The Left Column

Sermons, manifestos and thought pieces.


What is the purpose of your vacations? Beyond the tired rhetoric of getting away, what do you hope to achieve? A momentary break from the monotonous chaos of the rodent race? A sniff from the goblet of inspiration in a land unknown? Your next jaunt could carry you to the ends of perception and boundaries or feed the sleeping griot set to appear at the next local soiree. The question remains, will it be a tale of debauchery propagated on the backs of the unseen, or a self-reflective glance into the lands in the back of your mind. What do you see on the way to Samana? Samana on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo


Media Morality & Choreographed Offence (f. Arch Valenz)

"In order for us to live the life we live, other people have to die". There is no form of ethical consumption in our world today. As we strive to find balance between meaning, folly and morality, we all fall into the same hypocritical eventuality. There is no way to point the finger in one direction without pointing away from the other. And when wrong exists in all directions, what is the value of illuminating its isolated presence in any one space? When we consume film, music and art, are the creator's shortcomings one with said art? Does an artists conflicting views or ethics bleed through their art into the consumer? Or is art its own entity within itself, to be judged and consumed without a thought of the human who created it? The separation of art and artist, hypocritical thinking and media morality, as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: Arch Valenz Music: Khan SoulO


Anxiety And The Present

There is a quote attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius that is often quoted. "We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.” Simple and elegant in its construction but there’s an inherent lie in its premise. For many, there is an immediate comprehension of just how fleeting life is. For them, life isn’t compartmentalized by milestones and encouraged by future accomplishments, but instead walled by the realization they will likely not make it to the next year. This life is one more analogous to the psalmic walk through the valley of the shadow of death. There is an advantage in its perspective, however. For those, not too enchanted by their future and not too haunted by their past, can create true magic in their present. Anxiety and The Present on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: SepTo, Khan SoulO & Michael Shand


Diversity Of Thought

“Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book III, relates that Echo offended the goddess Hera by keeping her in conversation.” That description always seemed so poignant. Echo’s endless chatter prevented Hera from seeing the truth. The first echo chamber was a self-confirming prattle so appealing it was impossible challenge or interrupt. Today, confirmation bias is even easier to become enraptured with. The introduction of new evidence should be an exciting endeavor. It furthers the pursuit of truth. However, many refuse to try to actively prove themselves wrong. How often do you actively, search out counter arguments to challenge your tenets? If the answer isn’t forthcoming, you may have Echo in your ear. Diversity of Thought on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


The Rotting Branch Of A Family Tree

If you could reach back along the lines of your family tree, what would you ask your ancestors? Would you ask for the energy of forgotten knowledge to blossom or heed the warnings of time as to affect the future? What if those words shook you to the core? Revelations so deeply rooted in scarred tissue the only sane choice would be to cut yourself off from the rotting trunk and begin a new. Crackheads with millionaire parents. The Rotting Branch of a Family Tree on the Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


V (f. Sean "Bluu" Watson)

COVID-19 and the pandemic has severely impacted our world both in the literal sense and in one more metaphysical. Literally, our world stopped, our rules changed and priorities realigned as we adapted to a new normalcy. Unfortunately, the literal and tangible effects of the virus has not been our only negative impact. Today, we deal with more complex negatives, ranging in a theoretical and social sphere, as we politicize health and survival. Vaccines have become a sore point for us socially (and not just the due to the stab in the arm), as we divide ourselves and fight with an angst we have only seen for religion or politics. Misinformation, judgmental anger and the big "V", as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: Sean "Bluu" Watson Music: SepTo & Khan SoulO


The Birth Of Abdul Sami

There’s a battle we all fight but few quantify adequately. The self-perceived and the externally experienced. This idea of objective character and subjective identity are rarely miscible. Many believe themselves sponsors of truth and substance while the world views them as overbearing, immovable maybe even dictatorial. The idealistic mantra of being yourself clashes sharply when intersected by the “real” world”. As a parent, eyeing the triple beam balance of the soul is a calling. What is that perfect convergence of who your child is, what you want them to be and what the universe needs them to achieve? Lebron James' biggest mistake was naming his son Lebron James Jr. Space Jam: A New Legacy is a close second. The birth of Abdul Sami on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


Parental Activism And The Child's Journey

For some, having a child is an opportunity to right the wrongs of their life. A chance to instill the lessons learned too late; earlier. With the hopes of guiding a new soul to a land never reached but promised. “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” Toxic “Religiousity” aside, the guiding principle is that you have a responsibility to guide this being. However, that balance between Nurture and Nature is more important than ever. Your “clone” may just bring those same fears, traumas, and apprehensions into another lifetime. A generational tragedy. Besides, Mini-me was a bit of a dick. Parenting with Restraint on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: SepTo & Khan SoulO


Luck & Time

The two greatest illusions our species has created are Luck & Time. The idea that the seemingly random but sequential progression of the cosmos can be affected by the four-leaf clover in your pocket. Or, that the relatively short orbit of our planet around our star is somehow a marker that is worthy of being the measure of a human. However, no two factors can more greatly mold a soul; it’s influence and its effects on the universe. Evolution happens over a lifetime. Luck & Time on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


The Lesson Of Less Than

For those of us of a certain hue, a trip outside of familiar boundaries can be challenging. What some consider a fun adventure out of town others consider a venture into the unknown. Stopping to use the washroom in a place not often frequented by melanated faces must be preceded by a quick scan for iconography that may suggest we may not be welcome. Do we avoid those stone-faced glances that lock on incredulously; silently shouting “What are YOU doing here?”. Or proudly meet the gaze and kindly give an unreciprocated nod? The rituals of the Damned. Seatbelts and headlights on, hats off. The Lesson of Less than on the Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


2020 And The Pointlessness Of Life

On our season finale, we look back on our year. 2020 has transcended from a simply stated number or year into a metaphor for doom and depression. Between COVID-19, lockdowns, self-isolation, riots, protests and a circus of an American election, we have given symbolic meaning to the the year. 2020 has turned into a reference point or catch phrase. "When will 2020 end". There is obviously a shift taking place. But have we attributed too many of our sorrows to the year itself? Was your life in 2019 more fulfilling? Were you content? Were you happy or was it easier to distract yourself from your sorrows before social distancing and self-isolation... Is 2020 simply a mirror to your own life-long discontent? 2020, pointlessness and other hard truths as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


"Big Tings"

This week we explore the disparity between talent and achievement. Do your great ideas translate into anything real? Do you believe in something that doesn't ever seem to materialize? Are you following your dreams? Is dreaming and believing all that you are doing with your life? Dreams, belief, "Big Tings" and other fluff as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


How To Break Fate

The greatest achievement of an omnipotent being would be to assign free will to a creation. To designate a fate but leave unlimited paths to the fated. Is this the illusion of choice? Or is there a freedom in designating the path to one’s fate. And if so, how does one become master of their steps? Defeating ancient influences takes deft realization. Escaping reaction and passive instinct cannot be done by the unaware. Those riding the train to their fate may never wake up to the true gift of free will. However, those that choose to break fate will give the omnipotent something interesting to watch. How to Break Fate as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


Men Who Love Selfies (More Than Self)

In an era where we embrace many forms of what used to be denigrated versions of manhood, have we unconsciously ended up doing the same in the reverse today? Hyper-masculinity and alpha males were upheld while the less aggressive and more effeminate men were wrongly viewed as weaker. Today we seem to have corrected this social assumption of manhood, but have we over-corrected? Do we now look down on traditional traits of manhood? Do we view more masculine as less refined? Is ego and aggression inherently negative? Toxic masculinity, manhood and Men Who Love Selfies More Than Self as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


Hoes In Hip-Hop And Misogyny In General

As purveyors of this artform we call hip hop, there is a need to be able to separate the griot-inspired visceral storytelling, from the glorification of the societal underbelly to truly appreciate it. These auditory reflections, while dirty and distorted, are semblances and resemblances of a lifestyle. The lack of fiscal responsibility, the aggressive gladiatorial like nature of its competition are both aspects that act as aspirational and parabolic. Perhaps most strikingly, the obsequiousness of the hoe is a tale venerated. A label that, if not separated from the glorification and double standard of promiscuity, is reflexively admonished. The simple matter is that reflex also denies a simple truth. The truth in the art, as ugly as it may seem, is that these escapades, titles and lifestyles are ones championed by the same crowd such labels are meant to denigrate. Hoes are real and living their best life. Hoes in Hip-Hop and Misogyny in General as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


Your Devices Are Watching You

Do you recall that moment your life went from analog to digital? When it progressed from smooth tactile engagements to a fractal reproduction of excitement? Think carefully, do you remember that transition? When that piece of technology went from a fragmented helpful extension of your entertainment to an intimate part of your being? Most of us do not. We barely acknowledge that we’re being watched, but more importantly, we rarely acknowledge the moment we become okay with it. The moment we go from a fringe participant to the new social dynamic. That moment we go from capturing an experience to living forever in a database. The moment we forever lose…a moment. Your devices are watching you as discussed on The Left Column Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


This Is Not a "The Last Of Us 2" Review

Is there no bastion of entertainment safe from the tyranny of idiocy? No safe harbour for enjoyment that is not constantly beaten and eroded by the waves stirred by fragile ego? Nowadays, even the undead can be held accountable for inclusion and the living as brain dead as the hordes they face. In 2020, it's hard to imagine a mind that can be so devoid of immersion that a multi-million dollar and expertly crafted experience can be ruined by having a lead character that's...a lesbian woman? That women shouldn't be so the apocalypse? Stunningly idiotic, but also fascinating. This is not a review. This is the Last of Us 2 as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO, SepTo


The Single Mother's Perversion Of The Son

The classic Oedipal psycho complex has been debated ad nauseam in advanced circles. While the substance of the idea holds merit, its application and origin are far too narrow to be broadly applicable, especially in today's psycho-social make up. However, there is a specter of truth that haunts the non-nuclear spectrum of families today. The single mother dynamic is one that is necessary, challenging and worthy of praise, but does it also cast a shadow that darkens the horizons of those affected intrinsically. And more importantly, why are we afraid to even ask that question? Single Mothers as discussed on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: SepTo


The Illusion Of Impact

SepTo discusses the transition from a physical to a digital reality. He questions our basic assumptions about how activity online transfers into our every day. Do your failures and accomplishments online hold an intrinsic value and impact offline? Impact as told on The Left Column. Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO, SepTo, Michael Shand


Obligation Relationships

Is an obligation a point of reverence? Something you should take pride in? Its worth is weighted in its temporal mass and has an intrinsic worth that is often applied and not earned. You might want to ask yourself, is this obligation worthy of me? Because as a matter of its nature you will need to live up to it. Obligations as told in The Left Column Speaker: SepTo Music: Khan SoulO


Chantelle X

A powerful and honest look at the dichotomies of relationships. Well said.

10-04 Reply

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