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The Medical Protection Podcast
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The Medical Protection Podcast

Author: Medical Protection

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Medical Protection have brought our experienced medical educators, medicolegal consultants and world leading experts together to help inform, protect and connect doctors from across the globe. This channel offers three distinct series; Real World focuses on the challenges and solutions to modern day practice, Headliners ensures you are kept up-to-date, and Case files lets us learn through real life cases.
108 Episodes
Join Dr Stephen Priestly as he talks with Professor Rakesh Patel, Associate Professor Dr Sandra Monteiro and Dr Soham Bandyopadhyay as they discuss the multi-site investigation into the effectiveness of an artificial intelligence powered clinical decision support technology on students’ clinical reasoning when using virtual patients. FURHTER LEARNINGIf you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more,please join us for one of our The future of diagnosis webinars: Tuesday 22 August 2023 (HK, SG, MY). Wednesday 23 August 2023 [C&B, UK, IE, ZA]. Wednesday 4 October 2023 (AU). Wednesday 4 October 2023 (NZ). CERTIFICATEA certificate for listening is available on PRISM. Your host today was Dr Stephen Priestley. Our guest speakers today were: Dr Rakesh Patel. Dr Sandra Monteiro. Dr Soham Bandyopadhyay. The MPS Foundation is a global not-for-profit research initiative that aims to shape the future of patient safety and the wellbeing of healthcare professionals and teams. We favour projects whose findings and outcomes can be applied to private hospital and outpatient practice or dental care environments. To find out more, visit The MPS Foundation. more information about Medical Protection please visit
Who comes to mind when you picture a ‘diagnostic team’? In this episode we hear from Professor Mark Graber, Founder and President of the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine, as he discusses how improvements in diagnostic accuracy can be achieved by involving other healthcare team members and patients. FURTHER LEARNINGIf you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more,please join us for one of our The future of diagnosis webinars: Tuesday 22 August 2023 (HK, SG, MY). Wednesday 23 August 2023 [C&B, UK, IE, ZA]. Wednesday 4 October 2023 (AU). Wednesday 4 October 2023 (NZ). Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine: NAM Report: John Ely’s Checklists: Discussing cases research: Teamwork in diagnosis: Telehealth\Decision support: CERTIFICATEA certificate for listening is available on PRISM. Your host today was Dr Stephen Priestley. Our guest speaker today was Dr Mark Graber. For more information about Medical Protection please visit
When clinicians encounter diagnostic uncertainty, they often find themselves in an unfamiliar situation, without a clear method to proceed confidently, comfortably, and safely. Join Dr Stephen Priestly and Dr Carmel Crock as they discuss dealing with diagnostic uncertainty.FURTHER LEARNINGIf you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more,please join us for one of our The future of diagnosis webinars: Tuesday 22 August 2023 (HK, SG, MY). Wednesday 23 August 2023 [C&B, UK, IE, ZA]. Wednesday 4 October 2023 (AU). Wednesday 4 October 2023 (NZ). Understanding and Communicating Uncertainty in Achieving Diagnostic Excellence. Danielle Ofri. certificate for listening is available on PRISM. Your host today was Dr Stephen Priestley. Our guest speaker today was Dr Carmel Crock. more information about Medical Protection please visit
Diagnostic error is a leading cause of malpractice claims and payments. It is common and can have a devastating effect on patients and families – but despite this not all doctors feel safe to talk about it. In the first of the Headliner series on diagnostic safety we hear from Associate Professor Carmel Crock on what it takes to accept and improve diagnostic safety.FURTHER LEARNINGIf you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more,please join us for one of our The future of diagnosis webinars: Tuesday 22 August 2023 (HK, SG, MY). Wednesday 23 August 2023 [C&B, UK, IE, ZA]. Wednesday 4 October 2023 (AU). Wednesday 4 October 2023 (NZ). Safer Dx Checklist. Improving Diagnosis in Medicine Change Package: Society to Improve Diagnosis (SIDM). certificate for listening is available on PRISM. Your host today was Dr Stephen Priestley. Our guest speaker today was Dr Carmel Crock. more information about Medical Protection please visit
How can we learn from diagnostic errors and improve patient safety? In this episode Ceylan Simsek and Dr Stephen Priestly speaks with Dr Silvia Mamede about the nature of clinical reasoning, sources of cognitive diagnostic errors and ways to minimise them.FURTHER LEARNING The Causes of Errors in Clinical Reasoning: Cognitive Biases, Knowledge Deficits, and Dual Process Thinking Effect on diagnostic accuracy of cognitive reasoning tools for the workplace setting: systematic review and meta-analysis. Identifying and prioritizing educational content from a malpractice claims database for clinical reasoning education in the vocational training of general practitioners. The MPS Foundation is a global not-for-profit research initiative that aims to shape the future of patient safety and the wellbeing of healthcare professionals and teams. We favour projects whose findings and outcomes can be applied to private hospital and outpatient practice or dental care environments. To find out more, visit The MPS Foundation.CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM Hosts were Ceylan Simsek. and Dr Stephen Priestley. Guest speaker was Dr Silvia Mamede. more information about Medical Protection please visit
In this fourth episode in the series Ceylan Simsek, Dr Yvonne Shaw and Professor Peter Brennan consider how understanding human factors can reduce the chance of error and improve patient safety, teamworking and lead to better morale too.SPEAKERS Ceylan Simsek. Dr Yvonne Shaw. Professor Peter Brennan. CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available for members on PRISM. FURTHER LINKSFocus on diagnosis resources for Medical Protection members.Peter Brennan research. Medical Protection
How unique are the challenges to diagnostic safety in primary care settings? In this episode Ceylan Simsek and Dr Katie Grant speak with Professor Hardeep Singh who leads a portfolio of patient safety research in improving the use of health information technology and reducing diagnostic errors in health care. FURTHER LEARNING. The global burden of diagnostic errors in primary care. (BMJ) Types and Origins of Diagnostic Errors in Primary Care Settings. (ResearchGate) CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM Hosts were Dr Ceylan Simsek. and Dr Katie Grant. speaker was Professor Hardeep Singh. more information about Medical Protection please visit
A dose of pressure

A dose of pressure


With all the pressures placed on healthcare since COVID is there – realistically - anything that can be done to remedy the inevitable wave diagnostic delays and errors? Ceylan Simsek speaks with current emergency medicine consultant, and your former RealWorld host, Dr Najeeb Rahman. FURTHER LEARNING Association between admission delays and mortality Safety Attitudes and Safety Climate Questionnaire Safety Huddles CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM Host was Ceylan Simsek Guest speaker was Dr Najeeb Rahman For more information about Medical Protection please visit
Focus on diagnosis

Focus on diagnosis


Kicking-off the Real World series and a new focus on diagnostic errors and safety is your new host, Ceylan Simsek. Tune in as Ceylan speaks with our resident expert, Dr Stephen Priestley, about what exactly constitutes a diagnostic error and why diagnosis is the most complex part of practicing medicine today. FURTHER LEARNING Research on primary care Publications to improve diagnosis: SIDM CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM Host was Dr Mark Graber Guest speaker was Dr Stephen Priestly For more information about Medical Protection please visit
Earlier in 2023 we focused on speaking up for respect and wellbeing. We want to revisit that topic to give you a chance to reflect – but at the same time introduce you to someone new. Dr Katie Grant speaks with Professor John Sandars about his latest research that looks to utilize sport psychology approaches and thinking to improve the performance of healthcare workers. The MPS Foundation The MPS Foundation is a global not-for-profit research initiative that aims to shape the future of patient safety and the wellbeing of healthcare professionals and teams. We favour projects whose findings and outcomes can be applied to private hospital and outpatient practice or dental care environments. FROM JOHN When I say… aggregation of marginal gains Applying sport psychology to improve clinical performance Using Insights From Sports Psychology to Improve Recently Qualified Doctors’ Self-Efficacy While Managing Acutely Unwell Patients Applying sport psychology in health professions education SPEAKERS Host was Dr Katie Grant Guest was Professor John Sandars For more information about Medical Protection please visit
Do all claims go to court? When do you need a lawyer? What would you do if the press called you to comment on an allegation? Dr Katie Grant speaks with Lisa Jones about how Medical Protection legal services support our members when they need it most. Tune in for insights and practical tips on how best to protection yourself. For members find further training on how best to protection yourself on PRISM If you'd like to join Medical Protection please use the link below
Medical Protection will be hosting the 'Spotlight on Risk' conference on June 25th. You can expect to hear from a number of world leaders at the conference - including Dr Kenneth Tsang who will be taling about remote consultation, prescription and medicine delivery services. REGISTER NOWSpotlight on Risk Conference June 2023. ABOUT THE CONFERENCEJune 25th, 14.00-16.15 (HKT)Online conferenceFree for both members and non-members
Medical Protection will be hosting the 'Spotlight on Risk' conference on June 25th. You can expect to hear from a number of world leaders at the conference - including Dr Bonnie Cheng, leading researcher in workplace wellbeing, recovery and anixety.REGISTER NOW THE CONFERENCEJune 25th, 14.00-16.15 (HKT)Online conferenceFree for both members and non-members
Medical Protection will be hosting the 'Spotlight on Risk' conference on May 21st. You can expect to hear from a number of world leaders at the conference - including Gareth Lock, founder of the Human Diver. REGISTER NOW ABOUT THE CONFERENCE May 21st, 13.00-15.15 (GMT-4)Online conferenceFree for both members and non-membersTHE HUMAN DIVER
In the final episode of our series on diagnostic safety we follow the story of Dr Jill Nowak and her patient Gordon Gardener. This dramatized real case illustrates just how complex diagnosis is, and what can be stake. FURTHER LEARNING If you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more:Record keeping eLearning & webinar recordings Medical Protection counselling services CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM SPEAKERS Dr Ellen Walshe. For more information about Medical Protection please visit
One case, multiple doctors, but consequences for the patient and junior doctor involved were severe. Listen in to Dr Ellen Walshe as she speaks with Dr Sam King about the dangers and fallout of letting warning signs go unnoticed. FURTHER LEARNING If you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more:Record keeping eLearning & webinar recordings Medical Protection counselling services CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM SPEAKERS Dr Ellen Walshe. Dr Sam King. For more information about Medical Protection please visit
A junior doctor, consultant and 8 year old boy. What was observed to be headaches and normal discs was eventually diagnosed as an intracranial tumour. Join us for a cautionary case that highlights the importance of record keeping and taking care of yourself too if something were to ever go wrong.FURTHER LEARNING If you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more:Record keeping eLearning & webinar recordings Medical Protection counselling services CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM SPEAKERS Dr Ellen Walshe. Ceylan Simsek. For more information about Medical Protection please visit
In the first of our Case files series, we hear from Dr Ellen Walshe and Dr Dawn McGuire as they discuss a diagnostic error case where too many assumptions led to a patient compliant.FURTHER LEARNING If you’re a member of Medical Protection and want to learn more:Record keeping eLearning & webinar recordings Medical Protection counselling services CERTIFICATE A certificate for listening is available on PRISM SPEAKERS Dr Ellen Walshe. Dawn McGuire. For more information about Medical Protection please visit
Say sorry and mean it

Say sorry and mean it


We know that errors occur in medicine, but what about dentistry? Join us for a unique case that explores human error and unprofessional conduct. FURTHER LEARNING If you’re a member of Medical Protection join us for Navigating Adverse Outcomes: Virtual Workshop Alternatively, use our Open Disclosure eLearning anytime Module 1 Module 2 CERTIFICATE A certificate is available on PRISM for members SPEAKERS Our host today was Dr John Marwick Our guest speaker today was Dr Shashitharan Sadacharan For more information about Medical Protection please visit
When doctors fall out

When doctors fall out


A surgeon and anesthetist fail to communicate, a patient suffers an adverse outcome, and both doctors end up in court. What ensues is further accusations amongst a history of unprofessional conduct, allegations and investigations. FURTHER LEARNING If you’re a member of Medical Protection join us for Consent & Shared Decision Making – Virtual Workshop Rewatch the recommended webinar Civility saves lives resources CERTIFICATE A certificate is available on PRISM for members SPEAKERS Our host today was Dr John Marwick Our guest speaker today was Dr Stephen Priestly For more information about Medical Protection please visit