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The Jade & Andy Show
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The Jade & Andy Show

Author: WRIF

Subscribed: 30Played: 1,389


Jade and Andy let you know what’s going on in this weird world of ours with the right amount of awkwardness and humor!
74 Episodes
This week Jade boils over and has a moment of irrational freak out, Andy is going through mayonnaise therapy, a listener reached out after watching 'Legend' and more! 
This week Andy realizes he may have a peculiar medical condition, Jade makes a couple of terrible movies references, she let the air out of her tire and more! 
This week we learn that Andy is more old fashioned than we realized. Jade can't understand sci-fi movies and makes her wonder if she's just dumb. 
This week Jade brings back ghosts from Mackinac Island, Andy has a caddywhompus tire, one slice of fudge is not enough and more! 
Jade is a bit upset with Andy this week because his "Andy Things" caused the show to record on a Friday. Jade goes to the Ohio Islands and has a trip planned to the Michigan Island next week. Andy shares tales of acid reflux, eating a brick of fudge and more! 
This week Jade heads to the Creed show, the Olympics are on, you never want to deal with someone else's splatter and more! 
This week Jade and Andy share their adventure of the Limp Bizkit concert this week which featured a rain delay, people body surfing the lawn at Pine Knob, Andy figures out using Apple Pay in 2024 and more! 
Jade makes her return from Spain and shares her tales, Andy shares a plane story, Jade hates 'Dune' and more! 
This week, Jade and Andy share the story of the podcast that will never be. Plus, aquatic birds, carnie dipped treats, upcoming vacations and more! 
This week, Jade and Andy recap the heatwave we've all been dealing with, Jade's punch list, complimentary condiments and more! 
This week Andy shares his tales from Boston, losing his ID and low level of responsibility skills. Jade can't handle the heat and more! 
This week Jade and Andy discuss the maintenance of life, Jade has a stoner thought about shoes, some people don't know how to ride a bike, Lenny Kravitz and more! 
This week, Jade talks about the golf season, why she bagged leaves recently, Andy deals with rage and more! 
This week Jade is battling some hella allergies, we wish there was a way to use the power of a sneeze for good, an ill timed joke is never good, Andy reveals his biggest fear in life and more!
This week Jade shares a story of when she didn't realize she was eating raw beef, they talk about when you gamble with food, customer service at the dispensary and at the end of the day we are water's b**ch. 
Jade is crispy after NFL Draft week in Detroit. Cypress Hill came to town to start the festivities, what's Andy's life like lately and more! 
This week Andy turns the big 4-0, Jade goes to Vegas and gets told her photos aren't great, chewing is gross and more! 
This week, Jade and Andy recap the Tigers Opening Day party, Ken's birthday, the balloons, falling from the sky, OJ and more. 
This week is Opening Day for the baseball season, Jade and Andy will be partying for a special occasion, balloons are terrible, bird nests at the station and more! 
Jade and Andy are getting ready for the upcoming holiday weekend. Jade is planning to fly kites, but needs to make cheesy potatoes. Andy has ketchup issues, something crazy happened by his house and more! 
Comments (1)

Mecha Yoda

just discovered the show and I've been catching up, you guys are doing great! You were talking about taxes and having your identity stolen and it made me think of my coworker...who accidentally live-streamed filing his taxes on Twitch.

May 24th