The Marquez Says Show

Looking for some entertaining and engaging conversations about the world we live in? You've found it! So sit back, relax, and have a bit of fun at our expense as we explore some of the most unexpected perspectives you'll ever hear about the topics of the day! __________ Check out the video versions here: __________ Learn more about our online workshops and coaching at: __________ Explore the "Think More : Care More : LIVE More" mindset at: __________ Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

What Will Business, Entertainment, And Politics Bring In 2024?

It's 2024 and we're off and running! What does this year have in store for society? What's it going to be like in business, entertainment, and politics? It's an election year and the Constitution is center stage!Check out Austin's and my thoughts on what is heading our way and let us know if you agree. Let's get it started! ~Please FIND and FOLLOW us wherever you get your podcasts or visit the website for more listening options. Thanks!"Change your life. Change the world. One decision at a time."~"Think More : Care More : LIVE More" - It's about awareness, kindness, and action!~#thinkcarelive #podcast #marquezsays #society #personalresponsibility #actions #consequences #decisions #criticalthinking #choices #leadership #society #politics #business #entertainment #democracy #democrats #republicans #constitution #elections #election2024(Recorded 1.4.24) --- Support this podcast:


Trainwrecks, Republicans, and Other Entertainment News

Trainwrecks, Republicans, and Other Entertainment News I know, I know...the title of this episode might seem redundant. I assure you it was not intentional! Austin and I just started talking and discussing different subjects and this is where it took us. Check us out and see if you agree! Recorded (6.15.23) --- Support this podcast:


The Future of Politics?

The Future of Politics? The political landscape is changing. The signs are everywhere! Now, whether or not it's for the best is what we're discussing in this episode. Youth abounds and old timers are holding on to their power no matter what it costs them, ethically or morally. It's an amazing time and definitely one that will make the history books! How do Austin and I feel about all of this? Listen in and find out! The Future of Politics? - (Recorded 4.14.23) --- Support this podcast:


Society Standards - Who’s fault is it?

Society Standards - Who’s fault is it? So much is being said about Joe Rogan, Spotify, Whoopi Goldberg, Covid information, and the issues we need to actually think about instead of just reacting or, even worse, blindly following. Join us as Austin and I discuss responsibility, critical thinking, and who we think is to blame. What do you think? Will you agree with one of us? Both of us? Listen in and find out! Society Standards - (Recorded 2.4.22) --- Support this podcast:


Side Hustles, Discipline, Sacrifice, What’s Holding You Back, and How To Move Forward!

Side Hustles, Discipline, Sacrifice, What’s Holding You Back, and How to Move Forward! We had a plan for this episode, but it quickly took on a life of its own...and that’s good for us and you! Austin and I discuss how to overcome challenges and barriers when starting your own business. Much of it has to do with discipline and sacrifice, and that’s what makes success so much more rewarding! Check out our perspectives and see if you agree. Either way, you’ll come away pumped and ready to go! October 2021 Part 1 - (Recorded 10.03.21) --- Support this podcast:


Afghanistan, Mask Mandates, Government Overreach - OnlyFans and Brittney Spears?

Season 2 is here and we are off and running! Austin and I are talking about EVERYTHING. We’re discussing our troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. We’re talking about mask mandates. We’re talking about government overreach. We even throw in a little OnlyFans and Britney Spears! It's a free for all because that’s what we do. We talk about it all! Check out our perspectives and see if you agree. Either way, you’ll have a good time! --- Support this podcast:


Technology… Will It Free Us Or Enslave Us? This Serial Killer Might Have The Answer!

Ted Kaczynski...heard of him? Maybe you know him by his nickname, the “Unabomber”. Ring a bell, now? Well, he terrorized a lot of people and even killed a few. Not a good look, but you know what? He wrote a manifesto. Of course he did, he’s an evil genius. In it, he laid out a bleak outlook of the world due to the rise of technology. Is he a prophet or just insane? Listen in as Austin and I discuss his philosophy and try to decide for ourselves. Let’s hear your opinion. What do you think? (Recorded 02.03.21) --- Support this podcast:


What Are We Owed? Anything? Everything? Let’s Talk About Entitlement!

At first glance, it seems obvious, right? Somethings we are just entitled to. Well, what are those things? Why do we feel entitled to them? How has that list of items evolved and multiplied to the point where some parts of society feel they are entitled to almost everything? Is this our fault or just a natural, or unnatural, progression? Check out Austin and I’s conversation about why some people feel entitled, whether or not it’s truly valid, and where it is leading us. Will you agree or disagree? Let’s find out! (Recorded 01.27.21) --- Support this podcast:


It’s Over! Now What? It’s Time To Transition...But How?

It’s Over! Now What? It’s Time To Transition...But How? Life is about change! Constant change, really. Whether it’s relationships, careers, pop culture, societal norms, we are always transitioning from one thing to another. Sometimes, that transition is obvious. Sometimes, it’s not. It may be a clean break or it might be a convoluted mess. Either way, how we handle that transition is key to our happiness and well being. Listen in to the eclectic conversation Austin and I have about all sorts of transitions including breakups, elections, and almost everything else in between! (Recorded 01.20.21) --- Support this podcast:


Privilege...What Is It? Does It Really Exist Or Is It Just An Exaggerated Excuse?

There is a lot of talk about “privilege” these days. What are people really trying to say? Do we throw that word around to cover up some deep seated resentment or is it truly a concept we need to better understand? It’s obvious it doesn’t have just one definition and, therefore, it means different things to different people. It makes all the difference to try and understand the motivation behind each. Check out the conversation Austin and I have exploring the differences and nuances of what privilege can mean. Let’s see how they match up with your concept of privilege! (Recorded 01.15.21) --- Support this podcast:


A.J.M. (aka Austin Jordan) Just Released His Latest Album!!! Get A Sneak Peek Now!!!

A.J.M. (aka Austin Jordan) Just Released His Latest Album!!! Get A Sneak Peek Now!!! Yes, you heard that correctly. Ours truly, co-host Austin Jordan, also known as A.J.M., just dropped a new album that you must listen to because it’s so...damn...good! Check out this episode as Austin and I discuss each and every track. You get the behind the scenes tour before anyone else! (Recorded 9.27.20) --- Support this podcast:


Why Birthdays, Holidays, Anniversaries, and Other Special Days are Overrated!

I know, I know, I outrageous, right? Well, those days are just days. Nothing more. What they represent is only given by what we decide to do with them. Resolutions, goals, and other promises to ourselves don’t need to wait for a special day. We need them everyday! Listen in as Austin and I dissect the intricacies of why these reflection points are notable, but not necessary, for what we need in order to be successful in life. (Recorded 12.6.20) --- Support this podcast:


So...You Hate The “Other Side”. Do You Hate It More Than You Love “Your Side”?

Boy, oh boy, oh boy! This one gets heated. Austin and I get after it over how much division is taking place in politics as well as how much we can trust “polls”. Are we just now at a tipping point or did we cross that line a while ago? Does it even matter? Whatever side of that line you fall on, you don’t want to miss all the perspective and viewpoints we touch on in this episode! (Recorded 11.19.20) --- Support this podcast:


Support System...Personal Responsibility...Enabling...Codependency. Are These All Overrated?

Support System...Personal Responsibility...Enabling...Codependency. Are These All Overrated? There is always talk about how important a support system is...but is it really? What part does it play in the overall success for someone? What about accountability? What about those who say one thing and do another? Oh, yes...don’t forget about the cows!! Come join us to navigate this episode as Austin and I dive in to sort out what makes sense and what doesn’t. (Recorded 11.12.20) --- Support this podcast:


Your Reality, My Reality, Our Reality...Just Imagined? All Connected? What’s Really Going Here?

We started with a topic of Winners and Losers, Make-ups and Break-Ups, but that didn’t last long...reality set in. They say perception is reality and that we create our own reality. Is this true? How do all these ideas about reality relate to one another? Why does it even matter? Listen in as Austin and I get slightly philosophical and try to figure it all out! (Recorded 11.05.20) --- Support this podcast:


“Think More : Care More : LIVE More” - What It Means and Why You Should Apply It To Your Life!

The “Think.Care.LIVE.More” philosophy is all about awareness, kindness, and action! It’s a way to frame your life with a perspective that will improve your current situation and lay the groundwork for a better future. Listen in as Austin and I touch on the key elements and decide for yourself if this is for you. I know you won’t regret it! (Recorded 10.21.20) --- Support this podcast:


Vote...Vote...Vote! Why It’s Always Important To Vote and Other Fascinating Election Topics!

Special election episode! We discuss why it is always important to vote, some of the challenges we face as a society, and a hot conversation about the state of today’s politics. It’s a great mash-up of ideas and perspectives and one hell of a point made by Austin. You don’t want to miss this! (Recorded 10.30.20) --- Support this podcast:


Success is’s just not easy! Here are some useful tips to help you along the way.

If having success or being successful was easy, we’d all be happy and fulfilled...we’re not. It’s just the reality of the situation….however, we can be! In this episode, Austin and I discuss some practical and helpful tips to help you achieve the success and fulfillment you desire. Check it out! (Recorded 10.16.20) --- Support this podcast:


That’s Supposed To Be A Motivational Quote? I Don’t Think So...

Look, I know they mean well and for a good chunk of people it does the job, but c’mon...really? Are we lowering our expectations that much? At what point does it start to hinder growth and exploration? There has to be some context and higher standards to aspire to! Hear what Austin and I have to say and see if you agree. Enjoy! (Recorded 10.1.20) --- Support this podcast:


Inspiration, Creation, and All Things "Schara"!

Special Guest Episode! We have singer / songwriter Schara joining us. You may have heard her Top 100 song, Real Love, or saw her video on MTV and now you’ll discover what inspires her songs and how she handles life in these crazy times. You’d be surprised how much Schara and Austin have in common! (Recorded 9.13.20) --- Support this podcast:


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