The Lotus Lounge

Raw & uncut with Rev JJ. Providing education on Mental health, wellness and ways of coping in these choatic times. Speaking my truth and exposing darkness. I will share my own personal experiences and how I was able to transform from the darkness to light. I have been through the mud and have blossomed into the Lotus.

Shift the Energy

*Trigger warning: sexual content* This episode I share information on rituals for the Capricorn Full Moon, a dark & disturbing story about Lolita slave toy, sex rituals/alchemy, Cia document, spiritual downloads & more on Starseeds.


Raise the Energy

This episode I educate on emotional regulation, survival and trauma responses in the body. I discuss freeze and fawn trauma response, including dissociation and the need for solitude. I provide info on ways to regulate the nervous system as well as how to reprogram the subconscious mind. I also share info on what is Clairkinetic and spiritual downloads.


Be the Energy

This episode I discuss my own manifestation experience, 12 Laws of Karma, awakening & raising vibration, how to clear & cleanse energy/aura, & how to break a curse. I also touch on World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day & terms to know if you're a survivor and recovering from narcissistic abuse. Benefits of celtic salt added at the end.


Divine Transformation

This episode I discuss the 5:5 portal, the impact of your thoughts, the 4 brains, biometric energy field, the 3 Heavens of the Bible & the role of the Soulless/NPC.


Divine Mission

The Movie Screen Above will be Removed This episode I share Declassified CIA Documents on Star People, Affirmations & the shape of the Earth.


Divine Taxes (🖕)

This is a short and sweet episode providing some info about taxes here in the US.


Divine Cosmic Flame

Omg! I cover so much this episode...from the cosmos & different dimensions to satan the hijacking of earth and everything in between. Take a listen. You'll learn a lot. This episode I discuss tomorrow's upcoming solar eclipse & Nasa's plan Apophis, DNA activation & Sky Event, Solar Rishi/GSF (God-Sovereign-Free), Our Hidden World Wizadry, Earth Angels, Lotus blossom & Buddha birthday 4/8, 3 Heavens, 4 entities that rule earth, knock on wood 🌳, POM, earthquake device.


Divine Trinity

This episode I share information about Eclipse season, Toxic chemicals in synthetic baking soda & supplements; info from the Ascension glossary about the Essene Tribe, stolen founder records, genetic library source code, & war over holographic discs. I also discuss No/know Mind & more on reptilians.


Divine Truth

This episode I share information on Elementals & Entities: fairies, reptilians, demons & the World Wide Satanic Cabal.


Connect to Divine Essence

This episode I share information on Christ Consciousness, Akashic Data, Ascension, the God/Worship Gene, 11 Types of Lightworkers, Kundalini Awakening & 5D Earth. Evil has died, Jacob B Rothschild.


The Essence of Evil: Exposing the Narcissist Part 4

This last episode I share information on the difficulty recovering from a narcissistic relationship & more word for word emails from my ex narcissist.


The Essence of Evil: Exposing the Narcissist Part 3

This episode I share information on abuse & more word for word emails from my ex narcissist.


The Essence of Evil: Exposing the Narcissist Part 2

This episode I share patterns of behavior and warning signs to look for if you suspect you may be involved with a narcissist. I also share more word for word emails from my ex narcissist.


The Essence of Evil: Exposing the Narcissist

This episode I share diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder & information from "Narc Con" on YouTube about the seven demonic spirits of narcissism & narcissists. I also share my own true story dating a narcissist. I expose actual word for word emails and text messages from my ex narcissist.


Glitch the Matrix

This episode I discuss the Leo Moon, the 12 types of Lightworkers, starseeds, crystalline DNA, intuition & triggers.


Ego Death

This episode I discuss Soul Contracts, Ego, The Great Awakening, Project Blue Beam, the Kalergi plan and the Great Central Sun.


Vibrating out of the Matrix

This episode I share information on evil, corrupt, occult psyops by Mark Passio and raising consciousness. I discuss information about Christ consciousness, 144K, and solar CME's.


Evil Lives Among Us

*Trigger warning: Graphic* This episode I share information about the evil in this world, the lies and deceit. I talk about the Fall of Babylon, Hoaxes, P.A.C., Star Wars vs Gnosticism, tranhumanism/Baphomet worship, Anthony Weiner laptop, & The Solar Flash.


Transmute the Darkness

This episode we delve deep into the understanding of our true essence. I discuss the 11/11 portal, shift in dimensions, base 12 natural order christos blueprint, solar synthesis, Tara, torodiol field & healing properties of water/water meditation. Clear out your energy from social media platforms, call back your power & break the spells cast on you also provided this episode. Interview with Jill Nicolini


Into the Darkness

This episode I share information regarding the Third World War (Albert Pike), McDonald's (Rabi Finkelstein), the Soul Trap, ADHD, Frequency and Downloads.


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