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The Messenger of the Lord
Author: The Messenger of the Lord
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© Copyright Ernesto Giro (C/O Blogtalkradio)
This show is set to provide crucial information about the Word of God and on the events soon approaching before the return of Jesus Christ! As it is written in Isaiah: "Behold my servant (JESHURUM), whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgement to the Gentiles.
He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. The voice of him that cries in the wilderness (of religious confusion), Prepare you the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God." Isaiah, 42: 1-2, 40:3 Jesus came the first time as a MESSENGER with a very important message: "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand: REPENT YOU! AND BELIEVE THE GOOD NEWS! WHAT GOOD NEWS? The GOOD NEWS that he is coming soon with GREAT POWER AND GLORY! Therefore I've been commissioned as that MESSENGER OF THE LORD who is to "Cry aloud, spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people (modern day Israel) their transgression, and the house of Jacob (the United States of America) their sins. So they can REPENT and prepare for the soon return of JESHUA!
He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. The voice of him that cries in the wilderness (of religious confusion), Prepare you the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God." Isaiah, 42: 1-2, 40:3 Jesus came the first time as a MESSENGER with a very important message: "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand: REPENT YOU! AND BELIEVE THE GOOD NEWS! WHAT GOOD NEWS? The GOOD NEWS that he is coming soon with GREAT POWER AND GLORY! Therefore I've been commissioned as that MESSENGER OF THE LORD who is to "Cry aloud, spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people (modern day Israel) their transgression, and the house of Jacob (the United States of America) their sins. So they can REPENT and prepare for the soon return of JESHUA!
134 Episodes
I have laready given you a "tremendous" and INCREDIBLE TIMELINE and "SEQUENCE OF EVENTS" YES Prophetic events spoken of by Jesus Christ from NOW till the year 2023 when He will RETURN!
TODAY we will take a look at will happen EXACTLY at His RETURN! So please STAY TUNED TO THIS AMAZING PROGRAM!
WHAT'S GOING TO BE HAPPENING IN THE WORLD SOON? WHAT ARE THE EVENTS THAT WILL BE TAKING PLACE AND ARE GOING ON NOW IN THE WORLD? In the INCREDIBLE book of Matthew the 24th and 25th Chapters Biblical Prophecy will "UNFOLD" before our eyes in "REAL TIME" and I will REVEAL you this on this show TODAY!
I will show you where we are no in Biblical prophecy according to the GREATEST prophet that ever lived: JESUS CHRIST Himself! So be prepared to be AMAZED, ASTONISHED, BEWILDERED, DUMFOUNDED, MESMERIZED, SHOCKED and SURPRISED TODAY!
This is sort of an "ADDENDUM" to my book: The 9th Woman: A TRUE Story of Faith, Hope and Love and it was included in the book as a lesson in Biblical numerology. You know it's really an AMAZING and ASTONISHING thing how God uses NUMEROLOGY to speak to us and shows things that we should and MUST KNOW!
So in this particular segment I will be thoroughly explaining and expoundind this precious and IMPORTANT TRUTH of the BIBLE!
Today we will conclude this INCREDIBLE and "thought provoking" program as we explore more of the Jesuit/Illuminati involvement in the world!
People are initiated into the Mysteries by degrees. Those who possess the correct attributes continue to rise to the higher degrees. This method of progression through initiation ensures the complete indoctrination of the initiate into the philosophical teaching of the Mysteries.
Who are these people? They are the members of all the various secret societies and fraternal organizations such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, the Vatican and many many more. It should be stressed that the majority of the members of these secret societies are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society, church or lodge. The higher initiates are known as the 'adepts' or 'keepers of the secrets of all ages.' The members may belong to any religion when they join the society, yet when they reach the higher echelons and become the adepts, I assure you they all practice the same religion.
For example many people don't know that America was discovered by the "Knights Templar" and that they in fact sponsored the voyages of Masonic Chrisptopher Columbus hence the three ships with the "RED CROSS" symbol of the Templars. Also unbekownst to many is the fact that within masonic circles as in the Church of Rome there is a GREAT cult to various goddesses of ancient mythology one of these is the cult to the Roman goddess: COLUMBIA (yes the same one represented by Columbia Pictures) hence the masonic Spanish leaders dedicated the island of Cuba, my homeland to this goddess! They did it in typical "abbreviated" way to sort of hide the true meaning of this nation's name! By just calling it CUBA (short for ColUmBiA). Notice also how freemason Jesuit Simon Bolivar created "LA GRAN COLOMBIA" also in honor of this goddess. And masonic jeuit president George Washington created Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia). YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!
The Hidden Truth of the New World Order (taken from my book: THE PLAIN AND SIMPLE HIDDEN TRUTH OF THE AGES)
Is this scheme to establish a New World Order in fact a reality? Yes it is. If you do not believe this I encourage you to study the United Nations documents and also the treaties which, once ratified by individual nations, become INTERNATIONAL LAW. The United Nations created the Commission for Global Governance, if you don't believe this, visit the United Nations website and look it up.
The Commission for Global Governance released a report: Our Global Neighborhood, that predicates a world court, a global tax, and global police force. And the U.S. State Department Publication 7277 outlines a one world police force under the United Nations. So many prominent world leaders are calling for a one world government the intention is obvious. Yet most people are so occupied by life's responsibilities, careers, sports and television, they have little time to study what's going on in the corridors of power.
The coming one world government is being set up in the political arena under the flag of the United Nations, through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome whose members include many world leaders, media personalities and other influential people. The published goal of the Council of Foreign Relations for example is a one world government. And although most have never heard of many of these groups, they do exist, and they are very influential. The core of these groups hold to "illuminist" philosophy.
As we continue with this INCREDIBLE and "thought provoking" show we will learn a bit more about the ILLUMINATI and the JESUITS and their "secret" AGENDA TO RULE THE WORLD!
On this show I will reveal how the CIA, the FBI, the INS, IMF, TSA, IRA, HLS and other Federal agencies are truly catholic organizations created by the Jesuits in America. As you can see in the pictures on the SLIDESHOW which I have uploaded the Jesuit influence had taken over America and most of the world for the longest time! So please again be prepared to be ASTONISHED, BEWILDERED, DUMBFOUNDED, SHOCKED and SURPRISED!
There is already a REAL concensus and acknowledgement that there is a "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" ruling the world behind the scenes! Some have called it: "THE POWERS THAT BE!" and they are known by many different names and organizations including the UNITED NATIONS! The Plain and Simple Hidden TRUTH is that every conceivable "SECRET ORDER" and organization out there has their "dark hand" on the affairs of this world whether directly or indirectly could be subject for further discussion but nevertheless it is NO SECRET to most that this is an ACTUALITY and a REALITY of life and it's no longer a "conspiracy theory" but A TRUE FACT!
It is my intent and purpose on this show TODAY to "unmask" and expose those who are behind this "nefarious" plot and AGENDA! And you will be AMAZED, ASTONISHED, BEWILDERED, DUMBFOUNDED, MESMERIZED, SHOCKED and truly SURPRISED with what I'm about to unveil on this program! That's why I advice you and suggest that you STAY TUNED and be prepared to be OVERWHELMED!
TODAY as I continue reading to you from the pages of my life and the "transitions" and lessons I had to go through in order to find my TRUE AND REAL LOVE GIGI, you will get to know more about me and how my experiences have been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am TODAY! I feel is important that I read this book on this show so you can get the gyst of it and hopefully it inspires you and delights you in such a way because of the way it's written and the amazing storytelling it has to get your own copy online at and a FREE epub or ebook copy at
The Bible mentions many fine examples of women like Sarah, Ruth, Rebeccah, Rachel, Esther and many others as well as some "BAD GIRLS" like Delilah and Jezebel so this day which the world at large recognizes and celebrates as the "official" WOMAN'S DAY I wanted to talk about and introduce to you my NEW book: The 9th Woman: A TRUE Story of Faith, Hope and Love! I wrote this book as a testimony to the Romantic "transitions" in my life and as a TRIBUTE to the TRUE LOVE of my life my wife GIGI: THE 9TH WOMAN IN MY LIFE!
The continual punishment of God upon "Modern Day" Israel with "unquencheable" wild fires and forest fires in particular the state of California in the U.S. has recently made "HEADLINES" ALL OVER THE WORLD! Many lives have been lost already, animals and also many celebrities homes have been destroyed and the question we ALL should ask is WHY?
In EVERYTHING that takes place in the world as we ALL know there's always a "CAUSE" and "EFFECT" and the problems being faced by the people of California with the "CONSUMING FIRE OF GOD" is no different! And the reason why these things are happening is because of SIN and DESOBEDIENCE to God's LAW and COMMANDMENTS!
God has had it already with the REBELLION and "non-repentance" of His "stiff-necked" people ISRAEL! Notice what's written concerning this in Jeremiah, 7:18-20: "The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven (MARY), and to pour out drink offerings unto OTHER GODS! THAT THEY MAY PROVOKE ME TO ANGER! Do they provoke me to anger? Saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? (YES THEY DO!)
Verse 20: "Therefore thus saith the LORD GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon THE TREES OF THE FIELD, and upon the fruit of the ground; AND IT SHALL BURN, AND SHALL NOT BE QUENCHED!"
Are we living in the End Times? Is World War 3 IMMINENT? What's going to happen in the world from NOW? Are we at the very "crossroads" and at the brink of NUCLEAR COSMOCIDE and TOTAL ANIHILATION? TONIGHT I will answer ALL these questions and will expound and show you "9 PROOFS AND REASONS WHY WE'RE LIVING IN THE TIME OF THE END?
In Matthew the 24th Chapter, Jesus Christ "the GREATEST NEWSCASTER that ever lived" gave us a sort of "timeline" and sequence of events that would take place EXACTLY at the TIME OF THE END, the times we are living NOW!
In 2017 we started hearing a lot of rumors of WAR and many nuclear threats from such hostile nations as North Korea and Russia this obviously fulfilling the scriptures found in Matthew 24: 6: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for ALL these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet!"
Many have criticized me in the past and even NOW about my austerity, and my passionate way of preaching, teaching and expounding the Word of God as being too LOUD, too TOUGH and just PLAIN froward, straightforward and STRONG! In other words THEY DON'T LIKE ME! And I'm fine with that! Jesus said in John, 15:18: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." I don't care what they think or say of me and if I'm not likeable or popular as a Preacher. But unlike the preachers and teachers of this world's churches and specially those with MEGA churches, I decided to "make my calling and election sure" as we read in 2 Peter, 1:10 by obeying THE WORD OF GOD and teaching and expounding the PLAIN And SIMPLE HIDDEN TRUTH of the BIBLE!
As I was telling you my FRIENDS and BRETHREN in the previous podcast, I have been chosen, and called and inspired by God ALMIGHTY to sound the ALARM AND WARN YOU OF THE PERILS AHEAD! Specally to His People "MODERN DAY ISRAEL!"
And so NOW I shall continue with this VERY IMPORTANT message which God wanted me to GIVE YOU TODAY!
I am an APOSTLE OF GOD, an EVANGELIST, a "modern day" PROPHET, a WATCHMAN and a "MESSENGER OF THE LORD!' Preparing the WAY for the soon coming return of JESUS CHRIST with POWER and GREAT GLORY upon the Earth SHORTLY!
You see JESUS CHRIST himself was MESSENGER who came with a very IMPORTANT and INCREDIBLE message mor than 2000 years ago! And you can read about it in Mark the 1st Chapter beginning in verse 14: "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel fo the KINGDOM OF GOD! And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: REPENT YE, AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL (GOOD NEWS)" You see He was a NEWSCASTER who came to bring WONDERFUL NEWS!
TODAY, amidst ALL of the turmoil, the problems, the CHAOTIC events we see around the world specially in the US or "modern day" Israel, I want to also bring you some GOOD NEWS!
TODAY most of the world will be celebrating and observing a very EVIL and WICKED DAY! HALLOWEEN otherwise known as "ALL HOLLOWS EVE" in many circles of "TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY!"
It is the most FRIGHTFUL, SATANIC and FEARFUL day of the year, it's the day of the devil and witches, warlocks and all practitioners of the OCCULT, WITCHCRAFT, WICCA, and SATAN WORSHIPING! As I mentioned yesterday it is truly a DAY OF FEAR!
There is another type of healthy FEAR! The Fear of getting run over by a truck keeps us from walking in the middle of the road. I'm not worried about the guy that doesn't have the courage to walk in the middle of the road, I'm worried about the guy that will and thinks nothing of it. But that's not the kind of fear that usually gets us in trouble is it?
Are you being tormented by fear? Are you currently a target of the enemy? Look at what John said we should know about this enemy of our souls.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
SOON most of the world will be celebrating and observing a very EVIL and WICKED DAY! HALLOWEEN otherwise known as "ALL HOLLOWS EVE" in many circles of "TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY!"
It is the most FRIGHTFUL, SATANIC and FEARFUL day of the year, it's the day of the devil and witches, warlocks and all practitioners of the OCCULT, WITCHCRAFT, WICCA, and SATAN WORSHIPING! It is a day which represents evil spirit-beings walking the earth and visiting homes at the midnight hour and casting spells and wreaking havoc and producing GREAT FEAR upon those who dare not treat them with offerings and sacrifices hence the popular expression of this TERRIBLE day: "TRICK OR TREAT!"
NOW we live in a world which already full of FEARS and WORRIES! A world at the brink of COSMOCIDE and ANHILATION of ALL HUMANITY by NUCLEAR CONFRONTATION!
It is a very DARK AGE we live in my friends and brethren an age full of DANGER, APALLING EVILS, FRIGHTENING EVENTS, GREAT TURMOIL and STRIFE, "HIGH ANXIETY"! A world where "INIQUITY" abounds and the love of many has waxed COLD! Quoting Christ's own words in Mathew the 24th Chapter verse 12.
Last Thursday I told you about the FALSE PREACHERS and the FALSE PROPHETS of these world's churches and tonight I will add and talk more about this topic and subject from God's Word! I want you to notice what God himself says about them in Isaiah, 28: 7-13: "But they have also erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet (preacher) have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of THE WAY through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is noplace clean.
Whom shall He (God) teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts (those who are babes in Christ).
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to His people.
To Whom He said, this is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken."
The world of "Christendom" has been seriously and "wickedly" been compromised and infiltrated by the CHURCH OF ROME, the "GREAT WHORE" of Revelation 17. The Apostasy had began way back in the 2nd century when Emperor Constantine decided to "christianize" the secular Roman Empire turning it into what is known now as "THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" which is a temporal and ecclesiastical system that observes, practices and teaches Pagan customs, rituals and traditions using the name of Christ and it is in effect known in the Bible as "BABYLON, MYSTERY RELIGION!"
Out of this system through the so called: "PROTESTANT REFORMATION" which was headed by Martin Luther many other so called "Christian" churches emerged which have been identified as the daughters of the GREAT mother church who rebelled against it yet seems to follow the same Pagan customs and traditions of its mother. And now due to a tremendous work of infiltration of the Jesuit Order in the Protestant circles and seminaries and by creating and manipulating doctrines thru the "ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT" and the "CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT" and other LIES, HERESIES and DOGMAS which have been readily accepted by "mainstream Christianity" like "THE RAPTURE THEORY", "DISPENSATIONALISM", "FUTURISM", and other "NON-BIBLICAL" teachings and theological concepts which are not SOUND DOCTRINE! From such popular and "world famous" religious leaders like: Pope Francis 1, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Jerry Savelle, John Hagee, Rod Parsley, Kenneth Hagin, Bill Winston, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, Jerry Falwell, Thomas Ice, Ed Hinson, Pat Roberston, Paul LaLonde, Paul Weyrich, Jimmy Swaggart and off course other FALSE PROPHETS like Jim Jones! So let's see what the Bible says!
It seems that even at an early age in my life during my teen years I was instructed into learning how to fight. So I was trained in popular Martial Arts like Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Karate or the way of the KATAS, and self taught Kung Fu in particular the "Jeet Kune Do" style of Bruce Lee. I only made it to "green belt" but it was enough knowledge and training in "self defense" to take care of myself and save any "damsel in distress". And like Lee I became very avid handling the "nunchakis". But all of that physical training and knowledge acquired has gone sort of "dormant" and placed somewhere in a remote corner of my mind, ever since I gave my life to God and Jesus Christ His Son, and to the ministry and instead had to "retrain" my mind into a more DANGEROUS and more "overwhelming" type of FIGHT! The "SPIRITUAL ONE" a fight more compelling, more "fierce" and more INCREDIBLE than any PHYSICAL fight!
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