The Master Key Mentor Teleseminars

Charles F. Haanel unlocked the world with his astounding philosophy of success -- "The Master Key System." Now, you can tune in, unlock, and attain with the Master Key Coaching Teleseminars presented by Tony Michalski. Explore the philosophy and the exercises of Charles F. Haanel's "The Master Key System." Learn from interviews with mega-Attainers. Expand your mind -- and expand your possibilities. For more information, visit these sites: / / /

The Exercise in Week Seven of “The Master Key System” Explained

Here is the recording for the teleseminar held March 5, 2012 in which  we discussed and explained the exercise for Week 7 of The Master Key System. The article will be posted shortly.


The Exercise in Week Six of “The Master Key System” Explained

With this, Week Six of The Master Key System, we are now one-quarter of the way through the book. It is beginning to get good now. If you've been following us, the first four exercises trained us to get into the "state" of relaxation and receptivity. We now know how to keep ourselves still, how to relax, how to quell our thoughts, and how to "let go" of discordant feelings. With Week Five, we began our studies into visualizing, a most important aspect of personal development. Hopefully, you've mastered Week Five's exercise -- and had some fun with it! If so, let's progress to Week Six… The Exercise in Week Six of The Master Key System 24. In order to cultivate the power of attention, bring a photograph with you to the same seat in the same room in the same position as heretofore. Examine it closely at least ten minutes: Note the expression of the eyes, the form of the features, the clothing, the way the hair is arranged — in fact, note every detail shown on the photograph carefully. Now cover it and close your eyes and try to see it mentally. If you can see every detail perfectly and can form a good mental image of the photograph, you are to be congratulated; if not repeat the process until you can. 25. This step is simply for the purpose of preparing the soil; next week we shall be ready to sow the seed. 26. It is by such exercises as these that you will finally be able to control your mental moods, your attitude, your consciousness. The Exercise for Week Six Explained This exercise will be building within you two important skills: attention to detail and the power to recall. In doing so, we will be building our ability to visualize. With a photograph in hand, take your seat in your usual place. (On the call, I explain the importance of having a place that you do these exercises.) Once you are there, get into the "state" as you learned in the first four exercises. Next, study the photograph. COver it and then recall it from memory. That's about it! Mr. Haanel's instructions are pretty easy and clear. The Benefits of the Exercise for Week Six As Haanel wrote, you will be cultivating your "power of attention." This is huge! It's your ability to look at something and notice details that not many other people do. By mastering this exercise, you will be learning a technique that could turn you into the next Sherlock Holmes. Along with that, you are training yourself to keep yourself in the "Now" rather than running on autopilot playing with the shibboleths in your mind. How many times have you met someone who just "wasn't there" with you? Thus, they didn't notice much -- if anything -- of what was occurring about them. How many times was that person you? Yes, we all get preoccupied at times. Sometimes we have a pressing concern on our mind. For too many people, though, this is a normal state of being. Even worse, they really have nothing on their mind! They're trapped with their shadows, never noticing anything around them. By taking the time to make note of the things around us, we begin to pay attention to all the things around us. Digging even deeper, as we develop this power of attention, as we study a problem or research something in which we're interested, we will see those details that others miss. Those details can then become the basis for our fortune! The examples of this happening are practically limitless. This exercise -- and skill -- is very important. Master it! Tips for the Best Practice of Week Six’s Exercise The best tip for mastering this exercise is to follow Haanel's instructions exactly: Use a photograph of a person. Do your best to use your same seat and place as you usually do. Notice every detail. Take your time with it. Practice until you get it right. That's it. Nothing fancy. It's funny how sometimes the more important exercises are the simplest ones. This is one of those times. It's simple, but oh so powerful. Until next week, please get for yourself the best of everything…


The Exercise in Week Five of “The Master Key System” Explained

We made it! In reviewing the exercise for Week Five of The Master Key System -- "The Creative Mind" -- we've reached the fiftieth episode of these teleseminars. Exciting stuff! With this exercise, we move beyond the "foundation" laid out in the first four exercises. Now, we have our first "taste" of visualization. While it is not visualization proper, it is an exercise in focusing, concentrating, and creating mental pictures. I have found -- and my Master Key Coaching clients have found -- this exercise to be fun and helpful. I think you will, too. So, let's get on with it! The Exercise in Week Five of The Master Key System 29. Now, go to your room, take the same seat, the same position as heretofore, and mentally select a place which has pleasant associations. Make a complete mental picture of it — see the buildings, the grounds, the trees, friends, associations, everything complete. At first, you will find yourself thinking of everything under the sun, except the ideal upon which you desire to concentrate. But do not let that discourage you. Persistence will win, but persistence requires that you practice these exercises every day without fail. The Exercise for Week Five Explained Charles F. Haanel organised the exercises in The Master Key System perfectly. You will come to realize that as you explore them. The first four are what we have come to call the "foundation" exercises. They built the foundation upon which all of the subsequent exercises will be laid. These exercises are essential for getting you into the "state" so that you can easily do the remaining exercises and so that you will be receptive to the results that you are seeking. So, with the first four exercises mastered, we have this exercise for Week Five. As usual, you are to take your regular seat and assume the position that you have been mastering since Week One: sitting with your feet on the floor, your hands on your thighs, your back erect, your eyes closed. Once you are there, you are now to make a "complete mental picture" of a "place that has pleasant associations." That "place" can be anything you wish! Your childhood home. A farm you visited. A beach. A city. An office. Any place! The key is to make your mental picture "complete." You want the picture to be very detailed, very lush, and very realistic. You are aiming to such a detailed picture that it is almost a "virtual reality." Within this exercises, Haanel anticipates that it may be difficult for some people. Those people may not be very "visual" people. He does ask that we persevere, though. And we should! Haanel is building within you the ability to picture anything you wish in your mind. As we'll see, those pictures will be  very important. That's why for this exercise, Haanel is starting us with something simple: visualizing a place that we enjoy. That makes it an exercise that we will want to do! After all, it is fun to reminisce or fantasize about a pleasant place. The difference is that we are not doing either: we are visualizing and aiming to make the picture complete and detailed, to "see the buildings, the grounds, the trees, friends, associations, everything complete." Do your best and make your vision as complete as you can. With practice, you will be able to see it perfectly! The Benefits of the Exercise for Week Five Much like going to a gym will increase your ability to run longer or lift heavier items, this exercise will begin to awaken or it will strengthen your ability to create mental pictures. You will be able to almost lose yourself in the details of your mental images. That can be and will be a very powerful tool for you. This exercise will also begin to fire parts of your brain you may not have been "using" prior to this. Also, this exercise, when fully perfected, will just make you feel good. Seriously. I have heard time and time again from folks who do this exercises and actually feel themselves at the beach or on the farm. It's amazing!


The Exercise in Week Three of “The Master Key System” Explained

The first four exercises in The Master Key System are the ones that will build for us the foundation upon which the remaining twenty exercises -- and by extension, the results we will obtain with them -- will be built. The exercise for Week Three is very important -- more important than many people realize. You must master this exercise to not only take advantage of all of the exercises in The Master Key System, but also to take advantage of just about any other personal development techniques you may wish to explore. It is my hope that this teleseminar and article will make it clear why that is so. The Exercise 29. For your exercise this week, I will ask you to go one step further. I want you to not only be perfectly still, and inhibit all thought as far as possible, but relax. Let go. Let the muscles take their normal condition; this will remove all pressure from the nerves and eliminate that tension which so frequently produces physical exhaustion. 30. Physical relaxation is a voluntary exercise of the will and the exercise will be found to be of great value, as it enables the blood to circulate freely to and from the brain and body. 31. Tension leads to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity of the mind; it produces worry, care, fear, and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore an absolute necessity in order to allow the mental faculties to exercise the greatest freedom. 32. Make this exercise as thorough and complete as possible. Mentally determine that you will relax every muscle and nerve until you feel quiet and restful and at peace with yourself and the world. 33. The Solar Plexus will then be ready to function and you will be surprised at the result. The Exercise for Week Three Explained The exercise for Week Three of The Master Key System seems simple -- deceptively so. Mr. Haanel wrote that this week you are to "not only be perfectly still, and inhibit all thought as far as possible, but relax." Relax. In many of my responses to questions about The Master Key System, I type that word a lot. You see, it's the foundation of everything that we will be doing from this point onward. That's why this exercise is very important. Haanel explains why: "Tension leads to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity of the mind; it produces worry, care, fear, and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore an absolute necessity in order to allow the mental faculties to exercise the greatest freedom." In order for you to be able to benefit from the exercises in The Master Key System, in order for you to effectively use techniques from the personal development field, in order for you to truly acquire the mental fitness that you so desire, relaxation is the key. Being relaxed allows you to think clearly, to see truly, and to cogitate efficiently and purposely. It allows "things" to happen fluidly and easily. It brings to bear your entire mental arsenal and provides an alacrity that cannot be had otherwise. Mental tension leads to physical tension. Mental tension begets constricted thoughts, much like a zipper that is stuck: it may wiggle and perhaps move a space or two, but it doesn't flow and do what it is supposed to do. That's why this exercise is key. As Haanel states, physical relaxation is a "voluntary exercise of the will." It is something that we allow ourselves to be. No matter the surroundings or the situation, we either choose to be relaxed or we choose to not be relaxed. Thus, choose to allow yourself to fall into a state of relaxation. Allow yourself to become relaxed physically. Lose the tension that you may feel in your muscles, in your joints, on the surface of your skin. Allow it to drip from you. Relax. The Benefits of the Exercise for Week Three As one masters becoming relaxed, Haanel wrote that "The Solar Plexus will then be ready to function and you will be surprised at the result." Haanel explains the function of the Solar Plexus in The Master Key System, so I won't delve into that here.


How to Permanently Let Go of Self-Destructive Beliefs and Habits with Special Guest Claire McGee

We once again welcome back to this our 44th Teleseminar the vivacious Claire McGee, author of the incredible book I Believe Therefore I Am. What we have is nothing short of incredible -- or seemingly miraculous. On this call, Claire and I discussed an amazing technique for permanently letting go of self-destructive and limiting beliefs and habits. You're going to be stunned at how simple it can be -- no matter what the belief or habit is! You're also going to be impressed by how easily you can "let go" of your emotional and experiential "baggage," that stuff that is holding you from being the person you want to be. This is an amazing call with an incredible technique that I urge all of you to practice. I have used the techniques discussed here with my Coaching clients and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. Even in my own life, I have had awesome experiences merely from letting go of certain thoughts and beliefs. I am highly confident that you will, too. Let Me Re-Introduce You to Claire McGee Claire McGee, M.Msc is a highly professional and uniquely qualified motivational teacher whose goal is to empower people with the realization that they are in control of their destiny and have the very real and very valid ability to achieve their goals. Claire knows this because she lived it. In early 2004, Claire was on her way to a successful corporate career. Her future looked bright. Happily married with two small children, a new home, and a rewarding career, she was well on her way to achieving all of her dreams. These dreams were to deteriorate rapidly when she was diagnosed with Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion Myopathy, a very painful and debilitating muscle disorder. Claire rejected the reality of barely surviving and replaced it with a true belief in her ability to achieve all she had set out to do. It was during this time that Claire delved into the process of the mind and began to recognize all the negative thoughts and habits she had been living with on a daily basis. This newfound understanding of the principles for being inwardly aware and outwardly successful lead Claire down a path of self discovery which, in turn, positively influenced the people around her. She speaks differently, acts differently, and has built a passion for helping others to understand the power of the mind. The "Baggage" We Carry with Us We all have "baggage." Yes, that's one of those pop-psych terms that gets thrown around probably too much. Yet it's true that we have it and it is true that it adversely affects each and every one of us. That baggage can be just about anything that we've done or experienced. picked on in school bad relationships abuse past behavior when you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol divorce the loss of a loved one failures That list can continue indefinitely. These experiences that you've had affect you to this day. How? They play on your mind in such a way that they affect your emotions, which in turn dictate the experiences you have in your life. Thus, these negative experiences lead to negative emotions that lead to ... Well, you get the idea. Unfortunately, you also get the results. It's a cycle that you see in your life, right? Most of all, this baggage develops within each and every one of us as negative beliefs and habits. They cause us to not be the person we want to be. They stifle us. They cause us to act in ways that we do not want to act. They mute our voices and shutter our lights. They must be jettisoned from us. Here is how... Claire McGee's "Catch & Release" Technique You can overcome these experiences by mastering Claire McGee's "Catch & Release" technique. When you do, you will finally be able to let go of your past, remove doubt and insecurity from your mind, enjoy being impressed with all that is positive, release self-destructive beliefs, form a new and self-empowering reality. Are you ready to let go of the things that have been hurting yo...


May 16, 2011 – Is Money Really the Root of All Evil? – Master Key Coaching Teleseminars #41

Is money the root of all evil? That's the question we explore in this, the forty-first episode of the Master Key Coaching Teleseminars. That question refers to what was written in the Bible in 1 Timothy 6:10. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. That's not why we're exploring it, though. I've been interested in personal development for about twenty-five years. I've been publishing personal development books for a little over ten years. Through all that time, it seems that every few years the self-help "gurus" jump on that quotation and use it as the scapegoat for why people -- people like you -- aren't yet wealthy. Their reasoning is that since you were raised in a culture that more than likely was Judeo-Christian, that one line from the Bible has affected your thinking about money and wealth. They posit that since you "believe" that "money is the root of all evil," you tend to shun money, either consciously or subconsciously. So, before we go any further, lets see if that's true. Has Your Brain Been Affected By That One Line from the Bible? At this point, I think it would help to tell you a little bit about myself. I was raised Roman Catholic. I went to a parochial school for grades one through six. I was an altar boy in church as well as a church lector. I also received all of the sacraments. Above and beyond that, I am one of the few people I know that has read the Bible cover to cover. In other words, I've been through it. Through it all, I don't recall ever being hammered with the notion of money being the root of all evil. (Or even the love of money, for that matter!) I'm not stating that I never heard it, just that there was never any emphasis placed on it. In the very few times that line from Timothy was discussed, it was correctly quoted and correctly interpreted: that if one were to covet money so greatly that he would lie, cheat, or steal, then that would lead to his demise. That's how I learned it -- and that's how most people with whom I've discussed this interpret it. That's the first thing that lead me to think that the notion that people everywhere are not wealthy because of their "flawed relationship" with money based on that line was incorrect. The next thing that made me pause was the fact that I have never met anyone -- and I mean anyone! -- who, when asked if they would like more money, refused the offer, be that offer come in the form of a pay raise, a gift, or simply someone's generosity. Think about it. Have you or anyone you've ever known ever run away from money? Of course not. It's silly. More often than not, we have to actively protect our money from being stolen from us! The last straw, so to speak, is the fact that the United States was founded on the notion of what is referred to as the "Protestant Work Ethic," which was coined by the sociologist Max Weber. In a nutshell, it means that if you work hard and get rich, then God loves you. I think we can see the veracity in that. Think of someone in our society who is rich, be it Trump or Gates or Buffet. What's the first thing we think about them? We usually say that they're smart, right? We respect their opinions on things -- even things not remotely related to business or money. Right? True, not the same thing as "salvation," but the parallel is there. If someone is rich, we admire them and respect their views. After all, they're rich and we're not. All of those reasons lead me to the conclusion that the notion of anyone being adversely affected in their money-making prowess because of that quote from the Bible is bunk. Plain and simple. It's just another way for some folks to sell yet another book or course so that you can "heal yourself" of the bad attitude you have toward money. I've seen it before. Many times. As I noted, this idea comes around every few years.


April 25, 2011 – Interview with Claire McGee, Author of I Believe Therefore I Am, Part 2 – Master Key Coaching Teleseminars #39

Claire McGee, speaker, coach, and author of I Believe Therefore I Am, returned this week for the second part of her interview. Like the first part, it was amazing and massively informative. Before we jump into what was discussed this week, let's quickly review last week's discussion. (Let's see if I can do this in just a paragraph or two!) Claire McGee was diagnosed with with a rare genetic disorder that left her practically an invalid. Rather than succumbing to fear and depression and living the rest of her life like that, she made the conscious decision to live rather than exist. By changing her beliefs and taking "baby steps," Claire retrained herself to walk and overcome that which ailed her. She is now an acclaimed speaker and her book I Believe Therefore I Am is about to be released by Kallisti Publishing. Here's a snippet from last week's interview that will give you an idea of Claire's perspicacity and insight... httpv:// Pretty awesome, yes? Use the affirmation that Claire shared in that video snippet and start earning your $10,000 per month! You know you want to! OK, let's get on with part two of our interview... Making It Clear About Claire and Her Disease I received an email from a listener who had a question about Claire's disease and how she handled. He wanted to know if Claire believes that she cured herself of her disease. That's a very good question -- and it's also something that we've discussed a few times over the course of these teleseminars. Claire made clear that she did not cure herself of her disease -- Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion Myopathy. As she stated in the interview, she knows that she will have this condition "until the day she dies." What she did do, though, was overcome the symptoms that made her an invalid. She didn't wallow in despair and self-pity and depression. She didn't fall into the blank void of hopelessness. At least not for too long until she snapped out of it. Claire made the conscious decision to focus on the things she could do and the things she could improve rather than focus on the things that she couldn't. To retrain herself to walk, Claire began with "baby steps." She started by merely standing on her own two feet for as long as she could. When she mastered that, she ambled about her house. When she became comfortable with that, she walked outside. Eventually, she was walking around the block. Then to the park near her house. It was a process. A long, arduous process. But one that eventually allowed her to live a completely normal and active life. I think this is enlightening on many levels. As we've discussed many times when we were going through The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel, things don't happen overnight. Most of the things we do in life aren't going to be resolved in a "sit-com fashion" -- meaning they won't be resolved by the end of the third commercial break. To really accomplish things, especially those things relating to our health, it will take time, effort, and really pushing through our mental boundaries. With faith and effort on our side combined with some belief and faith, we can accomplish just about anything. Listen to Claire as she described what she went through. You'll be inspired. I guarantee it! A Simple Exercise That Will Change Your World In our first interview with Claire, she shared two awesome exercises with us -- and a lot of other information. If you've taken the time to implement what Claire suggested, then I am highly confident that you're encountering some massively positive changes. One thing about the exercises that Claire developed is this: they are usually very simple. So simple, in fact, that you'll slap yourself in the forehead and say to yourself "Why didn't I notice that!" As Claire likes to say, she likes to "make the obvious obvious again." The exercise that Claire shared this week is no exception. Here's the gist of it: At least once per day,


April 4, 2011 – 5 Reasons You’re Not As Rich As You Want To Be – Master Key Coaching Teleseminars #36

This is our 36th episode of the Master Key Coaching Teleseminars and I think it's a doozy. I am going to give you five reasons why you're not as rich -- or successful -- as you should be, even though you're reading the books, listening to the tapes, attending the seminars, and everything else in between. I felt the need to address this for a couple of reasons. The first is that it's a "complaint" I hear more than I think I should. I sometimes hear a person say that they've been studying this "stuff" for years and they have nothing to show for it. I understand how frustrating that is. That's why Im addressing it. The second is that I think many people are deluged with some of the more modern personal development books and such and ... Well, they're not doing folks many favors! I think that some are skewing peoples' perspectives in such a way so as to make true success almost impossible. I know how frustrating that is! I hope my words can remedy that. More often than not, it's not your fault that you're not succeeding like you should be. I hope this episode sheds some light on how just by shifting your perspective just a little, you can begin to really take advantage of not only Charles F. Haanel's philosophy of success, but of all of the books you've read. So, let's get into the five reasons you're not as rich or success as you should be... The 5 Reasons You're Not as Rich or Successful As You Should Be Before I list these reasons, I want to make sure that you know one important thing: These reasons are in no particular order. No one is greater or more important than another. Far too often when people see lists, they just concentrate on the top one r two things without paying much attention to the others. That is not the case here. These are all equally important. Please keep that in mind. Also, these items are very easy to mold into our lives. You'll see that it's just a small perceptual change that needs to take place. So, let's get to them ... 1. Do Something! We have to do something if you want to be successful or rich. There's no way around it. Action is key! I bring this point forward because many people still do not think that is the case. Instead of taking steady, deliberate action, they fuss around with vision boards and things like that. Let me make clear, vision boards (or goal boards) are fine! They serve a purpose. They are things we make to remind us about why we are doing what we are doing. A person may keep a picture of his family on his desk at work to remind him of why he is toiling long hours. Likewise, a person may keep pictures of a fancy new car or house on a vision board to remind them to go further and work harder. That's how they work. They are inspirers and reminders. Nothing more nor less. Harold has a goal: He wants to walk across America and back. How far would he get if he just thought about it all day? Or if he only pasted pictures on his wall? It has taken -- and will continue to do so -- an Herculean effort to get things off the ground. He had to find sponsors. He had to make travel plans. He had to do so many things it would make your head spin. But he did it. He's doing it. You really have to decide to do something. 2. Waiting for Help Rather Than Giving It Most people want a hand -- someone to pull them up. They want to be "discovered" or they want someone to find them and give them what they need to succeed. That rarely -- if ever -- happens. What you should be looking for is someone you can help. Someone you can make an effort for. Harold decided that his walk was going to help other people with brain tumors and brain cancer. He decided that he was going to do something, no matter how small or insignificant or crazy, that was going to benefit others. Once he made that decision, the flood gates burst open. He got sponsors. He got help. He made contacts. Instead of looking for someone to help you,


March 21, 2011 – How to Solve Any Problem Using The Master Key System – Master Key Coaching Teleseminars #35

Problems. We all have them. As many who listen to these Teleseminars know, we often even refer to goals as problems. Why? Because while the goal itself may not be a problem, the fact that we have to devise a way to attain that goal is. Thus, goals are problems. We can solve any problem, though, by using what is taught in The Master Key System. It's all there. To make it easy for you, I listed the "five simple steps" to solve any problem. I did this for two reasons. The first is that a majority of what I do is solving problems. I am very good at it. It's part of my nature. I also love doing it. I sometimes go nuts if I don't have a problem to solve. I enjoy "crunching the numbers" and thinking about the various possibilities and solutions. I must admit that sometimes I do it to my detriment, as I can easily be either be distracted or overly involved in solving the problem. I'm getting better, though. (And often, isn't that what all this stuff is about?) The second reason I decided to list these five simple steps is because when you look at successful people, the number one thing they generally do is ... You guessed it! ... Solve problems! From good middle managers to politicians to titans of industry, successful people are known as "problem solvers." We refer to them when we need help with something. We go to them when we encounter obstacles. We go to them because we know -- or at the very least we hope -- that they can solve or help us solve our problem. So, let's not tarry any further. Let's get to solving our problems! The 5 Simple Steps to Solve Any Problem Got a flat? Not a big problem when you know the Master Key System! When I delivered these steps, I used as my running example a person getting a flat tire. That's something everyone can relate to. It's also very tangible. I should mention here, though, that these very same steps are to be used on any problem we encounter, from the tangible to the intangible, from the small to the large. Here are the steps: Assess your current situation. Define your end result. Assess your resources. Act! Wash - Rinse - Repeat, if necessary. 1. Assess Your Current Situation The very first step to solving any problem is to assess your current situation. That means to know exactly where you are and where you stand. This can be quite difficult to do, especially when you start to go for your big (and perhaps not as tangible) goals. It's difficult because we sometimes run into two difficulties between which we vacillate. The first is that we sometimes over-esteem our virtues, or "positives." The second is that we sometimes underestimate our flaws, or "negatives." To add to the difficulty, sometimes those are switched: we underestimate our positives and overestimate our negatives. Using and knowing The Master Key System, though, we understand that to really do this properly -- and perhaps easily? -- we have to be most "dispassionate" and objective as we assess our situation. We want a very balanced and true estimation of where we stand. We want to have a level head -- not panic-y and all "end-of-the-world-y" but also not "rose-tinted-glasses." As we learned from the exercises in The Master Key System, it's important to relax, remain clam, and to not let our emotions rule us. Got it? Good. Let's go to step 2. 2. Define the End Result This step utilizes two very important things we learned in The Master Key System: using visualization and using our creative imagination. Here, you are to visualize exactly what your ideal outcome is to be. In other words, what is your "problem solved" state? Define it. Be thorough about it. Use your creative imagination to construct it. Visualize it. 3. Assess Your Resources In this, the third step, you're going to assess the resources you have at your disposal, be they people, places, or things. It should be mentioned that this step will play hand in hand with Step #2, in which you are visualizing your end result.


March 14, 2011 – More Guy Kawasaki and “If” from Master Key Arcana – Master Key Coaching Teleseminars #34

I am going to be brief in this article for the 34th Master Key Coaching Teleseminar. There is much adventure afoot! This week, I recapped my interview with Guy Kawasaki. It is truly amazing to hear someone so successful speak about the principles of success that we already know because of Haanel and The Master Key System -- even though during our interview we never once mentioned him! I will be conducting more interviews throughout the year. I will keep you updated. Instead of continuing from where we left off in Master Key Arcana, I instead jumped to the last item in the book: "If" by Rudyard Kipling. If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too: If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream — and not make dreams your master; If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same. If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings, And never breathe a word about your loss: If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!” If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings — nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much: If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And — which is more — you’ll be a Man, my son! Enjoy this week's episode. There's a lot of illuminating information there. Until next week, I wish you and yours the best of everything! Please See This! As an individual who has been “disabled” for over five years as a result of having two brain tumors, an acoustic neuroma, and a meningioma, Harold Cameron has devoted his life — his energy, time, and resources — to being an advocate for others. Harold says, “I am just an ordinary man with faith in the extraordinary God and by His power working in me and through me, extraordinary things are accomplished!” In 2004, Harold Cameron was diagnosed with two brain tumors. In an instant, his life changed drastically. Rather than wallow in depression and self-pity, Harold mustered every ounce of hope and faith and love that was within him. The result is a plan. Despite all the odds, Harold is going to fight brain tumors and spread his message of hope, faith, and love the only way he knows how:By walking across America and back. This is not the story of a hero. It’s not the story of a saint or a martyr. This is the story of Harold Cameron — an ordinary man with faith in the extraordinary God. Harold’s historic walk across America begins on April 2, 2011 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. That same day, his incredibly inspiring book Why I Walk will also be released. Kallisti Publishing is proud to make Harold’s book available to you. Beginning today, you can help Harold — and help others who suffer with brain tumors — by reserving your copy of Why I Walk. By helping others, you will also be helping yourself! When you reserve your copy of Why I Walk, you will receive a 33% discount off the retail price. You will also receive a slew of very special bonuses. Harold’s historic journey begins April 2, 2011. Join him in spirit and “Have the Hope – Keep the Faith – Feel the Love.” Please also see: Positively Crossing America Brain Tumor Walk


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