The Jalisa Danielle Podcast

<p>Opening minds and questioning things we have thought to be true our whole lives. </p>

Aries Season: Embracing Blunt Honesty. You Can't Always Be Nice

Follow me on social media for more!IG: @jalisa_danielleTwitter:@jalisadanielle_Youtube: @jalisa_danielleTikTok:


TRUST THE TIMING OF YOUR LIFE (because you don't have a choice anyway)

In this episode, I go in depth as to why we have to deal with certain situations in life that feel like an eternity. Just know everything is temporary. Whether you are doing good or would like to do better, it's all a cycle that will pass. For your one on one reading:


SEX AND ASTROLOGY: Why do you like what you like?

*this is audio from my latest YouTube episode*We're all adults here. When it comes to sex, you are wired the way you are based on your astrological makeup. The point is to learn yourself to find balance and also learn how to get in tune with your partner. Astrology helps you understand every aspect about yourself and no there is no shame in it. For more information or a one on one session with me, visit my



Sometimes I feel like I'm going backward but I have you guys to keep me going. IG: @jalisa_danielleTwitter:


Where I've Been, Astrology, and 2024 Message...

Thank you guys for the support all year!Follow me on social media for more!IG: @jalisa_danielleTwitter:@jalisadanielle_Youtube: @jalisa_danielleTikTok:


What The Church Doesn't Want You To Know ft. @jxyhtx

Why has so much information been hidden from us? Why does the church make everything seem evil? Do you ever question why?


Create To Escape: Use Your Job To Build Your Dream Life

No one WANTS to work for someone else but we all need stability. Here I will show you how you can use your job to your advantage so you can dip on up out of there and do what you love to do!


How Your Astrological Signs Can Affect Your Health (Yes, Believe It)

Astrology can help you to live a healthy & fit life. As each of our organ, anatomical structure, body part is inherently influenced by astrological elements; we can predict certain things through astrology.Message me on Instagram, Twitter, or where you find me for your personal natal chart interpretation. IG: @jalisa_danielleTwitter: @jalisdanielle_


Are You A Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer? Understanding Water Signs in Astrology

Are you or someone you know a Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer? Do you have those placements in your birth chart? As a Scorpio Rising, I understand the energy. I'm here to bring clarity to your life. Message me for your natal chart reading:IG: @jalisa_danielleTwitter: @jalisadanielle_


Get High And Listen To This (You Will Question Your Entire Existence) ft. @jxyhtx

Is every choice the right choice? If our lives are predestined, would that mean that every decision you make, regardless of how you feel, is the right decision?Your fave guest is back. Higher level thinking on this one.


You Know What I Hate? Pt. 7 ft. @JXYHTX

Your favorite is back! We got more things to get off our chest. Leave your feedback! Follow us on the socials. IG: @jalisa_danielle and @jxyhtxTwitter: @jalisadanielle_ and @jxyhtx3


The Secrets of Astrology and Numerology (Why It's Been Kept From Us)

Numerology is the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value, via an alphanumeric system, of the letters in words and names. When numerology is applied to a person's name, it is a form of onomancy. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar to divinatory arts.Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as ...


FIGHTING BIG TECH (Why I Had To Change My Podcast Name and Rebrand)

It feels like I've been in a two year battle with the forces of nature. But I'm going to win.


We've Been Lied To Our Entire Lives - RANT

In this episode, I breakdown the things that we have been told are one thing (good for us) when in reality, it was designed to hurt us. FOLLOW. LIKE. SHARE. SUBSCRIBE.


Money Talks: Digital Currency and The American Dollar ft. @jxyhtx and @therealjamareejames_

In this episode, I sit down with my co host @jxyhtx and Jamaree James a trading educator and financial connoisseur who gives us insight where he thinks our money is going. With many people unsure what to do with their extra money or lack their of, it's good to know what our options are. FOLLOW ME ON THE


Why You Had Chaotic or Life Changing Events Between The Ages of 27-30

Western astrologers believe that, as Saturn "returns" to the degree in its orbit occupied at the time of birth, a person crosses over a major threshold and enters the next stage of life. With the first Saturn return, a person leaves youth behind and enters adulthood.What happened in your life during that time?FOLLOW ME ON THE SOCIALS AND YOUTUBE! SEARCH: "JALISA DANIELLE"


"You Ain't Black" ft. @sirhottest

In this episode, I talk with Jordan aka Patriot J @sirhottest on Twitter, and we discuss what it has been like living in a world of controversial tweets, having his social media accounts suspended, being Black in Conservative America, and why Donald Trump isn't that bad of a dude. Why did they condition us to think that being a "minority" meant you had to vote Democrat? FOLLOW, LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT!IG: @jalisa_danielleTwitter: @jalisadanielle_ Youtube: Jalisa_Danielle


Skin Hunger: The Effects of Being Touch Starved

‘For some reason, we humans flourish under the influence of love and we gradually die without it.‘The Frederick’s Experiment. King Frederick took babies from their mothers at birth and placed them in the care of nurses who were forbidden to speak in their hearing. But a second rule was imposed, as well: the nurses were not allowed to touch the infants. To his great dismay, Frederick’s experiment was cut short, but not before something tragically significant regarding human nature was revealed...


Toxic Masculinity, The Feminization of Prisoners, and Weak Men in Media

In this episode, I sit down with Che of the No Spoon Podcast and we discuss what is happening to the "male species" and why "they" are set out to weaken the everyday man. Whether it's through media or your everyday hair care products, there is an agenda to emasculate the average man.


Controversial Takes: How Far is Too Far? ft. Comedian Chrissie Mayr

A New York native, Chrissie has appeared on NBC's America's Got Talent, FOX's Laughs, FOX's Punchline, The Chris Gethard Show, and The Wendy Williams Show. Her many appearances on Sirius XM, Compound Media, and GAS Digital Media has garnered her a loyal fan following as well. Listen as we go through controversial takes, her "beef" with Iggy Azalea, her controversy surrounding the name "Sandy H0ok," freeing ourselves from the "work force" and why you should always stand your ground when i...


Monica Rankin

Not sure if you are getting this bit I will figure it out!

01-18 Reply

Monica Rankin

That was "Oh girl, could we talk!

01-18 Reply

Monica Rankin

! we talk! You are so in your element. You remind me of myself St a younger age. I began noticing and educating myself on these topics years ago and sharing with others. it is more important now more than ever to pay attention to these issues because the powers that be do want to control us. Sorry your endeavor in education ended in such a shot show. I bet you were an amazing teacher. However, I am so glad you are doing this now. Keep reaching for your star, I will keep listening

01-18 Reply

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