The Michael Moore Podcast

Academy Award-winning filmmaker and political provocateur Michael Moore offers his subversive and humorous take on the issues of the day and talks to a wide range of people from comedians and politicians to the people who’ve tried to kill him. Plus various mischief with Mike’s friends, family and the neighbors who don’t work for the NSA.

Ep. 326: Does Trump Think That All Sharks Are Catholic?

Or is it just Hannibal Lecter? Or just the ones in Springfield, Ohio? For some bizarre, candidacy-ending reason, Trump is frightened mostly by visitors from Catholic countries. Is it the germs? Or is it the geese? For more of Michael's work, subscribe at ******************** This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 325: First Gaza, Then the West Bank, Israel Expands the Ethnic Cleansing

The killing of Palestinians continues. We are the bank. We are the arms dealer. President Biden, more blood on your hands. Please. Please. Stop. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Find a Debate Watch Party near you: ******************** This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features.


Ep. 324: Michael Moore is Feeling Pretty Damn Good

Michael Moore can't believe how the tables have turned. Two months ago, the result of our upcoming 2024 presidential election seemed a foregone conclusion, and a second Trump presidency seemed inevitable. But now — just 71 days before the November 5th election — Michael dares to feel hopeful that we may just elect not only our first woman president, but our most progressive! Also on today's episode, Michael discusses the one stain on an otherwise spotless Democratic Convention: Their disrespect of Palestinian-Americans by not letting a single one of them speak on the stage. Shame! We, their allies, will not be silent about the slaughter in Gaza.  More to come in Mike’s next Substacks and Podcasts! Sign up (it's free!) at ******************** Music in today's episode: "Lollipop" — The Chordettes ******************** This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 322: Now, We Crush Trump: 100 Days to a Better World

Michael Moore sounds the bugle! Election Day is just 100 days from today. Does Trump even know what happened this week? Welcome to the New American Majority, Mr. Trump. There are more of us than there are of you! 79% of the voters in November will be either female, people of color or under 39 yrs old or a combination of all three! How are you doing with these groups of Americans? Well, enjoy the next 100 days! For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Episode Underwriters: 1) Babbel. Right now listeners of this podcast get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at Rules and restrictions may apply. 2) Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 321: “Elder Abuse” is Refusing to Give the President a Neurological Exam — and Instead PUSHING Him to “Soldier On”

A message from Michael Moore: "It’s definitely a unique strategy: Defeat Trump by letting Biden have a stroke (or worse). Here is the podcast version of my written plea for someone to please step in and get President Biden the medical evaluation and help he so obviously needs. An amazing one out of five of our 45 previous presidents have NOT made it to the end of their term. The Founders anticipated this and created an easy solution. We all voted for her in 2020 just in case of and for exactly this reason. Stop wasting another minute! We need every one of the next 122 days for the millions of us to be out there doing the work we must do to block Trump from returning to the White House.  President Biden, thank you for the good you have done. You will be remembered throughout the ages. But not if you let your enablers hound you into doing what your body is begging you not to do. Be the one who not only stopped Trump, but also the brave man who gave us our first woman in the Oval Office. She will complete your mission — and we will stand beside her.  THIS is your moment in history. Let the doctors examine you. Then do the right thing." For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Read Michael’s Substack column that today’s podcast is based on: “We Are Asking the Wrong Question About Joe Biden on this Fourth of July” ******************** The underwriter for today’s episode is Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 320: Making Sure Louisiana Posts God’s NEW 10 Commandments in Every Classroom

Last week the state of Louisiana enacted a new law requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom in every school in the state — from kindergarten to the final year of college. But it looks like Louisiana will be posting the wrong 10 Commandments. God has recently updated his original 10 from the Bible. He/She/They spoke to Michael Moore and asked him to share the New 10 Commandments 7.0 with his podcast audience… For more of Michael's work, please subscribe to his podcast at ******************** "God Bless America" — Kate Smith ******************** Episode underwriters: 1) Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. 2) Babbel. Right now listeners of this podcast get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at Rules and restrictions may apply. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 319: The Trump Crime Family Reckoning

Finally, after 50 years of wrongdoing, the Trump machine is brought to justice. On this episode of Michael Moore’s podcast, Mike asks the State and City of New York what took so long and notes how well a jury of Trump’s peers did for all of us. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Watch The Tonight Show's new anthem for Trump featured in today's episode: ******************** Music: "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" — The Wizard of Oz ******************** This week's episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 318: Alito Flies a Treason Flag, Gov. Abbott Pardons and Frees the Killer of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word

On his podcast this week, Michael Moore notices that current high level officials at the Supreme Court and the Governors from Red States seem ready to do January 6th all over again — except this time, do it right and win. Plus Mike’s podcast team attends a riveting press conference of Campus Encampment leaders that the press chose not to cover. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Episode Underwriters: 1) Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. 2) Moink. Moink brings additive-free, farm-fresh meat right to your door, and supports independent family farmers in the process. Go to right now and get FREE bacon for a YEAR. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 317: President Biden’s Political Science Theater 3000 (a running commentary on free speech and the “rule of law”)

Last week our President offered to school the young on when speech and assembly are free and tolerable — and when they are NOT! Michael Moore offers his own running commentary with his annotated verbal notes on where Biden has it right, and where he has it so weirdly, mistakenly wrong (see: Old White Dude vs Ancient White Man or Michigan v. Delaware, 2024). For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 316: The Protest was Peaceful. Then the Violent Police Showed Up. (Part 2: Voices of a New Generation)

Michael Moore’s podcast pays another visit to the anti-war encampment on the campus of the City College of New York. The students’ peaceful protest is suddenly interrupted by the aggressive NYPD who show up to conduct a mass arrest and use force to hurt and injure young people demanding peace, divestment and a better world. Listen to it here, as it happened and as we recorded it. Voices that are not heard on mainstream media. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 315: The Genie That Will Never Go Back in the Bottle (Part 1: Voices of a New Generation)

It's a Novel Idea: Let The Students Speak On this week’s episodes of Michael Moore’s podcast, Mike and his crew disobey the college presidents and NYC’s Mayor Adam’s orders to “outsiders” to stay off the campuses and to stop trying to “radicalize” our youth (because young people don’t have a mind of their own). Mike’s crew (Angie, Donald, and “Anonymous”) paid a visit to protest encampments made up of students from Columbia, City College, City University (CUNY), NYU, etc. to hear directly from the brilliant student organizers of these historic demonstrations. These are the voices you won’t hear on the mainstream media. Listen here to their eloquence and passion as they take a stand for the Palestinian people.   For more of Michael’s work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Episode Underwriters: 1. Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. 2. Moink. Moink brings additive-free, farm-fresh meat right to your door, and supports independent family farmers in the process. Go to right now and get FREE bacon for a YEAR. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 314: The Union Revolution Takes a Massive Turn Forward. Plus — College Students Rise Up Against Apartheid, Genocide

On this episode of Michael Moore’s podcast, we learn about the UAW’s history-making plan to bring union wages, union benefits and a paid vacation to every working class American. You in? Your grandparents had a pension. Working people have been put through the grinder. Now it’s time that the wealthy paid for their sins.  Also — thank the universe for the protesting college students of America. As Netanyahu and Biden continue the slaughter of the innocents, young Americans are fighting back. It is an amazing and inspiring sight! Let’s support them in every way that we can. As their signs say on their encampments: SILENCE IS VIOLENCE.  Not in our name. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Episode Underwriters: 1) Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! 2) Moink. Moink brings additive-free, farm-fresh meat right to your door, and supports independent family farmers in the process. Go to right now and get FREE bacon for a YEAR. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 313: Eve of Destruction

In this episode of his podcast, Michael Moore takes a look back on what happened on this day in history. He also won’t let up on reminding Biden that he (Biden) is going to be personally responsible for putting Trump back in the White House. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Music in today's episode: "Eve Of Destruction" — Barry McGuire ******************** Today's episode of Rumble with Michael Moore is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 311: Down is Up, War Is Peace, Ignorance is Strength — or, There Is No Such Thing as Abdominal Surgery, and Why You’re Afraid Trump Could Win.

On today’s podcast with Michael Moore, Mike answers the burning questions surrounding the disappearance of the Princess of Wales and then dumps a bucket of ice water on us so we can wake up and finally admit the Central Truths we didn’t want to acknowledge in 2016: A. Trump is smarter than us. If you don’t think so, then stop right now and tell me how YOU could get elected President while sexually assaulting women (then bragging about it); lying about your worth in order to defraud banks and not pay your taxes; and finally ordering state officials to stuff a ballot box with 11,780 nonexistent votes for you. He may be an idiot and a bigot, but he’s also an evil genius (with the emphasis on genius).  B. Trump has never been convicted of a crime, and has never spent a single night in jail. How delusional do we have to be to believe that after a 50-year career of Trump committing one perfect crime after another that suddenly now his unbroken streak of evading the law is going to come to an end?! C. The Special Prosecutor will not save us. Fani Willis will not save us. The Trump-appointed Bankers Boxes judge will not save us. The electoral college will definitely not save us. Joe Biden’s campaign staff will not save us. Stormy Daniels will not save us.  The only ones who can save us is ourselves.  Are you ready? For more of Michael’s work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** Watch Director Jonathan Glazer’s Oscar-acceptance speech after winning Best International Feature for his film THE ZONE OF INTEREST: ******************** This week’s episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 310: Biden Must Save Biden From Himself. It's the Only Way to Ensure Trump Never Sets Foot in the Oval Office Again.

Over 100,000 Michigan voters in the Democratic Presidential Primary last week sent a message to Biden. Their message was strong and clear: End this war. Stop funding Israel's slaughter. Young voters in this 21st century will not support a president who funds a massacre, and if Biden continues to ignore the wishes of the vast majority of Americans, he will lose thousands of people in November who simply won't vote, and Trump will win by default. For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** This week's episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 309: In Michigan Tuesday, We Ask the President to Listen to Michigan

Stunned by his refusal to stop funding Netanyahu’s slaughter in Gaza with our tax dollars — an action that may return Trump to the Oval Office — thousands in Michigan who are demanding an immediate ceasefire, including the statewide teachers union, the United Auto Workers, the National Nurses Union and the union of flight attendants(!) plus many others on Tuesday will vote “Uncommitted” to help save Biden from himself… and save the rest of us from a 2nd Term Trump. As Michelle Goldberg wrote in the Times on Friday, "Biden is in danger of losing Michigan and, with it, the whole election." For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his Substack at ******************** See footage of the lone protestor who, armed with a loudspeaker, made sure "Free, Free Palestine!" and "Ceasefire Now!" was heard over and over — for 2 hours straight — at the Independent Spirit Awards on Sunday night: Watch Yuval Abraham’s powerful acceptance speech at the Berlin International Film Festival: Read Michelle Goldberg’s New York Times op-ed “Biden Is in Danger of Losing Michigan and, With It, the Whole Election” ******************** Episode Underwriters: Netflix and their powerful film “Society of the Snow” — nominated for 2 Academy Awards including Best International Feature Film. Available on Netflix now! Moink brings additive-free, farm-fresh meat right to your door, and supports independent family farmers in the process. Go to right now and get FREE bacon for a YEAR. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 308: The True Number of Trump’s Fines ($650M!); Only Trump Gets to Prosecute the Prosecutor; Is Biden Trying to Throw the Election to Trump by Funding the Slaughter in Gaza?

It all seems like utter madness.  For more of Michael's work, subscribe to his podcast at ******************** Music in today's episode: "Mindtrain" — Yoko Ono ******************** Today's episode is brought to you by Netflix and their masterful film "Maestro" — nominated for 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture. Available now on Netflix. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 307: So Long Old Year, Hello New Year

On New Year’s, Mike stares down a pint of Guinness and reflects on the year ahead. ******************** Watch "Planet of the Humans" now, for free, on my YouTube channel! ******************** Music in today's episode: "Auld Lang Syne" — Knights to Remember "Auld Lang Syne" — Home Free ******************** Episode underwriters: 1) Shopify — Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. 2) Moink — Moink brings additive-free, farm-fresh meat right to your door, and supports independent family farmers in the process. Go to right now and get FREE ground beef for a YEAR. ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 306: A White Flag, a New Impeachment, and Me and Clinton outside the Port-O-John

Our descent into madness continues. The U.S. blocked a U.N. peace resolution calling for a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza, three escaped Israeli hostages, waving a white flag, were gunned down by Israeli soldiers, and the U.S. House of Representatives voted to authorize an impeachment inquiry against Biden with zero evidence of wrongdoing — the very definition of a lunacy.  In this episode of Rumble, Michael Moore calls on Biden to stop backing Netanyahu, and recalls a conversation he had with former President Clinton, exactly 25 years ago, less than two days before Clinton’s impeachment vote. ******************** Call your Congress representatives and demand a cease-fire in Gaza: U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 ******************** Episode Underwriters: 1) This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www./ to get 10% off your first month, and get on your way to being your best self.  2) Babbel — Start speaking a new language with Babble in just 3 weeks! Get 55% off at ******************** Write to Mike:


Ep. 305: A Message for All to Hear

A month or so ago, Rage Against the Machine was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Its acclaimed guitarist, Tom Morello, accepted the honor on behalf of the group — and gave one of the most powerful calls to action we've ever heard. On today’s podcast, Michael Moore shares it with you. ******************** Music in this episode: “Sleep Now in the Fire” — Rage Against The Machine ******************** Episode underwriter: Shopify — Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at [all lowercase] and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. ******************** Write to Mike:


skidL Guice

Your silence on the trump assassination attempt speaks volumes.

08-06 Reply

Steven Halla

KHive 2024

07-07 Reply


So good Michael to hear a strong pro union voice that you are known for. We have a strong union culture in Australia that's taken a big hit but is also facing a resurgence. I think workers understand they're stronger together than apart. I see industries uniting under union banners. Their wins inspire others. And the movement gathers momentum.

04-30 Reply


A breath of fresh air!

03-29 Reply


Brilliant! stop the genocide!

03-29 Reply
















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