The Leadership Leap

The Leadership Leap

Are you a new or aspiring woman leader that wants to make a successful leap into leadership? Do you want to grow your confidence AND your leadership abilities so that you can become the kind of leader that others WANT to follow? The Leadership Leap, with Lianne Picot, will help you get there! Lianne will interview leadership coaches, authors and experts as well as experienced leaders from across the world so that you can learn how to lead for now and the future. We will also talk about how organizations can get better at elevating women and preparing them for leadership positions that go ALL THE WAY up!

'Don't Be Political!' & HR Superhero

In this special episode, Christina Sackefyio and Lianne will be talking about what it means when we say we don't want to be, or others tell us not to be 'political'.


Data Storytelling & Storify Your Job Search

This week’s episode is a storytelling takeover! We hear a lot about storytelling. And we talk a lot about data.


Funny Women & What's Your EQ?

We often view humour as a strength in male leaders. The leader that can help people laugh together is heralded as a great leader.


Encore: Solution Focused Leadership & HR Superhero

‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others.


Leading with Passion & Leader In Your Own Life

We talk a lot about passion in leadership.


Encore Who Thought It Best & The Inclusion Zone

This week Tina de los Santos is back with Who Thought It Best? - the segment where we don't care what you wear, we care what you think! Tina will be sharing interesting and topical finds from curating great stuff for our social media.


Women in the Tech World & What's Your EQ?

Women working and leading in technology face challenges and barriers that are similar to other male dominated industries but there is also something unique about the culture of tech that too often excludes women from advancing.


Encore Developing a Leadership Mindset & What's Your EQ?

Being a leader is not just about having title and the skill set. To be successful, you need to develop a leadership mindset too.


Last Impressions Matter & HR Superhero

How we let people go matters. It leaves a lasting impression with the person that is impacted, their network, and within your own organization.


Leveraging Linked IN & Overcoming the Overwhelm

In this week’s show we will be chatting with Hammad Siddiqui about how to leverage Linked IN for career opportunities and developing your leadership network.


Who Thought It Best & The Inclusion Zone

This week we have something special to share in our 'Who Thought It Best?' where we don't care what you wear, we care what you think segment.


Negotiating Your Value & What's Your EQ?

Women often struggle to negotiate for better pay, a promotion or better conditions. It may be due to a lack of confidence and/or feel challenging in your work environment to advocate for yourself.


Encore Brave Leadership & What's Your EQ?

We often think of being brave as donning a cape or a uniform and committing daring acts in extreme situations. However, according to this week’s guest, bravery in leadership looks very different than the hero leader we are used to seeing.


Leader in Your Own Life & HR Superhero

Leadership extends beyond the role. It’s a way of being in the world, a commitment to creating something better for ourselves and others.


Who Thought It Best & The Inclusion Zone

In this week’s show, Lianne will chat with Tina de los Santos, the Leadership Leap’s Communication Strategist, about thought leadership and current trends in leadership development.


Being Assertive & What's Your EQ?

Assertiveness is a key area that women often describe as a weak point. This can impact whether women are viewed as good leaders when they are in the position or can prevent women from being identified as potential leaders within organizations.


Solution Focused Leadership & HR Superhero

‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others.


How to be a Confident Nonprofit Leader & Money Talk

Non-profit Takeover! This week’s non-profit leadership episode is dedicated to leading from a place of thriving.


Who Thought It Best & The Inclusion Zone

This week Tina de los Santos is back with Who Thought It Best? - the segment where we don't care what you wear, we care what you think! Tina will be sharing interesting and topical finds from curating great stuff for our social media.


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