The Kirsty Gallagher Podcast

Each week I share with you what is happening in the skies so you can work with theses energies to support your soul's path.

Cosmic Weather Report: 3rd - 9th June 2024

✨ Welcome to your #cosmicweatherreport for the week ahead. 🪐 ✦ About this week ✦ We've got a power-packed week this week! This is a week to alter the direction of our lives, to make choices and changes that help us to go in the direction that we want to go, and begin to create a new reality for ourselves, and the kind of world that we want to live in. We are going to move into these new times and this new world, together. | ✦ Gemini New Moon - Thursday 6th June ✦  GET MY RITUAL PACK FOR THIS NEW MOON HERE: 🌑 |


Cosmic Weather Report: 27th May - 2nd June 2024

Welcome to your Cosmic Weather Report for the week ahead. We've got a big shift this week as Jupiter moves into Gemini for a whole year, bringing fresh new energy to work with. As this transit happens, it's going to help us to expand our minds, to see things differently, to explore, to learn, to grow, to change our thoughts and beliefs into something much more positive and optimistic and hopeful. So rather than worrying about all that might go wrong, we're going to start to be able to feel into what could go right, and what could be possible.


Cosmic Weather Report: 20th - 26th May 2024

We've got a dreamy week this week that's going to help us to really work with the energies ofthe Jupiter cazimi. This is going to start to put things into motion and help you to believe that you're worthy and deserving of what you want, perhaps starting to explore or change certain beliefs you hold and notice if they're not aligned with where you want to go in life. We do still have an awful lot of solar activity going on too  - solar flares and solar storms - and I know many of you are feeling this, so go gently with yourself at the moment. Give yourself plenty of time to rest when you feel that you need it, as this is going to help you to be able to integrate all these other energies that want to come through to help us to really begin to move forwards in a new way.


Cosmic Weather Report: 13th - 19th May 2024

Hi, my loves. Welcome to your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. What a week we have got this week! We've got not one, but two cazimi's. This week is all about growing into your full potential, shining your light and being who you came here to be. It's going to be such a magical, powerful week - so dream big. Allow yourself to shine, free yourself to be all of you, and follow those deep desires.


Cosmic Weather Report: 6th - 12th May 2024

Here's your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. A beautiful week that still has us in the energies of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and Beltane, but now working with this week's Taurus new moon, with strong themes of self-care, self-worth and self-knowing. These beautiful Taurus energies are going to bring us back home to ourselves, our true selves, and help us to really anchor into that and find a new way forwards from there. Now is the time to establish deep roots and foundations. The deeper the roots, the greater the rise. Have a wonderful week my darlings. Lunar Living: Beltane Class: Jupiter/Uranus Workshop: #cosmicenergy #cosmicweather #lunarliving #energyreport #cosmicweatherreport


Cosmic Weather Report: 29th April-5th May 2024

Welcome to your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. We have a really powerful week of creating a foundation of self-knowing, self-trust and of really getting to know yourself on a deeper level so you can begin to move forwards differently. We also have Beltane on 1st May, celebrating the peak of spring. Join me to grow into your full potential with Beltane and the Creatrix:


Cosmic Weather Report: 22nd-28th April 2024

Welcome to your Cosmic Weather Report for the week ahead. We've got two really big astro-happenings this week and they're both super powerful. We have the Scorpio full moon and Mercury stationing direct, which takes us out of Mercury retrograde and into a two week shadow period. If you'd like to learn more about the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction I mention, you can find the link to the workshop here:


Cosmic Weather Report: 15th-21st April 2024

My loves, welcome to your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. This week is a big continuation of the Aries new moon total solar eclipse. This is where we start to really move forwards into the new beginnings. We've got a lot of planetary activity really supporting us to do things differently and to move forwards in a different way. Let's create a new world history, new beginnings, and stepping into all of who we came here to be.


Cosmic Weather Report: 8th-14th April 2024

Welcome to your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. This week starts with the Aries new moon solar eclipse on Monday. We've got so much Aries energy with this eclipse, and this eclipse is working with the north node, which is our future collective destiny. And all this Aries energy is about becoming a trailblazer, doing something in your life, starting something new, taking a first step towards something, beginning something. It's a new beginning. 


Cosmic Weather Report: 1st-7th April 2024

We start the week on the 1st April with Mercury Retrograde, this retrograde is going to be really powerful for helping us to do the work that's needed - the big releasing, clearing and preparing work - as we continue to wane and move towards that new moon, total solar eclipse on 8th April.


Cosmic Weather Report: 25th-31st March 2024

We start the week with the Libra full moon lunar eclipse on Monday 25th March. Please work with these big releasing energies this week and know that all they're doing is clearing away - it's like a spring clean for your life. They're just clearing away what is not meant to travel forwards with you so that there's space for something new and exciting to come in. We'll walk this path together, as always. I got you. We've got each other.


Cosmic Weather Report: 18th-24th March 2024

Again we've got a big week this week - a really big preparation week. This is now deep soul preparation because we are now in eclipse season. The last Pisces new moon opened up the eclipse portal and you might be feeling it, that little sense inside that something's about to happen, something big is coming, change is coming. There might be that kind of little lower level anxiety that we're telling ourselves is excitement, but a sense that everything's about to shift, everything's about to change. And in all honesty, it really is.


Cosmic Weather Report: 11th-17th March 2024

Hi, my loves, here is your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. Now, we've got really quite a dreamy week this week. We've not got loads of planetary activity, but what we do have is quite potent and quite purposeful. Use this week as a preparation week, for this is our final full week of winter and Pisces season. Next week we get into Aries season, the spring equinox.


Cosmic Weather Report: 4th-10th March 2024

Welcome to your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. This is a week of a lotof rebellion, revolution, transformation, awakening and freedom. Enjoy! I hope to see you in London on Wednesday 6th for the first night of my UK tour - tickets can be purchased via my website. Sending all my love for the week ahead. 


Cosmic Weather Report: 26th February - 3rd March 2024

Hi, my loves. Welcome to your Cosmic Weather Report for the week ahead. I know many of us had a really tough time with that Virgo full moon, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of anxiety, a lot of emotion, a lot of overwhelm. But as always, it was there for a beautiful, perfect reason, which is going to become clear as we move into this next week. 


Cosmic Weather Report: 19th-25th February 2024

Welcome to your Cosmic Weather Report for the week ahead. We’ve got a really dreamy week which is going to feel really good after the intensity of last week. Use these energies this week - enjoy it, be in it, and use it to really envision what it is that you want to grow in your life.


Cosmic Weather Report: 12th-18th February 2024

Hi, my loves. Welcome to your Cosmic Weather Report for the week ahead. The news of this week is a triple conjunction between Venus, Mars and Pluto. *EDIT - I know Valentine’s Day is Wednesday not Thursday (as I say in the audio). Don’t worry, all the planetary/energic information is correct/the same, I just got my days mixed up. It’s a lot of info to keep in my head and I’m only human :) Have a beautiful week, loves. If you’d like to work on your self-worth and self-love, you can find the recording of my Aphrodite ritual below, with the option to do the 1-hr ritual and follow it up with 7 days of self-love practices with Aphrodite:


Your Cosmic Weather Report: 5th-11th February 2024

Welcome to your Cosmic Weather Report for the week ahead. This week holds a lot of healing in order for us to be able to find a lot more freedom, and it starts with a big day on Monday with the sun sextile Chiron and Venus square Chiron. We also have the Aquarius new moon on Friday.


Your Cosmic Weather Report: 29th January - 4th February 2024

Your cosmic weather report for the week ahead. This week holds a lot of awakening, a lot of purpose, a lot of self-discovery and lot of intention. We also celebrate the cross-quarter festival of Imbolc.


Your Cosmic Weather Report: 22nd-28th January 2024

We've got beautiful, powerful week this week to take us into a new era. We are now in Aquarius season and with Pluto shifting into Aquarius, the big energy at the moment is about each and every one of us allowing ourselves to be all of who we came here to be.


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