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The Light Seekers' Lounge

Author: Annie Love

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The Light Seekers' Lounge (formerly known as 'The Mummalove Podcast') is all about how we continue to seek light and find joy, even when life feels hard. In the podcast, coach Annie Love has raw and honest conversations with guests about how they have navigated challenging moments in their lives and found a way to keep going and to thrive. We'd love you to join us.

122 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.While originally studying and working as a nurse, Mel Watt knew she needed a shift and decided to study a Diploma of Photography in 2009. Initially, Mel focused her photography business around kids and families. However, a personally challenging time led Mel to pivot in 2019 and she found a new purpose in helping women celebrate who they are and reclaim their power through black and white, no makeup portraits.In this conversation, Mel and I discussed:Mel's unique a...
Send us a Text Message.Emily Osmond is an online marketing strategist and educator who supports solopreneurs to launch and grow online businesses, so they can help more people through their own expertise.She does this through her online courses, which have helped more than 1,000 business owners across the world, her podcast - The Emily Osmond Show, which has listeners in more than 100 countries, and her events and retreats.Emily has a Master of Communications degree and is a mum to a busy tod...
Send us a Text Message.I have recently re-certified as a Profit First Professional (which we have to do each year to ensure our skills are current and up to scratch!) and realised that means I've been certified for a whole year and STILL haven't shared with you exactly how Profit First works. Sorry for holding out on you!So here's an overview of Profit First, the basic principles and how it works with habits you probably already have - no accounting degree required. I'll also share how you ca...
Send us a Text Message.Jess Williamson is a 5x Entrepreneur, an award-winning Mindset & Business mentor. She is a TedX speaker, has been featured in Forbes and major publications and now also an author.Jess’ story is one of audacity, from starting a swimwear brand as a 22 year old with no previous business experience to taking the brand all the way to New York Fashion Week and beyond. Now, as she celebrates the release of her new book "Unstoppable Success," Jess discusses the power o...
Send us a Text Message.Amelia Ryan is an internationally acclaimed performer, speaker, presenter and speaking coach. Her work has taken her around the globe from New York City to London, Edinburgh and beyond.Her superpower is helping brands and businesses get to the heart of their story and bring it to life in a way that is both meaningful and masterful. By fusing her training as an NLP practitioner with her 30 plus years as a performer she's helped hundreds of clients claim their space as th...
Send us a Text Message.Join me for a very casual check-in as we chat about Easter and balancing work and home life during school holidays. We also discuss how to recalibrate our goals - both financially and personally - as we transition from Q1 into Q2. As you reflect on Q1, what do you need to Start - Stop - or Continue doing as we step into the next 90 days, and the last quarter before the end of the financial year?It's a candid conversation about what's working, what to tweak (and not...
Send us a Text Message.Sam Dhu is a Psychotherapist & Facilitator of Permission, a Mum to two young girls, and passionate advocate for being radically kind and compassionate to yourself. As a highly sensitive person Sam believes it is possible to be deeply ambitious and successful, AND soft and sensitive at the same time. In fact, she identifies as holding both identities herself.Terms like ‘self-compassion’ and ‘self-acceptance’ get used a lot these days. But through her degree in s...
Send us a Text Message.Are you a chronic overthinker when it comes to making decisions?If so, you're not alone. I wanted to share some insights into some conversations we've been having at home lately, as well as with my clients. In this short solo episode, I chat about the common struggle of overthinking decisions and making the same decision repetitively and the toll it takes on our mental energy.From addressing open loops in our minds to reframing decisions as experiments, I offer pra...
Send us a Text Message.For Estee Lee, not being resilient has never been an option. Since her family was in a devastating motor vehicle accident when she was five, Tae has had to overcome life changing setbacks and obstacles which have become pieces of the puzzle and made her life what it is today. Her passion is working with people and helping them to realise that they have the choice to steer their life in the directions that they want. Tae lets you see life through her eyes by tellin...
Send us a Text Message.Confession: I don't think I've ever been great at goal setting. So I'm trying something new this year - starting with deciding on one 12 month goal and breaking it down into strategies, projects and actions. Let me share this 10 point framework and set of questions with you in case it helps you plan for the year as well. You're welcome to download the worksheet as a guide to as you're mapping out your goal.Have you set big goals for 2024? I'd love to know what your...
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to episode 111 of The Light Seekers Lounge podcast! Today, we're kicking off season six with a deep dive into choosing a word of the year. If you haven't heard of this concept, it's all about setting an intention (as opposed to New Years' resolutions) for the year ahead - and it's a practice I've been doing since 2013! I'm going to share with you what my chosen word is for 2024, what it means to me and how it's shaping my year so far. I'd love to know ...
Send us a Text Message.As we farewell 2023 and start easing into the new year, join me as I look back at the highlights and challenges of 2023 in this special recap episode of The Light Seekers Lounge.In this episode, I reflect on my journey over the past year, highlighting personal and business milestones, challenges, what I'm grateful for, and the valuable lessons learned along the way, including:How we have spent our time over the festive seasonWhat I do to reflect on my previous 12 months...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever wondered what your life purpose is? I think it's human nature to want to find our true purpose - whether that's for our life in general or in the work we do. My guest today is an expert when it comes to aligning with our purpose. Rebecca Kirk is the go-to career coach for people on a spiritual path and author of 'You’re Here For A Reason'. With Rebecca’s unique approach to career coaching and spirituality, she has enabled hundreds of clients fro...
Send us a Text Message.Money can hold so much shame, discomfort and embarrassment for many of us. Which is interesting. At the end of the day, money is simply an object like a coin or a dollar bill or numbers on a screen. It’s information. But the meaning that we attribute to that money can be SO loaded, can’t it?We all think about money in different ways, have different beliefs, attitudes and feelings towards money, we have different narratives around money and this is often referred to...
Send us a Text Message.Tara Winters is an award winning money and spirituality coach, soul guide, speaker, writer and mother of three.After years of hiding her spirituality while working as a corporate accountant and downplaying her money wisdom in the spiritual world, she discovered that money and spirituality can, in fact, truly elevate one another.She now brings her unique medicine to lovingly guide people back to their souls and to radically shift the way they see, relate to and create mo...
Send us a Text Message.This year marks the seventh year since our son Nicholas died, but I'm conscious that I haven't talked about grief much this year. Here's a little rambly update on grief looks like for me at the seven year mark, including:what the milestones looked like this year - his birthday in March and anniversary in May how it felt to move out of the house where Nicholas spent his whole life, and how the trampoline helpedexperiences that remind me grief is never far from...
Send us a Text Message.Sharyn Holmes (they/she) is an award-winning coach, writer, speaker, artist and not-for-profit worker. Their work dives deep into social justice, spirituality and personal sovereignty. Sharyn is the author of the 2023 book, Becoming Gutsy and Formidable: One Life, Out Loud published by The Kind Press. Sharyn is also a multi-passionate artist and creative spirit who believes in living with full expression and joyfully creating with passion, play and purpose.Over the...
Send us a Text Message.In episode 102, we talked about some really practical strategies that help me feel organised and calm in the busy final months of the year. This time, I want to talk about these final 90 days from a slightly different angle and share five questions I ask myself to maintain momentum in this final stretch of the year. It's not about productivity at all costs, but a gentle approach to working out what's truly important and how I can support myself in this busy period.Grab ...
Send us a Text Message.Karen Marie Johnston is an award-winning social worker, coach and retreat facilitator for brilliant women who want to fall in love with themselves.Karen has dedicated her life to supporting women in the sex industry, doing outreach in red light districts and empowering women to overcome self-harm and self-neglect. She is a role model and mentor specialising in self-compassion, trauma, addiction and mental health recovery, and also works as a consultant and supervisor fo...
Send us a Text Message.As we are now in the final four months of 2023, I can feel a slight rise of panic knowing that we're approaching the busiest time of the year! In this short solo episode, I share three strategies I use to help feel calmer and stay organized during this busy time. PS. I'd love you to join me for my Time Mastery Masterclass on Thursday 14 September at 10am to help you ditch overwhelm and procrastination and give you strategies so you can get more intentional with your tim...