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The Modern Yogi Podcast

The Modern Yogi Podcast

Author: Modern Yogi Podcast

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Yoga is WAY more than Lululemon and downward dogs. In the Modern Yogi podcast, we dive deep into the spiritual side of yoga! So if you’ve ever pondered the meaning of life or wondered what your purpose is— this podcast is for you! Join three friends (your book club buddies) as they take you verse by verse through ancient yoga scriptures starting with the world famous Bhagavad Gita!
93 Episodes
Krishna helps Arjuna realize that all beings (except the Pandavas) are already destined for destruction by His will. Arjuna seeks refuge in Krishna's mercy and guidance, feeling humbled and overwhelmed by the revelation of Krishna's universal form!
Arjuna sees the grandeur and vastness of the universal form of Krishna, filled with divine radiance and adorned with countless divine weapons. Feeling a bit bewildered, Arjuna seeks reassurance and guidance from Krishna, recognizing him as the Supreme Lord of the universe.
This chapter keeps getting better and better! These verses vividly depict the majestic vision of Krishna's universal form that Arjuna witnesses, highlighting the boundless and all-encompassing nature of the Supreme Being, which leaves Arjuna in a state of profound awe and reverence.
Our old friend Sanjaya comes back for this episode! He describes the reaction of Arjuna upon witnessing Krishna's universal form…and the goosebumps that arise!
Arjuna requests and then is granted the divine vision to see Krishna's universal form. HOLY COW! Krishna responds to Arjuna, inviting him to behold His hundreds and thousands of divine forms, varied in their expressions and grandeur!
Welcome to Chapter 11, we made it! In this episode, Arjuna expresses his gratitude to Krishna for enlightening him with profound spiritual truths, especially regarding the supreme mystery of the Self. This knowledge has dispelled his delusions and helped with his initial meltdown!
As we conclude Chapter 10, we see that Krishna has given us a plethora of opportunities to remember Him — in various forms and in various situations. What is YOUR favorite way to remember the beauty and magnanimity of God?
How can God be associated with gambling? Of the four seasons, which one represents Krishna? And what does Krishna mean when He says He is silence?! All will be revealed in this episode!
Of beasts, Krishna is the lion. Of fishes, Krishna is the shark. Of rivers, Krishna is the Ganges. Arjuna is encouraged to recognize and worship Krishna in all aspects of existence. As we all should!
Continuing with the theme of the chapter, Krishna is giving Arjuna a list of the things that He is! Fun fact: There are lot of cool connections in this episode!
What do the Himalayas, fire, the ocean, and the chanting of the Holy Name all have in common? They are all Krishna! In this episode, the Lord continues to remind us of everything He is.
Wahoo! Arjuna is starting to ask for Krishna’s love languages! How does God like to be loved? And in what form would Krishna like to be remembered? Krishna answers so beautifully! (P.S. This episode has fun homework!)
Arjuna finally speaks! In this episode, Arjuna acknowledges Krishna as the “God of Gods” and truly declares his eternal position as the original and greatest person. It’s giving…authority.
Continuing the four most important verses of the entire Gita, this episodes showcases how Krishna reciprocates our love and gives us the address to come to His eternal Home.
How were humans created? From the mind of Krishna! This episode dives deeper into the origins of mankind and how Krishna is the source of everything spiritual and material in this crazy world!
Finishing off the list of qualities that are created by Krishna, this episode also reflects on the historical significance of the first humans to ever exist and how Krishna actually created them from His mind.
In this special episode, we dive deeper into the various qualities that are created only by Krishna like intelligence, knowledge, freedom from doubt, forgiveness and truthfulness.
Welcome to Chapter 10! In this episode, we ask the big question: Who really is Krishna? We start off with understanding that no one truly no knows Krishna as He is the beginning and also the source of everything (including demigods!)
The final episode of chapter 9 includes a little bit of controversy. Krishna states that even those of lower birth can find their way back to God. But what does that mean? Aren’t we all equal in Krishna’s eyes? Krishna explains and declares boldly that His devotees never perish.
What are the perks of being a devotee of God? Well, in these verses, Krishna points out many! Krishna reveals that He is a friend to his devotees and so very forgiving and kind to all of them.