The Learning & Development Podcast

This is a fortnightly topical podcast show for L&D professionals hosted by David James and presented by 360Learning. In each episode David James discusses and debates topics affecting the profession alongside expert guests.  David is a Learning & Talent leader of 25 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa. As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D. LinkedIn: Website:

The State of Online Learning with Alice Thompson and Ross Stevenson

A new report, published by 360Learning, illustrates how far online has come in recent years: from poor relation to classroom training to expected and respected and recognised for helping learners bridge their skills gaps. But is that enough? In this episode, Alice and Ross join David to explore the findings and what this tells us about our ability to scale L&D today. KEY TAKEAWAYS Both employers and employees have finally become more comfortable with digital learning. Employees now honestly believe that online learning is going to help them to do a better job while upskilling. Online learning works well in both big and small organizations. But it is smaller firms that are more receptive and are adopting AI and digital learning faster. For large organizations scalability is still a big challenge. Learning from their peers and colleagues, followed by their line managers is still preferred by most employees. A combination of face-to-face and digital learning works well. Tech is making it easier for people to share their knowledge, L&D can better tap into and benefit from this. Demonstrating to employees how the training can benefit them greatly improves the level of engagement. Clearly identify the skills people need to progress and share that knowledge with them. BEST MOMENTS 'People now expect some respect, online learning,' 'In a smaller company, it is just a bit more dynamic.' 'You can capture SME knowledge that's valuable to the entire organization.' 'Capitalize on people's primary reasons for wanting to engage and develop their skills.' EPISODE RESOURCES Link to 2024 State of Online Learning Report: Alice Thompson Bio Alice is a Development Partner for Marks & Spencer and is passionate about designing performance training, data-driven decision-making, measuring impact and creating a continuous learning culture. Prior to M&S, Alice played key roles in the L&D teams at ASOS, Monzo and Butternut Box. You can follow and connect with Alice via: LinkedIn: Ross Stevenson Bio Ross is Chief Learning Strategist and founder of Steal These Thoughts, an independent L&D think tank. He’s spent 16 years leading L&D teams, strategies, and tools within global organisations. Ross is also at the forefront of exploring the potential of generative AI in L&D. You can follow and connect with Ross via: LinkedIn: Twitter: @_Rsvenson Website: VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


The Role of CLO in the Age of AI With Christopher Lind

All the talk is of AI but what about the action? Is it too soon to act or are we at risk of missing the bus? In this episode, seasoned CLO, Christopher Lind, explores how he has led his team and organisation in the age of AI towards expecting and achieving more. KEY TAKEAWAYS L&D teams need to adapt fast to both technological and economic disruptors and learn to use a new bag of tricks. You have to understand what is needed before you can deliver, so you have to push back a bit on the pressure to do everything in a rush. When you change the way L&D works you are going to get pushback. You will have to stand your ground but pick your battles. Be very patient with your stakeholders when you change things. It will take many months for them to see the improvement and fully understand the change. To help the stakeholder recognise whether this thing is really that important, ask what things will look like once we have fixed this, Get to know people on a personal level. Building strong relationships opens up communication and makes things far easier down the line. Use AI to work faster, but also think creatively and ask how you can use it to do things differently. AI makes true real-time active learning possible. Use AI to improve your skills and help you to do your job better and faster. AI creates time for you to do things you simply didn´t have enough capacity for before. BEST MOMENTS 'I can get an algorithm to create more creative content than a person now.' 'You actually can use this (AI) for yourself as well.' 'People aren't transactions, they are relationships… focus on relationships.' 'Technology is radically opening new pathways to do stuff like we've never been able to do before.' VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Christopher Lind Bio Christopher Lind is VP and Chief Learning Officer at ChenMed, leading enterprise learning strategy. He’s also the host of Future Focused, a podcast and newsletter that explores the landscape of learning leadership and strategy (and much more), an advisory board member of the CLO Exchange, and the founder of Learning Sharks, which offers comprehensive advisory on all things learning innovation and technology. Previously, he was Head of Global Digital Learning at GE Healthcare. You can follow and connect with Christopher via: LinkedIn: Future Focused: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Learning Experience Design With Greg Arthur

With a low barrier to entry, everyone fancies themselves a learning designer. How hard can it be? In this episode, Greg Arthur shares his approach to creating engaging and impactful learning experiences, honed over his years of working in L&D teams at highly successful, world-renowned companies. KEY TAKEAWAYS Because you are dealing with people, every business is different, even those operating in the same industry. Ask the 2 basic questions to cut through the noise – What is happening right now? How do you want to change it? Understand who you are talking to and why they will care and listen to you. Ask yourself if I were to put this out a real-life product, would I buy it? The medium you use to provide the learning must be right for the person. Make sure you do the work upfront and solve the problem, even if it takes a little longer. Try different things while the problem is small. BEST MOMENTS 'Some teams, learning teams, regardless of industry are just better than others.' 'You don´t move ahead until you are ready to move ahead. You don´t bring in the wrong people at the wrong time.' 'Basically, it´s like Lego for learning design.' 'This is changing a whole department's attitude to learning design.'   Greg Arthur Bio Greg Arthur is a learning professional with experience of designing learning and leading teams at blue-chip brands such as BP, ASOS, HSBC and Philip Morris. Greg has devised the Learning Experience Design Log Book, and his own design studio (Two Circles) that catalogues his approach and guides followers to develop impactful and engaging learning experiences themselves. You can follow and contact Greg via: LinkedIn: Website:   VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn: L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Agile Learning & Development with Natal Dank: Part 2

When pressed to run a Learning & Development team that reliably, efficiently, and predictably impacts performance, time and time again professionals turn to Agile. As an approach, it has long been employed in HR and L&D teams but like most trends, when the hype dies down many move their attention to elsewhere. However, why move on from something that works? In this episode, Natal Dank returns to the podcast to bring us up to date with how Agile is continuing to make impact to L&D teams. KEY TAKEAWAYS Building business agility is about creating a toolkit tailored to how the business operates. Increasingly businesses are building the customer experience around the product. You often need to move and make decisions without knowing everything. Things move too quickly for this not to be the case, which is why Agility is so important. Mapping the skills is the key to being able to move fast and be adaptable. See the whole employee experience as the L&D product and keep that understanding up to date. Human-centred design sprints help you to identify which problems to solve first. Understand how you sit in the business stream. To get started with Agile use it to solve a single problem. Natal explains how in the podcast. Establish some core principles from you hypotheses and start to design around that. BEST MOMENTS 'You´ve got to deliver now, and not tomorrow.' 'You can´t solve complex problems in silos.' 'Agile is about being laser focused.'   Natal Dank Bio Following over a decade working in senior HR, Talent and Organisational Development roles, Natal is now a leading figure in Agile HR and People Experience. Natal heads-up learning, coaching, and community at PXO Culture and is seen as a pioneer in the Agile HR movement. In 2016 Natal hosted the first Agile HR Meetup in London with the aim of building a community of like-minded disrupters, which has since grown into a regular event held across the world from Sydney to Paris and online. A year later she co-founded the Agile HR Community and has recently published the book, Agile HR. Now, through PXO Culture, Natal is focused on defining modern HR for the 21st Century.  You can follow and connect with Natal via: LinkedIn: X/Twitter: Events & Meetups: Agile L&D Book: VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


AI-Powered Skills-Based Learning In Action With Brandon Caldwell

With so much talk, and perhaps hype, around skills-based learning, how do we tune into the signal and tune out the noise? One way to do this is to talk with the leaders who have incorporated skills-based learning in more than one organisation and are making it work for them, their workforce, and organisation. In this episode Brandon Caldwell explains how he’s done just this - the hard way and the AI-powered much faster way - and how you can too.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Skills-based learning is a language that everybody can understand. AI is accelerating the rollout of skills-based learning at a staggering pace. Using AI a task that would take 4 to 5 years has been done in 18 months. Skills-based learning largely solves the issues caused by today´s tight labour market. Business leaders already understand that skills-based learning works. They desperately want you to provide it. Because the skills are the nuts and bolts that help enable people to do the tasks, this is wholeheartedly performance oriented. Introducing skills-based learning is costly, so starting in the right place matters. Brandon explains how to do that. Skills are truly transferable. If someone in marketing wants to become an HR manager, they can do that and do it quickly. A marketer knows how to promote the job to attract the best new personnel. Anticipate roadblocks and adapt.  Embrace the technology. It now works and will transform your ability to deliver. BEST MOMENTS 'With skills-based learning, you are using a language that everybody can understand.' 'Skills are the nuts and bolts that help enable people to do the tasks.' 'The ability to do what used to take years and do it now in a matter of months is significant, and you can't ignore that.'   Brandon Caldwell Bio Brandon is Director of People & Culture at 365 Retail Markets, the global leader in unattended and self-checkout retail technology. With more than 20 years of experience in HR and L&D leadership, Brandon is a highly credible and impact-driven leader in our field. Useful links SkillsGPT: VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Implementing Skills-Based Learning With James Griffin

Skills-based learning is the response to the skills gaps and skills shortages being experienced across organisations, industries, and even entire economies. But how do we ensure that we achieve this, and that skills-based learning isn’t just another fad that departs as swiftly as it emerged without achieving what it’s intended to? In this episode, James Griffin talks about how L&D can step up, upskill, and deliver on the much-heralded promise of skills-based learning. KEY TAKEAWAYS L&D as a function needs to be brave and make the change. Skills-based learning is the opportunity to lead the way and make a difference. The use of skills data leads to L&D being far more effective. You can only measure business impact when you fully understand the problem you are addressing. Getting yourself organized around skills is more dynamic.  Assess people for the work they are doing. Being able to build fast and edit regularly keeps the training relevant. Skills need to be identified and described using natural, easily understood language. Proficiency levels need to be measurable. AI can play a role in this task. AI will help us to bridge the gaps. However, each solution needs to be rigorously evaluated. Not all businesses are equipped to go down the skills-based learning route. James explains how to get them ready. People are an asset; we need to measure their performance and learning and development ROI. BEST MOMENTS 'The ability for them to be more efficient in the work that they do is now real.' 'Go to the people that do advocate for skills…. go where there is the appetite.' 'Skills are not the end game….increase performance and productivity are.'   James Griffin Bio James is customer-focused executive, with in-depth consulting experience in enterprise SaaS innovations across the Skills & Talent spectrum. Over the last 5+ years, James has spent a huge amount of time consulting with the largest enterprises on the planet on how to reimagine their talent transformation strategies and how to get started with skills. You can follow and contact James via: LinkedIn: Website: SkillsGPT: VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


L&D Leadership Today With Simon Gibson

There’s often a huge difference between the rhetoric around L&D leadership and the reality. It’s not all about creating a Learning Culture and sailing a course to L&D nirvana. The reality is it’s a lot messier with a lot of hustle, winning some days and losing many more. In this episode, presented by 360Learning, Simon Gibson lifts the lid on his reality and how L&D leadership today is evolving and changing within these turbulent times. KEY TAKEAWAYS Hiring people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines results in a more innovative and resilient team. L&D is evolving fast, so there are some big skill gaps, e.g. data analysis.  Those professionals who can prove the positive impact they have had on the business are the most likely to get hired. Get under the skin of what the managers you work for really need. Getting managers together to discuss what challenges they face and how they overcome them is incredibly instructive for them and you. Discovery sessions are powerful. Being clear about what you are trying to fix and staying focused on that is essential. Analysis is essential, without it you cannot prove that you are actually closing the skills gap. Consumption does not equal competence. If that knowledge is not retained and applied on the job, the training is useless. BEST MOMENTS 'Theory is one thing, but show me how, show me when and what that meant. Build that body of evidence.' 'They're bound by restricted and empowered by the culture.' 'Go build that commercial muscle, go find out how things work, go find out how things are made.' VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Simon Gibson Bio Simon is Group Head of Learning & Development at Marks & Spencer and an experienced executive-level People Leader/Chief Learning Officer. He has a passion to deliver meaningful commercial change and transformation via learning, organisational development, and talent initiatives. You can follow and connect with Simon via: LinkedIn: X / Twitter: @simon1gibson ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Using Data to Build Skills With Laura Paramoure

Using data effectively is a growing priority for - and skill set in - L&D. It’s essential for both planning for and measuring impact. In this episode, presented by 360Learning, we explore this in detail in the hope that 2024 is our year for greater planned and demonstrable impact. KEY TAKEAWAYS Data-wise, L&D has always looked at what they have done – in the rear-view mirror. Now, it is necessary to use data to see where we are. Business impact must be proved and the data that enables you to do that is now at your fingertips. L&D is all about creating capability by creating skills. That is the impact L&D has on the business and the bottom line. Identify the skill(s) you need to add, teach it, and check that people are using it and that this is improving the business´ results. To create skills that work for your particular business, your courses must be tailor-made. Measure the effectiveness of the course, by including a realistic test. If most people fail, you need to change the course content. Making sure things are changing in the workplace is essential. If it isn´t tweak the training. Create a blueprint for the outcomes of each course, before building it. At first, you may have to chase to get the data you need to properly analyse whether the course is working. BEST MOMENTS 'We are out there cranking out those courses. But how much do we really understand about what our impact is?' 'Eventually, someone's gonna say, Where's the quantifiable data that actually says you did this?' 'Without this data, we are hiding our work, our impact.' 'We’re the only department that builds skills, we need data on skills.' VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Laura Paramoure Bio Laura Paramoure, EdD, has 25 years of experience in performance improvement, training design, and evaluation. She is the author of ROI by Design™ (2014) and a featured speaker on the topic of return on investment for training organizations. Her private sector experience includes Director of Training and Development with Parata systems where she was responsible for the establishment and deployment of both domestic and international training. She is currently the CEO of eParamus, a company which helps organizations of all types and sizes optimize and verify the impact of their training programs. You can follow and connect with Laura via: LinkedIn: Website: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2024 Findings with Donald H Taylor

Since 2014, the L&D Global Sentiment Survey has been a barometer of what’s hot and what’s not in the Learning & Development profession, guiding people development professionals towards the trends that their peers are most concerned about. In this episode, Donald H Taylor takes a deep dive into the recently published report and explores in conversation what we should all be taking note of. KEY TAKEAWAYS Because it is self-selecting most of the people who fill out the survey are innovators. It looks at what is hot in L&D, what is likely to take hold and what is likely to fall by the wayside. This year AI dominated, but many are overwhelmed and unsure how to use it. AI is good at content, which frees up time for L&D to do more in other areas.  Yet, there is likely to be a backlash against AI-generated content because initially, people will be awful at using it. Lots of people are missing the fact that AI can play a role in coaching and mentoring. Collaborative and social learning have slipped down the list. There are geographical differences, what they are and why they exist is discussed. BEST MOMENTS 'There's somewhere between the wisdom of the crowd and the derangement of the mob.' 'Personalization is one of the obvious and very valuable implementation points for AI.' 'The top four for 2024 … are all things which are fuelled by good use of data.'   Donald H Taylor Bio A recognised commentator and thinker in the fields of workplace learning and supporting technologies, Donald is committed to helping develop the learning and development profession.  He has chaired the Learning Technologies Conference in London since 2000 and writes and speaks worldwide about Learning and Development (L&D). His annual L&D Global Sentiment Survey started in 2014, provides a unique perspective on L&D trends from over 100 countries. He chairs the Workforce Development board for VC firm Emerge Education, and invests in, and advises, several EdTech start-ups. From 2010 to 2021, he chaired the Learning and Performance Institute. He is the author of Learning Technologies in the Workplace, a graduate of Oxford University and in 2016 was awarded an honorary doctorate by Middlesex University in recognition of his work developing the L&D profession. You can follow and contact Donald via: LinkedIn:  X / Twitter:  L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2024:  Website:  VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


L&D Leadership, Making Impact and Skills-based Learning With Josh Novelle

In this wide-ranging conversation, we explore what has helped Josh achieve senior leadership in different sectors, what it means to make a planned and demonstrable impact as well as how HSBC is changing to a skills-based organisation. KEY TAKEAWAYS Josh has headed up L&D for several large companies including for Warner Music Group and is now VP of People Experience and Insights for HSBC. Take things back to basics and make sure everything you do boosts or at least defends revenue. If something is not working, retire it early. Don´t be afraid to call your own baby ugly. You have to talk in financial terms to be truly relevant.  Little time-saving tweaks make a huge difference. Even saving 30 seconds per day, per employee adds up to a big saving for large companies. HSBC is a skills-based organisation.  Thoroughly read the end-of-year board paper to fully understand the direction the business is heading in. Keep it super simple, if you can´t describe what you're doing to a toddler without them looking confused, don´t do it. BEST MOMENTS 'Just take a step back and ask, what is this doing for the organisation?' 'It´s taking all the stuff that we need them to do and making it frictionless.' 'Never wed yourself to a single way of doing stuff because the world will change around you.' 'You can´t be a one-trick pony, you have to have a whole arsenal of things.'   VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Josh Novelle Bio Josh Novelle is VP of People Experience and Insights at HSBC and an internationally recognised specialist in his field, with more than ten years of award-winning corporate experiences to employees. During his career he has worked both in-house - at brands such as Warner Music Group, BP, Deloitte and Carphone Warehouse -  and on the supplier side. His passion is to take HR and talent to the next level, taking into account the wider experience of employees, ensuring rich experiences that are accessible to all, but with a clear connection to the real business goals and profitability of the company. ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Where Are We At With Generative AI in L&D? with Egle Vinauskaite

Without a doubt, generative AI dominated the conversation, not only in L&D but in wider business and politics - and it’s not going away. So where are we now in terms of advancement, adoption, and application? These are important questions explored with Egle Vinauskaite in this episode, presented by 360Learning. KEY TAKEAWAYS Most L&D departments have not yet fully integrated AI. Around 30% have tried it and decided not to use it. AI is coming, if you don´t keep experimenting with it, you will fall behind. L&D will inevitably play a big role in the organisation's successful adoption of AI for its processes. This is our time to shine. AI will be able to provide personalised feedback to help with upskilling, it will also be good at analysis. In time, AI will be able to spot emerging capabilities and skill needs. Don´t be sucked in by AI shiny objects that don´t solve an actual problem. Do an audit of the tools you are using and see if you can use AI to improve things. BEST MOMENTS 'Very few, if any, L&D departments seem to have integrated AI in a strategic and holistic way.' 'I am very excited by the potential for upskilling.' 'For most organisations using AI has become a competitive imperative.' VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Egle Vinauskaite Bio Egle Vinauskaite is an award-winning learning innovator and strategist advising blue chip companies, vendors, and some of the most exciting edtech startups around. Combining evidence-based learning design, behavioural science, and product development expertise, she specialises in using the latest technologies and approaches for digital and blended learning at and outside of work. Her work spans large-scale programmes, academies, alt education, apps, XR and beyond. You can follow and contact Egle via: LinkedIn: Focus on AI in L&D Report: Website:   ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Leadership Development At Netflix With Kenny Temowo

It was clear that one podcast episode wouldn’t be enough to cover everything we wanted to so Kenny’s back to unpack what leadership development at Netflix means and what it’s there to achieve. This conversation is both revealing and inspiring.  KEY TAKEAWAYS There are universal leadership principles that apply to any industry. However, each leadership role is still different. Context is crucial in developing effective leaders. First, understand the business impact solving the problem is going to have. Discovery is essential. Without it, the understanding of the problem is not deep enough. Fall in love with the problem. Netflix uses powerful stories or cases to exemplify key issues in the business. Using a one-and-done solution is only going to have a limited impact.  It is continuous learning and embedding learning that will be transformative. Simulations that engage people emotionally and sometimes physically are incredibly impactful. Start with the why. Next look for quick wins, the simpler the better. BEST MOMENTS 'I've seen the power of being part of a team where you can be honest, you're cared about, you're loved.' 'If you want to change something, you've got to understand the problem.' 'You need to design for the terrain and not actually do something idealised.' Kenny Temowo Bio Kenny Temowo leads Talent Management and Leadership Development for Netflix UK. He’s spent almost two decades in learning and education, working as a consultant with clients such as the BBC, Vodafone, and Rolls-Royce, as well as leading in-house L&D teams. EPISODE RESOURCES Reed Hastings No Rules Rules - VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Starting Out in L&D Today With John Hinchliffe

Like so many professions, Learning & Development is evolving and transforming fast. Starting out in the profession had a standard path just a short while ago but expectations and technological advances have been catalysts for great change. In this episode, presented by 360Learning, John and David explore what it takes now to start out - and grow a career - in L&D. KEY TAKEAWAYS In the past, L&D professionals were created mainly in the classroom. Technology has changed the way people learn, so, how people enter the L&D sector and the type of person that works in the industry has changed too. Become a good content curator. It will enable you to, very quickly, create truly effective and tailored learning resources. Learn to repurpose content. It is a great way to create easily digestible learning resources, e.g., taking a 20-minute video and dividing it into 10 1 to 3-minute blocks. Data analysis is essential. Without it, you can't see what works and prove L&D's value to the business. New technology creates new opportunities to engage with people and help them to build new skills. Stay up to date. Look at what others are doing, be open-minded and ready to emulate them. L&D has a strong role to play in helping people to see where they can take their careers next. BEST MOMENTS 'Bizarrely I think that everything and hardly anything has changed.' 'Understand what people need, what the organization needs, rather than what it wants.' 'Get a mentor.' John Hinchcliffe Bio John Hinchcliffe is a Digital Learning Experience Manager at Emirates National Bank of Dubai and an internationally recognized award-winning digital learning expert. You can follow and contact John via: LinkedIn: X / Twitter: Skills Report: VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


The Insightful Innovator with Danny Seals

Want to know how to level up your employee experience using design thinking? Want a no-nonsense approach to designing people-centred products, services, and experience? Well, Danny Seals has written the book on these and tells us all about it in this episode. KEY TAKEAWAYS Levelling up your employee experience has never been more important. Examine the problem properly, don´t simply go with what you think the issue is. Use the ladder technique that Danny shares in this episode. People need to stop simply looking at how things are and focus on what could be e.g., instead of delivering an off-the-shelf leadership programme, challenge the fundamental DNA of leadership. You need to be creative, and genuinely open-minded to look at what could be. Make the implicit explicit. Be open and have those difficult conversations early. The businesses that retain their workers, design for the human. Their systems and processes equip their people to succeed. Create experiments that can be conducted within the flow of work to evaluate things and hone your design. BEST MOMENTS 'Make work better by good design.' 'Work in transparency.' 'If you don´t add that human at the centre of everything you do, who are you really designing for.' Danny Seals Bio Danny is Head of Employee Innovation at Legal & General, founder of Get Knotted and author of the book The Insightful Innovator. Danny has led and developed various teams using these innovative approaches to design employee experience products that exceed BAU.Danny also hosts his own successful podcast, Mindchimp, where he talks to friends in his network and challenges the industry on the future of work.    You can follow and contact Danny via:   LinkedIn: Get Knotted:   The Insightful Innovator book:   Mindchimp Podcast:   VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn: L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:  


Performance-Oriented Soft Skills Development with Guy Wallace

Do we need to concede that we’ll never be able to accurately measure the impact of our soft skills development solutions? If so, that’s an enormous amount of spending without knowing if we’re making enough of a difference. In this episode, we discuss how it is possible to plan, design and deliver for real impact and how this is already working. KEY TAKEAWAYS Tell people upfront how what they learn applies to their job.  Use proprietary internal knowhow to plug content gaps.  Have people practice what they learn. Improve 1st line management training. Understand outputs and how they are measured. If processes are not being followed by top performers, the processes are wrong. L&D needs to develop too, to set an example. BEST MOMENTS'We do too much one size fits all.' 'They can learn from each other’s best practice.' VALUABLE RESOURCESThe Learning And Development Podcast - Master Class Series:  Guy Wallace BioGuy W. Wallace is a retired Performance Analyst and Instructional Architect and had been designing and developing performance-based Instruction - Performance Guides & Learning Experiences - for Enterprise Learning functions and their business-critical target audiences since 1979.  Guy started as a Training Developer at Wickes Lumber in 1979 and then became a Training Project Supervisor at Motorola in 1981. Since 1982, he specialized in Curriculum Architecture Design via a Facilitated Group Process. In 1984, he co-authored two articles on these approaches: a Training Magazine article on Curriculum Architecture Design via a Group Process - and another on Creating Models and Matrices using a Group Process - for NSPI's Performance & Instruction Journal. Guy completed his 76th performance-based Curriculum Architecture Design consulting project - since 1982 - in 2019.  Guy, an ISD consultant since 1982 and a partner/owner at three consulting firms, personally served over 80 clients, primarily in Fortune 500 firms in the USA and firms in Canada, Germany, and The Netherlands.   See his websites for lists of clients, descriptions of 250+ projects, publications, presentations, and over 600 free ISD and Performance Improvement PDFs, plus links to free audio & video resources: Guy Wallace LinkedIn: HPT Treasures Binder: Snyder: https://www.dawnsnyderassoc.comSteve Villachica:  ABOUT THE HOSTDavid James David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter:  LinkedIn:  L&D Collective:  Blog:  L&D Master Class Series: 


L&D At Netflix With Kenny Temowo

What’s it like to lead L&D at one of the world’s most renowned and successful companies? Netflix has grown into an international powerhouse of home entertainment and is almost as famous for its people practices as its product. In this episode we lift the lid on L&D at Netflix and explore what development looks like at this aspirational and ambitious brand. KEY TAKEAWAYS The culture informs everything Netflix does. Netflix takes a different approach to performance management. At Netflix the culture is innovation, L&D emanates from that culture. Ongoing feedback is a key component of Netflix culture. Onboarding is extensive and immerses people in all areas of the business. Because they have a global workforce there are some cultural differences, but the important principles are the same across the entire company. It is cheaper to develop and promote from within, which Netflix does a lot. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries. BEST MOMENTS'We talk a lot in Netflix around good processes.' 'You cannot make a distinction between the technical skills or industry knowledge and culture.' 'We do a good job of codifying the culture.' VALUABLE RESOURCESThe Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE GUESTKenny Temowo BioKenny Temowo leads Talent Management and Leadership development for Netflix UK. He’s spent almost two decades in learning and education, working as a consultant with clients such as the BBC, Vodafone, Rolls-Royce, as well as leading in-house L&D teams. ABOUT THE HOSTDavid James David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


Skills-based Learning With Gabe Gloege

Skills-based approaches to organisations, the workforce and development are gaining in prominence. This is hardly a surprise when one of the biggest problems across entire industries and economies is the growing skills gap. So a skills-based approach is aimed at meeting these problems head-on. In this episode, we explore what this all means for L&D and our stakeholders and how we get involved. KEY TAKEAWAYS A skills-based organization organises a lot of their work and talent structures around skills, rather than roles only. The idea is that focusing on skills rather than roles results in a more agile organisation. The most talented people want the chance to develop new skills and progress. Training your workforce to get the right skills mix is far less disruptive than constantly getting rid of and recruiting people. Generative AI has potential to help us to map out the skills we need and identify problems. But, remember garbage in garbage out, give it the right base data. To be effective, workplace learning has to engage both sides of the brain. You have to provide concrete examples of where that skill is applied. Skill development has to be contextual to be effective. BEST MOMENTS'It’s a fundamental challenge to our beliefs.' 'Talent seeks career progress. People go places where they can go places.' 'I like to say separating roles from souls.' 'Always talk about the activity and the skill.' VALUABLE RESOURCESThe Learning And Development Podcast - Master Class Series: Gabe Gloege BioGabe is a leading voice in modern L&D and is co-founder of CultivateMe, a people development agency. He is also formerly the Senior Director of Learning & Organizational Development at ETC and an advocate of progressive, performance-oriented approaches to L&D.   You can follow and contact Gabe via: LinkedIn:'s Maven Course "Becoming a Skills-based Organization”: A Selfie Of Your Skills: Thread Research Podcast:   ABOUT THE HOSTDavid James David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn:  L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:


How ChatGPT Can Supercharge Your L&D With Ross Stevenson

Without doubt, 2023 has been dominated by AI. Whether it’s through fear, anxiety, excitement or over-exposure, generative AI - and most prominently ChatGPT - has been at the forefront of thinking, development and investment as the world rushes to catch up with this emergent technology. But what could it mean for L&D? According to Ross Stevenson, quite a lot. Listen as Ross shares his exhaustive exploration of this technology and tells us how we can be benefitting today. KEY TAKEAWAYS ChatGPT is a game-changer for (L&D), turbo charging their efficiency. Those who adapt to generative AI first will reap the rewards. ChatGPT empowers you to work at an unprecedented speed. Don't dismiss ChatGPT as a mere content generator; it's much more. ChatGPT is your ultimate research assistant, simplifying the daunting task of summarizing extensive reports. It offers a fresh, emotion-free perspective, swiftly uncovering valuable insights from data you input, long reports and the web. An AI task assessment framework helps identify optimal use cases. Companies are creating custom generative AI systems tailored to their data. ChatGPT is a potent educational tool, nurturing skills development. L&D is on the path to teaching individuals how to leverage AI for self-directed learning. With an in-house AI system, L&D can pinpoint and solve real business problems, sidelining ineffective generic tools. Microsoft Co-Pilot will further enhance data analysis, presentations, and spreadsheet tasks. BEST MOMENTS 'Just using if for thought partnership has been very powerful.' 'It is an extension of you… it will make you smarter.' 'Do the case/task assessment first, and then figure out if generative AI could help.' 'Just be curious.'       VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Ross Stevenson Bio Ross is Chief Learning Strategist and founder of Steal These Thoughts, an independent L&D think tank. He’s spent 16 years leading L&D teams, strategies, and tools within global organisations. Ross is also at the forefront of exploring the potential of generative AI in L&D.   You can follow and connect with Ross via: LinkedIn: Twitter: @_Rsvenson Website: What L&D Teams Can’t Afford To Get Wrong article: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn: L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:  


CIPD's Learning at Work Report With Laura Overton

The latest CIPD report on the Learning & Development profession is both revealing and inspiring. L&D practitioners and leaders have had a huge amount to deal with, in recent years, with many using circumstances to make radical changes. For others, not so much. So, what does this all mean and what do we need to do about it? In this conversation, we unpack the report and highlight some key findings - as well as provide commentary and insight ourselves. KEY TAKEAWAYS The CIPD report seeks to uncover what´s changing, what´s new, and what is important for the L&D community. Despite challenges, the industry is optimistic. There is now more emphasis on digital. It will soon no longer be possible to recruit yourself out of the skills gap, a fact that is driving businesses to invest in training their personnel. When it comes to organizational priorities and alignment there has been some slippage. Learner time constraints and a lack of engagement are still issues. Line managers are still not playing a key role in learning. Ongoing learning, reflection, and adaptation are all essential. 57% of L&D professionals seek to understand performance issues before recommending a solution. Zoom out on the data to get the bigger picture. Use the report to look at things through a different lens and learn from it on a personal level. BEST MOMENTS 'Leaders recognize the value we have on organization priorities.' 'The hardest way to do L&D is to tell somebody a different way to do the job without understanding the job.' 'By increasing your value, you increase your currency.' VALUABLE RESOURCES The Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: Laura Overton Bio Laura Overton is an experienced international speaker, author, facilitator, and award-winning learning analyst dedicated to uncovering and sharing effective practices in learning innovation that lead to business value. Her work is based on 30 years of practical experience and a commitment to supporting evidence-based learning decisions and has shared her ideas as the author of over 40 reports and hundreds of articles over that time. As the founder of Towards Maturity, she is also known for leading the first 15 years of a longitudinal study program (2004 – February 2019) respected for uncovering and sharing learning strategies that lead to business success. You can follow and connect with Laura via: LinkedIn: Twitter: @lauraoverton CIPD Learning at Work 2023 Report: ABOUT THE HOST David James  David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.  As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D.  CONTACT METHOD  Twitter: LinkedIn: L&D Collective: Blog: L&D Master Class Series:  


The Current State of Podcasts With Shannon Martin

Since Shannon first appeared on the podcast in 2021, podcasting has grown exponentially into a mainstream channel for organisations and individuals. However, despite this growth, it is still a marginal tool in corporate learning and not fully embraced for its potential to make culture accessible and make exclusive conversations open for employees to hear. In this episode we address some of the challenges organisations face - and overcome - to make podcasting work for them. KEY TAKEAWAYS  There are about 5 million podcasts out there.   Over 460 million people regularly listen to one. Studies show that people absorb what they hear through audio. There is enormous potential for L&D teams to use podcasts in-house to help people learn from others and understand the diverse opportunities on offer in their organisation. Mapping out episodes in advance helps to keep things flowing in the right direction. Record at least 6 before you launch. The technical side of recording podcasts is not complicated, and it is not expensive. Sharing more about what is going on behind important decisions via internal podcasts improves transparency. Podcasts are evergreen but can also be recorded and sent out within an hour to address urgent issues. You need to know your audience and promote your podcast. BEST MOMENTS'Podcasts have the unique ability to allow the listener to multitask. ''At its very essence, it is learning from colleagues.''Understand your internal audience. ' Shannon Martin BioShannon is a podcast and communications specialist working with podcasters and organisations to share their message and make the best possible impact. Shannon has worked with creators of all types and sizes in creating and growing their podcasts. This experience has led to helping companies/brands develop the best possible podcasts for their goals, both for external and internal audiences. Having worked on the platform side at Podbean Shannon is now in production, strategy, and growth with Lower Street.You can follow and connect with Shannon via:LinkedIn: VALUABLE RESOURCESThe Learning And Development Podcast - L&D Master Class Series: ABOUT THE HOSTDavid James David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa. As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D. CONTACT METHOD Twitter: L&D Collective: Master Class Series:


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