The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia

The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia
Author: The Lifes Dash with Michele Mattia
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© Copyright Michele Mattia (C/O Blogtalkradio)
Tune in live Monday – Friday at 2pm ET/11 am PT for The Life’s Dash with Michele Mattia – Dare To Be Audacious! Media Personality, Best Selling Author, Transformational Speaker and Life Design Coach, Michele Mattia ignites a spark within you to take action! With her trademark “dynamic and delicious” energy and conversational style, “The Life’s Dash” is a unique, life design talk radio program daring online listeners to be audacious in thoughts, choices and actions while creating and moving toward a more empowered life. Join Michele for her “Manifesting Monday” and “This Is Your Time” weekly series, as well as the engaging interviews with high profile guests. This is your time to create the dynamic and delicious life you deserve! Are you ready?
To be a guest on our show, email:
To ask a question during live shows, call the studio at 714.333.3349 or email
To be a guest on our show, email:
To ask a question during live shows, call the studio at 714.333.3349 or email
175 Episodes
Rejuvenate... Replenish... Reinvigorate... YOU! Saying yes to your needs and self-care benefits not just you, but everyone in your life.
To begin to create balance and harmony in your life, you must believe in its importance and that you deserve to design it into your lifestyle. This show will provide guidance toward creating inner peace, establishing clarity, and reconnecting with YOU! With a life lived in balance, you consciously create a life positioned for success in all areas of your life!
Join host Michele Mattia at 2pm ET! This is your time! Dare to be audacious!
If you have questions during the show, please call the studio at 714.333.3349, email the studio at or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
"Lose weight" is one of the top New Year's resolutions every year. (You've probably made it once or twice yourself; I know I have!) Did you know that roughly 45% of Americans make resolutions and out of that percentage only 8% are successful in their outcomes. There is a perpetual problem with making New Year’s resolutions when the definition means “solution” (solving a problem) and the prefix “re” representing a continuing attempt to solve the problem again and again and again.
Fat Loss Coach, author and nutrition expert, Charles Remington, returns to the Life’s Dash with Michele Mattia to discuss the goal of creating and maintaining a healthy LIFESTYLE vs. a “resolution” that often centers on resentment as you think of all the things you are “giving up”.
Join Michele and Coach Charles at 2pm ET for an empowered and engaging conversation on calorie confusion, why cookie cutter diets don’t work, “Laws of the Lean” and implementing a holistic approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle in 2014 by bringing balance to our mind, body and spirit.
“SOUL!” This is the word uttered most frequently when people are describing singer/songwriter Evan Button!
Evan Button has had the opportunity to share the stage with artists such as The Jesse Chong Band, The Tyrone Vaughan Band, Jimmy Cole, not to mention his favorite band – SOJA! Evan was voted “Best Solo Musician” and “Best of Beach Street” within the popular music scene of Viriginia Beach! In November 2013, Evan announced his first studio relese EP and donated 100% of it's first release day revenues to help victims affected by the typhoon in the Phillippines. Evan Button is 15-years-old!
Join host, Michele Mattia, and Evan Button at 2pm ET for a souful hour celebrating the power of music and Evan’s dedication to follow his dream!
If you have questions for Evan during the show, call the studio line at 714.333.3349, email the studio at or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
Did you know these painful truths about RELAPSE?
• It is filled with shame, self-blame, self-doubt, denial, disguise and detachment
• When you relapse, you let go of your healing truths.
• Relapse is not selective. It touches anyone who has returned to or regressed into a pattern of behavior that is unhealthy or unsafe.
Holli Kenley, licensed marriage and family therapist, educator, speaker and author of Mountain Air, Relapsing and Finding the Way Back…One Breath at a Time, joins host Michele Mattia to discuss unlocking the grip that relapse has on you.
“Don’t stay too long in the shame-filled grounds of relapse. Fertile soil awaits your return and your recovering.”
Join Michele and Holli at 2pm ET for an engaging and healing conversation on the powerful journey back to recovery, time-tested lessons in the recovery process, accountability exercises, and releasing condemnation.
If you have questions during the show, please call the studio at 714.333.3349, email the studio at or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
Have you considered how your lifestyle, including your diet, contributes to your acidic levels? Factors that cause an acidic shift within the body include diet, processed foods and medications, lack of exercise, stress and toxicity. The typical diet is rich in meats, simple carbohydrates, processed grains, dairy products, coffees, teas, soft drinks, and alcohol. This highly acidic diet has created a medical condition called metabolic acidosis.
Dr. Susan Smith Jones, author, speaker, and President of Health Unlimited, joins host Michele Mattia to discuss “Why You Are Probably Too Acidic and Don’t Even Know It”. As we look at implementing a healthy lifestyle in 2014, addressing the #1 cause of disease, an over-acidic body, and taking action to detox our bodies is vital.
Join Michele and Susan at 2pm ET for an engaging and educational conversation about healing our bodies from metabolic acidosis, healthy digestion, and whole body rejuvenation!
If you have questions during the show, please call the studio at 714.333.3339, email the studio at or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
Alzheimer’s is not just a disease of old age. Early-onset Alzheimer’s affects people younger than age 65, and nearly four percent of the more than five million Americans with Alzheimer’s have younger-onset.
At first, Diane Farley was just a bit forgetful. But when her behavior became concerning, her family embarked on a journey of hope, despair, disappointment, and ultimately acceptance. All We Need Is A Happy Ending is Diane’s story, told by her younger sister, Renae Farley, who was aboard for the whole roller-coaster ride after Diane was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Renae Farley joins host Michele Mattia to discuss her family’s journey with Diane from insurance forms and doctors to holistic practitioners and easing Diane’s growing bewilderment. Join Michele and Renae at 2pm ET for an inspired hour honoring the power of unconditional love!
If you have questions during the show, please call the studio at 714.333.3339, email the studio at or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
"Lose weight" is one of the top New Year's resolutions every year. (You've probably made it once or twice yourself; I know I have!) Did you know that roughly 45% of Americans make resolutions and out of that percentage only 8% are successful in their outcomes. There is a perpetual problem with making New Year’s resolutions when the definition means “solution” (solving a problem) and the prefix “re” representing a continuing attempt to solve the problem again and again and again.
Fat Loss Coach, author and nutrition expert, Charles Remington, returns to the Life’s Dash with Michele Mattia to discuss the goal of creating and maintaining a healthy LIFESTYLE vs. a “resolution” that often centers on resentment as you think of all the things you are “giving up”.
Join Michele and Coach Charles at 2pm ET for an empowered and engaging conversation on calorie confusion, why cookie cutter diets don’t work, “Laws of the Lean” and implementing a holistic approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle in 2014 by bringing balance to our mind, body and spirit.
If you have questions during the show, please call the studio at 714.333.3339, email the studio at or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
How do you express what you want in your life? Are you modest, soft-spoken and general or clear, energized, and specific about what you want to create?
In order to bring about positive transformation, as well as the manifestation of dreams and ideas, we need to release the thought that it is unacceptable to be excited about what is in our world now and what we know is going to show up soon.
Join host Michele Mattia LIVE on Monday, January 6 at 2 pm ET for an empowered hour where we celebrate your divine gifts, talents and skills through expression!
If you are interested in appearing as a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia, please submit your inquiry to!
The Spirited Woman gets up every morning and shouts, “I AM A SPIRITED WOMAN!” At certain times, she even goes to a crystal-clear mountaintop and shouts, “I AM A DANCIN’, SHAKIN’, ROCKIN’ WOMAN.” Are you ready to embrace the Spirited Woman’s approach to life?
Nancy Mills, founder of the global women’s empowerment community, The Spirited Woman, and recognized as a leading women’s visionary, joins host Michele Mattia on The Life’s Dash at 2pm ET! Nancy is the publisher of the Spirited Woman Directory: A Collection of Stories & Resources for an inspired Life: the creator of the Sisterhood of the Sacred Scarves and the founder of the Spirited Woman Foundation – to help heal and support women through actions of empowerment!
Join Michele and Nancy for a positive, empowered, fun, vibrant and inspired conversation focused on the celebration of women – our divine gifts, living in the “Land of Enoughness”, embracing our inner goddess, and becoming a delicious part of something bigger than ourselves.
JUMP START the year of YOU! It's time to stop writing "wish list" New Year's Resolutions and start walking your talk! Are you ready to discover, re-discover and explore your unique gifts, talents and skills?
Saying "Yes, I am ready!" is just the beginning for the creation of the dynamic and delicious life you deserve. This isn't a race. This isn't a comparison or a competition between you and anyone else.
Join host Michele Mattia at 2pm ET for Project You 2014: Designing Your Dynamic & Delicious Year of Success! It's time to move past “Way Back When” and onto our necessary de-cluttering practices to make room for our good to show up NOW! This is your time. This is your year. Are you willing? Are you ready to consciously and actively participate in the creation of a life lived on purpose?
Happy New Year! Happy New You! Are you alive, alert and awake to the good that is in your life at this moment? Are you open, willing and ready to say, “YES” to opportunities to move you forward and toward the manifestation of your divine ideas and dreams? It’s 2014 and this is your time to consciously create the dynamic and delicious life you deserve!
Michele Mattia jumpstarts her first LIVE episode in 2014 by igniting the spark within you to move into action! Join Michele, and music from singer/songwriter Lakshmi Marfil's spiritually uplifting album Shakti Prema - “The Path of Love”, at 2pm ET as she guides you into the New Year with a burning bowl ceremony honoring the courageous work you did during her annual “December Challenge”!
In order to make room for the new, in order to see the new, in order to be ready for the new, it's time to let go of the toxicity. It's time to let go of the lack and limiting words, thoughts, experiences from 2013 kept you anchored to an existence that doesn't serve you. This is YOUR TIME!
If you have questions during the show, call the studio 714.333.3349, email, or post on Michele’s Life Design Facebook page.
Creating a dynamic and delicious life that celebrates your WOW factor, while daring to be audacious in thoughts, words, actions and emotions, is 100% possible at any stage in your life! Women aren’t always ready to embrace this belief because they are too busy being all things to all people and placing their needs on the back burner.
Enter award winning author, humorist, speaker and teacher Mary Fran Bontempo and her empowering message for women “in the middle”! Mary’s book, Not Ready for Granny Panties: The 11 Commandments for Avoiding Granny Panties, inspires women to regain control and reclaim their focus, energy and fun.
Join host, Michele Mattia, and Mary at 2pm ET for an engaging and eye opening conversation about releasing the “Granny Panty Mindset” and reviving you!
If you are interested in being a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia, please send an email to!
If you are a single dad, or a single parent, ready to jump back into the world of dating, this is the show for you!
After 25 years of marriage, Chad Stone found himself thrown into the world of modern dating! And while he was ready to embrace his new single life, he admits to feeling clueless as to where to begin. “Are men still expected to ask women out? Is it okay for a man to initiate a kiss without getting slapped with a harassment lawsuit? And what’s all the fuss about online dating?”
What started as a journal for Chad to pour his thoughts, feelings and experiences about being a middle-aged man who was hoping to find love again, became his humorous memoir - Confessions of a Middle-Aged Babe Magnet.
Join host Michele Mattia and author, Chad Stone at 2pm ET for an entertaining and hilarious hour as they discuss the “Babe Magnet” persona, figuring out the modern day dating scene, and finding love!
If you are interested in becoming a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia, send an email to!
Shari Harley, founder and President of Candid Culture, an international training and consulting firm that is bringing candor back to the workplace, joins host Michele Mattia on The Life’s Dash at 2pm ET!
Shari’s book, How to Say Anything to Anyone: A Guide to Building Relationships That Really Work, guides the reader to improve all types of working relationships, reduce the gossip and drama in your office, tell people when you're frustrated in a way that resonates, take action on your ideas and feelings and get honest feedback on your performance.
Join Michele and Shari at 2pm ET!
If you are interested in becoming a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia in 2014, please send an email to!
Meditation is a practice we are hearing about more and more in the news, as western medicine finally understands the benefits. Meditation can improve our creative thinking, our energy, stress levels, decrease blood pressure, and allows us to connect with our still small voice.
Dr. Lesley Phillips, speaker, author, mediation teacher, and healer, joins host Michele Mattia to discuss the power of mediation and Lesley’s inspired way to share it with our youth through her novel, The Midas Tree.
Lesley began her career as a PhD scientist and businesswoman in the biotechnology industry. However, Lesley was always interested in meditation and spirituality and she developed her abilities in parallel to her busy career.
Join Michele and Lesley at 2pm ET for an empowered hour!
If you are interested in being a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia, please submit your inquiry to!
Many people deal with negative emotions and poor self-image, a struggle that can affect everything from their relationships to their physical health to prospects for landing a job in a tough economy.
Speaker, Best-Selling Author, and Emotional Freedom Expert Brad Yates joins host Michele Mattia on The Life’s Dash at 2pm ET to share his techniques.
Brad is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and is the author of the best-selling children’s book, “The Wizard’s Wish”!
“A feeling is not something you're just thinking about - it's something you feel," Brad says. "It's in your body, so you need a body solution to change it.”
Join Michele and Brad for an engaging and transformational hour that taps into your emotional freedom!
As we welcome the holidays and the New Year, it's a time to reflect on the past 10 months and look forward to new beginnings and fresh starts — a time to make choices about improving your health and creating our best lives!
Dr. Susan Smith Jones returns to The Life’s Dash with Michele Mattia to discuss 10 surefire stress busters to get us through the holiday season! A motivational speaker, author of over 25 books, including Recipes for Health Bliss, The Joy Factor and Walking On Air: Your 30 Day Inside and Out Rejuvenation Makeover, and founder of Health Unlimited, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm dedicated to optimal wellness, health education and human potential, Dr. Susan inspires her audiences to live their best lives.
“Regardless of the circumstances in our lives right now, whether work-related or personal, the single most important fact is that we have the power within us to show leadership, create greatness, and transform our lives — and the world around us — in the process.”
Join Michele and Susan at 2pm ET for a dynamic and delicious conversation!
If you would like to be a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia in 2014, please send your inquiry to!
John McGrail, PhD, renowned hypnotherapist, success coach, spiritual teacher, and a leading media expert on the topic of personal improvement, returns to The Life’s Dash!
Dr. McGrail has integrated more than 30 years of teaching, coaching and mentoring experience with his clinical work to create what he calls Synthesis, a process for creating personal change and transformation quickly and profoundly.
Join Michele and Dr. McGrail at 2pm ET for an engaging conversation regarding the anxiety and stress that comes during the holiday season and how to apply The Synthesis Effect. Of course, we will continue to celebrate “Rule #1: Life is supposed to be fun!”
If you are interested in being a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia in 2014, please submit your inquiry at
What divine dreams, ideas, and goals do you have the AUDACITY to believe will be realized?
It’s not enough to be audacious; you need to walk your talk! Are you sitting in the “waiting room” because you believe you either don’t deserve your dream or you haven’t suffered enough?
How does the Forgiveness Factor come into play?
It's time for you to have the AUDACITY to be COURAGEOUS, EMPOWERED, DYNAMIC & FABULOUS!
If you are interested in being a guest on The Life's Dash with Michele Mattia in 2014, please submit your inquiry to
A large part of the transformation process to create the dynamic and delicious life we deserve, is stepping outside of our comfort zones.
Stepping outside of our comfort zone is a conscious choice and the outcome is different for everyone because of our divine uniqueness.
Why not you to step out into the unknown with your fabulous gifts, skills and talents and bring to the realization the life you deserve?
Join Michele at 2pm ET for this Best Of episode!
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