The Joshua-Paul Show

The Joshua-Paul Show
Author: The Joshua Paul Show
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© Copyright Joshua-Paul Angell (C/O Blogtalkradio)
The Joshua-Paul Show aired from Jan. 2009 to Jan. 2019 on the Excellence In Airwaves Network. From frugal living tips, cooking, interviews, music, rants, psychic readings, politics,live concerts and beyond- this variety show brought it all to the table.
Host Joshua-Paul at the time had been an outspoken activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He was the host of the long running syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which aired live, and Simple Living, which delivered only 6 episodes due to illness.
Starting his show initially as a simulcast podcast, over 500 episodes from the vault of The Joshua-Paul Show are available wherever you get your podcast's!
Thanks for a great 10 years! We know that in downloads alone, this show has reached the ears of over 400,000 listeners.
About the Host: JP Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
Host Joshua-Paul at the time had been an outspoken activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He was the host of the long running syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which aired live, and Simple Living, which delivered only 6 episodes due to illness.
Starting his show initially as a simulcast podcast, over 500 episodes from the vault of The Joshua-Paul Show are available wherever you get your podcast's!
Thanks for a great 10 years! We know that in downloads alone, this show has reached the ears of over 400,000 listeners.
About the Host: JP Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
31 Episodes
Kindred Spirits are two people that make a special connection by sharing a bond that has joined them by the means of an experience that has drawn them together on a higher level of consciousness.
This connection can be from the same experience at the same time or two separate experiences similar in nature.
If two people were in a dramatic situation and had to depend on each other in order to get out of the situation or one having to help rescue the other, they would become bonded as kindred spirits. Oftentimes, a couple will meet that had both come from very bad past situations in a relationship; a bond is then reached because an understanding of what the other had been through where they feel no one else truly understands, through this the have become kindred spirits.
Follow Joshua-Paul on Twitter,Kiwi,Instagram,Periscope & Snapchat @joshuapaulshow as well as his personal Twitter account @GypsyBroadcast
From frugal living tips, cooking, interviews, music, rants, psychic readings, politics and beyond- this variety show brings it all to the table. Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. And a podcast "Simple Living". Starting his branded show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and annually reaches the ears of nearly 400,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues after being recognized as an activist in Chicago, IL
At the point when life changes all of a sudden, you most likely need to shout, yell, revile in it nd beg God. All you need is for life to do a reversal to "ordinary." You need your "previous lifestyle" back. You would most likely effectively have that. Be that as it may, recollect, these sentiments are a piece of the lamenting procedure. To NOT feel any of these feelings would NOT be typical. Also, to curb the sentiments is not beneficial. It can do physical harm to your body and psyche.
Life deals blows. Listen in and let's begin fixing things together.
Follow Joshua-Paul on Twitter,Kiwi,Instagram,Periscope & Snapchat @joshuapaulshow as well as his personal Twitter account @GypsyBroadcast
Always broadcast live, raw and unedited from Tucson Arizona.
Since early 2009, UNCENSORED radio has been blasting through your speakers. From frugal living tips, cooking, interviews, music, rants, psychic readings, politics and beyond- this variety show brings it all to the table. Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. And a podcast "Simple Living". Starting his branded show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and annually reaches the ears of nearly 400,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues after being recognized as an activist in Chicago, IL
Thoughts influence your actions, so, if you think negatively, there’s no bright future ahead of you. Positive people don’t believe in the excuses their minds come up with. Through positive affirmations and finding the good side of any problem, they make sure they are mentally set up for success.
JP discusses ridding your life of negativity, one small step at a time. What is happiness? Does it exist? How many lessons does it take? How do we get rid of a negative feeling? Cope with an illness?
Follow Joshua-Paul on Twitter,Kiwi,Instagram,Periscope & Snapchat @joshuapaulshow
Always broadcast live, raw and unedited from Tucson Arizona.
Since early 2009, UNCENSORED radio has been blasting through your speakers. From frugal living tips, cooking, interviews, music, rants, psychic readings, politics and beyond- this variety show brings it all to the table. Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. And a podcast "Simple Living". Starting his branded show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and annually reaches the ears of nearly 400,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues after being recognized as an activist in Chicago, IL
Peace is not another place of employment, peace is not another car, or another life partner… .peace is another point of view, and that new viewpoint starts with you. We know a great deal, however we don't generally do what we know.
In the event that you fall flat, it won't be on the grounds that you didn't have any acquaintance with; it will be on account of you didn't do what you knew to do. Work to do what you know to do. Don't simply expend data, yet consider on considerations that are helpful for what you are craving to end up until you have a deep yearning to show it.
Follow Joshua-Paul on Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, Kiwi & Snapchat @JoshuaPaulShow
As you begin to detach from material possessions and place more importance on experiences rather than things, you will sense a feeling of lightness and freedom, which can become addictive.
You will feel a new sense of freedom from no longer being surrounded by piles of unnecessary emotional baggage.. And items never used. Learn to be less attached to possessions and the past. This allows us to focus instead on people and experiences.
Follow Joshua-Paul On Twitter @Joshuapaulshow
Follow Joshua-Paul On Kiwi @joshuapaulshow
Follow Joshua-Paul On Periscope @JoshuaPaulShow
Follow Joshua-Paul On Snapchat @joshuapaulshow
Follow Joshua- Paul On Instagram @JoshuaPaulShow
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Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and annually reaches the ears of nearly 400,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
In order to not feel degraded, humiliated and have your sense of self and self worth assaulted, you need to avoid being bulldozed by a controlling lover, boss or friend. When you are caught up in a truly destructive/controlling attachment, the best response may be to walk out. You have to understand that whatever you do will have a limited effect. These people are angry and afraid to let go of you.
Hence, it is your job to let go of them, protect yourself in the process… and grow.
Follow Joshua-Paul On Twitter @Joshuapaulshow
Follow Joshua-Paul On Periscope @JoshuaPaulShow
Follow Joshua-Paul On Snapchat @joshuapaulshow
Follow Joshua- Paul On Instagram @JoshuaPaulShow
Like Joshua-Paul On Facebook
Never be afraid to follow your passion and blaze new trails. It’s important to have faith in the process of life. The trick is to realize and embrace your uniqueness. By doing so, you will be led in the direction you were meant to go.
“Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.”
Ray Bradbury
You know that big meeting at work you literally can’t miss? Or the way you lock in the weekly screening of your favorite TV show? Make your self-care routine as rigid as that—make it non-negotiable. When you start making self-care a priority (and enact strong boundaries around your routine), you’re able to fill your cup more fully, and work on being as healthy and happy as possible.
Hashtag #MeditativeState And #SimpleLiving On Twitter To Share Your Thoughts
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and annually reaches the ears of nearly 400,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to discuss the "tough" issues.
What limiting story are you telling yourself? Maybe it’s that you’ll never find love or that you’ll never earn over a certain amount of money. Maybe it’s that you are too shy to speak in public or that you are terrible at small talk. Maybe you think you’ll never make a living doing what you love or that you are not smart enough to succeed.
All of these things are stories. The difference between you and the people doing the thing that you’ve always wanted to do is the stories you tell yourselves. Changing that story is one of the most important steps to changing your life.
Hashtag #MeditativeState On Twitter To Share Your Thoughts
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and annually reaches the ears of nearly 400,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to discuss the "tough" issues.
When J.K. Rowling said, "Rock bottom is the solid foundation on which I built my life," she hit the nail on the head. Sometimes you gotta sink down to the depths to find the energy to skyrocket back up. The good news: You're on the right page to do just that. Let's begin.
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
You are changing. The universe around you is changing. Just because something was right for you in the past doesn’t mean it still is. This could be a relationship, a job, a home, a habit, etc. It happens to you slowly as you grow. You discover more about who you are and what you want out of life, and then you realize there are deliberate changes you need to make to keep up with the changes happening around you and within you.
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
“Every new day is another chance to change your life.” ~Unknown
You know the moment. It happens right after you realize you did something you wish you didn’t. Maybe you broke someone’s trust and now the guilt is overwhelming you. Maybe you compromised your job in some way and now you’re terrified your world will come crashing down.
Regardless of what you did, you can feel your anxiety like a stack of red hot bowling balls surgically implanted in your stomach. (Dramatic? Yes. Regret is rarely reasonable.)
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony is to change your thinking. In order to change your outer world you must first change your inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well. Altering your behavior will change the course of your life.
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues. On his radio show, he promotes several activists, animal rescues and as he describes “the movers and shakers” of America.
It’s time to re-energize the idea of a road trip, because there’s nothing like heading off for a few days to connect us to what it truly means to be alive. Though there are no rules to taking a road trip, there are some tips to make your adventure on the road a better than average life-changing experience. This is your guide to road trip philosophy for an insanely epic journey.
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live 5 days a week. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues. He has worked with several celebrities including Betty Buckley and Gloria Loring. On his radio show, he promotes several activists, animal rescues and as he describes “the movers and shakers” of America.
It serves well to remember how simultaneously insignificant and crucial we are. It’s a strange paradox to wrap our heads around, but I think it’s worth the effort. In the scheme of the universe, and whatever exists beyond what our minds can comprehend, we are tiny droplets in a vast ocean with no concern for our ripples. This can be comforting when things feel overwhelming.
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live 5 days a week. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues. He has worked with several celebrities including Betty Buckley and Gloria Loring. On his radio show, he promotes several activists, animal rescues and as he describes “the movers and shakers” of America.
The creative life: To live solely and purposely for your innermost desires and to work only for your happiness and the purpose to produce work that fulfills and excites you. The creative lifestyle is something that’s long been admonished and stigmatized by society as an unstable and disrespectful way to earn a living. It’s been bred out of us since childhood when we were pushed to study “stable” and “respectable” fields, like business, computer programming and economics. We were trained to look at art as a pastime, as innovation, like a risk. It seems society has an aversion to the artist, the individual, the lone wolf. CHANGE IT!
always free, always streaming 24/7/365
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show”. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues.
Hesitation to voice our opinions is a form of insecurity. Have you ever sent a serious text message to someone and buffered your feelings with casual text speak or emojis? Do you pretend you’re tipsy when you are voicing strong opinions and blame it on the alcohol? Sometimes the things we want to shout from the rooftops are not things that other people necessarily want to hear. Living in fear only creates distance, which affects the foundation of relationships we have already established.
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live 5 days a week. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues. He has worked with several celebrities including Betty Buckley and Gloria Loring. On his radio show, he promotes several activists, animal rescues and as he describes “the movers and shakers” of America.
Life is your car and only you can take the driver’s seat. If you don’t grab the steering wheel and take control, you’re just careening blindly towards death with nobody manning the vehicle. So just how do you quit your job and travel on nothing put a wish and a prayer? Is it possible? YES!
always free, always streaming 24/7/365
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live 5 days a week. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. He runs his show for two main reasons: to raise awareness of issues not discussed in much of the media, and to raise funding for charities. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues. He has worked with several celebrities including Betty Buckley and Gloria Loring. On his radio show, he promotes several activists, animal rescues and as he describes “the movers and shakers” of America.
If you’ve ever fantasized about selling everything you own and paring down your possessions to the bare essentials, you’re probably familiar with minimalism. But it’s about more than just de-cluttering—it’s about getting rid of all clutter, permanently. Minimalism isn’t about empty white rooms with hardly any furniture. It’s about removing all the things that distract us from what’s important in our lives.
always free, always streaming 24/7/365
Joshua-Paul Angell has been an activist in the areas of animal rescue, animal welfare, animal rights, LGBTQ rights and political issues since 1999. He is the host of a syndicated radio show, “The Joshua-Paul Show” which airs live 5 days a week. Starting his show initially as a podcast, he has taken it to new heights and the show is now available on several different options and reaches 110,000 listeners. He runs his show for two main reasons: to raise awareness of issues not discussed in much of the media, and to raise funding for charities. Angell initially gained political notoriety while working on several different civil rights issues while living in Austin, TX. Touching fame as a fashion designer; his high profile status began to allow him a platform to inform the public on what many would consider the “tough” issues. He has worked with several celebrities including Betty Buckley and Gloria Loring. On his radio show, he promotes several activists, animal rescues and as he describes “the movers and shakers” of America.
The tide has turned and it is now time for the calm sea to take over.
While host Joshua-Paul has been on a 2 1/2 month long internal struggle, he has finally had poured down upon him from the high heavens above something he has not felt nor seen for some time: CLARITY
While reading over some quotes by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, JP became even more enlightend. After reading this very quote, "Judge success by what you had to give up in order to get it."
JP had become homeless, lost his cars, motor-scooter, camper trailer, 20 acres of land and nearly every possesion that he owned. Through this, his wife stood by his side.
In a recent broadcast, he was more candid that he has ever been over the course of nearly 300 shows. Pouring out his heart, tears pouring down his eyes. Perhaps, sometimes difficult to understand. That very show, gathered more listeners than any other broadcast he has ever done. From the biggest name guests to shows with famed psychics: it drew more attention.
Once again, JP opens up in a very candid way. He did not plan this show, there was no outline, no script. The only thing in front of his eyes being quotes from His Holiness.Sharing his thoughts with his audience, his wishes were to give his listeners that insight and clarity that he had to lose everything in order to find.
The broadcast spoken about above can be heard in the archives "CONFEESIONS OF A MARRIAGE SEPARATION THE ROAD THAT LIES AHEAD"
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