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The Jacki Daily Show

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Educating, entertaining and engaging America on all things energy! Listen live to "The Jacki Daily Show" Sundays 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. ET on TheBlaze Radio Network

583 Episodes
The Corporate Transparency Act is the new law that requires certain “reporting companies” (corporations or LLCs of fewer than 20 employees and $5 million or less in revenue) to report beneficial ownership information to FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or else face daily fines and up to two years imprisonment! A federal court in Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction in early December 2024, preventing the federal government from enforcing the law for the time being. An appeals court then changed course later in December – only to vacate its own decision days later, again pausing the reporting requirements. The result is that reporting companies are not under obligation to report – for now – but this appeal is ongoing such that the duty to report could once again come into effect. Consult your lawyer and accountant for additional guidance and go to for news alerts as the situation develops. ***** Note that the criteria for reporting companies overlaps quite closely with the profile of an independent oil and gas company as defined by the IPAA, citing the IRS Code (See - - - - - This message is for informational purposes only and is not, nor is intended to be, legal advice. Contact your legal counsel and accountant for additional guidance and see FinCEN FAQs at
If the nominee for this post, Chris Wright, is confirmed, we will finally have a successful business man at the helm who has devoted his entire adult life to understanding both nuclear energy and fossil fuels. A *qualified* nominee! This is in sharp contrast to the current Secretary, who has questionable qualifications for the job and a history of investing in taxpayer-sponsored, “green” experimentation (failures?). By contrast, Jacki explains why Chris Wright, CEO and Chairman of Liberty Oil Field Services, will make an outstanding Secretary of Energy. The U.S. might once again be on the path to energy dominance, the bare minimum required to remain a superpower.  Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
In celebration of the nomination of Chris Wright to be the next Secretary of Energy, Jacki re-shares this interview from an earlier show in which she talks with Mr. Wright, CEO of Liberty Oilfield Services, a large hydraulic fracturing (“frac’ing”) company. Liberty’s ESG reporting has been one of the few that properly and unapologetically gives credit to the oil and gas industry for the historical lifting of billions of people all over the world out of poverty. Liberty’s ESG report should be a model for all oil and gas companies. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
Jacki has been sounding the alarm for weeks that the most sweeping attempt at criminalizing law-abiding citizens in U.S. history – the so-called “Corporate Transparency Act” or “CTA” - could turn tens of millions of small business owners into felons overnight on January 1, 2025 - simply for failing to learn about the requirement of filing a form disclosing the owners of one’s small business. Surveys showed that very few small business owners were even aware of the new law’s existence, yet this failure could result in two years in prison! The great news this month is that a federal judge in Texas has preliminarily enjoined, or halted, the enforcement of this law until further proceedings. While the law is not dead, the law-abiding small business owners upon which the economy is built now have a temporary reprieve. Jacki predicts that courts will kill the law in its entirety on multiple grounds of unconstitutionality. While we celebrate, let us not fail to recognize the law for what it was: an attempt to create grounds to round up tens of millions of Americans for spurious, unlawful reasons. Whether you are running a small business in the oil patch or a hair salon, you were on the chopping block.  The country dodged the biggest authoritarian bullet yet. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Dr. Bonner Cohen, Sr. Analyst at the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (“CFACT”), explains why one election outcome could be a complete retooling of environmental policy, with specific examples of what we could expect. - - - - - Jacki reviews state level election battles showing that Americans would like to hit “reverse” on the “green transition” …which actually appears to not be happening in any event. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
A New Sheriff in Town at the Dept of Energy? If the nominee for this post, Chris Wright, is confirmed, we will finally have a successful business man at the helm who has devoted his entire adult life to understanding both nuclear energy and fossil fuels. A *qualified* nominee! This is in sharp contrast to the current Secretary, who has questionable qualifications for the job and a history of investing in taxpayer-sponsored, “green” experimentation (failures?). By contrast, Jacki explains why Chris Wright, CEO and Chairman of Liberty Oil Field Services, will make an outstanding Secretary of Energy. The U.S. might once again be on the path to energy dominance, the bare minimum required to remain a superpower.  Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
Jacki reviews state and local election battles showing that Americans would like to hit “reverse” on the “green transition” …which actually appears to not be happening in any event. The results are surprising, but not when one considers that Americans ranked climate issues 21st on their list of concerns. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
Steve Goreham, Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, joins Jacki to debrief us on the lackluster COP29 UN Climate Conference where it appears the “green transition” is quickly losing steam, if not shifting into reverse. Could it be that Margaret Thatcher was right? : Socialism ends when the government run out of other people’s money? Plus, Mr. Goreham argues that electric buses are not working out in liberal cities and that electric bike fires are on the rise in urban areas. Goreham is the author of Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
Dr. Bonner Cohen, Sr. Analyst at the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (“CFACT”), explains why one election outcome could be a complete retooling of environmental policy, with specific examples of what we could expect. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
Gregory Wrightstone is the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition and author of a best-selling book: A Very Convenient Warming: How Modest Warming and More CO2 are Benefiting Humanity. He spent decades working as a geologist and leads a team of scientists who fight climate alarmism with facts.  Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Beaches closed near Nantucket, MA after a single blade from an offshore wind farm broke into shards and chunks, creating a hazard for swimmers, wildlife, and boats. Each blade is 350 feet long and weighs 140,000 lbs. Future plans call for 5,000 wind turbines in the Atlantic alone. Have we carefully considered hazards presented by offshore wind farms, particularly in hurricane conditions? Paul Driessen, Sr. Policy Analyst at CFACT gives the facts on this badly underexamined topic. Driessen is the author of multiple books: Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death; Cracking Big Green: Saving the World from the Save-the-Earth Money Machine; and Miracle Molecule: Carbon Dioxide, The Gas of Life. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily
Lithium-ion batteries in EVs spark spectacular fires in crashes and in the most inconvenient places - such as underground parking garages and cargo ships - requiring ten times as much water to extinguish, burning about 3,500 degrees hotter than gasoline fires. The death toll is mounting globally, with fires spiking as much as 46% last year in advanced economies like the U.K. …Aside from explosions, failing in floods, losing up to 30% of its range in freezing weather, stalling on the highway while trying to evacuate in heavy traffic, and making the U.S. hopelessly dependent on mineral supply chains of our adversaries, EVs are a fine product. (Credit to Dr. Bonner Cohen, CFACT). Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Activists are celebrating billions in new spending to build transmission lines for renewable energy and to connect the U.S. power grids to each other (including, for the first time, the Texas grid). This spending spree is billed as a way of moving renewable energy across regions to cure the problem of wind and solar energy being complete no-shows at certain places and times. Is the smart way to solve our self-made energy shortages? The smartest people in the space say “No.” Dr. Bennett explains. He is Policy Director at Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation to raise America’s energy IQ, and holds a Ph.D in Materials Science. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Oil & Gas veteran Floyd Trujillo has authored a beautifully illustrated new children’s book, Fossil Fuels in the Classroom, that follows the adventures of his King Charles Cavalier Spaniel as it teaches the ABCs of how fossil fuels make our lives better. Jacki has passed this book along to those who help form curriculum in the Texas public schools for consideration. If you are a teacher or have any input into the curriculum for your local school or state education agency, order a copy of this book and share with those who want to teach the next generation the importance of fossil fuels to our life span, modern sanitation, feeding the world, and the production of nearly every item that makes modern life livable. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
If there is only one thing you take away from the show this year, make it this one: Comply with the CTA. The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) is one of the scariest legislative actions in the history of the United States, effectively turning tens of millions of Americans into felons on January 1, 2025 unless they somehow learn about the reporting requirements of this new law and get a lawyer to file a form with the U.S. Treasury by January 1, showing the details of their small business operations. Billed as an anti-money laundering law, the CTA requires disclosure of the details of your LLC, S Corporation, HOA, etc., to FINCEN - which might not seem like such a big deal until you learn that failure to do so could result in over $500 in daily fines and two years in prison!! Surveys show that a very small percentage of small business owners know about this new law, which appears to be a trap by which the government can ensnare and gain leverage over the small business community. Surely the newly elected federal legislature will reverse this law, but until it does, you are on the line whether you operate a mom-and-pop oil company or a hair salon. Call your lawyer NOW. See for more information. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
This is serious business. The top experts on our power grid plead to the highest court to stop the EPA before it is too late. The court, however, does not make policy; it is emphatically the role of the court to only say what the law is – not what it should be. Will Congress step in? Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Imagine the horror of learning that your mate does not share your views on climate change. Apparently, this is a deal-breaker for the younger generation who will “eco-dump” those who do not agree with their opinion. Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Texas used to be its own country. Now, the state moves one step closer to financial sovereignty, or at least to becoming the financial capitol of the United States.  Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Texas used to be its own country. Now, the state moves one step closer to financial sovereignty, or at least to becoming the financial capitol of the United States, with the all- new Texas Stock Exchange. - - - - - The Jacki Daily Show word of the week: “Eco-Dump”: Imagine the horror of learning that your mate does not share your views on climate change. Apparently, this is a deal-breaker for the younger generation who will “eco-dump” those who do not agree with their opinion. - - - - - Electric Grid Operators Warn US Supreme Court That New EPA Rules Will Cause Massive Outages. This is serious business. The top experts on our power grid plead to the highest court to stop the EPA before it is too late. The court, however, does not make policy; it is emphatically the role of the court to only say what the law is – not what it should be. Only the legislature can make new law. Will Congress step in? Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
One party in DC blames the White House for high energy costs while the other side blames “Big Oil.” Who is right? Every time oil / gasoline prices spike, we hear cries of oil company “greed.” (Does this mean they are not greedy when prices are low? Does corporate greed fluctuate?) Jacki gives questions to prompt critical thinking in the minds of those who view the commodities markets as a drama (an episode of “Dallas”?) rather than a function of supply and demand.   Follow Jacki: X: @JackiDailyHost TruthSocial: JackiDaily Rumble: TheJackiDailyShow YouTube: TheJackiDailyShow Instagram: JackiDaily Facebook: The Jacki Daily Show
Comments (1)


Arguing the lack of virtue in the green graft of unreliable classic 'renewable' energy sources using talking points the watermelon lefties should be concerned about falls flat. Most of us understand the agendas inherent fallacies and the ones benefitting by advocating this graft don't care about hypocrisy as this is obviously not the real agenda. Of course the loyal dutiful cultists given orders fall in line without consideration of 2nd order impacts or any introspection

Dec 10th