The Jakki Price Show

The Jakki Price Show
Author: The Jakki PriceShow
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Jakki engages listeners with topics and issues that mainstream media refuses to talk about. She works with industry experts on how to resolve these issues and asks her audience for their input. Jakki's goal is to bring out the questions so that the discussion can lead to meaningful answers and proactive actions.
21 Episodes
Crystal City Publishing announces the release of Be Still, the first work of Marilyn Randolph – a survivor of molestation, rape, and abuse. Her story serves as the beacon of hope for others that had to face similar horrific circumstances or know someone who has. Be Still is about the journey from a vulnerable, violated child, to becoming an adult that can now (and wants to) help others overcome any traumatic experience. Tune in to hear her story of how she overcame it all. She will empower you.
What is a Selfish Baby Mama? was inspired by fathers that have expressed their concerns as custodial as well as the non-custodial parent. The goal of this book is to bring awareness of selfish behaviors, while encouraging mothers to work towards raising the child in a healthy co-parenting relationship. The stories embedded in these pages range from not answering the door for visitation weekends for fathers, to withholding visitation when financial support is not provided. This book reflects many different scenarios that are explained not only from the father’s point of view, but also from the children of selfish mothers both minor and adult. This read is not only for fathers, but mothers too. The goal is to promote calm, conducive and progressive communication between mothers and fathers from the child’s perspective. Be sure to tune in and call in to voice your view!
The deeply personal memoir of Lydia Meredith, a woman who spent almost thirty years married to a preacher—only to have her husband leave her for a MAN —and how her life becomes a testimony of tolerance and a theology of love and acceptance. After being married to Reverend Dennis A. Meredith for almost thirty years, Lydia Meredith discovers a shocking truth: the love of her life left her for a MAN. Now, Lydia opens up for the first time about how that revelation shattered her world—and strengthened her faith.
With her life turned upside down, Lydia struggled to put the pieces of her broken heart back together and that led her to pursue understanding through an accredited theological education. She wanted a way to put her family back together and she found Jesus’ ministry and teachings were “actually” about teaching tolerance and love for people who are labeled different. Candid, honest, and incredibly touching, Lydia Meredith shows that faith and perseverance can get you through any challenge life throws your way. Tune in to listen as Lydia Meredith shares her truth.
Brigitte Harris committed the suffocation and castration manslaughter of her Liberian-born father Eric Goodridge in her Rockaway, Queens apartment on June 28, 2007. Both Brigitte and her sister, Carleen Goodridge, had been raped and sexually abused by their father since they were little girls. Brigitte's abuse started at age 3 and lasted until she was 17 years old. Due to her abuse allegations, Brigitte received an outpouring of supporters, including U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, New York State Senators Diane Savino and Eric Adams. At her highly publicized trial in Fall 2009, she was convicted of second-degree manslaughter and sentenced to 5 to 15 years in prison. After serving 5 years, she was released on parole on August 13, 2012. Brigitte's case was profiled on the Oxygen Network series Snapped in November 2010 and later profiled on the Investigation Discovery program Deadly Women in the episode "Parents' Peril". Tune in to hear her story.
Nicholas Maze is a relationship expert and a freelance writer His new book, 'A Man's Appetite', addresses infidelity in the black community. It's a topic that is somewhat hush hush. You never really hear anything about it until it's too late and everything hits the fan. Across the board, infidelity can destroy ones marriage and can eventually spread to other relationships and friendships. The latest statistic,, says that 53% of the marriages in America end in divorce. When it comes to divorces, there are a number of reasons a husband and wife can go their separate ways, but one of the most common is infidelity. Although all races have their share of this issue, Mr. Maze placed the focus on his community. He's a Black man and can give a better understanding of a Black man's view on this topic. The title of this in-depth piece of work can be viewed as sexist, but overall it displays a man and a woman's sexual appetite. The subject is infidelity in the Black community.
Dianna Thompson is the President and Co-Founder of the national non-profit organization Women Against Paternity Fraud. Dianna was instrumental in drafting the very first paternity fraud bill in CA, and has testified all over the country on similar bills. In 2002, she worked closely with Senator Roy Ashburn the sponsor of the California Paternity Justice Act (AB2240) which was passed by the California legislature, but later vetoed by Governor Gray Davis. Dianna was one of the first spokespersons on this issue. She has done countless radio shows and made numerous television appearances as an expert on paternity fraud. Additionally, she has written numerous articles, and has been quoted in the largest newspapers and magazines regarding paternity fraud.
Late one night in August 2013, Antwynette Houston pulled up at a local convenience store near her home. She was approached by off-duty officer, Scott Sturgeon, who began to confront and harass her about the way she parked her car. According to the police report, Ms. Houston first parked in a handicap space without realizing it, and then moved her car to another space when Sturgeon told her to move. After Ms. Houston moved her car, Sturgeon was not satisfied because the car was allegedly crooked, and touching the painted line on one side of the parking space. He then became aggressive with her, accusing her of being drunk and demanding her ID. Frightened, Ms. Houston called 911 to request backup and told the off-duty officer that she was going to wait for them to arrive because she was afraid of him. Next, the unthinkable happened and was captured on a security camera. Oh, and by the way,Ms. Houston's son, who was 9 years old at the time, was in the car and witnessed the entire incident. Tune in to hear her frightening story.
Brigitte Harris committed the suffocation and castration manslaughter of her Liberian-born father Eric Goodridge in her Rockaway, Queens apartment on June 28, 2007. Both Brigitte and her sister, Carleen Goodridge, had been raped and sexually abused by their father since they were little girls. Brigitte's abuse started at age 3 and lasted until she was 17 years old. Due to her abuse allegations, Brigitte received an outpouring of supporters, including U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, New York State Senators Diane Savino and Eric Adams. At her highly publicized trial in Fall 2009, she was convicted of second-degree manslaughter and sentenced to 5 to 15 years in prison. After serving 5 years, she was released on parole on August 13, 2012. Brigitte's case was profiled on the Oxygen Network series Snapped in November 2010 and later profiled on the Investigation Discovery program Deadly Women in the episode "Parents' Peril".
Martin L. Davis is a community organizer, youth mentor, career development coach, inspirational speaker, and political activist. He has more than twenty-five years of experience dealing with troubled youth in urban areas throughout America. How many of us have to die at the hands of our own people before we say enough is enough to black-on-black violence? How long will we continue on this path of self-destruction? How long will we continue to live our lives in a position of weakness and ignorance? In Are We There Yet?, author Martin L. Davis provides the blueprint for what people of color need to do to change their standing in American society and throughout the world. It delivers a blow-by-blow, step-by-step, challenge-by-challenge outline that speaks directly to the heart of the ills black people face today. It addresses how black Americans can correct those ills internally, without outside help or influence.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Tune in to hear the rebroadcast of my interview with success coach and domestic violence survivor, Liz Simpson. Every 9 seconds, in the United States, a woman is assaulted or beaten. More than 1 in 3 women have experienced rape, domestic violence or stalking and kept quiet. The first step to putting the pieces back together is not easy and can be daunting at times. Many victims feel ashamed, helpless and emotionally spent. Liz J. Simpson used to be one of those women. Her debut book, The Puzzle Pieces Of Me: How To Find Yourself, Love Yourself & Live The Life Of Your Dreams is a self-help memoir and was released on October 1st. This heartfelt, empowering story shared publicly, for the very first time, chronicles Simpson’s life as a college student on academic scholarship at a big ten university, changing her major and unknowingly triggering a series of events that would change her life forever. In a blink of an eye, she became a homeless, abused, single mother on welfare, living in a battered women shelter with an infant daughter. The book also illustrates how she overcame all that to become the success she is today!
Dianna Thompson is the President and Co-Founder of the national non-profit organization Women Against Paternity Fraud. Dianna was instrumental in drafting the very first paternity fraud bill in CA, and has testified all over the country on similar bills. In 2002, she worked closely with Senator Roy Ashburn the sponsor of the California Paternity Justice Act (AB2240) which was passed by the California legislature, but later vetoed by Governor Gray Davis. Dianna was one of the first spokespersons on this issue. She has done countless radio shows and made numerous television appearances as an expert on paternity fraud. Additionally, she has written numerous articles, and has been quoted in the largest newspapers and magazines regarding paternity fraud.
Stanley Green is a member of the Stop Abuse For Everone (SAFE) Speakers' Bureau. He is the first male survivor of domestic violence in the USA to present the opening keynote at an academic/professional conference on family violence. Mr. Green appeared on an ABC News 20/20 segment dealing with male victims of Domestic Violence, has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and has also been active as an advocate for male victims of Domestic Violence for more than 20 years. Tune in tonight as we discuss abused men; the hidden side of domestic violence.
Every 9 seconds, in the United States, a woman is assaulted or beaten. More than 1 in 3 women have experienced rape, domestic violence or stalking and kept quiet. The first step to putting the pieces back together is not easy and can be daunting at times. Many victims feel ashamed, helpless and emotionally spent. Liz J. Simpson used to be one of those women. Her debut book, The Puzzle Pieces of Me: How To Find Yourself, Love Yourself & Live The Life Of Your Dreams, is a self-help memoir and is scheduled for release on October 1st. October is National Domestic Violence Awareness
His critics accuse him of being a racist, instigating a race war and running an anti-white, anti-gay website called "War On The Horizon". Some black critics even accuse him of being an agent for the government. His supporters say his lectures are enlightening, he speaks the truth and empowers his people. Tune in to hear my conversation with Irritated Genie and make your own decision!
Nicholas Maze is a relationship expert and a freelance writer for His new book, 'A Man's Appetite', addresses infidelity in the black community. It's a topic that is somewhat hush hush. You never really hear anything about it until it's too late and everything hits the fan. Across the board, infidelity can destroy ones marriage and can eventually spread to other relationships and friendships. The latest statistic from says that 53% of the marriages in America end in divorce. When it comes to divorces, there are a number of reasons a husband and wife can go their separate ways, but one of the most common is infidelity. Although all races have their share of this issue, Mr. Maze placed the focus on his community. He's a Black man and can give a better understanding of a Black man's view on this topic. The title of this in-depth piece of work can be viewed as sexist, but overall it displays a man and a woman's sexual appetite. The subject is infidelity in the Black community. Tune in!
Kay Pisces
Kay is a Master Intuitive Clairvoyant and the host of the very popular Youtube series, Love Readings by Kay Pisces. She has been doing readings for over 25 years and her accuracy is uncanny. Kay feels that she has been given her gifts to help others in their times of grief, pain and love troubles. But a word of warning...she will not sugar coat what she sees. Her readings are raw, open and she keeps it all the way real with you. The truth is exposed. She only has one question for you: DO YOU WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING?
Late one night in August 2013, Antwynette Houston pulled up at a local convenience store near her home in Louisville, Kentucky. She was approached by off-duty officer, Scott Sturgeon, who began to confront and harass her about the way she parked her car. According to the police report, Ms. Houston first parked in a handicap space without realizing it, and then moved her car to another space when Sturgeon told her to move. After Ms. Houston moved her car, Sturgeon was not satisfied because the car was allegedly crooked, and touching the painted line on one side of the parking space. He then became aggressive with her, accusing her of being drunk and demanding her ID. Frightened, Ms. Houston called 911 to request backup and told the off-duty officer that she was going to wait for them to arrive because she was afraid of him. Next, the unthinkable happened and was captured on a security camera. Oh, and by the way, Ms. Houston's son, who was 9 years old at the time, was in the car and witnessed the entire incident. Tune in to hear her frightening story.
Christopher Scott was convicted of murder in 1997 and served 14 years in prison. Mr. Scott was exonerated October 24, 2009. Johnnie Lindsey was convicted of aggravated rape and sentenced to life in prison and a $5,000.00 fine. He spent 25 years and 11 months in prison before being exonerated on September 19, 2008.
Tune in to hear their fascinating stories and how, as members of the House of Renewed Hope team, they work side by side to investigate claims of innocence by incarcerated men and educate the public on the root causes of wrongful convictions and how to prevent them.
Martin L. Davis is a community organizer, youth mentor, career development coach, inspirational speaker, and political activist. He has more than twenty-five years of experience dealing with troubled youth in urban areas throughout America.
How many of us have to die at the hands of our own people before we say enough is enough to black-on-black violence? How long will we continue on this path of self-destruction? How long will we continue to live our lives in a position of weakness and ignorance? In Are We There Yet?, author Martin L. Davis provides the blueprint for what people of color need to do to change their standing in American society and throughout the world. It delivers a blow-by-blow, step-by-step, challenge-by-challenge outline that speaks directly to the heart of the ills black people face today. It addresses how black Americans can correct those ills internally, without outside help or influence.
Buffalo, New York is my home town. Buffalo is a huge sports town being home to the Buffalo Bills (football) and the Buffalo Sabres (hockey). Buffalo is even known world wide for Buffalo Wings, thanks to the famous Anchor Bar Restaurant. But did you know that Buffalo is also one of the top-ten racist cities in America and is once again among the top-ten most racially segregated cities? #6 according to the US Census.
Janelle Ambrosia, from Cheektowaga, New York (suburb of Buffalo) was caught on tape repeatedly screaming racial slurs and dropping f-bombs at Narvell Benning as he sat in his car recording her on his phone. Mr. Benning uploaded that video to YouTube, calling it, "Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga, NY." The video has had more than five million views. Now, the man behind the camera is stepping out and ready to tell his side of the story. Tune in to hear it!
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