The Jet Streamer Podcast

Starting a podcast to promote yourself, or your brand? Come with us on a journey to discover how you can create engaging, educational audio content that will take your business to the world.

S02E13 - Hiatus

It's not you, it's me. No, seriously, let's leave the breakup cliches at home, shall we? I'm taking a bit of a break from The Jet Streamer Podcast, and I think it's only fair to tell you why. This isn't the end, though, but the beginning of something new. —ABOUT JET STREAMER—Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S2E12- Basics of Copyright for Podcasters

Get caught out with copyright and you're going to have a bad time. So how do you avoid it? In this episode we go through the most common copyright traps for podcasters, and how you might avoid them.--RESOURCES--Find some Creative Commons sound effects at out more about creative commons licensing at, all the information in this podcast is for general information and entertainment only, and should not be taken as legal advice. Make sure to consult with a legal practitioner to get the best advice for your individual situation. —ABOUT JET STREAMER—Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.


S02E11- How do I change my podcast host?

You might switch podcast hosts for a number of reasons. Whether it's that you've outgrown your current hosting plan (maybe your podcast is awesome and you're getting too many downloads?!) or you're not happy with your current podcast host, switching can be a little intimidating. In this episode, we go through the considerations before you switch, the process of making the switch, and some pitfalls of switching- some things that might catch you out. None of the brands mentioned in this podcast have given us a cent, so all the opinions in this podcast are completely genuine. --RESOURCES--Haven't found your new podcast host yet? Check this article on on the best podcast hosts.One thing I neglected to mention in the podcast is that you will lose your podcast stats, including number of downloads. Make sure to export or print that data so you don't have to start your all-time downloads from zero again!Check this article from Buzzsprout out about transferring your podcast from Buzzsprout. How's that for customer service?—ABOUT JET STREAMER—Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E10 - How do I do an interview on my podcast?

On this episode of the Jet Streamer podcast, we're talking about... talking!!Interviewing people can be a pretty intimidating topic, especially if you're interviewing someone who you might look up to. But it doesn't have to be that way! On this episode, we'll look at why you might interview people, and some of the tips and tricks you might use to get the best out of your guest, meaning that your audience will come away having loved your show! —ABOUT JET STREAMER—Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E09 - Should I do a video podcast?

It seems like an absolute no-brainer, doesn't it? If you're going to all that trouble to record a podcast, spending hours putting your content together and organising interviews, then you want to video it as well and release it as video content too, right? Well, it's not as simple as that, unfortunately. In this episode we cover: What actually does a 'video podcast' mean, and how is it distinct from an audiogram, or a normal podcast? Some of the extra considerations you'll need to think about over and above what you'd normally do for your podcast.  The advantages of doing a video podcast, including some of the considerations you might make when you're uploading to YouTube.  Some of the drawbacks of making a video podcast.  Ultimately, the decision to video or not is up to you. However, in this episode, we'll provide you with the info you need to make an informed decision: to video, or not to video?—ABOUT JET STREAMER—Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E08 - Saving money. Will a $30 microphone stand cut it?

We all want to save money, right? And podcasting can get really expensive, really quickly. So I picked up a microphone stand for thirty bucks to try and find out- is the expensive accessory really worth it? Can you find a good deal that will help you get into podcasting on the cheap? And what other places can you save money for podcasting? --RESOURCES--The stand is the "Influencer Microphone Boom Desk Kit", which I picked up from JB Hi-Fi for $29. I paid for it in full with my own money, and so this is an actual, honest to goodness review.  For pictures of the one I bought, head to the podcast page on—ABOUT JET STREAMER—Hosted by podcast producer Chris Plumridge, The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E07- Avoiding Podcast Burnout, Part 3

Podcast burnout is a very real thing in the podcast world. For whatever reason, burning out is extremely common amongst new podcasters- with the average podcaster only releasing eight episodes before they fade away. So why is this? And how can we prevent it?In the third and final episode of this three-part 'series within a series', we're changing it up! Before you throw in the towel and quit podcasting altogether, you might want to change it up a little bit in order to try and get that spark back into the relationship... between yourself and your podcast, obviously! We talk getting inspired, remembering your roots, and trying something new. This is part 3 of a three-part series on burnout. It wasn't originally intended to be! In fact, it was meant to be only one episode. But I wanted to give this topic the airtime it deserves, and so it's been split into three. Therefore, whenever I mention "last week", I actually mean episode four. —ABOUT JET STREAMER—The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E06 - Avoiding Podcast Burnout, Part 2

Podcast burnout is a very real thing in the podcast world. For whatever reason, burning out is extremely common amongst new podcasters- with the average podcaster only releasing eight episodes before they fade away. So why is this? And how can we prevent it?In this, the second episode of our three-part series-within-a-series, we talk about re-evaluating your show (and your expectations) to maybe change it up a little bit and either reduce the pressure on yourself, or reduce the workload. We talk about mindset, ignoring the competition... and we also have 'the chat' about whether or not to call it quits. This is part 2 of a three-part series on burnout. It wasn't originally intended to be! In fact, it was meant to be only one episode. But I wanted to give this topic the airtime it deserves, and so it's been split into three. Therefore, whenever I mention "last week", I actually mean episode four. —ABOUT JET STREAMER—The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E04 - I've released my podcast... what now?!

After you release your podcast to the world, it's time to start the real work- making sure that your listeners know about your podcast and want to listen to it! Marketing your podcast is super important, as it allows your ideal listener to find your podcast and allows you to get the most value possible from the time you put into making your podcast. We cover:Finding listeners for your podcast and making sure you don't end up with a "Billboard in the Desert!"Converting your customers (and prospective customers) into podcast listeners. Marketing tactics both specific to podcasting, and more generally.Connecting with the great community of podcasters in the spirit of continuous improvement. --RESOURCES--To help kick-start your podcast, you can submit your podcast to be featured in Apple Podcasts' New and Noteworthy (or other lists). InstructionsGive your podcast a page on Podchaser. It's like IMDB for podcasts and will allow people to find and review it outside of the traditional podcast distribution platforms. For some Facebook groups to join, consider Helen Zaltzman's excellent Podcaster's Support Group or Podcast Movement's Podcast Movement Community.--ABOUT JET STREAMER--The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E03 - How do I publish a podcast?

Right, so now we've finally got everything ready, it's time to publish that podcast!This week, we're talking about everything you need to get that podcast from your computer, and into the ears of the world!We'll discuss:Podcast hosts, what they are and how to find one that works for you.Podcast directories, the difference between a directory and a host, and how they can help you get your podcast heard.--RESOURCES--The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E02 - What else do I need to start a podcast?

You've recorded your episode. Your microphones were well set up, your presentation skills were off the chain, your interview was riveting and your sound effects were awesome without being too intrusive. You've got the audio part down pat, but what else do you need before your podcast is ready for releasing to the world?In this episode, we discuss what else you'll need before you upload your podcast to the world. We talk about:Podcast artwork. What works and what doesn't, as well as the things you'll need to keep in mind when you're working with the only visual bit of producing a podcast (video podcasts notwithstanding, of course!)Episode descriptions. What to write when you're convincing people to listen to your podcast.--RESOURCES--To take a look at the statistics used in this episode, as well as plenty of other helpful findings, check out the ABC Podcast Survey.The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E01 - Let's do Science! What does editing sound like?

Welcome back to the Jet Streamer Podcast for 2021, and the beginning of Season 2! Yes, Season 1  was a short season, but we're up and running now, and ready for a huge rest of the year. In this episode, we're picking off where we left off last year with editing. I've since had a few people get in touch and ask: how do I know what difference editing is actually making to the sound of the show? It's a good question!In this episode, we go through exactly that. The episode starts off as it was recorded live, and then as we discuss the process we do more editing and add more effects until the sound is as it would be in a 'finished' podcast. You'll get to hear the difference at every stage of the process, and hear how great editing can make a huge difference to the sound of your podcast.--RESOURCES--Guide to equaliser frequencies: Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


S02E05 - Avoiding Podcast Burnout, Part 1

Podcast burnout is a very real thing in the podcast world. For whatever reason, burning out is extremely common amongst new podcasters- with the average podcaster only releasing eight episodes before they fade away. So why is this? And how can we prevent it?In the first episode of this three-part 'series within a series', we look at one of the key reasons you'll stop enjoying your podcasting: biting off more than you can chew, and overcommitting. It's easy enough to do- what with the excitement of releasing a podcast, buying your microphone and DAW, designing your artwork, and recording your first episode. But is the level of work you've committed to sustainable, week after week?We look at ways to lessen the workload on yourself, and identify perhaps when you've overcommitted. This is part 1 of a three-part series on burnout. It wasn't originally intended to be! In fact, it was meant to be only one episode. But I wanted to give this topic the airtime it deserves, and so it's been split into three. Therefore, whenever I mention "last week", I actually mean episode four. —ABOUT JET STREAMER—The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


09 - Editing. And Happy Christmas!

Our last episode of the 2020 podcast year! (Thank God that's over, eh?). In a rather ill-timed piece of podcasting our last episode for the year deals with editing. We'll be talking software, yes, as well as going over the biggest editing mistakes you can make, and how to streamline the editing process so you spend more time doing business, and less time editing. We'll cover: What you need to edit your podcast Destructive vs. non-destructive editing.  Preparation, and the importance of a good workflow. Exactly how you should approach editing your podcast to keep your process really efficient. What you should leave in, and what you should cut. Three deadly mistakes that a lot of podcasters make. This is our last episode for 2020, but we'll be back after a couple of adult beverages in January 2021. Thanks for all your support as we've got the Jet Streamer podcast going for this year, it's great to have you on board!Also if anyone wants to record an ice hockey movie specific podcast, get in touch. --RESOURCES--The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


08- Recording your podcast

How do you record your podcast? On this episode, we go through everything you need to think about while you're recording your podcast. You've got your equipment, you've worked out what you're going to say, and now it's time to actually lay your voice down on a recording!This episode covers:How to set up for a recording session. Setting gain and placing microphones.What problems to listen for in the recording that will help speed up your editing later on. How to prepare yourself and your environment. --RESOURCES--For more about microphone gain check out this article on gain on the Jet Streamer website.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.The Jet Streamer Podcast aims to help business owners and entrepreneurs use podcasting to connect better with their audiences and prospective clients. Each week we cover an aspect of podcasting to make sure your podcasts are engaging and thought-provoking, for whatever your target audience might be.


07 - Presentation: How to talk on a podcast.

This week, we talk about some easy ways to help your technique in presenting your podcast. --RESOURCES--For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


06 - What is imaging, and how can it help my podcast?

What is imaging? Imaging is everything in your podcast... except the talking! The intro, the outro, the bumpers, the music... It gives your show its identity, and signposts to the audience what sort of show it is.The imaging needs to fit the show. Needs to also fit the segment before it. It's often pre-made as a "top and tail" or have a long top or long tail. Do NOT use music ripped off YouTube- nothing wrong with production music, but a lot of those songs are the comic sans of music.--RESOURCES--Check out this week's listening, The Pineapple Project.For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


05- How to Structure Your Show

OK, you've decided on the topic of your show, you've got your topic, you've got your space and filled it with equipment. Now how on earth do you fill the time? This episode discusses how to structure your podcast. Many early podcasters really struggle with how to "lay out" their podcast to keep listeners engaged and keep themselves on track. This episode will give you a few tips and tricks to keep your listeners (and yourself!) engaged right throughout each and every episode. For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook. --RESOURCES-- Take a listen to the great "unstructured" Mike and Tom Eat Snacks (MATES). Services like Speakpipe will allow your listeners to record a message and have it played back on your show. 


04- Equipment. What do you need to start a podcast?

This is it, folks. The episode that you've all been waiting for. Enough of the technique stuff already, let's get down to brass tacks. This week we look at what equipment you need to buy to start a podcast. Rather than give a whole list of gear, this episode delves into why you should look to invest in decent gear, then gives you what to look for in your next purchase. This episode will give you the skills to decide which of the main microphone types is right for you, as well as other equipment and software you'll need to get started. --RESOURCES--Software recommended in this week's episode:ReaperAudacityAdobe AuditionHindenburgMore on the difference between dynamic and condenser microphones.My recommendations:What microphone to get will largely depend on where you live, what your budget is, and what your needs are. For example, I live in Australia where Rode microphones are cheap and plentiful as they're made here. This is a starting point only, however any of these will give you a good sound to start with. And as mentioned in the podcast, these are, where possible, all Dynamic mics.XLR microphones:Entry level: Rode Podmic or Rode ProcasterMid level:  Electrovoice RE320 or Sennheiser MD421Professional level:  Shure SM7BUSB microphones:Entry Level: Samson Q2U (can be used as an XLR as well)Mid level: Rode Podcaster "Deluxe" level: Shure MV7 (can be used as an XLR as well)Audio interfaces (for XLR microphones)Behringer U-Phoria UMC202HDFocusrite Scarlett 2i2PreSonus AudioBox


03- The most important piece of podcast equipment is...

What's the most important piece of equipment for podcasting? It's not the microphone, it's not the recorder...It's the room you're recording in!The room you record in has a huge impact on how intimate your podcast sounds, how engaged your listeners are, and how easy your podcast is to listen to. So how do we improve this?Firstly, your room needs to be quiet. Find the quietest space you can find. But if you record in a particularly noisy area, constant noise is better than intermittent noise. Why?- it's easier to edit. You don't want to have background noise cutting in and out with every cut. You can do things like turn off the fridge and the a/c to help with this.Secondly, your room needs to have as little echo as possible. It's easier to edit, more intelligible, and more intimate if your voice has no echo ('dry' in audio terms). You can achieve this with soft furnishings, carpeted floors, wall hangings (blankets, etc), or grab some couch cushions and build yourself a vocal booth!You can use noise reduction programs to help with this, but be careful! We do a couple of experiments in this episode to show you why. --RESOURCES--For more information on Jet Streamer, head to, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.The episode of Lance Armstrong's The Forward mentioned in this show (Bode Miller) 


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