The JINI Podcast

The official podcast of Jini Patel Thompson: international bestselling author, health product formulator, horse listener, earth singer, mother, medicine woman, fungi friend, entrepreneur, elephant acolyte and regenerative farmer. Let's range far and wide into all things juicy & sublime! Details at:

The Metaphysical Causes of Childhood Disease

You may already have plenty of information about the possible physical causes of your child’s serious or chronic illness. But those of us walking a holistic healing path, know that we must heal all aspects of the body/mind/soul for long-term healing to take place. So what might be happening at the metaphysical level for your child? Why has your child developed, allowed, or manifested this particular illness? As I often say: The body is the messenger for the subconscious; the body is the densest part of the soul. The body is speaking to you… what is it saying? This podcast topic is the result of a reader request: Why was my Child Born with a Disease? “I struggle so much to rationalize babies and kids getting sick and receiving a diagnosis. I struggle because my son hasn’t even started his life yet. And he was carrying something from the moment he was born. It’s easy for me to rationalize and process and heal and look inward on my IBD diagnosis, because I believe in all your teachings myself. But I struggle to fully understand and apply such knowledge to young kids/infants who haven’t even endured any real trauma (in the sense of the word). My son was literally born and he was loved fully from the day he was conceived. But yet his body came out with this anomaly. Do you have any podcast specific to this topic? Or have anyone you’d recommend me checkout for children and healing? I just keep thinking I did this to him. But doctors assure me Hirschsprung’s doesn’t really work like that. It’s a lot to unpack. But I’m just struggling to apply this same thinking to him, because he just arrived earth side, and he’s already behind the 8-ball…” 4 Metaphysical Causes for Chronic Disease In podcast, I outline the 4 possible metaphysical causes, or feeder roots, of childhood chronic illness: 1. The child is mirroring the family dynamic, or primary caregiver. 2. The child’s serious or chronic disease is the result of a karmic contract or soul agreement. 3. The origin point of the child’s dis-ease or imbalance lies in past life trauma – which requires healing/release from the past incarnation. 4. The child’s soul has chosen this experience as a catalyst or pathway for their own growth or development. It is intentional and must be walked to enable the adult to do what they incarnated to do here. And after I discuss each of these possible metaphysical reasons for childhood (or adult!) chronic illness, I tell you the story of my own pathology and how it involved all 4 of these causative roots. If you’re interested, I continue my story about karmic contracts in this post here. As mentioned in this episode, here is my first podcast on Soul Agreements. And then here is my second podcast on soul agreements or karmic contracts, with Ginny Jablonski, who I also mention in this episode and who can help you if you wish to explore your soul agreement or karmic contract with your child. If you have any stories to share, or questions about the metaphysical causes of illness, please share them below. Note: I legally cannot give personal health advice, so if you have a health question, please email my team. You can click the PLAY button below, or listen on Apple or Spotify. Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Listen Now


Life Plans & Soul Agreements – Part 2

As promised, Ginny Jablonski joins me for Part 2 of my foray into soul agreements and karmic contracts. But this time we go even deeper into egregores, ancestral issues, agreements made in past lives, and other elements that might be stopping us from moving forward. And if you missed it, here’s Part 1 of Soul Agreements. Ginny and I have a lot of these conversations privately, and we agreed it would be a good idea to share our exchanges publicly. So get ready for more Ginny & Jini podcasts coming your way! I have studied and discussed these esoteric, spiritual, or metaphysical phenomena with many people (and animals) over the years. But I really appreciate Ginny’s pure heart, her own highly perceptive abilities, and her huge depth of experience working with unresolved issues of the soul with thousands of clients. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. You can click the PLAY button below, or listen on Apple or Spotify. Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Listen Now About Ginny Jablonski Ginny has studied multiple human and animal energy healing techniques. She is an intuitive animal communicator, clairvoyant, and energy medicine practitioner. For several years, Ginny eagerly immersed herself in the indigenous teachings of the late Benny LeBeau, also known as Rainbow Thunder Heart or “Bavado Tatun Corazon” and traveled with Bavado to study our sacred relationship with all life from his many medicine wheel ceremonies and lectures celebrated across the world. After Bavado’s death, Ginny continued her shamanic studies with a Mayan Elder, Grandmother Flordemayo, and Jan Engles-Smith of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism. Ginny first traveled to Australia in 2014, and was introduced to the healing paradigm and LORE of the Aboriginal people. She continues studying Aboriginal Healing and LORE today with Steve Richards, a native Aboriginal-Australian. Ginny is also a Certified Bio-Well Practitioner (trained by Dr. Tiffany Barsotti), Certified Heart Math Facilitator, and has studied with world renowned healers such as Dr. V. Vernon Woolf (Holodynamics), Georgina Cannon (Regression and Spirit Release), Julie Renee Doering (Quantum Healing), Isa Gucciardi (Buddhism, Spirituality & Meditative Techniques), Michael J. Tamura (Clairvoyance, Spiritual & Psychic Development), Andrew Holecek (Death and Dying, The Bardo Teachings: Tibetan Book of the Dead), Dr. Paul Mills and Dr. Tiffany Barsotti (Personal Self Integration), GW Hardin (A Course in Wonders III), Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine), Roger Ford (Holistic Healing III), Carolyn Myss, Robert Ohotto (Archetypes & the Empathic Soul), Dr. Bradley Nelson (EFT), and various other alternative healing modalities. You can reach Ginny at her website.


Transcendence Is Not The Point of Life on Earth

With all the talk of ascending to 5D consciousness, or the earth itself transitioning to the 5th Dimension, many people are excited and many are confused. It seems that every guru, spiritual teacher, channeler, has a different definition of what that is and what it means. I’ve already gone in-depth into Matias De Stefano’s explanation of all 9 dimensions, so today I want to take us in a different direction. I have a completely different view of our evolution and the evolution of planet earth: We are already multi-dimensional beings. We already have the ability to move between dimensions. A far more worthwhile question is to ask ourselves: As a being of infinite power, love and creativity, WHY did I choose to incarnate on planet earth? In this podcast I offer you a new perspective, or framework for why we’re here. An answer to the question, “What’s the point of it all?” Listen Now


Life Plans & Soul Agreements – Part 1

One of the things that can really help ease our way through tumultuous times – either in relationship or our current planetary chaos – is understanding our Soul Agreements. If you ever find yourself wondering WHY a certain relationship is so difficult, or sticky, or challenging. Or you seriously question why you’re even here… then learning about your Oversoul’s intentions for this incarnation can be very illuminating! In Part One here of this juicy topic; I’m going to explain the difference between a soul agreement, karmic contract and life plan. And I’m also going to give you an easy technique for uncovering your soul agreement with a loved one, or a difficult person in your life. Be sure and tune in later for Part 2 where I go in-depth with soul whisperer, Ginny Jablonski, and she does a live session with me on my soul agreements for this lifetime – no holds barred! You can click the PLAY button below, or listen on Apple or Spotify. Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Listen Now


Oriane asks Jini: Origins | Home & Belonging | Legacy

Well, for those of you who listened to Ginny Jablonski’s interview with me for her podcast (Interspecies Evolution) and who wanted to know more… Oriane Lee Johnston (author of The Geography of Belonging) picks up where Ginny left off and asks me even more exploratory questions that she organized into 3 categories: Origins | Home & Belonging | Legacy Oriane asks me a lot of questions about my childhood and family, first in Kenya, then the U.S., and then in Canada. Where do I feel I belong and which nationality do I identify with? We talk about my first-hand experiences with the consequences of colonialism, both in Kenya and with the First Nations in Canada. I talk about how my gut/spiritual guidance works and why I make the claim that my guidance has never been wrong. And so much more! And if Oriane looks familiar to you, it’s because I previously talked with her on my podcast, about her fabulous book and experiences in Zimbabwe. During this discussion, Oriane is back in Zimbabwe and we planned the call so she could be outside – get ready for visits from the cutest little Duiker you ever did see! Listen Now Watch the Video Show Notes My health books on natural healing for digestive diseases. One of the songs I wrote My herd of 11 Medicine Horses Oriane’s site for tarot readings and her book, The Geography of Belonging. Healing with Horses in Zimbabwe – visit, volunteer or intern. And just look at their beautiful horses in this gorgeous land:


Guides, Angels & Spiritual Boundaries

A riveting discussion with human and animal soul whisperer, Ginny Jablonski, where we discuss topics like the difference between Guides and Angels? And why it’s a good idea to ask your Guides about why they chose you and what their interest is? Some guides come through to be of service to the human, but others are in service to their own path/journey and we are then their vehicle. Which may be okay, or may not. It depends what you want to do with this incarnation? What are you here to experience? What do you want/need to learn? “After years on my journey, I finally figured out that information wasn’t evolution. And that all the information wasn’t just entertainment; it was for me to internalize and then begin to inquire and work with that part of myself that was offering the wisdom to me.” – Ginny Jablonski We also talk about boundaries and permissions from an earth-based 3D perspective where we live in a world of light and darkness, good and evil, where we want to protect ourselves from negative entities or energies. Versus a multi-dimensional perspective where negative energies or experiences are drawn to you, or will manifest for you, for the purpose of your healing and evolution – so in that way they are actually part of your Highest Good. So then where do we need to set the space, or create boundaries around our work and interactions here on planet earth? And if you are an energy worker, how and why do you decide not to let certain elements influence or affect your healing space with clients and your own energy field? This is a juicy one! If you are already working as an energy healer, psychic, spiritual teacher, or animal communicator, this discussion is guaranteed to be interesting, and perhaps even triggering… I welcome all dissent and alternate perspectives in the Comments section below. Likewise, I welcome your own stories that reflect the elements we discussed here and perhaps you’d like to expand on them… it’s all good :) You can reach Ginny at her website. Listen Now Watch the Video Show Notes Ginny Jablonski’s site (workshops, courses, human or animal private sessions): Ginny’s podcast: Interspecies Evolution Ginny’s Near Death Experience (NDE): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


Interspecies Evolution – Ginny Interviews Jini

Find out how I manifested the Singing Horse Ranch and how I knew it was the perfect land for us. Then we dip into my health journey; my experience as a spiritual healer during childhood, how I healed myself of a supposedly incurable disease, and how my health journey turned into 17 books, a holistic health shop and a supplement company. In this episode, I am interviewed by animal communicator, Ginny Jablonski. Ginny also asks me how I developed my ability to communicate with animals and then we discuss how my herd of horses asked me to film them, so they could teach people and communicate their wisdom worldwide, through our videos on YouTube. I promise I will be hosting a conversation with Ginny soon and talking all about her journey and her remarkable transformation after her NDE. Until then, I offer you this glimpse into my journey… Listen Now Watch the Video Show Notes Would you like to do a Course with Ginny and my Singing Horse Herd? Check out Healing At Liberty: Energetic Awareness for Bodyworkers, Animal Communicators and Energy Healers in April/May 2023 Access my entire library of tried & tested Home Remedies for free. And take back control of your health and treatment. Check out this playlist of Spiritual Guidance from my herd of 11 wild and semi-feral horses


How Psychic & Spiritual Guidance Works

After my last podcast episode, many of you were looking forward to hearing about what happened in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Well here we go and I will tell you everything! Also join me for some specifics on the best way for us to work with psychic guidance; whether it’s our own guidance, or a session with a professional psychic. I discuss the best way to use the information, directives, guidance we receive and also how to dance with it as parameters change. Your guidance may come through prayer, meditation, medicine cards, tarot, journaling etc. Whichever your method, there are some important guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to implementation and acting upon this guidance… Listen Now   I’d love to hear any stories you might have of how your guidance evolved, or changed completely, based on your growth, awareness, events, etc.


Epiphany: Don’t Return Home

Five days of messaging from my body and soul resulted in an epiphany: When I fly to Mexico to meet my husband and kids for Christmas, I need to NOT come back home. I need to get on another plane and just keep going… In this podcast I’m going to share the story of my grand realization, but also what I’ve learned about working together with my masculine and feminine aspects – for maximum co-creation. Of course, you can listen to this one, but you may prefer to watch the video as I recorded it live on my camera – at least for the first bit, to see what I’m talking about. Listen Now Watch the Video Show Notes Click here to read more about my land journey and the Circle of elephant-horse-dolphin-whale Poem from All Along You Were Blooming There will be days when you do not feel fearless and you choose to get up and go out to sea anyway And my friend, let me tell you, that is what it means to be brave. It is that gentle shove toward the water that says “I will go, and I will go afraid.” It is not a feeling. It is not a thought. It is that inward wind that pulls you out of sleep and says “I will go forth, with all I have now: a breath, a dozen steps, and a pocket full of fears, but no matter what tries to pull me back, I will find the strength to be here.” ~ Morgan Harper Nichols


Elephants, Horses, Inter-racial Love & No Regrets

A conversation with Oriane Lee Johnston, author of The Geography of Belonging – a book about her cross-continental love affair with Zimbabwe and a local horseman. Full of African wilderness and wildlife stories, spiritual awakenings and cross-cultural/inter-racial navigation. As a third-generation African (born in Kenya), Oriane’s story was particularly interesting to me and we get into some of the subtleties of cross-cultural mores or decorum. With plenty of side forays into things like manifesting, the influence of ancestral lines, multiple wives, microlending, and why a local pregnant woman with young kids can safely walk 3 hours into the bush, but a strong, young white male would be in extreme danger. Listen Now Watch the Video Show Notes Oriane’s site for tarot readings and her book, The Geography of Belonging Spotify soundtrack for the book Soft Foot Alliance (managing elephants and other wildlife co-existing with humans in Zimbabwe) Horseback Safari in Zimbabwe Workshops or Apprenticeship Program with Jini’s herd of wild horses Jini’s blog on Horse Listening


What Is Your Relevance?

Why have you incarnated at this time? Explore your relevance, your purpose, and the importance of vibrational resonance. Remember the intention of death-rebirth cycles, of yin/yang, light/darkness - put it all into the perspective of your life path. Let's also look at the waveform frequencies created by different emotions and how each of us impacts the vibrations present on this interlinked planet. And let's not forget the purpose/job of the ego. How does the ego impact transcendence and our ability to hold high vibrational frequencies? If you haven't found your technique/tool to run emotions through your body and release/transform them yet, come try a free Lazer Tapping session with me. And remember, Hypnotherapy, or Craniosacral (at Level 2 or higher) also work well. Here we go... Listen Now  


Dare To Imagine Your Ideal Day

I have a business program where right at the beginning, I get people to map out their Perfect Day. Because it's easy to have all kinds of dreams, visions, goals, but until you detail out what that would actually look/feel like - over the course of a day - you can't KNOW that your dream/vision is what you really want. So I would get people to map out their ideal day in 1-hour increments, starting from when they woke up, until they went to bed. People were astounded at the clarity this resulted in! And many realized they actually didn't want what they thought they wanted. But I recently listened to a presentation with Jon Butcher, where he led us in a guided meditation to visualize/imagine our ideal, perfect day. And holy toledo it was SO much more powerful than using my conscious mind to map out my Perfect Day! I've reproduced that guided meditation for you here today - of course I've tweaked it a bit, but most of it is from Jon's presentation. Prepare yourself for life-changing clarity. Perhaps followed by fear, self-doubt, and overwhelm! When we dare to envision what we REALLY WANT, it can then trigger some powerful resistance from our ego. It's okay. Allow it to be. Then work your way through releasing/transforming those limiting beliefs using Lazer Tapping, hypnotherapy, or whatever technique works best for you. Here we go... Listen Now


Hidden Saboteurs

What is stopping you from reaching your goals, or manifesting your desires? Let me walk you through some common places our saboteurs can hide out. Let me tell you, we all have saboteurs or blocks (also known as resistance) that derail our desires. I'm also going to give you some strategies for dealing with these saboteurs, and we're going to use some acupressure tapping to release judgments and create a little more space around these patterns and beliefs. Listen Now Watch The Video


My Body Is Speaking

Join me for some personal stories illustrating how the body is the densest part of the soul - how the body IS the subconscious. What if your Higher Self uses your body to deliver messages to your mind? Answering this one question just might change your life: My body is speaking to me... what is it saying? Listen Now Watch the Video Transcript Hi, I'm Jini. And I'm gonna kick-off the very first podcast by telling you a story, maybe a couple of stories that really illustrate a principle I've come to see as one of the things I know for sure, for sure, for sure is true. And that is, that the body is the densest part of the soul. The body is the subconscious. So, contrary to many spiritual traditions, the body is not separate from the soul. The body is not just this vehicle that the soul rides around in. It's not just this shell that, you know, our goal is to transcend this weak limited body into the fullness of spiritual potential. If we wanted to do that, we could just stay in Oneness. We don't-- why would we incarnate? And then spend a lot of our time here trying to be, trying to leave our carnate physical body? It just, logically it doesn't make sense. And if we take the opposite view that we are not here to transcend our body, then it is not just a matter of us walking around inside this flawed physical structure, but that the body is the densest part of the soul. And perhaps our goal here is to integrate every level and aspect of our mind, body and soul. So if you're willing to allow that to be true, or just true for this podcast, I would like to share some stories with you about my experience of this phenomena, which I believe to be about as true as anything in this realm. The story that's top of mind for me today, is, I was, um, moving a horse trailer to my barn. And this was an incredibly difficult task. My husband was driving the trailer because I wouldn't even attempt it. There's no way on earth I can back that trailer through the narrow gate and down this terribly challenging barn road. Um, no. And so he has done it before and this was a very, very freezing cold day. So anyway, long story shorter, we... it takes two hours. It takes two hours to back this trailer down about, uh, I would say a hundred meter barn road, not far at all. And the whole time I'm standing outside behind the trailer so that I can yell “Stop,” if he's about to run into the fence on one side or off the edge into the ditch on the other, as it's this extremely narrow road. And I am freezing. I am getting, it's a freak-- we actually had a hailstorm. It is one of the coldest days it is, and then it rained. So we've got the damp cold. And I had said to him at one point, you know what, we're far enough back, let's park the trailer, let's go home, let’s try again another day. And he was like, "No, I'm gonna do this." Okay! So I go back out and I stand behind the trailer. We finally get the trailer parked, we get it all set up. We get the new arena panels fenced up for the horses. So they can, they can play in the trailer, but they can't get out down the barn road. And we're doing the last thing, which is moving this super heavy rubber mat out of the way. And my husband's pulling on one side and I'm pulling on the other and he gives a big heave-ho. And I get sent reeling backwards faster than I can get my legs under me, which is very strange because it didn't feel like I was tripping. It felt like something was pushing me and I was pushed backwards and to the side, and I landed hard on my wrist to break my fall. And I went down so hard, which again is very strange because I was already bent over. So it's not like I was even falling from my full height. I went down so hard that the opposite side of my neck was strained. I had a little bit of a concussion. Like it was literally like a, a smack-down. So, I'm in the bath and I'm doing my arnica and I'm in a hot magnesium bath to relax all the muscles... I'm in the bath, and both my legs start cramping. I've taken oral atom-sized magnesium, which is instantly absorbed through the lining of the mouth. I am lying in a hot bath filled with magnesium oil and Epsom salts. And I have both legs cramping. We have now superseded the physical body. We are out of the physical realm of possibility and into the land of messaging. The land of 'the body is a messenger of the subconscious', which is the higher self. My soul is using my body to get a message to my mind. Okay? Because this is what we do. We split ourselves up. And for most of us humans, our mind runs the show. We're not even aware that we have other intelligences that we're not allowing and that we're not using, because from childhood we were told, Oh! that's just your imagination. It's not real. All those, doorways and experiences of other intelligences and other layers of frequency, layers of reality, were shut down. Often with shame, often with a punishment, especially if we came from a religious family. So we, we unequivocally shut those down. Now, they're not gone, everything is still there. It can be reactived. It can be accessed. And again, I believe that's part of the reason we incarnate, is to bring unity to the mind, body, soul, to move from this split and splintered way of being into wholeness. And that's where the magic is possible. That's when the fullness of what is possible in the third dimension begins to happen. When we unify the mind, body, soul. So I'm in the hot tub and my both legs are cramping, like full on cramps. And I, I say, okay, fine, I'm listening. So I go into, I take my consciousness out of my mind, my tiny mind, and I place it in my legs. And I say, “my body is speaking to me. What is the message?” And as I tune into the message of cramping and spasming, it feels like cramps are a way of resisting what is, or resisting what needs to be. Our whole body being is curling, contracting into a massive “NO!”. And of course it doesn't make sense. Right? A cramp doesn't make sense. Who does it benefit? What is the purpose of it? I read that people have even broken bones from opposing muscles cramping. It's not something that serves the body. It is a giant contractual resistance, against what is, versus a surrender into looseness and flexibility. So that was the first insight that came to me. So looking at my life, what am I resisting? That is, or that wants to be? And instead of working with that, flowing with that, maybe I want to tap on it, do some acupressure tapping to release limitations around it. Instead I'm just contracting into a giant ball of “NO!”. So that was the first piece. And then I went into my wrist. To go, okay, why did this happen? And as I went into, and again, I placed my consciousness in my wrist. I went back with an open heart from the body-based wisdom, to that moment of falling over. And that's when I realized, that actually I feel like I was pushed. I feel like some force pushed me and slammed me. So what is that? And that's when I recalled the one other time in my life where I have felt the same force pushing me over and it was on a sidewalk. So, here's what happened that time. I had been giving a presentation, a lecture, like information, at a healing seminar in Vancouver. And I have been, I have been performing, speaking, acting on stage since I was nine years old. I have no fear whatsoever of performing or of presenting. I've performed in front of thousands, tens and thousands of people at, you know, huge gatherings and rallies and stuff. So that is not a fear of mine, but it is a place I have not been guided, to be active in. So I will only give, a lecture presentation, if it can be videotaped and then disseminated to the masses. So, that was the parameter I set for doing this talk and they were like, fine, we'll hire a professional videographer and you'll have the video. And I'm like, okay, I'll do it then. So, this was a talk sponsored by a local pharmacy and a couple of supplement manufacturers. And so I went there and I walked into the room and there were about, maybe 60 people there, all with severe Crohn's, colitis. And the energy in the room was so bad. It was so negative. It was, it was just toxic. And I thought to myself, you guys are going to ruin my video! And so I started my presentation, but I used my own energy to raise the vibration in that room. I took all of those people and I pushed them up and I held them there, because I can. And I got my video, my video was great. And it has since gone out to over a quarter million people, which is, that's great. But see, look what I did. I walked into the thing and I said, this is not okay. I need to change this. I'm not surrendering to “what is”, I'm not being flexible to “what is”, I'm like, this is not what I wanted. This is not my idea of what is gonna make a good video that people are gonna enjoy. So I am going to change this. I'm going to use the force of my will and my ability and my strength to alter this reality. And I did, but at what cost to my precious body? Which is the densest part of my soul, is the messenger of my soul. So the talk finishes and I'm driving out with my friend and we go, oh, let's just go get a Starbucks. This is in the day when Starbucks was natural and not loaded with artificial and nasty ingredients. And so it was really busy in the city, so she couldn't park. So she just pulled over and I got out to go and run in and she would circle the block and pick me up. I get out of the car, I'm just trotting to Starbucks and that's when I start falling. And it, I can't get my legs under me. I am literally, it's like something is pushing me to the ground and I fall down on the sidewalk and I'm like, “What??” And I, I stumble, get myself back up to my feet, go in to get my Starbucks. And I was like, what just happened there? So I get in the car, I’m talking to my, my girlfriend, who's also psychic. And she said, "That was the strangest thing I've ever witnessed." I said, “Right?” Like


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