DiscoverThe Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers
The Joyful Practice  for Women Lawyers
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The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers

Author: Paula Price

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This podcast was created to empower women lawyers just like you to create a life and practice you love. As an advocate, you spend your days in service to others, fighting their battles and putting their needs first. But at the end of the day, you can be left feeling tired, overwhelmed, and like you’re missing out on something more. While you’ve mastered the skills of forecasting risks, solving problems, and working hard, those skills may not be helping you create the life and practice you want: one that brings you more joy. This podcast is your time away from the daily hustle to focus on taking care of you: seeing where you’re stuck, figuring out what you truly want and learning skills that will help you define and create success on your own terms.

Tune in every week and join Paula Price, litigator turned certified executive coach, as she shares practical tools you can use to define and create success on your own terms. If you’re over the overwhelm, done with putting out fires and ready to stop letting perfectionism hold you back from going after what you really want, this podcast is for you.

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163 Episodes
Imagine the power of stepping into a coaching container full of women lawyers just like you. They’re smart, high-achieving, values-driven, excellence-seeking women who want to pursue big goals, overcome their challenges, and grow their professional careers. For the last 18 months, I’ve hosted my own group coaching program for women lawyers where I help them do this, and I’m revealing everything you need to know about the power of coaching in community this week.   You’ll hear what is so compelling about being in a group setting with like-minded women, some of the biggest transformations that can happen, and how group coaching sets you up for success in every way possible.   Get full show notes and more information here:    
This mid-year mark is the perfect time to check in, see how you’re doing, and assess how you want to spend the balance of the year. If you have a gnawing feeling that you have more on your plate than you want or need and you’re tired of feeling weighed down, a mid-year reset could be the ultimate way to pare things down so you can speed up your growth over the rest of 2024.   Listen in this week to hear why a mid-year reset offers the perfect opportunity to begin letting things go for a stronger, leaner foundation for the rest of the year. I’m showing you why sustainable growth involves letting go, how to begin identifying what’s currently holding you back, and what happens when you build the habit of taking things off your plate.    Get full show notes and more information here:
The leadership mindset is a common and emerging theme in my work with women lawyers. They often come to me at an inflection point in their careers where they need to make a big decision around their development, and it usually involves examining the role that leadership plays in their lives.   Discover what it means to adopt a leadership mindset and the top five characteristics of a leader. I’m highlighting the reasons for pursuing a leadership mindset, even though it may be challenging, what happens when you make this deep shift, and how to begin adopting a leadership mindset.    Get full show notes and more information here:
The legal culture is often one of “yes.” There’s a tendency in law to attract individuals who are helpers, high-achievers, or predisposed to want to do more. If this resonates with you, setting and asserting boundaries might feel like going against the grain of your work culture and your own internal wiring.   I highlight the challenges lawyers face around setting boundaries and receiving pushback. I’m showing you why it’s no surprise that you find asserting boundaries uncomfortable, how to have productive, proactive conversations around boundaries, and I’m giving you four ways to deal with “no” in a culture of “yes.”    Get full show notes and more information here:
Whether you’re a lawyer who has ADHD, suspect you have it, or you’re someone who supports somebody in your life with ADHD, this week, I’m sharing some of what I’ve learned about how coaching can help. In furthering my coach training specific to ADHD, I’ve discovered ADHD-specific resources that I’ve found to be helpful in my understanding of it, and I’m sharing my insights with you this week.   I explore how ADHD might be showing up for you at work, some of the challenges you might face in practice, both from the perspective of the lawyer and from management, and how coaching can help. I’m sharing the three areas to focus on that will help you thrive with ADHD, and when you might want to explore other resources besides a coach.   Get full show notes and more information here:
Amanda Haverstick is a lawyer turned writing coach for lawyers. She has spent over 20 years in practice as a litigator in Big Law and in-house at a Fortune 500 company. As a writing coach, Amanda shares tips and strategies to help lawyers become better writers, and her book, Dear 1L: Notes to Nurture a New Legal Writer has been described as the ‘it’ book to read before law school.   Amanda shares her insights on the importance of confident legal writing and her tips for writing with greater confidence. Hear the common obstacles to excellent legal writing, Amanda’s recommendations for levels of formality, the changes in trends she’s witnessed, and what happens when you develop confidence in your writing skills.   Get full show notes and more information here:
The fear of making “bad” decisions is a topic that comes up often in my coaching conversations with lawyers. If you see decision-making as binary, where there are either good or bad ones you can make, you’re not alone. However, have you ever asked yourself if decisions can be inherently good or bad? And how is your fear of making “bad” decisions keeping you paralyzed?    Learn my process for rewiring the way you think about decisions. I’m showing you how thinking your decisions are “bad” influences the way you show up, why labeling your decisions as “bad” is problematic, and four strategies that will help you free yourself from so-called “bad” decisions.    Get full show notes and more information here:
In celebration of Mother’s Day, this episode is dedicated to all of you lawyer moms out there. Navigating your roles as both lawyer and parent is objectively tough. Not only are you showing up in your professional work for your colleagues and clients, but you’re doing so much behind the scenes in your home life too, and you are doing a fabulous job.   I celebrate you for everything you do and offer four strategies for finding the work-life harmony you’re looking for. Learn why juggling your roles makes work-life balance difficult to obtain, a more realistic way to strive for balance, the importance of showing yourself compassion, and what you might have to let go of to create the peace and harmony you want.    Get full show notes and more information here:
What comes to mind when you think about self-care? If self-care is something you shy away from or something you think you need to reserve a weekend or special occasion for, you’re in the right place. Learn why self-care doesn’t have to be a nice-to-have or something that overhauls your schedule, why self-care tends to be at the bottom of the priority list for lawyers, and strategies that will help you make self-care doable and a practice you engage in regularly.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
If you find that what was working is no longer working for you, and you catch yourself complaining about the same things over and over again or wishing things were different, this episode is for you. While it’s normal to assume feeling stuck is a problem, I’m inviting you to see how where you are right now could just be Eigenzeit.   I offer you a two-pronged approach to addressing feeling stuck at work. Learn what happens when you have a more positive perception of feeling stuck, why you have to examine your emotions if you’ve only been using logic to solve your stuckness, and how seeing your stuckness as Eigenzeit opens you up to so many new possibilities.    Get full show notes and more information here:
Erin Peters is a psychotherapist, registered therapeutic counsellor, and former lawyer based in Vancouver, British Columbia. She provides therapy-related services to lawyers and adults with ADHD, and she’s here this week to take a deep dive into ADHD among lawyers and proactive steps you can take to deal with some of the most common challenges that arise.   Erin shares some of the most common challenges for ADHD lawyers in legal practice, and her top strategies for supporting yourself and others with ADHD. We’re exploring the power of educating ourselves on the impact of ADHD, what ADHD is and is not, and Erin’s five-step process for getting stuff done as someone with ADHD.    Get full show notes and more information here:
We’re at the very beginning of spring, which means it's time for spring cleaning for many of us. Your mind might immediately turn to decluttering your physical space, whether that’s your house, office space, or wardrobe, and experiencing the satisfaction that comes from the visual effect of before-and-after. However, while less tangible, I’m inviting you to spring-clean your speech this week.   The language you use on a daily basis might seem innocuous, but there is profound power that comes from making subtle shifts. Hear about three overused expressions that we use to our own detriment, and learn simple edits that will tidy up your speech and help you communicate with more clarity and confidence.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
Mylène Houle Morency is a professional organizer and a dear friend who was my first-ever podcast guest, and she’s back today to share her insights on the topic of mental load and mental overload. She’s a multi-passionate entrepreneur who now has her own TV show, has written a book, and continues to offer trainings on work-life balance, mental overload, and corporate organizing.   Discover the characteristics that might make you susceptible to mental overload, and Mylène's favorite strategies for reducing your mental load to healthy levels. We’re exploring how we unwittingly tip ourselves into mental overload, the roles of perfectionism and anxiety in creating mental overload, and why our mental overload profiles will look different for each individual.   Get full show notes and more information here:
Aman Costigan is a multi-faceted lawyer based in Edmonton and a yoga and mindfulness teacher for lawyers. She’s also a life strategist for couples and runs various workshops with her husband Tom. Although her professional life was thriving, she realized she had let go of all of her hobbies and was lacking a sense of excitement, fun, and joy in life. The solution she’s found? Investing in herself.   Hear why investing in yourself matters, and how Aman chooses to continually invest in herself. Learn why women, especially, are prone to not investing in themselves, how the reluctance to invest in yourself may be manifesting in your life, why it’s your responsibility to invest in yourself, and what happens when you do.   Get full show notes and more information here:
If you’re currently thinking about working with a coach and you’re wondering what you can expect, or how that relationship might unfold, listen in this week as I delineate what your coach can and cannot help you with.   I share both the possibilities and the limits that come with coaching. I’m answering the question of how working with a coach can create transformations in your life, what a coach cannot help you do, and questions that will help you figure out how a specific coach you might want to work with can support you toward your goals.   Get full show notes and more information here:
A lack of mentorship is a common theme I’ve observed among the lawyers I’m in conversation with. Both junior and senior lawyers face the challenge of finding a mentor who supports, inspires, and connects with them on a deep level, and there are a number of reasons why cultivating a mentorship relationship can feel difficult.   If you’re currently seeking out a mentorship relationship but don’t know where to start, listen in this week. I’m offering you a three-phase process that will help you create the mentorship relationships you want and need, questions to ask yourself that will provide clarity on the mentor you’re looking for, and my top tips on being a great mentee.   Get full show notes and more information here:
Lawyers live in a world where we’re expected to be confident. There’s the notion that lawyers are trusted advisors who are practically omniscient and whom other people turn to for answers. We’re expected to embody confidence, but how do we portray that when we operate in an environment with inherent uncertainty?   Hear how uncertainty influences your level of confidence and examples of the inherent uncertainty that exists in legal practice. I’m sharing some of the ways you might be trying to overcompensate for a lack of confidence, how this could create additional problems for you, and seven strategies that will help you cultivate confidence, even in the face of uncertainty.   Get full show notes and more information here:
What makes time management so challenging for lawyers? While the practice of law presents a few unique challenges that make managing your time feel close to impossible, the good news is I’ve got a five-stage roadmap that will help you identify your personal challenges and offer tools that will give you control, confidence, clarity, and a sense of calm around your schedule.   Hear why time management is different for lawyers and what to do about it. Discover how a lack of time management might be manifesting in your life, how to adopt a mindset that’s more aligned with the life and practice you want, and my top strategies and solutions for better managing your time.    Get full show notes and more information here:
You ultimately want to feel calm and confident about your workweek, but the reality is that the lawyers I speak with often feel like they’re at the mercy of their practices, exhausted, and overworked. If you’re ready to learn how to create weeks that align with what you truly want, the truth is you need systems and strategies to make it a reality, and I’m sharing my top tips with you today.   Hear why lawyers struggle to design and implement the kind of workweek that fuels all areas of their lives. Learn how to avoid falling into the trap of serving beyond your capacity, the power of conducting a time audit, and five practical ideas for developing a schedule that works for you.    Get full show notes and more information here:
Whether in your professional or personal life, delegation can bring up a number of challenges and cause you some level of frustration. If all you want is someone to whom you can delegate work with the comfort, safety, and knowledge that it’ll come back exactly the way you want, and this is far from your current experience, today’s episode may help you.   I illuminate why the process of delegation might be driving you crazy, and a new approach that will help you feel more in control and improve your delegation relationships. Learn the factors that are within your control when it comes to delegation, and how harnessing these skills will encourage your team’s growth and help you become the mentor you want to be.   Get full show notes and more information here:  