The Lord of the Mind: A Geek's Epic Quest for Health

The Lord of the Mind: A Geek's Epic Quest for Health, hosted by award-winning podcaster James Durham. LOTM is an epic quest of self-mastery of one geek, to save his life, adventure forth into health and fitness, and obtain a generally awesome sense of well-being... all through the amazing power of the human mind! Join me at

LOTM 03 - Jerri-Lynn Pilarski Interview

Welcome to the third episode of The Lord of the Mind: A Geek’s Epic Quest for Health! In this episode I share what may be the secret antidote to what I call GMF (Geek Muscle Freeze), and I'm pretty dang excited about it. I am also thrilled to interview the Baltimore-based magical massage therapist Jerri-Lynn Pilarski, LMT, someone who has helped me heal many times. If you enjoy this podcast, please share the message far and wide throughout the kingdom, to help drive back the darkness of unhealth! Yours in Health, James Durham


LOTM 02 - Victoria Wood Interview Part 2

Welcome to the second episode of The Lord of the Mind: A Geek’s Epic Quest for Health! In this episode I share the tale of a dangerous encounter with a cookie, yes, you read that correctly, a cookie... and then I explain The Five Stages of my quest! Finally, I share part 2 of an interview with respected nutritionist Victoria Wood, M.P.H., R.D., which is filled with helpful information for anyone on any stage of a quest for health! If you enjoy this podcast, please share the message far and wide throughout the kingdom, to help drive back the darkness of unhealth! Yours in Health, James Durham


LOTM 01 - Victoria Wood Interview Part 1

Happy New Year! Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Lord of the Mind: A Geek’s Epic Quest for Health! I am thrilled to launch my latest project — which is truly an epic quest for health, fitness and nutrition! Today is a perfect day to launch it. A new year, a new beginning, a new quest. In this episode I explain what The Lord of the Mind is all about, and I share part 1 of an interview with respected nutritionist Victoria Wood, M.P.H., R.D. If you enjoy this podcast, please share the message far and wide throughout the kingdom, to help drive back the darkness of unhealth! Yours in Health, James Durham


LOTM 00 - Introduction

And so to thusly whet your appetite for the grand quest that is to come, I hereby provide you with a little 30-second audio clip of awesomeness to introduce The Lord of the Mind: A Geek's Epic Quest for Health. Return here posthaste as the quest will be launching sooner than you can skin a dragon!


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