The Lancet Infectious Diseases in conversation with

<p>Saleha Hassan, Senior Editor at <em>The Lancet Infectious Diseases</em>, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explores their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy.<br><br></p><p>A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from polio eradication in Africa to COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong, the treatment of early syphilis in adults to Mpox in the UK, and more.</p>

Prasad Kulkarni on dengue monoclonal antibodies

Prasad Kulkarni discusses a new Phase I trial in The Lancet Infectious Diseases on a dengue monoclonal antibody also known as VIS513 in healthy adults. In addition, he highlights the wider implications of this for dengue control and drug development.Read the full article: S1473-3099(24)00030-6/fulltext?dgcid=buzzsprout_icw_podcast_generic_laninfContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Oriol Mitjà on treatment of early syphilis in adults

Oriol Mitjà discusses a new trial in The Lancet Infectious Diseases on the use of oral linezolid compared with benzathine penicillin G for the treatment of early syphilis in adults. He also highlights what the trial means for treatment of syphilis.Read the full article: this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Sofia Viegas and Stefan Niemann on emerging bedaquiline resistance in Mozambique

Sofia Viegas and Stefan Niemann discuss a new article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases about emerging bedaquiline resistance in Mozambique and its implications for drug resistant tuberculosis and the fight to end tuberculosis.Read the full article: this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Luciano Moreira and Henrik Salje on Wolbachia control of mosquito-borne infections

Luciano Moreira and Henrik Salje discuss a new article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases describing the use of the Wolbachia bacteria to control the spread of mosquito-borne dengue and chikungunya in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Read the full article:Estimating the effect of the wMel release programme on the incidence of dengue and chikungunya in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Richard Maude on malaria chemoprophylaxis in Cambodia

Richard Maude discusses a new article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases that assesses the efficacy of malaria chemoprophylaxis among forest goers in Cambodia.Read the full article:Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis for forest goers in southeast AsiaContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Ben Cowling on COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong

Ben Cowling discusses a new article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases describing the protection that vaccines are providing against COVID-19 in Hong Kong.Read the full article:Vaccine effectiveness of one, two, and three doses of BNT162b2 and CoronaVac against COVID-19 in Hong KongContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Hugh Adler on monkeypox in the UK

Hugh Adler discusses a new article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases describing the management and the clinical features for seven patients with monkeypox hospitalised in the UK between 2018 and 2021.Read the full article:Clinical features and management of human monkeypox: a retrospective observational study in the UKContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Beate Kampmann, Karen Keddy, and Peter Ghazal on applying big data to childhood infectious diseases in LMICs

Prof Beate Kampmann, Dr Karen Keddy, and Prof Peter Ghazal discuss a new cross-journal Series in The Lancet Infectious Diseases and EBioMedicine addressing the potential for and challenge of applying big data to childhood infectious diseases in LMICs.Read the full Series: Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Laura Cooper and Sam Okiror on polio eradication in Africa

A new article highlights how changing immunity profiles motivate the need for better responses to outbreaks of polio in Africa.Read the full article: this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Paul Chapman on a hookworm vaccine

Paul Chapman and colleagues presents the results of an innovative trial assessing the safety of vaccinating healthy volunteers with attenuated Necator americanus hookworm larvae. Read the full article: this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Josep Llibre on preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission at concerts

Josep Llibre discusses a trial on the impact of same-day testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection before a concert on new COVID-19 cases in Barcelona, Spain.Read the full article: this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Yap Boum on COVID-19 testing in low resource settings

Yap Boum (MSF) discusses his study done in Cameroon, which developed a promising testing strategy for COVID-19 to optimise the available resources.Read the full article: this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Antimalarial resistance in southeast Asia

Two studies in The Lancet Infectious Diseases describe how the spread of resistance to both dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine is compromising malaria therapy in South-East AsiaContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Trial in phage therapy for burn infections

A trial investigates the use of a cocktail of phages for the therapy of infections in patients with burns.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Pandemic influenza: 100 years

Editor of The Lancet Infectious Diseases, John McConnell, discusses the 1918 influenza pandemic and the lessons that can be learnt from it with John Oxford and Jeffery Taubenberger.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Bedaquiline and delamanid combination for drug-resistant TB: The Lancet Infectious Diseases: February 13, 2018

Amir Shroufi discusses the early results assessing the safety and efficacy of the combination of bedaquiline and delamanid against drug-resistant tuberculosis.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


MERS and transchromosomic cows: The Lancet Infectious Diseases: January 10, 2018

John Beigel, an author, and Eddie Sullivan discuss a phase 1 study assessing the safety and tolerability of human antibodies manufactured in transchromosomic cows for treatment of MERS.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


PrEP in the UK: The Lancet Infectious Diseases: October 17, 2017

Valentina Cambiano discusses the cost-effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis medication in the UK.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Polio in Afghanistan: The Lancet Infectious Diseases: August 14, 2017

Christina Wayman talks to Gillian SteelFisher about polio vaccination in Afghanistan.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


Sexually transmitted infections: The Lancet Infectious Diseases: July 9, 2017

Kit Fairley discusses The Lancet Infectious Diseases' new Commission on sexually transmitted infections.Continue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...


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