The Jerry Brazie Podcast

Jerry Brazie is an outspoken, straight-talking CEO, Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor living in Portland, Oregon. Growing up with zero advantages, eight brothers and sisters, and no education and on his own at 17, he faced a lifetime of crappy jobs and poverty. Starting at 28, Jerry beat the odds by starting his own company and 20+ years later, and having bought and sold a dozen companies, Jerry has strong opinions on what it takes to succeed in business and life in today’s America. With a lifetime of experiences both at work and at home, Jerry is hoping to challenge and inspire anyone that is searching for success. Jerry pulls no punches and tells it exactly as he sees it. Jerry will certainly challenge you, probably offend you, and will definitely make you think. The show is co-hosted by William (Billy) Green from Vancouver, WA. Billy is a former software developer branching out into the creative space and a content creator for Jerry. As well as providing his technical expertise, Billy brings the perspective of a young millennial. He will provide the opinions and pushback of a young entrepreneur vs. an established CEO. Are you wondering if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the life of a successful business owner looks like? If you are serious about learning from real-world experiences both in life and business from someone who has lived it, give us a try. This podcast series will cover stories from Jerry's life, including the lessons he has learned along the way both in business and in life. So if you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, are an existing business owner, are looking to be successful, or just have questions on the journey, give us a listen. We want the podcast to be both educational and entertaining while providing the best information we can to help anyone looking to start or run their own business. We love to argue and want people to tell us why they think we are wrong.

#264 - Masculinity, Hoops, & Work Ethic

Welcome to the latest episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast, where we dive into thought-provoking discussions on contemporary issues. In this episode, we embark on a multifaceted exploration, starting with a critical review of Dax's controversial song, "To Be A Man." Join me as I dissect the themes and messages conveyed in the song, offering my candid perspectives and highlighting areas of disagreement. As we navigate through the lyrics, we delve into societal expectations of masculinity, challenging prevailing notions and advocating for a more nuanced understanding of what it truly means to be a man in today's world. But our discourse doesn't end there. We shift gears to tackle another hot topic—the evolving landscape of the NBA and its impact on the viewing experience. From rule changes to player behavior, we examine the factors contributing to the perceived decline in watchability and offer insights into potential remedies. Lastly, we delve into a timeless virtue—work ethic. In a world inundated with social media distractions and the allure of easy money, we emphasize the enduring value of hard work and dedication. Drawing from personal anecdotes and societal observations, we explore the rewards of perseverance, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. So, if you're ready to engage in stimulating conversations that challenge perspectives and inspire reflection, tune in to The Jerry Brazie Podcast and join the dialogue. Together, let's navigate the complexities of modern life and uncover insights that resonate with our shared human experience.


#263 - Reflections On My 55th Birthday!

Turn back the clock! Join me on his inspiring journey of transformation at 55. Dive into my secrets to feeling younger, stronger, and healthier than ever through a carnivore diet and an active lifestyle. Discover how I shed weight, built muscle, and ditched medication, all while impacting lives and making memories. This episode is a celebration of age-defying resilience and proof that anything is possible. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and ready to tackle your own "55" with newfound enthusiasm!


#262 - It's Been Awhile

Allot has happened since our last episode, but I'm back! Happy to be back to share more stories and my opinions on current events, health, business, and life. In this first episode, I talk about my health journey and the recent trip I did from Oregon and Tennasee. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#261 - Dr. Kiltz on the dangers of the American diet: why we're so sick and what we can do about it

Join us today as we welcome the pioneer of reduced-cost In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Dr. Kiltz, renowned fertility doctor, and founder/director at CNY Fertility! His expertise has been seen in publications like The Wall Street Journal, CNBC Parents Magazine, and more - stay tuned to learn all about his discoveries on how diets can affect infertility rates...  Uncover a revolutionary perspective when it comes to reproductive health with this eminent specialist whose patient-centric philosophy focuses on optimizing overall wellness through dieting practices such as ketogenic eating or carnivore consumption.   1:Intermittent Fasting To Get Healthy!   Intermittent fasting is one of the oldest spiritual practices in the world. It's been around for centuries and has been used by many cultures. But what is it? Intermittent fasting is simply the act of not eating for a period of time. This can be done in many different ways, but the most popular way is to fast for 16 hours and then eat during an 8-hour window. There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting, like weight loss, improved mental clarity, and decreased inflammation. But there are also some spiritual benefits, like increased compassion and decreased anger. Intermittent fasting is a great way to improve your health and your spirituality! 2: The Carnivore Diet Is the Healthiest Diet on Earth (Here’s Why)! The Carnivore Diet is the healthiest diet on Earth. That's a pretty bold statement, but Dr. Kiltz is here to explain why he believes this to be true. In this video, you'll learn about the benefits of the carnivore diet, how it helps with weight loss and more! 3:  Plants Are the Predators and Humans Are the Prey! Most people think that eating a healthy diet means eating plants, grains, and vegetables. But what if I told you that the way to be really healthy is by eating meat? In this video, Dr. Kiltz will explain how our addiction to feeling good is actually killing us, and how the healthiest diet in the world is a carnivore diet. 4. Food Addiction, are you addicted to feeling good?   It's no secret that the American diet is full of sugar and unhealthy foods, but what's really scary is that it's not just making us obese – it's killing us. In this video I'll talk about the science behind our addiction to feeling good, and how we can break free from it. 5: Learn why Inflammation is the real monster behind the disease! Learn why Inflammation is the real monster behind the disease – and how to prevent its deadly effects! Are you curious to know why Dr. Kiltz claims inflammation is the cause of all diseases? Get ready as he takes us through a journey detailing how deadly it can be and what we must do in order to prevent its detrimental effects! On top of that, discover why carnivore may hold the key to winning this battle against chronic illness. 6:All sugars are created equal, and they are all bad for you!   Are all sugars bad for you? According to @DrRobLive , plant-based sugars are just as harmful to our health as regular table sugar. In this video, he debunks the myth that sugar is only bad if it comes from a cane or beet, and provides evidence that consuming too many carbs and sugars of any kind can lead to diabetes, stroke, obesity, hypertension, cancer, IBF, anxiety, depression, ADHD, ADD, suicide and possibly criminality!


#260 - Family, Holiday, a 10-Mile Run, and Re-Learning Old Lessons.

In this episode, we are finally back and talking about the holidays, pumpkin pie and whipped cream, challenging ourselves, and learning lessons we have been teaching others for years. The old adage "you are never too old to learn something new" has never been more true, as Jerry experienced first-hand taking on a 10-mile road race that caught him completely by surprise.  All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#259 - My Health Journey

In this episode, We talk about my journey to lose weight and get healthy over the last couple of years. At the beginning of this year, I made a dedication to losing weight and getting healthy. I am currently 80 lbs down and feeling 20 years younger! This is the story, what I did, what I'm doing, and some tips for everyone else who wants similar results. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#258 - Burn Ladders, Build Bridges. Pursuing Work with Meaning and Purpose w| Dr. Alan Patterson

Had a great conversation with Dr. Alan M. Patterson. He is an organizational development consultant, specializing in executive and leadership development. Having led hundreds of clients for over four decades, Dr. Patterson continues to ignore standard coaching methods, opting to pursue and lead clients down the path of meaningful careers that are not only successful but also rewarding. He’s worked with everyone from the Federal Reserve Bank to Hewlett Packard to Major League Baseball and the United States Navy. His new book is Burn Ladders. Build Bridges. Pursuing Work with Meaning and Purpose. Learn more at All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#257 – Josh Denny the Internet’s MOST Cancelled Comedian

In this episode, we talk with Josh Denny, who has spent the last decade traveling the country, enjoying a passionate love affair with food and serving up heaping portions of funny as a stand-up comedian. Originally from Philadelphia, and currently residing in Los Angeles, Josh's lifelong trip across our nation has armed him with a vast knowledge of what makes you smile, whether it be with a clever comedic observation, or dropping knowledge on the best eats in the country.  Josh kicked off his comedy career by winning Crown Royal’s 2008 “midwest’s next big comic contest,” and has since released two hour-long stand-up comedy albums, including 2008's "honest brutality" and 2012's "social hand grenades" to warm reviews.  Josh has been a lightning rod for saying what he thinks, something missing in today's society, and particularly refreshing. Why you may not like what he says, and some of his jokes may make you cringe, he has every right to say it, and he does not hold back.  While I wanted to hear some of Josh's backstory, along with stories from his time on television as host of the Food Channels "Ginormous Food", to his ideas on the country and politics, what I was really interested in was talking about business. Josh has unique insight into one of the hardest businesses to own and operate, restaurants. His insight on what it takes, the people who do it, and their dedication, hard work, and fervent desire to produce the best quality possible are inspiring.  I enjoyed the conversation, and I hope you do also. 


#256 - Losers Care About the Little Things! Don’t Be a Loser.

In this episode, we talk about our initial reactions to seeing someone park terribly. We talk about being aggressive, where it's needed and appropriate, and where it's not. Finally, we finish talking about one of the best movies Jerry has seen all year and movie theaters in general. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#255 - I Can See the Cowards, What Happened to the Heroes?

This is as raw and uncensored as I can be. Some will like it, and many will hate it, but that should be the nature of discourse. Some will never listen again, and some will appreciate it, either way, I respect that. This is my truth relative to the latest school shooting. The killing in Uvalde, Texas was horrifying, there is no comparison. Setting that aside, the behavior of the police is an unquestionable act of cowardice not seen since…the last school shooting, nightclub shooting, or any other shooting where cops stood outside while people were murdered. In this podcast, we talk about cowards, heroes, and the outright attack on masculinity in the west. The ramifications on men are only now being felt, and it will only get worse, and society will pay a heavy toll. The lies, obfuscation, and the unending amount of “thin blue line” butt-covering, over the bodies of 18 babies and two teachers, is disgusting. It’s time ALL cops step up and provide the service they commit to when they are sworn in. And as a society, we need to respect the police, and the police in turn need to work hard to EARN that respect. I have some strong opinions on this subject, ones that many people won’t like, fortunately, they can simply stop listening. I hope you enjoy the most important Podcast I have ever done.   All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#254 - Catching up with Billy

This episode covers what new adventures Billy has been getting himself into during the first half of this year. We talk a bit about the Amber Heard / Jonny Depp trial and in general celebrity coverage. We finish the talk about nicotine and smoking. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#253 – Taking Responsibility for Everything

In this episode, we talk about taking responsibility for everything. Your own elements, your actions, and even the actions of others when it comes to business. We also talk about a recent clip we saw from Gary Vee about small business bosses. We love Gary but I think he missed the mark on this one. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie Podcast. So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#252 – We Are Back!

Welcome back, everyone!  After a short break, we have returned for another episode. In this episode, we catch up with Jerry and what he has been up to over the last few months. We hear about Jerry's new health updates. We also talk about some crazy guys climbing up a glass building without protection and a few other things. Happy to be back to our regular schedule!


#251 - Marc Lobliner Fitness Entrepreneur

In this episode, we talk with Marc Lobliner. Marc is currently Chief Marketing Officer of, a 2012-2015 INC. 500/5000 company as well as Owner/CEO of one of the fastest-growing supplement companies, MTS Nutrition. Marc is a Partner in Ambrosia Nutraceuticals and Owner of Machine Training Solutions Body and Life Coaching Services. Alongside this, Marc is a Professional Bodybuilder. Check out Marcs website:  And all of his other links:  All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#250 - Rona, Government, and Little Girls

In this episode, we talk about a recent guest on Joe Rogan's podcast and some information he brings to the current pandemic. We talk about ways to heighten your immune system, and some doctors we follow for information. We also touch on the government and public opinion towards governmental officials. We finish it by remembering a special little girl who lost her life before it began. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#249 - Portland, Oregon Is an Ugly, Filthy City.

In this episode, we talk about the dystopian nightmare in Portland. Oregon. Once one of the more beautiful cities in the country, it now looks like the set from the movie Escape from New York. We also talk about how Christmas is celebrated in the south compared to the NW. Then finally, we finish talking about the importance of Christmas, and Santa Klaus, on kids. And in particular poor kids. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#248 - A Tribute to Veterans

In this episode, we remember the veterans for veterans day. We listen to a few stories of past heroes and discuss the lives they lived. From Jerry and Billy, thank you to anyone who has served to preserve what we have here today. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#247 - Current Events and Where We Are Going

In this episode, we talk about how the podcast has changed and what we hope to accomplish moving forward. We also talk about a little bit of history and some current events. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#246 – Perspective Is Key

In this episode, we share some perspectives with you go-getters who haven't worked during the pandemic. We also talk a little bit about sports and perspectives for men out there crying over emails. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


#245 - Inflation and the US Debt Ceiling | Part 2

In this episode, we continue the conversation about the national debt. We talk about why the general public is not aware of how these things work and potential fixes to the problem. All of that and more on this episode of The Jerry Brazie podcast! So check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from someone who comes from nothing, who had made it big, and is talking about it in an unfiltered and honest way. It’s just his opinion, but he will make you think! Let us know if any of this hits home for you and please forward this to anyone you know that may be thinking about starting a company, is struggling with an existing one, or is just interested in the game! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Find all the links at Or Youtube: Here Facebook: Here Facebook Group: Here Instagram: Here Reddit: Here Spotify: Here Q&A: or send us a PM on any of our social media pages!


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