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The Mellow Mama Podcast

Author: Kaitlyn

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Open conversation and discussion around conscious living and parenting inspired by all of my favorite books, resources and of course my own personal experience as a mom and person.
24 Episodes
Continuing our mini book club series for Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Chapter 6 is all about how to actually make requests and have your needs met.My Course: Moments: Communication, Marshall Rosenberg
Continuing our mini book club series for Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Chapter 5: Taking Responsibility for our Feelings, is so powerful & a practice to start for more peaceful, emotionally liberating days as a person and parent.My Course: Moments: Communication, Marshall...
Continuing our mini book club series for Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Chapter 3, Observation without Evaluation is so powerful & a practice to start for more peaceful days as a person and parent.My Course: Moments: to Read:Punished by Rewards, Alfie KohnUnconditional Parenting, Alfie KohnTeaching Johnny to Think, Leonard PeikoffInstagram:@themellowmamaYouTube:https://ww...
Hear what my dad has to say about Conscious Parenting!My Course: Moments: to Read:Punished by Rewards, Alfie KohnUnconditional Parenting, Alfie KohnTeaching Johnny to Think, Leonard PeikoffInstagram:@themellowmamaYouTube:
Continuing our mini book club series for Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Chapter 3, Observation without Evaluation is so powerful & a practice to start for more peaceful days as a person and parent.My Course: Moments: to Read:Punished by Rewards, Alfie KohnUnconditional Parenting, Alfie KohnTeaching Johnny to Think, Leonard PeikoffInstagram:@themellowmamaYouTube:https://ww...
In this episode we hear from Lydia, an elementary school teacher committed to a conscious approach to raising and in her case, teaching children. My Course: Moments: to Read:Punished by Rewards, Alfie KohnUnconditional Parenting, Alfie KohnTeaching Johnny to Think, Leonard PeikoffInstagram:@themellowmamaYouTube:
A new mini book club series on another one of my all-time favorite books! Nonviolent Communication by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. Starting with the first two chapters & developing a foundation for healthier communication skills with anyone in your life focusing on these four pillars:Observations, Feelings, Needs, and Requests.As we proceed with reviewing this material you will feel more confident in expressing yourself, but even more importantly... become a better listener and observer....
In this episode, we'll continue our discussion on Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth. This time focusing on Chapter 6, and becoming free from the Pain Body. If you have ever felt shame around being ... less than "mellow," ... if the concepts of Conscious parenting don't come easily or naturally to you, this episode will help you look at your patterns in a new light. My hope is that you listen to this and feel empowered, encouraged, uplifted AND equipped moving forward i...
In this episode we take a look at the significant impact our childhood and adolescent experiences have on our ability to communicate and connect in our romantic partnerships as adult people, helpful tools for conflict, and some simple adjustments to step away from old patterns and into new, intentional ones.Thank you for listening!Follow:@meet_thefreemans@themellowmama
In this episode we're talking all about the Pain Body! What it s, what is looks like and feels like and how it inevitably effects all of your relationships, but especially the relationship you have with your children.
I chose to do this episode for all of the women and mothers specifically who, like me, wanted a resource to become more empowered, excited and confident when it comes to investing, building and managing wealth...Allegra tailored Factora Wealth with exactly that demographic in mind and I am so happy to be a part of her community, and now her a part of mine. Being what you wish to teach your children includes this very important, yet uncomfortable for some, detail. How do we view, m...
What roles have we cultivated for ourselves to prove our lovability and value to the people and world around us? How does identifying with these roles impact us and our children?In this episode we are breaking down allllll the roles and the reason for them as well as the alternative that is truly going to give us what we want: Real authentic connection and a deep sense of recognition.Here's my course:www.themellowmama.orgInstagram:@themellowmamaTikTok:@themellowmama_YouTube:The Mellow M...
"How is your baby sleeping?" "Is she sleeping through the night?" "Oh he's not in a crib yet?" "Oh she's in a floor bed?" "How many naps does she take?" ... I could keep going on and on, but you get it.Sleep is one of the most interesting and challenging aspects of life as a parent, AND... life as a new person! Learning your baby while they learn their body and about the world around them, their level of safety and security, your availability... it can all be so, well, exhausting! But i...
While I'm all about sharing specific examples regarding a conscious relationship with our children, without a grasp on the ego and it's influence in every day interactions, REactions, and behavior... it will surely remain a challenge to implement.For this reason, I've decided to do a 4-episode long mini book club of Eckhart Tolle's book, "A New Earth" in hopes to give a thorough overview of what the Ego even is, where it comes from in us, both individually and societally, and what it looks li...
Madisun Gray in the house! If you've ever thought that your life is too crazy, your kids are too wild, and you don't have the patience to truly implement conscious parenting in your lifestyle... We have brought this episode to tell you that maybe none of that is actually true! Perhaps your pace of living and doing and go, go, go-ing is making a conscious awareness to life and parenting impossible for you. Or at the very least, hard. It's time to romanticize your life, ...
In this episode I discuss how I view emotional regulation and dysregulation as well as how to set yourself up for success as a parent and person.If you find yourself losing it, yelling, or resorting to old habits and patterns that you don't like with your children or spouse, this episode is for you. My Online Course:www.themellowmama.orgInstagram:@themellowmamaTikTok:@themellowmama_Work with me!
In this episode I uncover the root issue of almost all uncomfortable circumstances, interactions with our children, with our loved ones, and within ourselves... Self-esteem and our "scale" of lovability that was cultivated for us by our parents and their parents and so on.Let's break down the real definition of self-esteem and how each and every person is deserving of this feeling of worthiness, of value, of lovability along with how to unravel the subconscious need in many of us to seek outw...
In this episode we'll go over a simple mindset shift that will dramatically improve your relationship with your children, help you become a more conscious, present individual, and honestly... just enjoy being a parent so much more.For my Course and other Products:www.themellowmama.orgInstagram:@themellowmamaTikTok:@themellowmama_Youtube:The Mellow Mama
Are you concerned that your children need to "Learn their lesson" when they make a mistake or a bad decision? Do you think punitive measures are the best methodology for learning in those moments for our children? Did they work well for us?In this episode I'll help parents really think more deeply about this concept by reflecting on a real-life experience with my almost 5-year-old son this past winter and how my son got a very clear understanding of the consequences of his actions...
A little breakdown on setting limits and boundaries with our children in a respectful way. Not a simple, easy task... but definitely one worth more consideration than, "because I said so."