The Magic is You

Welcome to The Magic is You Podcast - created by Michelle Rohr of The Secret O.W.L. Society. This is where I talk about how I'm building my business and living my life from a place of intuitive guidance, simplicity, leverage, and ease. It's time to make the journey just as beautiful as the destination.

How to Reduce Friction and Recover the Magic in Your Life

In this quick episode of The Magic is You podcast, host Michelle Rohr shares her insights on reducing friction in life and business. She discusses the importance of slowing down to focus on the finer details, and shares her personal experience with a reset month. By examining small aspects of her life, she uncovers deep-seated beliefs and neglect that were causing unnecessary friction. Michelle also introduces a fun segment in her podcast and shares a delightful AI tool for creating music. Tune in to gain valuable insights on slowing down to speed up and making life more joyful.Mentioned Links:Say Yes to DesireUdio: Make your own music


A Sunday Ramble: Blue Cheeseburgers, Inner Healing, and Spain this episode of The Magic is You podcast, Michelle shares a glimpse into her recent vacation in Spain and a relaxing Sunday spent with her family. She delves into the concept of self-protective patterns versus self-sabotaging patterns, drawing inspiration from her own personal growth journey and insights from Mastin Kipp. Michelle shares the powerful shift in mindset that has influenced her approach to personal growth and how she integrates it into her programs and discussions on the podcast. Additionally, she introduces a fun new segment where she shares something she's loving, starting with her current obsession with blue cheeseburgers. Tune in for a delightful and insightful rambling episode with Michelle as she shares her reflections and a mouthwatering recipe recommendation!ย 


How a $200 Purse Catalyzed My Financial Expansion

On today's episode of "The Magic is You," we delve into the transformative power of mindset and financial decisions. Michelle shares her journey of self-discovery and abundance, from re-evaluating her money lenses to making impactful investments in her life. She candidly discusses the pivotal moment when buying a seemingly extravagant purse led to unexpected financial growth, and how saying "yes" to herself has redefined her approach to money. Join us as we explore the profound impact of upgrading our money lenses and embracing the belief that deserving abundance can lead to greater financial success. ๐Ÿ’Œ Join the newsletter: Financial literacy, physical health, emotional health, morning routine, journaling, self-awareness, personal development, money lenses, decision-making, abundance mindset, self-worth, investments, lifestyle choices, convenience, positive energy, mindset shift, upgrading beliefs, saving money, making money, money mindset, self-education, life enjoyment, scarcity mindset, generational beliefs, desires, quality of life, decision-making process, future earnings, travel options, business growth --- Send in a voice message:


Living Lighter: Identifying and Shedding the Irritations in Your Life

Asking ourselves the question of "What is irritating me?" is such a powerful way to supercharge designing a life that feels good. The magic is in the SUBTRACTION of what is no longer aligned and it is in our power to do so. Sometimes we forget that we have this power because of how we grow up just having to deal with the choices of others. There is nothing more miserable than choosing to tolerate things in our personal lives (and businesses) that we actually have the power to do something about. Give yourself the gift of removing, changing, re-configuring anything and everything in your power to control that is no longer supporting you. The magic is YOU. #TheMagicIsYou #SelfReflection #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #LettingGo #InternalHealing --- Send in a voice message:


The Story of My Million Dollar Office

Check out my newest 30 day adventure: Emerge - call in the TRUE you for the new year: See the before and after photos of my office: Join my email newsletter: --- Send in a voice message:


How Book Summary Apps are Changing My Life

Book Summary Apps Get lifetime access to Headway for just $59 Blinkist Other Links Holiday Sale Hub (includes FREE gifts) Notion for project management (what I use for my book summary notes) CHILDREN ROUTINE TEMPLATE Hey everyone, Michelle here from The Magic is You podcast! I wanted to share something that has been truly life-changing for me and my husband. We've been practicing a unique daily routine that has been really helping us be more intentional about what weโ€™re doing to make life easier and better. ๐Ÿ“š Every morning, after dropping the kids off at school, we sit down and play a book summary from Blinkist or Headway, two incredible book summary apps. The 15-minute audio and text-based condensed versions of non-fiction books provide us with the key takeaways we need without having to read the entire book. ๐Ÿ“ We then take notes and derive actionable steps from the summaries. By intentionally implementing what we learn, we've been able to make significant improvements in various areas of our lives, from parenting to finances and mental health. ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ One specific example of a change weโ€™ve made is we've created self-led routine trackers for our kids which helps them be more involved and excited about things like cleaning up their toys, taking a bath, etc. Let's start 2024 spending more time sharpening the axe so we can waste less energy swinging! ๐Ÿ˜‰ --- Send in a voice message:


An Interview with My Business Coach + The Magic of Teachery

๐Ÿ“บ To see the video version of this conversation, click here: Tune into a replay of my interview with Jason Zook from 2021 and learn: why I deleted 10,000 people from my email list what led up to retiring my husband why I contemplated buying a house in Tennessee Plus, we share how Jason ended up founding his own online course platform - Teachery! As of the time of writing this, Teachery has helped me make over a million dollars in revenue from selling my online courses. Did you know you get LIFETIME access to Teachery (meaning no forever-monthly-payments) when you join Wandering Aimfully? To learn more about Wandering Aimfully + the BONUSES for Teachery that you get when you join through my affiliate link, click here: To see the video version of this conversation, click here: --- Send in a voice message:


Update on Life in Portugal

How's life going in Portugal with two kids? In this episode, Michelle shares the surprising and wonderful ways that it has been wonderful so far. Stay in touch with us by joining the newsletter: --- Send in a voice message:


Would You Pack it for Paris? by Aimee Johanan

This episode is a taste from our Release and Reclaim Program: Have you been feeling distracted and disconnected from yourself lately? Living the same day over and over, recycling the same issues, repeating the same complaints? In Release and Reclaim, you'll learn how to: โœจ Declutter what no longer serves you โœจ Come home to your higher self โœจ Write a new story for your life โœจ Embrace your new chapter To learn more about Release and Reclaim, click here: --- Send in a voice message:


What do Habits have to do with Desire?

In this episode, Michelle answers a question from a listener about how to bring the feel good energy of desire into our habits. --- Send in a voice message:


All the Tools I Use in My Business

Mentioned Links: โœจ MY FAVORITE TOOLS: โœจ CHECK OUT WANDERING AIMFULLY + TEACHERY: โœจ JOIN MY NEWSLETTER: --- Send in a voice message:


Michelle's Magical Productivity Hack

In today's episode, we dive into the realm of productivity and uncover a powerful hack that involves honoring our intuition (with a little tip thrown in about the pomodoro method). As we explore this approach, we discover how it can lead to healing and liberation from societal programming. Join us as we learn to prioritize ourselves, rewrite the narrative that harms our psyche, and reclaim our magic within the realm of work. Michelle also discusses the financial benefits of doing what fulfills us, and how to approach work with a playful and intuitive mindset. Staying true to this approach may initially feel uncomfortable, but it is a transformative journey worth embarking on. So, grab your headphones and get ready to unlock a new level of productivity as we unleash the magic within ourselves in this episode of "The Magic is You". --- Send in a voice message:


One Less Monster Under the Bed: My Thoughts on Making Online Courses

See the platform I use for my online courses: 01:05 Find your own way, embrace individuality. 04:55 When creation reflects personal insecurities and inadequacy. 07:30 Prioritizing inner work 11:28 Quickly create valuable courses with ease. 14:08 My BnB story of creating a course and facing my fears. 19:11 Desire drives creation, results are byproducts. 20:57 Prepare snacks, eliminate distractions, stay focused. --- Send in a voice message:


Declutter & Lighten Up!

In this episode, Michelle reads a segment from the Release and Reclaim Journal and shares The Magic is You approach to decluttering. LINKS: Check out Release and Reclaim: Get your free Say Yes to Desire digital planner: --- Send in a voice message:


Evolving the Definition of Consistency - the Old Definition Doesn't Serve Us

The old definition of being consistent isn't serving you. In this episode of The Magic is You podcast, we dive deep into the topic of Consistency. Join us as we explore the true meaning of consistency and how it can impact your life, business, and creativity. Here are the key takeaways from the episode: ๐Ÿ”น Consistency is not about being the same all the time, but rather adapting to what is true in the moment and in the season. It's important to find a balance between routine and flexibility. ๐Ÿ”น Following a strict production schedule may hinder the creation of valuable content. Instead, trust your intuition and listen to the natural flow of ideas. Break free from societal expectations and find your own rhythm. ๐Ÿ”น Just like nature goes through seasons of change, embracing periods of rest and inactivity can be important for your personal and professional growth. Trust your intuition to guide you during these slower periods. Remember, consistency is not just about following a set schedule, but about responding to your intuition and embracing change. Trust yourself and don't worry about others' opinions or expectations. #TheMagicIsYouPodcast #Consistency #TrustYourIntuition #EmbraceChange --- Send in a voice message:


Gianna the Moon Girl by Aimee Johanan

Check out Passive Income Planner Girl! CLICK HERE --- Send in a voice message:


Why I Use Thrivecart: Insights after $938,691 in sales via Thrivecart + Special Offer for June

๐Ÿ’ธ See my June special for Thrivecart: [00:03:21] Thrivecart splits revenue for collaborations. [00:06:23] Joint venture partnerships via Thrivecart driven by intuition and fun. [00:12:29] Thrivecart streamlines affiliate activations & tracking. [00:16:43] Expanding customer value with high-converting payment pages. [00:20:19] Thrivecart tracks sales data and growth. Also Mentioned: Why I Love Teachery: --- Send in a voice message:


Thoughts on Living a More Effort-LESS Life

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Franca the Rebellious Baker by Aimee Johanan

Get the free Planner Girl experience: --- Send in a voice message:


Racheal the Joyful Teacher by Aimee Johanan

โœจGet your free digital planner ๐Ÿ‘‰ --- Send in a voice message:


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