The Laura Ingraham Show
Author: Laura Ingraham
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The most-watched woman in the history of cable news takes her trademark no-holds barred political and cultural commentary to the world of podcasting with "The Laura Ingraham Show," a part of the Quake Media network. A bestselling author, a breast cancer survivor, and the mother of three internationally-adopted children, Laura was the most listened-to woman in talk radio before making the move to podcasting. Laura has been a trailblazer across multiple media platforms, and she brings a unique perspective to this twice-weekly show thanks in part to her experiences as a white-collar criminal defense litigator and a Supreme Court law clerk. Want to hear episodes before everyone else? Subscribe at quakemedia.com/laura to join the Quake community.
Just now listening to his podcast. Thank you for sharing these important and touching stories about our nation's heroes. Go 101st Airborne ❣
i heard that they are trying to sell subscriptions to the podcast even though they haven't had one in months. i sent them an email and received no response
I also have not received a podcast since 9/30.
Laura, Miss your podcast. Nothing since 9/30. What happened?
Hi Laura, I am a life long Democrat and have given up hope that my party will do anything right. The deeper I dig the more corruption and manipulative lies I see. The impeachment was a stupid thing to do. Let the election decide. I disagree with a lot that Trump does, but let the man do his job. Instead of putting out a vision for America's future, all he Democrats can do is talk about Trump. All the democrat candidates, except for Tulsi Gabbard are pitiful. Hillary recently smeared her and called her a Russian asset. She has seventeen years in the Army National Guard and two deployments to war. Corporate media especially MSNBC and CNN is fake news. Laura when I listen to you I feel I am learning what's really going on. Thanks. Bill McKenzie
Haven't heard a podcast since 9/30/2019. is everyone okay?
Love your show and will continue to watch you and Hannity, And of course Lou dobbs. do a show on state dept spying on Fox and those who appear o fox shows.
At least on your podcast people are given more time. Your show seems a little rushed. Shut them DemocrATS up fro. getting to talk more Republicans.
awesome Interview! Happy Birthday Ted! KAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Mueller just left the door open on his press conference. It's all about getting wresting the power away from the American people. This will set the stage for this countries progression. There will be bigger government and no growth for us unless we the people don't keep the power we've gained under President Trump.
You don't like the message then attack the messenger.
liberals are going to loose their rights as well and then they're gonna say" That's not what I wanted" But itll be too late. Democracy does in the dark.
You are the assault on democracy Hillary
everyone needs to leave Facebook. plain and simple
I really don't get it without the scriptures this country wouldn't exist. Freedom to serve or not serve God as you see fit and allow others the same right. What's wrong with having direction in your life? I've lived life both ways and from my own experience life is more rewarding with sa higher power involved. As far as Hillary's comments are concerned , there was nothing uplifting about finishing college and listening to you rant about ..well yourself. I'd have been pissed if I had to go through that.
your body is a gift but not a toy.
I love Laura Ingraham I just wish you weren't so busy I listen everyday so your "best of "podcasts are just reruns to me I need new Laura Ingraham podcasts everyday
She is the perfect representative for the white race. Everything white people say behind closed doors she says on TV and on her podcast. She works for the most honest cable news channel Fox. Yes she is a true white Christian American and we are blessed 666
Who is there after Trump in 2024,asked Laura? Nikki Haley. She can be the first woman president - and a great one!
I would like to point out the fact that no one has come out against Eddy Murphy for his acting in white face in a few of his movie's