The Millionaire Marriage

Do you ever feel like you’re just “going through the motions'' in your marriage? Well, good news: That’s exactly why we’re here! Millionaire Marriage has worked to combine financial and marriage expertise to help couples around the world. Our job is to get down to the nitty-gritty—the real problems that people don’t like talking about, or even avoid altogether. Join us as Taylor Kovar, financial advisor, and Jeremy Gilliam, marriage and family therapist, dive deep into discovering the real secret to a thriving relationship. It’s time to find the WEALTH in your marriage. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Signs Your Marriage Is In Trouble

In this episode, we are whipping out all of the red flags, warning signs, caution tape, and pretty much anything else that would indicate that your marriage may be headed for danger. Often times in our marriages, these red flags start out very small and seemingly harmless. But then BOOM! You wake up one day and you might as well be wearing a red flag, because that's how bad it's gotten. We're here to shed some light on our top 3 signs that your marriage is in trouble, and giving you actionable steps to take to get these issues under control now before it's too late. Join us as we dive in to these 3 topics: #1 - The Flinch #2 - Preferring To Be Alone #3 - Sleeping In Separate Bedrooms You ready? Let's go!  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Navigating Marriage With Small Children

“I can’t wait to have a baby, it will bring us so much closer and make our relationship so strong!” Uhhh… in a perfect world, possibly. The reality? Kids are a blessing straight from heaven, but it’s no secret that having kids changes everything about your life—including your relationship with each other.  In this episode, Taylor and Jeremy give some insight into how their relationships changed after taking the next step in becoming a parent, and how through those experiences, they learned how to navigate this untalked-about territory. Whether you’re already a parent or kids are the furthest thing from your mind, this episode is good for everyone! Let’s jump in! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Money Mistakes In Marriage

Did you know that 80% of marriages that end in divorce are due to money-related issues? I don’t know about you, but to us, that statistic is a bit sickening! In this episode, Taylor sheds some light on the couples that come through his investment firm with these same issues, and how important it is to get on the same page with your finances. Debt or no debt? What is a money personality? And of course, our all-time favorite… The “Breadwinner” mentality. We’re breaking down some of the biggest money mistakes that could be destroying your marriage, and discussing the ways you can work yourselves out of it before it’s too late. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


MYTH BUSTERS: 6 Marriage Killing Myths

Does your spouse know exactly what you need at the exact moment when you need it?  Does sex really get boring after the newlywed phase?  Does having kids bring you and your spouse closer?  There is ONE universal path in marriage that EVERYONE should follow….. Hmm.. These sound pretty sketch if you ask us. They may be interesting topics at first glance, but don’t worry, there's no need to call the cast of Mythbusters because in this episode, Jeremy and Taylor are BUSTING these unbelievable marriage myths left and right! Tune in and see which marriage myths you may be believing. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Overcoming Relational Gridlock

Surprise surprise! You thought we were taking a break, but we're back with Season 5! In this episode, we're jumping into the definition of relational gridlock. What is it and what do we do about it? Relational Gridlock is when you're no longer willing to compromise on your needs, values, and integrity in your relationship. Aaaand if you've been married for any length of time, you know this can create HUGE issues if not resolved. We're giving you all the tips on HOW to not only overcome but get OUT of the trenches of relational gridlock. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Seasons Of Change

Life is full of changes, and not everyone handles change very well. You may see change as an exhilarating adventure and welcome it with open arms! Buuuuut your spouse, on the other hand, may get anxious about change, causing them to be worried, upset, or even depressed.  Naturally, this can cause friction in your relationship. You’ve heard us jump into this topic before, but this time we’re giving you 5 things to remember while in transition.  Let’s check it out! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


How Childhood Abuse Affects Your Marriage

We had the honor of sitting down with Dr. Eugene Wilson and his wife, Kerri, as they shared their story of how they have navigated marriage after experiencing childhood abuse.  This is never an easy topic to discuss, but we know that there are so many people who are facing this same reality, day in and day out. If you're looking for hope today, you've come to the right place.  Join us as the Wilsons discuss the childhood trauma that could have destroyed their marriage, and how through God's grace and learning true forgiveness, they were able to heal. *Please note that this episode may contain words, phrases, and experiences that may be triggering to some listers --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Why You Treat Your Spouse Like A Child

It's probably safe to say that if you're married, you and your spouses are probably not children anymore. So why do we continue to treat our spouses like they're kids who need our continued instruction and coddling? Serving your spouse is one thing, but enabling them is a whooooole different story. In this episode, we're covering the different angles of why you may be treating your spouse like that, or why they treat YOU that way.  Is it a trust issue?  The need for control?  The way you saw mom & dad treat each other, so now you're continuing the pattern? Whatever it boils down to, the point is: You're their partner, not their parent.  Put on those steel-toed shoes and let's jump in!  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


The Roommate Phase

Mostly everyone knows what it’s like to live with a roommate. It can be great if they pay rent on time, clean up after themselves, and allow both of you to do your own thing without any questions or obligations. But once you enter into married life, that roommate stage is supposed to be over with. Or is it?  Unfortunately, so many couples are still living their normal, everyday lives, as though they’re just rooming with one another. You do your thing, I’ll do mine, and we can even have separate bedrooms! Sounds great, right? Ehhh… not exactly. This isn’t just something you wake up to one day, the separation from your spouse is a slow drift, leaving you with thoughts like “How did we get here? How did this happen?” From how to start implementing nonsexual touch, to the harsh reality of sexless marriages, to just wanting to live in peace with your “bestie”, we’re covering it all! Let’s go! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Young Love: Marriage, Kids, & Everything Inbetween

Ahh, young love. Sweet, sweet young love. We've BOTH been there. Actually, both of our marriages started out as young love... so this is a topic we're wildly familiar with! In this episode, we're jumping into the good, the bad, and the ugly of young love and everything that comes along with it.  Getting married young helped us both realize that there are some learning processes and life experiences that you don't necessarily have automatically. There are a lot of aspects to your marriage, and life in general, that come with age and experience. How do I know if I'm ready for marriage? How do we pay the bills? When should we have kids? When should we buy our first home? There are several things that we need to know individually before adding another person to the equation. Working on being the best version of YOU that you can be BEFORE you get married, will ultimately help set you up to be a great spouse whenever that day does come. Don't get us wrong, we're NOT saying you should not get married young—we're living proof that it CAN work! But just make sure that you are ready. Let's dive in!  **PLEASE NOTE: This episode was recorded via Zoom, so you may notice minor sound fluctuations. ** --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Marriage During Economic Crisis

It's no secret that we're living in times that most of us never even thought possible. Between recovering from 2 years of a worldwide pandemic, to the rise of inflation, and all of the political division in between, marriages and families are hurting! In this episode, we're giving you 5 things to remember and put into practice in order to make your marriage thrive in the middle of what seems to be an economic crisis.  Check out these 5 things and let's get started!  1. Control What You Can Control 2. Don't Live By Fear 3. Don't Take Your Frustrations Out On Your Spouse Or Kids 4. Be Creative With Date Night 5. Stand On Promises In The Word Of God **PLEASE NOTE: This episode was recorded via Zoom and may have minor sound fluctuations** --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Journey To Modern Frugality

We had the honor of hosting Jen and Jill from The Frugal Friends Podcast this week! We talk about the debt-free journey and living a frugal lifestyle. Combined with their spouses, these two have worked themselves out of $100K+ of debt. What might have started as a “pity” friendship has turned into a debt-free, frugal living support system not only for them, but extending to their following. Jen and Jill have made it their mission to help people overcome their debt and learn how to live in that freedom afterwards. But of course, in true Millionaire Marriage fashion, we had to dig into the martial side of things! Both ladies share the struggles they faced along with their spouses during those times of extreme frugality, and how they worked together to overcome all of the obstacles along the way! So come join us, and shift your mindset on frugal living! **Please note: This episode was recorded via Zoom and may have minor sound fluctuations** --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Legacies: What Are They Going To Say?

Legacies can feel daunting to achieve, but when it comes to leaving one, it’s best if you start at the end and work backward. At your funeral, how do you want people to remember you? I know, that’s pretty deep… but once you figure that one out, it boils down to making those words and ideas into a reality.  In this episode, Jeremy and Taylor dive into the ins and outs of leaving behind legacies, and what they want theirs to be. They chat about 3 areas you can leave a legacy behind: financial, spiritual, and emotional, and how to cultivate what you want out of those areas.  What does it mean to “leave a legacy”? Let’s find out!  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Are Screens Raising Your Kids?

Welcome to 2022, where we introduce phones, iPads, and screens of every shape and size into our kiddos lives from the moment they’re old enough to focus their eyes. Don’t worry, we’re just as guilty of this. It’s so easy to give your kids a screen in order to keep them entertained, but when does it become an actual hindrance to their social development? If we’re not careful, we’ll use “screen time” as a babysitter and leave our kiddos feeling like they have to stay in a constant state of entertainment. By limiting screen time, we help teach our children how to interact with people in real life, how to dream and use their imaginations, and how to pay attention. Limits are good, boundaries are good, and kids WANT boundaries. Let’s talk about how to set them, and stick to them. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Rubber Band Marriage

Everyone has the moment when you hit a wall in your marriage, and something breaks. What you do in response to those moments is pivotal to the health of your marriage.  Let’s think about it as if your marriage is your body. In order to steer clear of sickness, you build up your immune system: you take vitamins, get familiar with your body's normals, and seek help if something is wrong.    The vitamins for your marriage would be communication, understanding, grace, and collaboration among other things. Get familiar with your spouse and how things normally work in your marriage, what is the give/take, and how do you best talk to your partner?  Building a good foundation and practices in your marriage is the key to having a resilient marriage. They don’t happen by accident. Great marriages are formed through pressure, trials, and triumph.  They are steeped in flexibility. Finding the right rhythm for you and your spouse is pertinent to how well you will handle the adversity and ultimately come out stronger. If you take an elastic band and stretch it to its absolute limit, when you release the band, what happens? It returns to its original state. When your marriage is built on the rock, when trouble and hardship DO come, and they will... your marriage CAN be healed and restored back to its original state. Let's dive in!  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Marriage in the Front, Business in the Back

A marriage and business mullet, if you will. Starting and running a business can be challenging, but add in a spouse + kids, and there are different hurdles to jump over on the way to an entrepreneurial lifestyle.  Questions begin forming: Can I even start a business?  Can I keep my spouse as involved as they want to be?  Is this glorifying God’s calling on my life?  Am I prioritizing my business or my marriage and family?  Sure, being your own boss and making your own schedule is the dream of many, but most don't realize how hard entrepreneurship really is. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than just the independence it may bring.  In this episode, Taylor talks with Jeremy about his own journey, what he wished he knew, and the boundaries he has placed in his businesses to honor his wife. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


From Empty Stroller To Full Arms

Jeremy’s sister, Brittani Scott, stopped by to talk with us about the strength that lies in trusting the Lord. She and her husband suffered their share of heartbreak during the adoption process, but God's redemption in their story is so heart-warming.  Brittani is a singer/songwriter, pastors-wife, and mother to a beautiful baby girl, Asha, who came into their life through trusting in the Lord. Brittani talks about what her and Ryan's journey to becoming parents looked like, her tour, church planting, and even how she views her role in life.  If you find yourself struggling to wait on God to fulfill a promise in your life, you won’t want to miss her testimony.  It is a beautiful representation of how even when you are in the middle of a season of waiting, if you glorify the Lord, he will fulfill His promises to you. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


The Truth About Financial PTSD

We had the honor of sitting down with Joe Ceasar, founder of Legacy Institute for Financial Education. After being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder while in the military, Joe realized that PTSD comes in many different forms, including financially. So—what is Financial PTSD? It's a type of sustained stressor one experiences that will affect the way they make financial decisions in the future. (For example: Not being able to pay rent for three consecutive months is a stressor that can lead to long-term financial trauma.) Have you ever found yourself in the trenches of Financial PTSD?  How can we get ourselves OUT of that mindset?  Let’s find out. Check out Joe Ceasar and his organization, Legacy Institute For Financial Education HERE! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


It's Time To DIVORCE Your Work Spouse!

We recently came across a Women's Health Magazine article that stated a "work husband" is the one relationship you NEED in your life... ...uh—we beg to differ. If you’re single and ready to mingle, go for it. But when you're married? That “work spouse” relationship might end up costing you your REAL marriage.  It may look innocent on the outside, but relying on a coworker of the opposite sex to fulfill your emotional needs can quickly become a slippery slope. So, what’s wrong with having a work wife or a work husband?  Let’s break it down in this week's episode. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Climbing Up The Marriage Mountain

Marriage is a lot like climbing a mountain: sometimes it's an uphill battle and it takes teamwork to get to the summit, but man is it worth it to reach that highest point, take in the view, and relish in your efforts.   In this episode, the Robinsons discuss how they've navigated the trials in their life, basing their relationship on the mindset that "divorce isn’t an option" from early on. You won’t want to miss out on their touching testimony through Jenny's battle with breast cancer—tune in to listen to how their story snakes through the ups and downs on their way up this beautiful mountain called "marriage." --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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