The Latter Time of Being Crazy FC

My name is Willie Torres Jr., also known as Crazy FC. Welcome to my podcast! It's a journey I am taking to get to know God and to receive His wisdom. I am blessed to be able to have a real conversation with God, hearing His answers to my questions about life, my struggles, my past, my fears, and much more. I am so excited for this podcast and I hope you enjoy it. Please be sure to follow and share with others. Thank you for joining me on this journey. The Latter Times of Being Crazy FC has been an inspiration for many people, including myself. It has been the basis for a book I am in the process of writing, as well as a podcast. Through this book, I have been able to express my thoughts and emotions in a way that I could not before. Through this podcast, I have been able to share my journey and the things I have learned along the way. This podcast has been an amazing platform to inspire and motivate others to pursue their dreams and find their own paths. The Latter Times of Being Crazy FC has been an incredible source of motivation for me, and I hope it will be for you too. My podcast is all about how I communicate with God and how He has answered my questions about the issues I have faced in life. I have experienced shame, depression, fear, and pride and now that I am a New Creation in Christ I am looking for a new path to follow. I want to explore how God has spoken into my life and provided answers to the questions I have. My goal is to examine how God's Word has been a source of help and hope in my life. I will discuss how His grace has made a difference in my life and how His promises have made a positive impact on my journey. I want to encourage others to explore the many ways that God speaks and how His answers can help in our lives. I hope that my podcast will inspire others to find strength and guidance in His Word. Welcome to my podcast. Welcome to The Latter Times of Crazy For Christ.

Being Crazy For Christ

Let's Grow With God Together Follow, subscribe and please comment on our podcast. Basically sharing my testimony from pride, shame, Hope, and My Walk and Growth in Jesus Christ

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