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The Lifestyle Changer MD

Author: Dr. Edelita Jamis, MD

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Chronic disease is not a life sentence. It is a wake-up call. A call to take action NOW! Dr. Edelita Jamis' goal is to take you from being a bystander, stuck mentality to a proactive, self-accountable, and loving person.
43 Episodes
Join us on this week's Sunday Drive as we meet the incredible Karla Freeze and hear her inspiring story of transformation and resilience. Sixteen years ago, Karla faced numerous medical challenges and struggled with weight issues. Her turning point came when her mother's illness pushed her to confront her fears and make significant lifestyle changes. In this episode, Karla shares how she successfully eliminated Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, psoriasis, plantar fasciitis, and gum disease. Through her dedication and a switch to a plant-based lifestyle, Karla has lost an astounding 236 lbs, with 143 lbs shed after going plant-based. She also highlights other amazing health benefits, including thicker hair, stronger nails, and improved eyesight. Karla's journey is not just about weight loss; it's about reclaiming health and vitality. She no longer requires medication and has more energy than she ever thought possible in the last four decades. This is a story you won't want to miss! Tune in to be inspired and to learn more about the power of determination and the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. 
Welcome to our newest Sunday Drive! In this episode, we dive deep into an incredible health transformation story with Mike, who sheds 30 pounds, eliminates chest pain, and lowers his bad cholesterol! Mike's journey is truly inspiring. Having worked at Walgreens for nearly 30 years in various roles from pharmacist to director, he retired in 2018 and transitioned to full-time health coaching. With his rich pharmacy background, Mike brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Mike also shares his perspective on GLP-1 drugs like Wegovy, Ozempic, and Mounjaro. These medications are gaining attention for their potential to aid in weight loss. However, there's a lot to unpack regarding their long-term safety and approval for weight loss. We explore the pros and cons, helping us understand the implications of using these drugs solely for shedding pounds. Don't miss out on this insightful and motivating episode!
Dementia remains a complex puzzle with many unknowns, but what we do know is that certain factors, such as diabetes and stroke, can significantly heighten the risk of developing this condition. In Part 2 of our series, we continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding dementia, shedding light on the importance of proactive measures in reducing its incidence. One significant revelation we discuss is the incremental increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which has been linked to a remarkable 13% reduction in cognitive impairment and dementia risk. This finding underscores the profound impact that simple dietary changes can have on brain health and overall well-being.
Did you know that every 64 seconds, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with dementia? It's a staggering statistic that underscores the urgency of understanding this condition better. Contrary to popular belief, dementia is not a natural part of aging, and it's high time we challenge this misconception. Listen to this podcast and come along on a journey with us as we explore the complexities of dementia, questioning the ways we've always done things and searching for new insights. Could it be that we're missing something important in our current approach?
Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Sunday Drive! Today, we confront a pressing issue that demands our attention and compassion: suicide among seniors. Join us as we delve into this sensitive topic, aiming to ignite empathy and understanding. Did you realize that the suicide rate among adults aged 65 to 74 has surged by a startling 16 percent? Let's unpack this statistic: from 13.4 to 15.5 deaths per 100,000 adults, each number represents a life lost and a family shattered. While society often focuses on the mental health struggles of the young, it's vital to acknowledge that our seniors are also battling this silent epidemic. In this episode, we shine a light on the harsh realities and underlying causes driving this troubling trend. Together, we'll explore the myriad factors contributing to this alarming rise. From the profound impact of social isolation and health concerns to the weight of financial strain and the enduring stigma surrounding mental health in older adults—these are the complex threads woven into the fabric of this crisis. Join the conversation as we raise awareness, extend support, and endeavor to cultivate a community where our seniors feel cherished, empowered, and equipped to lead lives of significance and dignity. Tune in now and be a part of the solution.
Why Do Seniors Develop Type 2 Diabetes? Retirement often heralds a new chapter filled with dreams of adventure, freedom, and fulfillment. However, the reality for many seniors can be starkly different. In this captivating episode, we delve deep into the intriguing question: Why are seniors disproportionately affected by type 2 diabetes, despite their aspirations for an active and vibrant retirement? Join us on a journey of discovery as we unravel the intricate web of factors contributing to the surge in type 2 diabetes among older adults. From lifestyle shifts to metabolic nuances, we'll peel back the layers to uncover the root causes and unveil practical strategies for prevention and management. Don't miss out on this illuminating conversation that sheds light on a pressing health concern within our senior community. Hit play, subscribe, and let's embark together on a quest for knowledge and healthier living!
Are you ready to unlock the secrets to living a vibrant, fulfilling life? If so, we've got something special for you! I'm excited to invite you to tune in to our podcast, where we delve into the top three keys to vitality and longevity. Whether you're looking to boost your energy, improve your health, or simply live life to the fullest, this podcast episode is for you. In this episode, we explore timeless wisdom passed down through generations, sharing fascinating anecdotes from individuals thriving well into their golden years. You'll hear firsthand accounts from individuals like my own parents, who, in their mid-70s, reminisce about a time when longevity was common in households. Don't forget to share and comment on where you are when you listen to this episode, and I'll make sure to give you a shoutout in our next episode! Tune in now and start your journey toward a more vibrant and fulfilling life.
We get it – reaching retirement age should mean enjoying life to the fullest, not feeling tired all the time. But don't worry, we've got your back! In this candid conversation, we're tackling the reasons behind those pesky energy dips many seniors experience. From health conditions to lifestyle habits, we're breaking it all down – no jargon, just real talk. But here's the exciting part: We're not leaving you hanging. We're dishing out practical solutions that can help you reclaim your zest for life. And guess what? Embracing a plant-based diet is one of our top recommendations! Trust us, the benefits are real. So if you're nodding along because you've been feeling a bit drained lately, this episode is for you. Tune in, grab a cup of tea, and let's chat about how you can boost your energy levels and start living your best life—because age is just a number, and you've still got plenty of living to do!
Sitting is the new smoking”, there have been debates if this is true.  Humans are built to stand upright. Your heart and cardiovascular system work more effectively that way. Your bowel also functions more efficiently when you are upright. Even mobile phones were designed to be used standing but it turns out that people use them more while sitting. Learn what happens when you’re sitting for too long and how you can prevent them?
Our thinking then that exercising 1 hour/day is better than not doing anything was not enough to make us feel we were getting the best outcome we had hoped. Do you know how sometimes you feel that no matter what you do, you seem to can't get away from the same problem or issue? Next thing you know, you're back to where you started. Isn't that frustrating and exhausting? It was for me. That's when I started looking at the first half of the equation. 
When it comes to chronic disease such as obesity , there is no such thing as a "magic pill." Please be wary about supplements. Extreme caution is needed. Here's why.   
With the increasing rate of obesity in many countries, why aren’t we calling obesity a pandemic?  Obesity is a disease that  has slowly, silently and successfully infiltrated into peoples’ lives. It’s underestimated because people are not literally dying from carrying that extra 100 pounds for the last 30 yrs of their lives. Instead people are dying from heart disease, cancer, stroke in which we know very well that obesity has a major role.  Obesity is undervalued because it can not immediately kill a person. Undervalue?  I find this to be true and also false, depending on what perspective or lens you are looking through. 
The good news is that anybody can do mindful eating. You don't need a device  or an app you need to download on your phone that can switch you to a mindful eating mode. You don’t need new tools. You already have them.  You just need to know how to use them so you can positively influence your eating habits that result to better health. 
It is important to understand that eating has a lot to do with our behavior. When are we mindfully eating? How can we do more of this? What are examples of mindless eating and why are they discouraged? 
Everywhere you turn these days, whether it's in the supermarket, billboards, television, or in social media, we are bombarded with messages about how to lose weight. For almost 50 years, Americans' health got worse. 72% of Americans are now overweight or obese compared to 66% reported five years ago. That's a majority of the American population!
Why do people wait for their health condition to get worse before they take action? If you decide to wait  until you think you are ready, that day won’t come. Every time we embark on big challenges, no one is 100% ready. But there is a way to breakthrough. 
 I hear people talk about making some changes in their diet and lifestyle habits. That they shouldn’t be doing this, they must stop doing that. A few may make an effort to defend their unhealthy habits but most people that I talk to are very humble to admit that they are so overdue for a change. Are you this person?
I am not sure if t is a cultural thing but I remember when I was growing up hearing people talking about eating organ meat for anemia (that's when you have low red blood cell count).  Organ meats are the consumable organs of animals such as livers, hearts, brains, and intestines, to name a few. But are these the best source of iron? 
When I tell people to try out tofu recipes or substitute dairy milk with soymilk, I often get this comment, "really, I heard it's not good for the body." What is soy? What is considered a healthy soy product and what are the myths surrounding soy? 
One misconception about milk is that it is essential for bone health. It is regarded as an unbeatable source of calcium to build strong bones. No wonder, babies are fed with milk, grow up with some form of milk and get old still drinking dairy-based milk. There's this fear that a child's growth gets stunted without milk and an elderly's bones get brittle without milk supplements. That's a myth. Here’s the fact.
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