize contemporary racist political discourse and the idea of fundamental human equality.Key Words: Racism, White Supremacy, Doctrine of White Supremacy, Human Equality, Cornerstone speech, Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Conf...


Episode 36: The Racist Negation of Enslaved and Free Black Women

This podcast episode, “The Racist Negation of Enslaved and Free Black Women,” briefly examines the erasure of the Black woman’s body, highlighting the period of slavery and the case of Pauline (Rabbeneck) of New Orleans, Louisiana in 1845.Key Words: Racism, White Supremacy, Doctrine of White Supremacy, Sexism, Racist Negation, Black Women, Pauline (Rabbeneck), Peter Rabbeneck, New Orleans, Louisiana, Louisiana Black Codes (Code Noir), Enslaved African Women, Southern Rape Complex, Antebellum ...


Episode 35: The Discreet Knowledge of Crypto-Racism

This episode, “The Discreet Knowledge of Crypto-Racism,” reexamines three disturbing historical examples of racial violence in the U.S. history (past and recent) in order to offer a working definition of the term crypto-racism.Key words: Racism, White Supremacy, Crypto-Racism (Working Definition), Hate Crimes, Covert Racism, Slave Catchers, Solomon Northup, James Byrd, Jr., “Solomon Northup's Odyssey” (film), “12 Years a Slave” (film), Twelve Years Slave. Narrative of Solomon Northup, A Citiz...


Episode 34: A Primer on White Supremacy: It’s About the Blood

This podcast episode, “A Primer on White Supremacy: It’s About the Blood,” recounts two events in 1944 Mississippi history: the lynching of the Reverend Isaac Simmons; and Senator Theodore Bilbo’s speech on White Supremacy found in the Congressional Record. Content warning: descriptions of lynching, racial epithets. Key Words: Racism, White Supremacy, Mississippi, Miscegenation, Lynching, Reverend Isaac Simmons, Eldridge Simmons, Theodore G. Bilbo, 78th Congress (1944), Take Your Choice:...


Episode 33: Rumors of a Race War

This podcast episode, “Rumors of a Race War,” briefly examines the idea of a race war in the American mind. Two disparate yet related events highlighted in the long history of American race relations is the Helter Skelter race war motive used in the 1970 Charles Manson trial; and the government’s recent prosecution of three men—Cook, Frost, and Sawall—for attempting to foment a race war in the United States. Key words: Racism, Race War, War, Content Warning, Racial Stereotypes, The Birth...


Episode 32: Black Women, SCOTUS, and the Politics of Post-Truth Racism

This podcast episode, “Black Women, SCOTUS, and the Politics of Post-Truth Racism,” looks at the preliminary racist reaction to a Black woman nominee for the United States Supreme Court—with brief notes on the SCOTUS nomination’s connection to historical events surrounding the cases of Lani Guinier (1993) and Anita Hill (1991).Key words: Racism, Lani Guinier, The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy, Lift Every Voice Turning a Civil Rights Setback into a N...


Episode 31: The Racist Great Replacement Theory and Preemptive Retaliation

This podcast episode considers the Far-Right racist philosophy known as the “Great Replacement Theory” with a note on the concept, Preemptive Retaliation. Key words: Racism, Great Replacement Theory (GRT), White Supremacy, Native Americans, African Americans, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Cress Theory of Color Confrontation, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, J. H. Van Evrie, White Supremacy and Negro Subordination, Dr. DeReef F. Jamison, “Frances Cress Welsing: Decoding and Deconstru...


Episode 30: Incidental Notes on Racism and the Rittenhouse Murder Trial

Episode Description—This podcast episode explores the immediate aftermath of the 2021 Rittenhouse Murder Trial. Key words: Racism, Rittenhouse Murder Trial, Jacob Blake Shooting, World To Come: The Baltimore Uprising, Militant Racism And History, White Militias, White Vigilantes, White Supremacy, George Floyd, Dual Standards of Justice, Black Lives Matter, White Liberal Politics, New Racist Narratives, No-Negotiation With Terrorists’ Policy, Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, Gaige Grossk...


Episode 29: A Brief Note on the Paradigm of Racist Predation

This podcast episode briefly covers the Paradigm of Racist Predation. Key words: Racism, Racist Predation, Human Predatory Behavior, Leslie’s Weekly, Lynching, NAACP, The Crisis, Animal Biology, World to Come: The Baltimore Uprising, Militant Racism and History, Work-In-Progress, James Byrd, Phillip Mbuji Johansen, “Solitary, Institutional, and Social Predation.”The Invention of Racism is published with periodic bonus and micro-podcast episodes included in the series. © 2021 TIR Podcast ...


Bonus Episode 6: An Historical Account of the Ida B. Wells-Barnett Anti-Lynching Texts, Kawaida Womanism, and the Sacred

Episode Description—This bonus podcast episode (live) is for those who follow Dr. Bankole-Medina’s scholarly endeavors!Key words: Dr. Jennifer Williams, Racial Violence (Lynching), Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Kawaida Philosophy, Kawaida Womanism, The Dogon Model of Knowledge Acquisition (DMKA), Maulana Karenga, Tiamoyo Karenga, Chimbuko Tembo, Africana Epistemology, 33rd Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International Conference, Dr. Kimmika L. H. Williams-Witherspoon, Panel #2: “The Divine Feminine: Above &...


Episode 28: The Authoritarian Racist Personality (ARP)

Episode Description—In this episode we consider The Authoritarian Racist Personality.Key words: Racism, Rhineland Germany, J.A. Rogers, Edward Scobie, Ivan Van Sertima, World War I, Afro-German, Nazi Third Reich, Rhineland Bastards, Theodor W. Adorno, The Authoritarian Personality, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, Nevitt Sanford, The Authoritarian Racist Personality (ARP), Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Susan Samples, “African Germans in the Third Reich,” Carol Aisha Blackshire-Belay, The A...


Episode 27: Racist Game Theory

This episode explores Racist Game Theory. Key words: Racism, White Supremacy, White Privilege, Game Theory, Racist Game Theory, Black Men, Voter Suppression, Brennen Center for Justice, Attempted Murder, Critical Race Theory, Racism In Mortgage Lending, Emmanuel Martinez, Lauren Kirchner, Phillip Mbuji Johansen, Cautionary Tale, Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man.The Invention of Racism is published with periodic bonus and micro-podcast episodes included in the series. © 2021 TIR Podcast Group. All...


Episode 26: Narcissistic Racism—The Trials and Triumphs of Cori Bush

Episode Description—This podcast episode, “Narcissistic Racism—The Trials and Triumphs of Cori Bush,” explores what constitutes the idea of Narcissistic Racism, and how this concept highlights the recent death threats levied against U.S. Congresswoman Cori Bush. Trigger Warning: This podcast discusses violent White supremacist messaging, racist and sexist/misogynist epithets.Key words: Racism, Narcissism, Psychology, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Jean Twenge, Keith Campbell, The Na...


Episode 25: The First Rule of Racism…

This episode explores the reproduction of racism through silence and the restriction of knowledge and information by looking at the pop culture film Fight Club and the famous tagline: "The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club." Key words: Racism, White Supremacy, Fight Club (book and film), Chuck Palahniuk, David Fincher, White Males, Black Males, Ed Guerrero, Framing Blackness, Rebel without A Cause (film), James Dean, Law Enforcement, “Race Card,” Catchphrases,...


Episode 24: #WhenRacistsMisLabelThings—The Myths Surrounding Critical Race Theory

This episode explores the racism inherent in the current public discussion over, and attacks against, Critical Race Theory. Key words: Racism, Critical Race Theory, War, Myth, Mislabeling, Brown v. Board of Education, Southern Manifesto, Neo-conservatism, Black Lives Matter, Mary Frances Berry, Black Resistance/White Law: A History of Constitutional Racism in America, Kimberle’ Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Gary Peller, Kendall Thomas, Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement...


Episode 23: Racist Surrealism, The Chauvin Verdict, and the Plea for Justice

This podcast episode, “Racist Surrealism, The Chauvin Verdict, and the Plea for Justice,” is a recap (with commentary) of the recent court decision which convicted former Minneapolis, Minnesota police officer Derrick Chauvin for the 2020 murder of George Floyd. Key words: Racism, Racial Stereotypes, “Race Riots,” Rodney King, Derrick Chauvin, George Floyd, Harry Reed, Gun Violence Archive (GVA), Mass Casualty Shooting, Ma'Khia Bryant, Racist Surrealism, World To Come: The Baltimore Uprising, ...


Episode 22: Racecraft and the Idea of African American Vaccine Hesitancy

In this episode we join the discussion surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine and the public notion of vaccine hesitancy in the Black community. Key words: Race, Racism, Racecraft, Dr. Esther Hill Hawks, A Woman Doctor’s Civil War, Gerald Schwartz, vaccine hesitancy, Pew Research Center, Slavery and Medicine, Henrietta Lacks, Eugene Saenger, Martha Stephens, The Treatment: Those Who Died in the Cincinnati Radiation Tests, “Mississippi Appendectomy,” Dr. Susan Moore, Racecraft: The Soul of Inequalit...


Bonus Episode 5: Toward of A Methodology for Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. in the New Age

In this bonus episode, Dr. Katherine Bankole-Medina delivers the keynote lecture at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Virtual Celebration hosted by San Diego State University. This even was recorded Friday, January 22, 2021. Key words: Racism, Martin Luther King, Jr., King’s Legacy, George Orwell, 1984, Newspeak, January 6, 2021, Coronavirus, Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi, Intellectualism, Quotational Practice, Michael K. Honey, To the Promised. Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight f...


Episode 21: White Privilege and the Messy Coup

This episode looks briefly at White privilege and the coup attempt that occurred in the United States on January 6, 2021. Key words: Racism, United States Coup, Domestic Terrorism, White Privilege, Racial Double Standards, Joy Ann Reid, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Muriel Bowser, Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," American Exceptionalism, Miriam Carey, Chanelle Helm, LaTosha Brown, Black Women, World to Come: The Baltimore Uprising, Militant Racism and Histo...


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