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The Living Waters Podcast

Author: Living Waters

Subscribed: 2,518Played: 101,916


Enjoy the ride with this hilarious new Podcast as hosts (Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro) and special guests explore the pressing questions of our day with sound theology and apologetics! We would love to hear from you. How has the podcast encouraged you? Are there any subjects you’d like the guys to cover or questions you’d like them to answer? Email us at and you may hear your feedback and questions quoted on the next episode!

338 Episodes
E.Z. shares a powerful testimony of transformation through God’s grace. Born in Lebanon, his life nearly ended before it began, as his mother attempted to abort him but was stopped by her doctor. In 1980, Emeal moved to America, where he struggled to adjust. Unable to speak much English, he faced challenges in school, frequently fought, and stole, leading to a troubled childhood. Raised in a culturally Catholic home, he sought to reform himself after his first Holy Communion at eight years ol...
Wesley Huff, the Central Canada Director for Apologetics Canada, joins Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar on the podcast to discuss his experience on the Joe Rogan Podcast and the power of God’s word. Born in Pakistan, Wes spent time on the mission field when he was a child. At 12, he was diagnosed with a condition that doctors claimed would leave him unable to walk, yet God worked and he miraculously regained mobility a month later. Wes shares how his debate with Billy Carson gained unexpected tract...
Secret sin is an oxymoron—there is no such thing. Every sin, even those we think are hidden, is exposed before God. Today, Ray, Mark, and Oscar talk about lust, particularly pornography, and how it plagues many, with statistics revealing that 7 out of 10 men and 2 out of 10 women are caught in this so-called secret sin. Society often normalizes pornography, but it is a trap that ensnares and destroys. Many wrongly think that once they get married, their sin won’t plague them anymore, but sin ...
Tony and Bre Wood, hosts of the Date Night with the Woods podcast, join E.Z., Mark, and Oscar to discuss their new book on marriage and family. The idea for the book came after a publisher, inspired by their podcast, suggested they put their insights into writing. Writing the book deepened their understanding of marriage’s sanctifying nature, allowing them to laugh at past challenges and reflect on how God uses marriage for holiness rather than just happiness. The guys, along with Tony and Br...
Over-spiritualization in the Christian life can lead to misunderstanding scripture, misapplying biblical truths, and disconnecting from both believers and non-believers. E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how this often begins with a lack of sound teaching from the pulpit, emphasizing interpreting Scripture in its proper context rather than projecting personal desires or hopes onto the text. Misunderstandings of God’s word can hinder relationships, as pride resists correction or feedback from o...
E.Z., Mark, and Oscar discuss various approaches to sharing the gospel. They highlight Ray Comfort's creative methods and his intentionality in evangelism. For introverts hesitant to share the gospel, the key is being authentic to who God made them to be. Psalm 139 emphasizes that each person is intentionally designed by God, and every personality type is equipped to evangelize. Believers should explore their unique ways of fulfilling the call to share the gospel, remembering the same Holy Sp...
Jordan Kunaszyk shares his powerful testimony with Ray, Mark, and Oscar, illustrating how his identity shifted from football to Jesus Christ. Growing up, football was Jordan’s life. His dream of playing in the NFL shaped every decision, and his sense of worth depended on his performance. Although he professed Christ and knew about God, his life was characterized by rebellion and sin. In high school, he began cleaning up his behavior to succeed in football, not for the Lord. Despite outward su...
Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar dive into what it truly means to glorify the Lord. We were created in His image to reflect His glory, and when we experience His creation, we reflect that back to Him. Through the gospel, God brings us together to glorify Him. The most loving thing He can do is reveal Himself to His creation and invite them into a relationship with Him. Our greatest need is to know God. Much like a baby crying for milk from its mother, our souls cry out for God, and only He knows wh...
Tim Challies joins Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar to discuss his book, written in the aftermath of the tragic loss of his son. Despite the loss, Tim and his family continue to bow before God, trusting in His sovereignty knowing that God has given, and God has taken away. When Tim heard of his son's passing, he recognized the temptation from Satan to sin, and he prayed to endure the sorrow without sinning. Ray shares how he dealt with grief after losing his parents, shutting the door on sorrow and...
Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar discuss the call to servanthood and evangelism and emphasize how Jesus’ teaching that true greatness in God’s kingdom comes through humble service. Jesus demonstrated this principle by performing tasks like washing His disciples’ feet, an act avoided even by bondservants- people who had indebted themselves and were working off their debt. His example highlights that leadership is rooted in serving others, and those who seek to lead must adopt a servant’s heart...
The gospel is the most essential message in history, yet it’s often treated as a tool for conversion and then set aside. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar discuss how this limits its transformative power in daily life. The cross is not the end of the gospel but the beginning of a deeper understanding as we walk with Christ. Grace, as Mark discovered, is far greater than we imagine. Our journey as believers is lifelong, and even seasoned Christians have only scratched the surface of the gospel's dept...
Today Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar address the spiritual condition of people with no religious affiliation, often referred to as Nones. While many Nones engage in some form of spiritual practice, they often struggle with loneliness and a lack of community. They tend to avoid civic duties, like voting, and seek fulfillment outside traditional church settings. Historically, when Christianity becomes culturally popular, many false converts join churches, drawn by cultural trends rather than genuin...
Have you ever wondered if your pursuit of wealth is truly enriching your life, or if it’s merely an illusion of prosperity? Join us on a journey that challenges the very notion of wealth as we explore its deeper spiritual implications alongside the timeless essence of music. Drawing inspiration from the insightful minds of Thomas Watson and Randy Elkhorn, we question whether material riches can ever truly satisfy the soul. As we ponder these profound ideas, the conversation takes a lighter tu...
Ray, Mark, and Oscar are joined by Erwin Lutzer, former pastor at Moody Church in Chicago, to discuss his latest book. Erwin begins by reflecting on changes in church and culture, noting how society’s view of God has shifted. He wrote this book because many today neglect the God of the Old Testament, embracing a customized, sin-friendly version of God. Erwin emphasizes that God’s truth, morality, and law are unchanging and necessary for salvation. Erwin warns against creating a self-made god...
Today, Ray, E.Z., and Mark are joined by Nathan W. Bingham, Vice President of Ministry Engagement at Ligonier Ministries and host of Renewing Your Mind. The distinction between knowing about God and truly knowing Him is essential. While God has revealed Himself to all creation, saving knowledge of Him is unique and transformative. Many, even within the church, worship a god of their own making, mistaking it for the one true God. This can complicate evangelism, particularly in places like the ...
Adoption is one of the most profound aspects of salvation, yet it's often under-discussed. Ray, E.Z., and Mark talk about how adoption into God’s family is the highest privilege the gospel offers, revealing a beautiful truth about Christians being chosen and loved by God.b For many, spiritual adoption seems unfamiliar or even confusing. Scripture clarifies that only those who are in Christ are truly His children. When witnessing, we can gently and truthfully share this distinction, echoing Je...
The role of Christians in caring for orphans and widows is central to the faith, aligning with Christianity's mission to reach out to the world. Ray, E.Z., and Mark talk about how true religion, as James teaches, is evident in caring for orphans and widows. If believers claim faith but don’t reach out, they are missing the mark. For example, Mark shared how his son spent time with elderly people, teaching them to use their phones—an act of compassion and connection. Pure and undefiled religi...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian, is remembered as being deeply devoted to Christ. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk of Bonhoeffer’s life as being marked by bravery and love for God, making him an inspiring example for Christians wrestling with difficult moral questions. Bonhoeffer, born in 1906, was a key figure in the resistance against Nazism in Germany and ultimately sacrificed his life for his faith and involvement in resistance efforts. With Hitler’s influence in Germa...
The LGBTQ community has changed from something that was rarely seen to now something that is seen almost daily. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar jump into this topic by encouraging believers to not be scared to address sensitive topics with their kids. Be proactive. Kids are exposed to these issues as early as kindergarten, so it’s crucial to teach them before the world does. Tailor the conversation to their age, and frame it in light of scripture. Ray recalls when these topics weren’t an issue, sh...
Many say they need to find themselves, but what does that mean? Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how when we look within ourselves for meaning, we walk away disheartened. The truth is, we find ourselves by losing ourselves in Christ. Believers don’t need to find themselves; they need to forget themselves. When we keep our eyes on the Lord, the opinions of others won’t bother us. Only when we realize that Jesus is all we have do we understand He’s all we need. What we think about ourselv...
Comments (21)

Libby Daddy

"the high octane fuel of gratitude." Classic and wonderful pearls of comfort.

Jan 27th

Talia Walker

one of the best podcasts on the internet. entertaining and yet biblical and personally challenging. thank you, guys!

Dec 3rd


This show was very depressing to me. I have been married 9 years to someone I thought was a true believer. It has been nothing short of a train wreck. Before marriage, I was a lay pastor involved in prison ministry, outreach, speaking in churches etc. And now it is all gone. We also share an autistic son which makes life even more of a challenge. She has no desire to go to church and she is a full blown narcissist. My life is miserable. What hope is there for those who made a mistake? NONE...

Jun 16th

Dapper D

Why does the one guy not sound like a man??

May 1st

What is TRUTH...

love this man. blessed my life.

Dec 22nd

Shawn Cahill

I don't think Judas was given a spiritual gift, as he was an unbeliever.

Feb 3rd


The way Oscar explained what redeeming parts of culture looks like was spot in and very helpful.

Jan 26th

Petra Lee

I can seriously listen to you guys all day! I love the mixture of laughs and the seriousness off God's Word! I feel like I am right there with you guys.

Dec 6th

What is TRUTH...

love everything the Lord has done in this ministry brother . all glory to God !

Nov 18th

Colin Jones

Listening to you from Northern Ireland - didn't know one of your pastors was from NI too. Recognised the accent straight away

Nov 1st

Kevin Lawver

Technology is destroying the kids.

Oct 11th

What is TRUTH...

what was the name of the three books progress fox books of Martyrs and then there was a third one I couldn't understand the name anyone can help me?

Sep 22nd

Graeme Moran

shared this episode with my mens group.

Jul 25th
Reply (1)

Shannon is another excellent website for soul care. Really great articles about almost anything you could imagine.

Jul 16th

Graeme Moran

WOW! This episode is amazing and really helpful. I've made lots of notes from this one and downloaded it more than once to listen to it.

Jul 11th

Graeme Moran

Great podcast. I'm very happy to have found it. I need to now check put the website!

Jul 1st

Vangie Lutz

5 Stars 🌟

May 24th

Marty Kinder

Thank you guys for doing this podcast. I look forward to listening to it everyday. It's giving me a greater understanding of my faith by helping me to go deeper into studying God's word and by creating a stronger desire to get know God more and more. God bless you all. I got saved on April 19th, 2010. I was 49 years old. Christ has transformed my life forever by his amazing grace! He cleansed me and set me free!!! Heaven bound!

Mar 9th

Kayley Bartlett

Fantastic Podcast!; important topics well explained, easy to listen to, and Holy Spirit filled! Thank you and God bless, Living Waters!

Jan 26th

Wesley & Anita

I love this podcast!!

Nov 7th